The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 37 – The Talk (Part III) {Edited}

I was left out of breath, feeling strangely exhausted, energized, afraid, and confident at the same time. I don’t know how I could be feeling these conflicted emotions at the same time, but I was.


I had said.


I finally had said what I wanted to someone else.


“I want to build a harem”


I still could hear myself saying it, like a persistent echo that refused to leave me alone.


When that idea came to me, right after receiving the system, it was nothing more than a vague idea, like the thought ‘I think I want a harem’ had simply passed through my mind briefly.


It was nothing but a spur-of-the-moment thing, but as I came to recover my memories and developed my relationship with my family more, that thought started to slowly transform from a simple dream to an objective over time.


I came to remember what it felt like to always be truly alone, to regret the decisions that I made in my past life. I had found opportunities to change my life for the better back on Earth however I never acted in any of those chances. Perhaps it was simple inertia, already used to my old life how it was, and afraid that trying to change that would only make things worse, and by the time I decided to change my life, I end up dying before succeeding in anything.


This is also why I would help Eros and Anteros as best as I could in case they asked me. They had given me a second chance and I felt that I should repay them, as long it was something that I could do and not outside of what I was willing to do.


After saying my piece I simply stayed there, on my two feet and staring Yuria directly in the eyes, trying to convey that no matter how much it sounded like a wild dream or an imbecile fantasy, I was determined to make it a reality.


We stared at each other for some time, until finally, she sighed in exhaustion.


“To think that my boy would be such an ambitious idiot” said Yuria in a resigned tone.


‘...being called an idiot by her hurts a little more than I thought it would’


Despite feeling a little hurt I couldn’t really blame her for calling me that.


Suddenly Yuria stand up as well and, to my surprise, hugged me again, burying my head in her bosom again due to the difference in height between us.


“But at least you are being honest, just like I asked” Yuria said.


...I already don’t know how many times I was caught off guard today, but this time is certainly the most surprising of them all.


I could do nothing else but look at her face, dumbfounded by her weak reaction.


“Wait, wait wait! Are you really okay with this Mom?!” I asked.


“Oh no, I’m not. I’m certainly not just okay with this Takashi” said Yuria calmly, but with noticeable anger in her tone as well “But I can manage to accept this much at least”


I have to say, the fact that she was a little angry was strangely relieving. If she had just accepted without any reservations what a said then I might starting believing that I was inside a video game or something.


“It’s not like I have any right to judge you, sweety. After all, I’m an old woman that lusts after her, little more than a decade-old, stepson. I’m a shotacon” said Yuria, with a certain mocking resignation in her voice.


“Stop it Mom, there’s no need to…” I tried to say.


“You don’t need to comfort me Takashi. It’s just a bit of self-reflection. Believe me, it’s by far the least shameful thing in my entire life” said Yuria.


I didn’t know how to respond to that. Part of me wanted to ask about her past, for the millionth time, but I manage to keep my mouth shut.


“Besides, I can see that no matter what I say you won’t give up on this. So I might as well help you” said Yuria.


‘...okay, now I’m hearing thins’


“I’m sorry, but what?” I asked, sure that my ears were not working right.


“I said that I’m going to help you in your pursuit of a harem Takashi” said Yuria.


“H-help me?! Why would you...” I exclaimed surprised.


“Because I don’t want you to become a scumbag Takashi. Sweety, I’m willing to be part of your harem, but I’ve seen my fair share of men surrounding themselves with women, and most of the time they become worthless degenerates, the kind of people that I absolutely would never allow to be close to my daughters. I don’t want to believe that you would become like them, but this way I can be absolutely sure that my daughters will be in good hands” said Yuria passionately.


I was speechless.


I can’t say if Yuria is just too accepting, if she has a screw loose, or if she was being mind controlled.


Things were going so smoothly that it seemed unnatural.


“...are you sure about this Mom? I don’t intend to just bring every beautiful girl I find, but I also don’t have a limit to how big my harem will get” I said.


Yuria showed a conflicted look in reaction to what I said, biting her lip as if stopping herself from saying something.


Finally, she just sighed, like she was releasing the negative emotions that were inside of her.


“I’m sure, as long as you promise me to don’t try to force anyone in this or bring women that me, your sisters or the girls in your future harem won’t approve” requested Yuria.


In response I hugged her and buried my head in her breasts again while still looking into her eyes, trying to convey my sincerity.


“That already goes without saying” I said with certainty.


Finally, after what felt forever Yuria smiled at me again, clearly happy with my answer.


“Good” and she hugged me back.


We stayed like that for a while basking in each other warmth, reassuring ourselves of our bond through the embrace.


“*Yawn* I think it’s time for us both to go to bed already” said Yuria.


“...yeah, I suppose you’re right” I said.


I couldn’t really disagree with her. Despite her current appearance being allure beyond explanation, with her white see-through nightgown that hugged her body in all of the right places, the combination of discovering the current situation of the system and the ups and downs of our little talk was enough to bring me to the brink of unconsciousness.


I was already feeling my mind going haze, black spots starting to appear in my field of vision.


I could barely keep myself in two feet for much longer, despite my hard dick wanting so badly to find release in the beautiful woman in my arms.


But it wouldn’t be worth it.


I woman as beautiful as Yuria should be savored with a clear head.


“Still, let me at least give you a little present before going” said Yuria, with a faint glint in her eyes.


Her head got close to me and...




...she kissed me.


It wasn’t anything really extravagant, just our lips touching for little more than a second, but it was enough for me to feel the warmth and softness of her plump lips, making the haziness from my head dissipates a little.


“Hehehe, consider this your reward for being so upfront with me tonight” whispered Yuria in a very sweet and soft tone.


She released me and then went to the door.


“Well, good night sweety. Have nice dreams” said Yuria.


“Good night Mom. See you tomorrow” I said.


Saying our goodbyes Yuria softly close the door, making sure to not make any noise that might upset the other residents of the house.


After she left there was nothing else that could keep me awake, so I quickly put on a pair of shorts that I had left separated before my bath and threw myself in the bed...


...quickly falling asleep.

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