The hero is now gone, but I’m still here, now what? (Undergoing editing)

Chapter 33

“So, uh, anyone has anything?” Zyra asked as the Demon Baron stared them down, she cracked her whip and chuckled- a sound that conveyed all of her masked fears, “because I'm pretty sure that we're going to die if we don't do anything,” she cracked her whip again, a nervous action? Lucille met Zyra's eyes and the blue-haired girl sighed, “anything?”


Lucille faced Nickos, “do you have anything?”


“Nothing that can help us kill it, but I have silver coating and a pouch of powdered Holy Silver hanging on my hips? Those will buy us time at least.” The Demon took one step forward and their group followed, taking two steps back and away from the approaching fiend, Nickos spoke again, “well, I guess I also have a few scrolls but I don't think these will be useful? They're all in the Minor category.”


“What kind are they?” Zyra asked while eyeing the bleeding Yhaine and seeing the gesture, Lucille started jogging her memory- where had she seen a first aid kit again?..


Nickos quickly got the message and unfortunately answered; “Nothing that can help her,”


“Anything helps.” Zyra said through gritted teeth, “What kind of scrolls do you have?”


“Fireball, Binding Chains, and three Strength Boosts,” he answered and Lucille didn't know why, but the amount and variation of scrolls that he carried had been expected by her, it didn't even surprise her to hear that her friend had three strength boosting scrolls and not any healing ones.


As Lucille continued digging through her memory for the first aid kit, Nickos took the scrolls out and used them one by one- Lucille felt strength seep into herself, followed by Yhaine, who begrudgingly stood up despite her wound.


“Yhaine, to me,” the armored girl nodded at Zyra's words and moved over right next to her, Zyra nodded at Yhaine and an unspoken conversation had just been done and Lucille was out of the loop so she’s not sure if she could be useful here- well- she did figure out a few things on her own and one of them is that Zyra is a great tactician so her deciding that Yhaine is gonna go to her instead of facing the Demon is a decision that Lucille is willing to trust.


The next thing and the last one that she figured out would be that if they wanted to survive, they're gonna have to stall and wait for someone to come by which… is not really that reliable but what can they do?


Well there’s one thing but it’s on the tip of Lucille’s tongue-


As she continued thinking, everyone around her went into position, with Yhaine acting as the front line and Zyra as the back line, Nickos stood in the middle of the two for support, and Lucille, with a dash of hope that her friends would be able to stall, moved to the right of Yhaine.


She had a plan of her own and when Nickos met her eyes, he nodded at her before giving Yhaine and Zyra their share of the silver coating- with Yhaine slathering the braces of her armor and Zyra putting it on the end of her whip, - before throwing the rest to her and she coated her entire dagger with it.


When her Pledge was now a gleaming silver, she looked at the Demon Baron and gulped and it grinned in reply- which meant it was still playing around with them which is… ideal, she supposed-


Lucille broke into a run and dodged a tentacle headed straight for her chest, she was tempted to retaliate and attack the tentacle to give herself time but Zyra was faster, she whipped the tentacle and cut it in half, her new method of using Grow Weapon proving useful at this moment.
Much to their chagrin though, the Demon didn't react to the damage and simply sent out another one, this time aiming to predict where Lucille was going but Zyra was again faster, her whip corded around Lucille’s waist and pulled her back- Lucille readied her dagger and cut the tentacle, the silver coating making it easier but not by much, it took her three consecutive swings to cut the tentacle in half.


She really wished she hadn't expended most of her Light by now…


Zyra's whip uncolied around her waist and let her go, she was free go into the classroom once the Demon's third attempt at cutting her off failed when Zyra's now upgraded whip attacked its leg, distracting it for long enough that it didn't attack Lucille as she entered the classroom, the demon growled and pounced on her friends and Lucille hoped for the best as she headed into the classroom- she didn't know if this was the case for every classroom and she's basing this off of one vague memory but…


She looked around at the spot where she knew the first aid kit would be located, the make of the classroom was pretty much the same, with ascending stairs and a stage at the front and to the right of the blackboard… relief washed over Lucille before she dashed forward and struck the back of her dagger against the crystal casing of the kit's key, she took it out and opened the first aid kit attached to the wall and- she sighed in relief, gauges, thank Goddess.


She took them out and wrapped them around her wounds, the biggest among them being the one on her stomach, but she sported other cuts too, and she assumed they were from stray wooden splinters or from her moving around too much- she covered each and every single one of them with a gauze and then proceeded to spray herself with Life Extract, a bit of vitality returned to her and she sighed- okay, that's one part done, now… she rummaged around the first aid kit and eventually found what she was looking for; a small bottle of condensed light, drinking it wouldn't do anything, hell, it's useless unless used directly on a scroll and the healing scroll right next to it would have been what it's used for but not right now.


Lucille grabbed both the bottle and the healing scroll and took them outside, her wounds were starting to itch- she knew that the Life Herb Extract wouldn't do anything other than stop the bleeding and relieve the pain- that was fine- well her wounds would’ve healed if she just took a break but she didn't have the time to that, she needed to move now- she eyed the window that led to the hallway and saw that it had turned dark- she bit her lip and moved outside regardless, using her other senses for navigation…


They weren't here, Lucille realized- she looked around, there were some lights that came from the classrooms at least… she hadn't noticed that… well- silver linings-


Confident that she could spot the silhouette of a 6 foot long Demon the shape of a dog should she encounter it even in light this dim, Lucille took a heavy step forward and made her way across the empty halls of the school, she moved until she found the Demon- and her friends-


Lucille stopped and gulped- she needed ot find an opportunity, and that sort of thing is very, very scarce right now-


She moved closer to the fighting, the Demon wouldn't have noticed her on account of the bottle of Light she was carrying, she knew that, but it still scared her to go near the damn thing, slowly, she stalked the Demon, moving silently across the hallway until she eventually got close to it, this was her opportunity, but the question is, does she do it?


She was directly behind it and the Demon wouldn't be able to turn around thanks to what she's about to do but its tentacles should be fast enough to hit her in mere moments in this distance-


No time for second thoughts- Lucille adamantly told herself as she splashed the Demon's legs with the bottle of condensed light before moving forward- and as the Demon screamed from the liquid making contact with its skin, Lucille's Pledge met its hind leg and she cut, and this time, thanks to the pure white liquid on the surface of its skin, her silver coated Pledge cut through its flesh with ease and the Demon screeched-


Lucille stepped away and she got pushed further back by Zyra's whip.


She fell just as a tentacle struck the ground.


The Demon fell too.


And from her attacks no less-


She was glad-


Someone tackled the Demon just as Lucille’s prone body struck the ground, she heaved as her chest met concrete- she pushed through the pain and with gritted teeth, stood up, slowly and surely until she managed to face Yhaine wrestling with the Demon, she took out the healing scroll and used it on her- T-hanks!”


Lucille nodded, she didn't even bother to wonder why Yhaine decided to tackle the Demon, they were desperate and there was no need for logical or faulty reasons- so for now, verbal support was the only thing that she could offer but not for long- “you're welcome,” Lucille said before she ran off to another classroom to open up another box of first aid.


With it, they might just have a chance.


As Lucille ran off to another one of the classrooms to grab another one of the scrolls and bottle of condensed light, Zyra and the rest fought the Demon- the blue haired girl pulled on her wrist, calling her whip back before dragging the weight up to her elbow, her whip started to move, then the weight and momentum got carried over to her shoulders and her whip turned into an extension of her arm, a very long, very spindly and winding extension but an extension all the same- she pulled on the handle of her Pledge and her whipped cracked, striking the Demon directly on the head just as it was about to bite Yhaine.


Zyra twisted her arm again for another crack at her whip, she eyed Nickos, “how long until your powder runs out and the Demon starts to attack us with its tentacles again?”


Nickos eyed the stopwatch he was carrying, he sighed, “40 more seconds,”


“Fuck.” Lucille couldn't come back any sooner-


Yhaine continued to wrestle with the Demon while Zyra and the rest assisted, Nickos would occasionally step in and bash it in the head with a pipe while Zyra released a constant stream of whiplashes that sent the Demon back, she was starting to wound it, which meant that the fucking thing isn't as invincible as she once thought it was and playing around with them would be its biggest mistake.


And speaking of Lucille, Zyra smiled when her friend broke through the door of a nearby classroom and without hesitation, splashed the Demon's neck the bottle of light she was carrying and with that very same foolhardy bravery, she moved forward without an ounce of fear.


Her arms glowed a baleful red, she went near the Demon and proceeded to aim her Pledge at its neck- the bottle broke apart and the liquid inside entered one of the many holes found there, it started to flail and screech, allowing Yhaine to lock some of its limbs- then Lucille's Pledge buried itself into its neck- she took the weapon out and did it again, and again- and again- and again-


There were more holes in the Demon's neck by the time she was done.


At least there would have been if its corpse didn't shrivel up.


Lucille found herself lying on the wall while heaving, “that- I don't want to do that again. Ever.” Her exhausted words were accompanied by a satisfied smile and Lucille idly noted that her dagger had changed its shape too, gaining a small arc by the end. And it was also longer now, she supposed.
Lucille heaved and used the healing scroll on Yhaine, who sighed in relief before thanking her, “there's more in the classrooms,” she eyed Zyra and Nickos, “each one has a first aid kit with a single healing scroll and a bottle of condensed light.”


"So that's what it was!” Nickos said in realization before running off, Zyra shortly followed.


Yhaine's pledge disappeared and the girl was left lying on the floor, she met Lucille's eyes and she gave out a shaky smile, “good job for figuring that out,” she said, “I wouldn't have thought of that,”


“Honestly? Me neither.” Lucille admitted.


“But you did,”






“You're welcome.”


They went silent and before long, Zyra and Nickos came back with their respective scrolls of healing and used it on the two girls, and with the added boost of the condensed light, they were healed fairly quickly and were standing up minutes after the scrolls were used- albeit shakily for Yhaine


Lucille sighed as she eyed her torn clothes.


“Ugh. The princess’ clothes are ruined.” She looked like she was about to cry.


“That's what you're worried about?” Zyra laughed, “Goddess.”


After a stream of chuckles and light laughter, the group pressed their backs against the walls and they stayed in that position, unmoving and exhausted but feeling victorious, winning against a Demon Baron would've been nigh-impossible for the standard Pledge Bearer their age but here they are, standing over the shriveled up corpse of said Demon Baron by their feet, basking in feelings of relief as the adrenaline faded from their systems.


Lucille broke the silence, “how do you guys think everyone is doing back at the gym?”


“The princess is with them, they're gonna be fine,” replied Zyra, waving her off.


“What about the head of the houses?” Asked Nickos, “those guys were there too right?”


“Can the heads of house Tornaria or Nimbesugia move as fast as the princess? What about the heads of House Eruptia? Can he cut a Demon Duke’s hand in one strike?” Zyra asked, voice laced with sarcasm.


“Yeah, that's fair.” - that was an answer from Yhaine.


The ice broke then and with a topic to talk about, the four teens decided to, well, talk, Lucille hummed, “how powerful do you think the princess is?” She asked, “I bet she's probably capable of fighting a Demon General one on one,”


“She cut the arm of a Duke,” Zyra scoffed, “of course she can fight a Demon General or two,” she met Lucille's eyes, “killing the Demon that we fought just now probably wouldn't even take her effort, just one slice and-” Zyra made a cutting motion with her neck, “- dead.”


“You know she fought an entire monster horde on her own,” said Nickos, “I don't know where Fafnir was during that time, but we saw her do that,”


“It was in the papers actually,” said Yhaine, yellow hair bobbing as she nodded, “said it was a horde that would've taken entire armies to exterminate,”


“Are we sure she's not the Saintess?” Zyra asked.


“Well she is but she just denies it, like always,” replied Yhaine, “but yes, she is the Saintess, even if she says no to anyone who asks,”


“Goddess,” Lucille smiled, “as humble as always,”


Zyra giggled, “well, she wouldn't be the Saintess if she's arrogant now is she?” She pushed herself up and scanned the group, “now come on, we need to go,” she sighed while eyeing the hallway ahead, “I’m sure that there's no more Demons around here so we should be fine,” she started walking.


Lucille stood up as well and Yhaine and Nickos reluctantly followed, “come on, we need to make our way back to the gymnasium and get help before any other Demon finds and kills us.” She said to the two.


The walk back had been quick- sort of, it still took a while since they passed through the still illuminated corridors and hallways but compared to their expectations of finding a Demon moving around the school, a silent detour is so much better. When they reached the Gymnasium, the place was wrecked, with the princess gone for one reason or the other, hundreds of sleeping bags were laid across the ground, broken chairs and torn walls were all they could see, and a part of the floor was cracked.


Their group made their way towards one of the heads, this one being the head of House Phagea, Line, he waved at them, bearded face smiling and glasses moving upward as he crinkled his nose, “where have you three been?”


“We fought a Baron,” Zyra answered for them, “don't ask for now please?”


“Very well,” Line nodded and two maids came forward to put four sleeping bags on the floor, “rest,”


So they did, and they were served food, got their bodies checked and existing wounds healed, and then got their overall health checked, when it was all done, they were considered as “recovered” and were mostly left alone save for the occasional offer of a free bottle of water.


As they sat on their sleeping bags, Lucille decided to ask the question that's been on the back of her head for quite some time now, she knew that the princess would be fine, that much is obvious, Neophyte is strong after all but she still felt worried so… “where's princess Neophyte?”


Line pointed to the skies and Lucille felt her heart sink because she thought that the princess had somehow died but she then followed where he was pointing at and saw a Dragon descending from the clouds, followed by several bags of supplies, the princess jumped off and shouted- “Here! Another set of supplies!” She looked worn down, a part of her coat had been torn, and her Pledge was nowhere to be seen.


Lucille smiled at her when Neophyte met her eyes and the princess beamed- why? She didn’t know but it made her ears go pink.


After the drop off, Fafnir flew away again, leaving just as quickly as she had arrived.


“... so did she kill the Demon Duke alone?” Asked Lucille.


Line shook his head, “she had Fafnir's help,” he said and Lucille thought that it was basically the same thing wasn't it?! “I still can't believe that she can do that honestly,”


“Yeah, neither can we,” Zyra said with a sigh, “I can't believe we're even in the same generation as her,”


Line chuckled, “Don't say that, you know, the Beast King fought hordes of Demon Barons and laughed while doing so, she's worth mentioning.”


“Yeah… my point stands, she’s the Beast King, also, those are Demon Barons, not a Duke.” Said Zyra.


“Did anyone die?” Lucille asked to change the topic. Honestly she didn't feel like talking about any of that right now nor does she appreciate her friend talking to the head of a House like that- and she’s sure that Line is offended as well.


“None, the heads of the houses and the teachers wouldn't allow that to happen,” she sighed at the old man’s words, thank Goddess no one died.

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