The hero is now gone, but I’m still here, now what? (Undergoing editing)

Chapter 53

The tower where the royal suites were in looked intimidating from my view of it on the ground- it ran several stories high and was taller than even the Academy’s infantry building and the more I stared at it, the more I hesitated in taking a step forward and I… found myself standing frozen in front of the colossal thing, unable to move at the thought of what I can possibly face if I decide to move forward.


I looked like an idiot, I was aware but I knew that… the chances of anyone seeing me standing here were low- unless they were in the elevator or something, - because the balconies were mainly located at the back while the front had nothing but walls but…


… even then, I was still scared of taking the single step I needed to head into the tower- I knew no one was going to judge me, let alone my friends but I was still scared- shaking in actuality, I didn’t want to- I mean, I do but… it’s a scary thought to just go up there, see Laceresta and the rest, and then… be forced to explain why I spent more time in the city- to tell them the actual reason why I didn't immediately go back- they’re concerned, definitely, but- I don’t know, I feel like them asking me about it would just… make things worse? Why do I feel that way-


I sighed and…


… I found myself walking away from the tower.


Annoying- that’s what all this is, it’s all annoying- I didn’t want to be put in this situation, I never wanted to kill the hero, and I don’t think I’m even fit to play politics with a bunch of nobles who, by definition, would have experience with every single thing related to court stuff given that they've been doing those for most of their lives.


Compared to all of that I’m… I'm just a regular girl who exercised till she collapsed which when combined with my knowledge of this world from back when it was a game, my knowledge of all the Techniques and everything in between and… well, I’m where I am right now- powerful and capable of defeating a Demon Duke one on one.


I… never deserved any of this- never did anything to deserve any of it- and I mean both the good and the bad-


Being reborn as a princess felt like everything I’d dreamed about but then it came with strings attached- killing the hero? Politics? I thought everything was going to be simple!


Well… at least walking across the academy gave me a sense of peace- a clarity that I knew would be… is temporary-


I faced forward and focused on the cobbled path; gray stones surrounded by green grass on either side and illuminated by towering metal lamps tipped with glowing orange light, if one looked closely, they’d notice that behind the transparent glass was a literal ball of fire that produced the lamp’s bright orange light, one capable of piercing through the darkness of the night.


I looked on at the far distance, beyond the light of the lamps and deeper into the field of grass, a place where darkness all but reigned were hundreds of golden dots fighting for brightness- fireflies.


I found myself fixated on staring at them just flying about, doing firefly things and living simple lives consisting of nothing more than eating, flying around, and breeding- and I guess avoiding predators too but that’s a risk that comes with everything, after all, danger is ever present and it will never disappear.


I smiled warmly as some of the golden dots petered out- were they killed by a passing insect? Or did they perch and rest? I didn't know but-


“A simple life, huh?” I murmured as I sat on a nearby bench, I caressed the cold metal railings on the edge and stared at the smooth, orange wood I was sitting on, it was polished so much that I could slide down and fall off the seat without resistance if I felt like it.


A carton of milk suddenly popped up in front of me, blocking my view of the fireflies.


In shock, I stared at the white box dripping with tiny droplets for a second or two before the person holding it shook it around and spoke up- “well, are you gonna take it or not?”


A feminine and familiar voice said and after letting out a tired- if not glad, - sigh, I took the milk from the dainty hand offering it to me.


As a cold sensation ran up my palm, someone sat next to me- well, there were actually two of them.


I turned and smiled at my sisters, who smiled in return. Since I sat at the edge of the bench, there was no space to my left so instead of sandwiching me between each other like they always would, Stalactite and Stalagmite instead went and sat side by side.


Upon meeting my gaze, they smiled.


“What’s this about a simple life?” one of them asked and I let out a tired sigh, I didn’t answer so one twin- Stalactite, - leaned forward and pressed the milk she was holding against my cheek.


It was cold.


“Sisterrrrrr,” the older girl drawled, “I asked you a question,”


“Sorry,” I suddenly apologized and in response to that, both rightfully had confused expressions.


The twins looked at each other, “Why?” They both asked simultaneously.


Stalagmite tilted her head, “why apologize?” She asked, I remained silent, “Neophyte? Is something wrong?”


“I don’t want to drag you two into my problems,” I admitted, “so… how about we just take this sudden meeting for what it is and just… sit here, enjoy the atmosphere, that sort of thing?” So much is happening in my life right now and these two didn’t need to be dragged into any of it.


In reply, they both scoffed at the same time.


“Nonsense!” Said one, I don’t know who since I turned away from them, and without me actively seeing who’s talking, all I hear is one voice.


And they both look the same too, with dirt brown hair, brown, sun-kissed skin, and dark-blue eyes- an odd set of twins, I’d call them.


Ingame, they always- and I mean always came as a pair, even their little artwork- the ones that pop up during dialogues - reflected that fact and it would always show a set instead of a single person.


They’re a pair no matter what- and out of every possible party member that the Player can find across the world, it’s only these two that had a requirement, and that's being together in order to join the Player’s party.


So even if you only want one, you’re gonna have to sacrifice a slot for the other.


The same goes for here- the two are downright impossible to separate and so, because of how they’re just a copy of each other, the person talking to them would often get confused unless they’re used to each twin’s unique personality, or in the case of us siblings, just… know which one is which instinctively whenever we’re looking at them.


The one talking right now would be Stalagmite, or at least I think it’s her, “you should know that we’re both here for you no matter what, we’d gladly face your problems- whatever they are, - head on! We’re sisters!”


“Right! Right!” Chorused the other twin.


I smiled and huffed out a bit of air, do I want to drag them into all of this? No- the answer is no- I don't want them to start worrying but… I eyed them for a brief second- maybe telling them about my problems wouldn’t be so bad-


“Okay- okay-” I raised both my hands and ripped the carton of milk open, “you both win, I concede,”


I turned to them and Stalagmite grinned confidently, “so what’s the problem?”


“Someone sent a private investigator to stalk me,” I answered- well, they asked for it didn’t they?


Stalactite’s V sign faltered and her eyes hardened into a glare, “who?”


“Do you want to know?” I asked and again, they met each other’s gazes- I always liked to think that this particular gesture was proof of their telepathy and linked minds.


“Yes!” They said in sync. And this too I guess.


“... fair enough,” I shrugged, well, if they want to know then… “it’s Crust.”


“Crust- Crust? You mean our uncle?” Stalactite said, voice uncharacteristically low and expression pissed.


“Our uncle?” Stalagmite guessed at the same time as her twin, though she looked more reserved than her copy, a fact that's mirrored by her rather calm voice, “why?”


“Because… I guess it’s because… I have no idea honestly,” I looked down at the ground and drank a bit of milk, it tasted sweet, neat, “guess it has something to do with Inferno?”


“Pfftttt- Inferno?” Stalagmite, the more grounded, logical one snorted, she looked like she didn’t believe me, “I don’t think he’s even capable of thinking up something like that!”


“Yep! Yep!” Stalactite, the upbeat, more emotional one nodded energetically, mirroring her sister's expression, her's was more excited though, “he’s meek and weak! He doesn’t know how to do anything other than train! Or read, I guess…” Stalagmite eyed her twin with a raised eyebrow, and Stalactite crossed her arms defensively, “what? I see him in the library sometimes!”


“He does that?” Stalagmite asked like what she just heard was a massive revelation worth thousands of hours of research.


“Yeah?..” Stalactite trailed off, “you didn’t know? But we always go to the library together though?”


“No…” Stalagmite replied with a tilt of her head, and honestly, I’m with her twin when it comes to the overall confusion, how does one of them know something but the other doesn't?


“But enough about that- Inferno is weak, dear sister,” Stalactite nodded at her twin’s words, Stalagmite continued, “he wouldn’t know how to find a private investigator to hire even if you give him a map that tells him where they are all hiding so this is definitely all because of his father, not him,”


“Yep! What she said is accurate- especially the map and Inferno part,” I giggled and Stalactite’s smile widened, “it’s definitely his father’s fault,”


I emptied half of the milk carton in a single gulp, “okay, fine, I believe you two,” I said as I wiped my mouth with a handkerchief, “but I’m pretty curious about something, can I ask you guys about it?”


“Sure!” They replied.


“Do you two like Inferno?” I asked, smirking.


They met each other’s gaze and without a second of delay- started cackling, “what?!” They said at the same time, “isn’t he too weak?!” They were in perfect sync again, “come on don’t joke sister!”


Hm… both of them agree on what they said right? Since they’re in sync? I’m pretty sure that’s how they work- left brain and right brain and all that- or maybe they’re two brain cells trying to make up their mind? Either way- “huh, I never knew that you two valued strength when it comes to marriage,”


“Obviously?” Retorted Stalactite as if that was the most obvious thing in the world, and her following explanation did help me understand why she said that. Somewhat. “What else are we supposed to go after? Wealth? We have plenty of that.”


“I agree,” Stalagmite nodded solemnly, “if we have a lot of money on our hands, then clearly, it’s strength that we should be looking for when it comes to partners!”


“You’re both strong already,” I pointed out.


“Exactly!” They said at the same time and I turned away from the pair- there’s no way that they implied what I think they implied just now right?


Probably not…


I hope so at least.


“So it’s all just Crust huh?” I murmured, changing topic- well, I was putting things back on track but bringing it back to where it once was sounded like a good idea. Especially if we were about to go down a route that… I honestly don't think I will ever be ready for.


I’m also curious about what these two think of Crust, I don’t know why they’re so sure that it’s only him who’s responsible- why everyone I’ve met so far, even John Doe, is sure that Inferno isn’t involved and it’s just Crust but fine, I’ll give that piece of shit the benefit of the doubt for now and listen to what everyone has to say.


“Yeah… it’s all just him,” Stalagmite’s voice lost its enthusiasm, “he’s… not really a good guy, or at least he only focuses on himself more than anything,” she added, and even with the lack of sureness from her tone, my sister sounded like she was sure of what she was talking about, “and Inferno wouldn’t be the kind of guy to hire private investigators but his father is the exact opposite, he would be more than willing to do it if it means that he gets an advantage over someone,”


“What she said,” Stalactite agreed, nodding all the while, “Crust is the kind of person who will hire private investigators to get information on someone so he can win- and sometimes, he doesn’t even have to since a lot of people talk to him,” she hummed, “and he’s also visited the palace quite a lot during our lives hasn’t he?” Right next to her, Stalagmite nodded, a pensive look on her face, “so chances are, he knows a lot about us siblings as well,”


“Is that so?” I said, how? “How?”


“The maids, servants, and everyone else would be easily bribed to watch over us and after that, it’s just a matter of asking them questions,” answered Stalagmite.


“And even then, it might not even be his main method of getting information,” Stalactite followed up, “our mothers, do, after all, have a bad habit of talking about our achievements and once they start, they’ll never stop and it’s not really that hard to get them going,”


“And with him having constant access to the palace, he can probably make it so that our mothers talk about us all the time, Goddess knows they don't start yapping whenever we have dinner,” I nodded in understanding as Stalagmite continued their own awareness of Crust’s misdeeds, “he can also steer the conversation so that they’ll start talking about us in general, our interactions, how we feel about each other, sibling hierarchy, that sort of thing,”


I let out a scoff but nevertheless nodded in agreement, it's making sense but where's Inferno's alibi?


“Yeah, it sounds like him,” I said, knowing full well that Crust is the type of villain to pull strings and the like, there’s a trope for him but I’m not sure what’s the name of it, “there’s really nothing else I can do that’ll end in me being left alone for the rest of my life is there?” I murmured, “but I still have to deal with him,”


“You can always ask for our help?” Suggested Stalactite, which- yeah, no, my stance on that is clear, “we’ll gladly do it!” She pumped her fist.


“I agree,” Stalagmite gave me a warm and confident smile.


“I… don’t think I want to do that yet,” I answered with a sigh, “I think I’m gonna learn politics first.”


“Politics?” Smirked Stalactite, “are you finally willing to accept your title of Crown Princess, sister?”


“I’ve always accepted it,” I averted my eyes, pretty sure I never complained about that particular title out of formality.


“... uhuh,” Stalagmite said in disbelief, “and me and Stalactite aren’t twins,”


“Oh come on,” I waved her off, “there’s-” I paused, and sighed, I guess I have nothing to say to this argument, damnit. I- I don't deny the fact that I'm the Crown Princess, just that Adamantite is a better leader than me overall, “you’re both annoying,”


They smirked, “tell us-” proof of their telepathy! There! Us? Really?! What kind of person calls themselves that? “- then, you totally thought that you didn’t want to be Crown Princess right?”


“... yes,” I admitted, "but it's not because of what you're thinking,” I defended.


“We knew it!” They grinned, completely ignoring the second part of my answer.


Stalagmite shook her head, “so, are you finally accepting your role as Crown Princess? I think Everlast would be better off with you as the Queen,”


“... I’m not sure,” I answered softly, do I want to take over Adamantite’s role?


Our eldest sibling looked like he always wanted to be the King and he would be a great one- his canon counterpart was an amazing leader and a great help throughout my playthroughs but here?.. A lot of things have changed ever since my arrival and with this world not just being a simple game anymore- it had its own, non-canon people, unique shops, and so much more- I’m not so sure if… this Adamantite is even the same as his canon counterpart.


So the question is, will I be a better leader than him?


No, definitely not.


“You’ll be great, I think,” Stalactite said in encouragement with a smile that spoke of the same tone, “I know that you’re not sure if you’ll be a good leader but… I think it’s the opposite, you’ll do great- also, you have help do you not?” She hummed in thought, “... Zathania will be a good person to have at your side when you start to make important decisions for our Kingdom,”


“And not to mention-” started Stalagmite, “you also have your current team, and the girls that you were talking to back in the cafeteria looked like good people, especially the one with bright white hair- why was it glowing?”


“I have no idea,” I said with a good-natured smile while shaking my head, “Karsten’s hair has always been like that as far as I’m aware,”


“Odd,” said Stalactite, “and also curious…” she trailed off.


“The hair aside, you already have a set of good potential advisers for when you become a general out in the field, so I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from them for when you’re finally Queen,” Stalagmite pointed out to my silent agreement- but the question is, will they even agree to become my advisers? Will they say yes if I asked them to teach me?


I have no idea and I guess I’ll just leave it to future Neophyte to figure that out, “and you learning how to be a leader now is a good thing as well, since it means that when you do become a general, you’d have better chances at leading your assigned troops properly,”


“And managing them, that’s the important part,” Stalactite added.


“Right, and managing them, as well as the resources available to you,” Stalagmite agreed, she hummed, “so, who will it be?”


“Who will what be?” I returned her question.


“Who will teach you?” Stalactite cleared up, “I think I can think of a few people- such as Zathania, but you have others in mind right?”

I nodded, “yeah, two of the girls I was with back in the cafeteria will be good teachers for me if I want to learn politics,”


“Prescine is one of them, I’m guessing?” I nodded at Stalagmite- guess it’s obvious that our fellow princess and the current president of the student body would be a good teacher for me when it comes to that particular topic.


“Well, I guess our senior would do well at that sort of thing-” she paused, realization dawning on her face, “apologies, me saying well is an understatement to her actual skill- she’d do exceptionally in teaching you how to be a proper leader, did you know that it’s only her and the rest of the student council who manages all the finance, activities, and other stuff across the entire school? The principal and the teachers don’t have to do anything with them around!” Stalactite lengthily said.


I smiled wryly, “I guess?”


I’ve always known that with most of us being nobles and literal royalty- Pledge Academy allows us to be the leaders of our own classrooms but I guess the student council does more than just plan for class activities like me, they literally manage the entire school.


And all by themselves too- talk about authority.


It’s also kinda neat to confirm if I were to be honest.


“So Prescine is one, what about the other? The white haired girl? What was her name? Karsten?” Stalagmite guessed.


I shook my head, “the one with the black hair, Korbinian,”


“Ohhhhh- it’s one of them,” nodded Stalactite, “I approve,”


I nodded- I guess someone who specializes in familiars is a good choice, even if I wasn’t aware that the girl is a good leader to begin with.

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