The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 8 – A Bet {Edited}

“Take this! And this!”


“Ah, dammit! One more time! One more round!”


“No problem♪! I’m just going to crush you again, Onii-chan♪”


Rina has been in a good mood for some time, with the incident in my bedroom being apparently forgotten.


We had been playing a fighting game for almost an hour, and Rina was monopolizing more of the wins. She has always been good in these games, despite not having many of these genres in her room, making my matches with her incredibly difficult.


Most of the time I lost to her, just like the last twenty minutes.


Normally losing to someone in a game wouldn’t really be a problem, since I wasn’t the type that cared much for winning or losing, but Rina was a terrible winner. Every time she won her voice would be in a merry gloating tone, she would be unable to hold back from taunting me and a very annoying smile would be plastered on her face. This was one of the very few aspects that I found to be annoying about her.


After a little more than an hour of playing Rina finally put the controller down and stretched herself, making her larger-than-average breasts stand out even more.


“UUUGHHHH! I think that’s enough playing it’s already getting boring to defeat you all the time Onii-chan♪” said Rina.


“Just one more time! I’m certain that I can beat you this time”


“Heheheheh, I don’t think so♪. Besides, we’ve been playing for more than an hour, so it might be time for us to stop playing anyway♪” said Rina, still in that gloating tone.


“Please, one more time! Oh, I know,  how about we make a bet?!”


“...a bet? What kind of bet?” asked Rina curiously.


Her expression clearly showed that she was interested in what I was proposing. It wasn’t really a surprise. We had made bets when playing games for some time already and every time I lose, which is often, I did what I promised without a complaint.


“Simple, it’s a best out of three. If you win, then when we go back to school I will do all of your homework for three months...”


“Really?! Three months?! Okay I take it” said Rina excitedly.


Before I could say anything else she had already taken back the controller and was selecting her character.


Rina never really liked to study, something that everyone in the family knew, so offering to do her homework was the best way to make her do what I wanted.


“Don’t you wanna hear what I get if you lose?”


“No need. You’re not going to win anyway” said Rina completely certain of her victory.


“...well, I’m going to say anyway, so you won't regret it later”


“Sure, sure”


I sat at her side, took the other controller, and started to pass through the characters to choose which I would play with.


“Okay, just to make sure you remember, if you win then I will do your homework for three months”


“Umhum” nodded Rina, not paying attention to what I was saying.


“But if I win...” I said without being able to suppress a smirk to appear my face “...then I get to rub your breasts for twenty minutes”




It took a few seconds for her to process what I said, but once she did her head turned in my direction so fast that I thought for a second that she would break her neck. She had a visibly stunned look on her face with her cheeks having become deep red.


“R--R-R-Ru-u-b-b-b m-m-m-my b--b-breasts?! W-W-W-what the hell are you saying Onii-chan?!” asked Rina.


“Hey, if I’m going to risk doing so much homework then I want something in return”


“B-But t-to touch m-my...” stuttered Rina.


“You can even keep your shirt. But don’t worry, I only get to touch them if I win, remember?”


“I-I know but...” stuttered Rina.


“Oh, so you are afraid of losing? That’s okay, we can just not play but you still will have to do your homework” I said in an understanding tone.




Rina's expression clearly showed that she was feeling conflicted about her situation. On one hand, she was incredibly embarrassed with the thought that I, her big brother, fondling her breasts and on the other hand her competitive side couldn’t stand the way I was insinuating that she was afraid of losing for me, not to mention the opportunity of not having to do homework for a month.


She remained in that internal conflict for a few seconds until finally, she made a decision.


“Arghhh fine, fine. I accept the bet. But don’t you dare to think that you touch me, because I’m going all out to crush you Onii-chan!” said Rina in a determined tone.


She went back to select her character and I sat by her side to do the same. After that we selected which would be the first field of our fight and if there would be other characters controlled by the AI of the game. Just to be clear, the game we would be playing was very similar to the S@mash Br0s franchise back on Earth.


During that entire process, I couldn’t help myself but smile in satisfaction.


After all, Rina had fallen for my trap just as easily as I imagined.

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