The Hentai Protagonist System

Chpater 15 – A Woman’s Past (Part I) {Edited}

(Yuria’s POV)


Things with the Ichijou’s went really well.


I wasn’t able to personally know Fujio but from the little I could see, and what Aika told me, he was someone very dedicated to their family.


Aika was a very nice woman to talk to. Most of the other women in the neighborhood weren’t sympathetic the first time I met them. Probably from the fact that their husbands couldn’t stop to stare at me. I was already used to such situations since it has been happening since my teenage years, but they could at least try to disguise it.


Yurika also seemed to be a very likable girl. From what I could see she and my children hit it off very well, even recommending things to each other at the end of our encounter.


I was really happy with the end result.


Right now I’m preparing dinner, one of my favorite things to do. I don’t know how to explain it. There’s something about seeing the delighted expression of my kids while eating that makes me happier than anything that I had done before.


I’m doing a pizza, something that I found easy to do. It was one of Rina’s favorite dishes. She seemed perturbed about something when I went to call her for lunch, maybe because of the bet she made with Takashi, and while she looked better now I could tell that there was still something bothering her.


I hoped that her mood would improve a little when she see what was for dinner.


While preparing dinner it passed through my mind how much things have changed over the last few years, but I quickly discarded that from my mind. I didn’t want to associate those memories with anything that I was doing for my kids.


I don’t like to remember my life before moving here. The choices I made in the past and many of the results that came from them are a source of great shame for me, and I didn’t want anyone that I cared about to know of them in absolutely any circumstances.


The only good thing that came from those days was my absolutely adorable daughters, the greatest treasures of my life. They were not only what made me know what true happiness is but also the source of the strength that I needed to walk away from that life.


I was certain that they would be the only light in my life, but a couple of years ago I saw that I might be wrong in thinking that.


As part of my plan to move away from that life, I married an influential businessman from a country in which I did many works in the past, the country where I live at the moment, and changed my name to make it more difficult for people from my past to reach out to me.


His name was Takahiko Komiya.


I came to know about him indirectly through one of my former employers, hearing a conversation he was having on the phone.


He was essentially a middle-man, someone that companies reached when they wanted to make deals with other parties, being them individuals or other companies, already having an ideal offer or not wanting to make their interest made public easily.


As a result, he became aware of much private internal information of those companies.


Normally in such situations, those companies might try to do anything to make him quiet, from making him a permanent employee under them to ‘eliminating’ him, but the number of connections that he established and the reputation that he developed for being discrete protected him.


He was the ideal person to help me.


I contacted and negotiated with him a way to do what I wanted. It wasn’t something that he usually did, but he was willing, but in exchange, he wanted something that I didn’t expect.


I had to marry him.


I was very reluctant in the beginning, but he eventually convinced me that I wouldn’t have to fulfill everything that was usually expected of a wife. Apparently, he had a son that was leaving with his nieces and he wanted his son to go to the capital for his education, and as part of my agreement with him, I would be responsible to raise him.


The agreement was that Takahiko would cover his son school’s and clothes while I was in charge of raising him and feeding him. There were more details but that was the essence of what we agreed. I suggested bringing his cousins as well since I feared that separating them might create a rift between the young boy and me, but unfortunately, Takahiko was against the idea. Apparently, that way it would cost less for him financially.


The agreement was enough for me to understand what kind of person was Takahiko.


Once all of the details were sorted out Takahiko immediately made good on his part of the deal. With his connections and influence all the contracts in which I was involved were severed immediately, all of my valuable objects and everything that I had was converted into money and I also changed my name, adopting Takahiko's surname to make official our marriage.


My daughters were confused about why I was going to use another name to address myself, but I managed to convince them without revealing many details of why all of the things we knew were changing.


The last thing to decide was where we were going to live. In the end, it was decided that all of us would live in a house that Takahiko had in the suburban area of the capital since it would allow us to have more space for so many people, even though Takahiko would rarely appear.


It might look like I was exaggerating in doing all of these but during my previous life I was the target of interest of many people with extremely questionable histories, and I also came to know how far can some people go to fulfill their desires, no matter how depraved and immoral they may be, so I believed that every precaution was necessary.


That was how I left my old life behind and Yuria Komiya was born.

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