The hero is now gone, but I’m still here, now what? (Undergoing editing)

Chapter 66

We were all sprawled in front of our instructor, panting for breath and exhausted on the ground.


In times like these, I would remember the few things the stoic woman said to me when I first started training under her.


“Push yourself to your limit,” Instructor Quoketh would always say that every time I fell down during one of her exercise regimes (the dictator kind) and every time, she’d push me up, let me rest for a few minutes, and if I’m lucky, be allowed to drink an energy drink or two, and then she’d start pushing me again.


And looking at everyone's dead eyed expressions, I’m glad that I’m not the only one who realizes just how brutal this woman’s torture methods are- seriously, prisoners of war should be sent to her instead of some guy who spends all his time inside a Dungeon thinking of all the ways to hurt someone so that they can start “talking” or whatever.


Just put them under Instructor Quoketh and we’ll see if they’re still silent after exercising for an entire afternoon without stopping.


“You look like you’re thinking of something Neophyte,” the woman looked straight into my eyes and I averted my gaze, “care to tell us what it is?”


Come to think of it…


“Do you know how to train someone?” She looked shocked for a second before frowning, she raised a finger, frowned even more, and then in confusion said, “are you serious?” I nodded and her stoic expression disappeared, it was replaced by a look of thoughtfulness, “well… not really but if you want, I can recommend you some of the books that I read back when I was starting out as a teacher?”


“That would be greatly appreciated,” I bowed and did my best to ignore the way Lucille stared at me in guilt, I knew that she thought that I was going out of my way to do this for her… and she was right, but I also want to do this, to help her, “reading on how to do it is a great start right?”


“Yeah,” Instructor Quoketh nodded, “but this kind of thing only gets better through experience, remember that,”


“I will,” I replied.


“Moving on- all of you should be well rested now so sparring shouldn’t be a problem right?” Unlike how I would usually do it back in the courtyard, no one groaned in compliance and everyone simply nodded, and like good soldiers, all of my classmates stood up and waited for what was coming next.


And I think I may know the reason why they’re all so willing to start sparring- “start stretching, Neophyte, Fafnir, with me,”


“Now it’s our turn huh?” I grinned at my Dragon and called my Pledge before recalling it, “good luck?”


“I think I need it,” she sighed, “I know you don’t think of yourself as the better fighter between the two of us but I believe that the one who has been sparring with other people all her life would be the victor,”


“I guess?” I responded sheepishly, what was she getting at? Wait, is she worried that she won't be good enough this weekend? “But it’s fine right? We’re teaching you how to fight and Laceresta is even sparring with you so things should work out in the end no?"


“I suppose so,” Fafnir offered me a smile before moving opposite of me, I eyed her as she stood in place on the other side of the circular ring, her scaly body looked tough and, huh, I think she could actually win here.


Fafnir bowed, “may the more experienced fighter win,”


“Right,” I called and recalled my Pledge in nervousness while I readied myself, I turned to Instructor Quoketh, "ready when you are?”


She raised her hand, and I did a simple stance, nothing special, just bent knees ready to spring when the fight started.


Meanwhile, in front of me, Fafnir bent her knees and crouched low, when our referee's hand went down, I tensed my ankles and leaped to the side just in time as Fafnir dashed forward for a charge.


I kept my eye on the crown of scales on her forehead while dodging the swipe that she maneuvered in place of her failed tackle, I wondered briefly if she could use those scales to attack before snapping out of it and calling my Pledge- I swung and she blocked my blade with her forearm, my weapon’s sharp edge colliding with her scales with little to no effect.


I pulled my sword back and dashed backward, with a flick of my wrist, I changed my weapon's stance and rotated my shoulders, moving them up and raising my hand, Fafnir eyed my shift in stance with a thoughtful glint in her eyes before looking back at me and charging straight.


I canceled my attack and leapt to the side before raising my leg and kicking the sides of her stomach, she slashed at me and I responded by tilting my body to the left.


I pushed myself off of her and placed some distance between the two of us.


My position right now was pretty bad all things considered but that’s fine, at least I now know that I can’t deal with tough armor the same way I typically would.


Not in these particular conditions at least.


I went back in and attacked.


Fafnir easily blocked my sideward slash, as expected, but that's fine- I repositioned myself and went on a stance, with my rapier held in front of me ready for a block for defense or a quick slash for offense, Fafnir had no choice but to circle me and find a leverage while I did the same while thinking how I would win.


Thanks to her scales, Fafnir had a lot of protection, and it just so happens to be that as an attacker that kills targets through either overwhelming speed or a myriad of slashes, I couldn't do anything to her. Not with the ring around us hindering my movement and her natural protection.


So how do I beat someone like her?..


Do I go in and wrestle her to lock her joints? I eyed Fafnir's elbow and legs before shaking that plan away when I remembered how she wrestled that Demon Duke with her body-


She lunged and I was forced to dodge, I laughed when another slash got blocked, “you know, this whole thing is starting to get annoying!”


She slashed with her claws and I raised my sword for a block, we repeated the exchange, again- and again-


I jumped back when her hand swiped for my face.


“Why complain?” She didn't seem out of breath as she talked while attacking which, fair enough, she’s a natural when it comes to using her hands for attacks so I don't see how she'd be out of breath with something like this.


“I mean- this is just unfair!” I blocked again while eyeing Fafnir for signs of exhaustion, there weren't any, “first I fight Laceresta, who's stronger than me naturally so I can't do anything but be overwhelmed and now you! Who can easily block my attacks while dishing stuff back!”


“Good point,” I moved back when she slashed downward before preparing for another block by raising my rapier.


“Why aren't you attacking-” I was cut off when Fafnir lunged at me point blank- I raised my foot and kicked her stomach but my attack wasn't enough to throw her off and she grabbed the wrist of the arm holding my weapon. Effectively locking me down.


“Maybe that's what you're lacking?” She pointed at my leg, “other options when your main method of attack is no longer feasible? I feel that you would’ve been able to beat me if your kicks were powerful enough or if you knew how to wrestle,”


“Are you telling me to start learning martial arts?”


She nodded, “it doesn't seem like a bad idea no?”


“And that's it, Fafnir wins!” Fafnir let me go as Instructor Quoketh called the battle to an end, I stared at her and she stared back.


“It isn't that bad of an idea yeah.” I agreed.


"Well then, let's talk about the reason why Neophyte lost-” our teacher started, “even when the two of them are roughly the same in strength, both combatants had varying combat styles that, again, led to Neophyte's loss,”


“I hate how she’s right,” I murmured and considered Fafnir’s suggestion much more seriously.


“This was exactly like yesterday but unlike her fight with Laceresta, who she could have maneuvered around, Neophyte stood no chance from the start because of Fafnir's defense,” the long explanation ended with Instructor Quoketh gesturing for us to move away from the ring and when we did, Laceresta took our place, “I didn't call for you yet,”


The Lioness huffed, “I wanna get this over with, we all know that this is just me hitting low no matter what,”


A conflicted look crossed our teacher's face before she let out a sigh, "fine, alright, Eber, go in there,”


"Me?” Eber pointed at himself.


“Yes. You.” Instructor Quoketh repeated, “are you fighting or not?”


“What's the point of all of this by the way?” He murmured as he stood opposite of Laceresta inside of the ring, “I don't get it, I mean, aren't we just going to lose if we fight against Prophecies?”


“To start,” Instructor Quoketh replied, “this is graded it does have a point-”


“Bad joke,” I crossed my arms while giving Instructor Quoketh a playful look.


She ignored it.


“- so if you don’t want to fight, then you can leave knowing that you’re losing grades,” Eber nodded but he didn't look convinced, honestly, me too, I wouldn't think that any of this is worth it if I had to fight Laceresta one on one without a chance of winning, “and second, I'm expecting something from some of you so this is gonna keep going in the foreseeable future until I see what I want to see,”


“Okay? Fair enough-” Eber nodded and jumped in place, he called his Pledge, “I'm ready,”


Instructor Quoketh raised her hand and what followed was an expected beatdown that didn't last a single second. Eber groaned as he curled on the ground, his breathing was strained and he sounded like a man gasping for air.


A single punch to the center of his chest was all it took for him to be in this state.


“I feel kind of bad,” I said to Laceresta when she made her way back to us, “look at him, he's still groaning,”


“Don't tell me you'll hold back when it's your turn tomorrow?" The Lioness replied.


I shook my head, “what? Of course not, that's just stupid,” I'm not holding back even if Instructor Quoketh asked me to, “it's just that I feel bad you know? Just look at him,”


“There's a reason for it,” Fafnir said with a hum, “I wonder what?”


“Personally?” Laceresta eyed Eber with an appraising gaze, “I think it's pain tolerance,”


“And caution,” I added, causing the two to stare at me, “what? It's true- these guys will be more cautious in the future and won't play Hero and charge when the situation calls for a Prophecy,”


“You're right,” the Lioness agreed, “but isn't that an obvious thing? That no one should attack when they won't do anything other than die?” She pointed out, adding, “and not every classroom has a Prophecy you know?”


“I agree with the Prophecy thing but sometimes, the obvious… isn’t, to some people,” I responded, “especially when it comes to the more… unintelligent soldiers and it becomes even worse when this situation starts being applied to leaders, who’ll throw away the lives of their soldiers if it means they get fame and glory.”.


I sighed, and now I'm thinking that I should take my political lessons more seriously because when I become a leader, it won't just be me who’s on the line, but other people as well.


I am starting to get annoyed of this whole political thing… can I just sit this one out?


“Well here’s to hoping that they learn their lesson then,” Laceresta looked at me, “and speaking of learning a lesson, what was that about earlier?”


“You mean when I asked Instructor Quoketh for her opinion on teaching other people?” Laceresta nodded, “Lucille asked me to teach her,”


“And I’m guessing that you’re finding ways to throw it off?” She guessed- wrongly.


Or maybe she’s halfway right?


“No, I want to genuinely teach her but I’m thinking that I’m still not ready so here I am, asking about how I can possibly be a better teacher for her,” the unbelieving stare that I got in response to what I said was a bit offensive but I ignored the ache chewing my chest from noticing that.


Laceresta didn’t believe me and I get it, I didn’t believe that I’d do this well either.


“Well if you want… I can tell you how to,” okay- wait- why haven’t I thought of this? From the start, I could’ve just asked Laceresta to start teaching me right?


“I would love that,” I smiled while internally scolding myself for thinking that Laceresta could teach Lucille but not me. “Thank you,”


“I’m just trying to help out,” she shifted her gaze and I tracked it to the person we were talking about just now. Lucille was focused on watching the spars, well, for now her eyes were glued to Instructor Quoketh who was staring the two fighters in the ring down but the point still stood.


“It’s like she doesn’t want to miss a single detail,” Laceresta commented while looking away from the Hero, “I’m glad that she’s the one who we’re going to be fighting with,”


“Me too,” I replied softly, agreeing with Laceresta but not for the same reason. Lucille was one hell of a fighter sure but I liked her because of her ability in the lore to be the “heart” of the group, the member who stays positive and brings out the good out of everyone while at the same time, pushing them to do their best.


It’s a character trope that I never really found any appreciation for because honestly, I feel that if someone is evil, then they’d be like that even with support but Lucille was an exception, mostly because I… can kind of see why she works, and the reason for that is mostly because she's strong enough to kick the ass of every single member of her party if they go rogue.


She's a genuine threat to them if they ever decide to go against her but at the same time, her own team seeing someone so positive, so… nice go up against dangerous threats with unwavering determination also acts as an inspiration for them.


Also, if someone as strong as her is fighting alongside them, why defect, or even give up?


That kind of thing is found across multiple Fantasy stories that involve heroes and demon lords but… I don’t know, honestly, where was I going with this?


I stopped smiling and watched with everyone else as Frovan and Zyra came to the ring to start their spar, guess everyone’s fighting at a disadvantage today, courtesy of our Instructor. (Who I know has a night job of torturing people with exercise for information. It’s true. Trust me.)


But enough about that- “how do you think I should do it?” I elaborated when Laceresta gave me a side glance, “teaching Lucille I mean,”


“Well to start, how do you usually fight?” Laceresta asked in return and I thought it through, staying silent all the while the Lioness continued, “if you know how your fighting style works then it's easy to translate it for others, even if their Pledge is… obviously not enough.”


“Heh- that’s a bad joke,” she looked confused, I chuckled, “or… I’m just being an oddball,” I mentally pinched myself, of course Laceresta wouldn’t make innuendos, Goddess.


And it’s not like she’s wrong for thinking that way because Lucille’s Pledge isn’t big, it’s just a dagger, not a rapier, not even a sword, it’s just that- a dagger. My fighting style wouldn’t mesh well with that kind of weapon.


“She’s more like a rogue isn’t she?” I commented.


“And rogues are usually fast, so maybe you can teach her how to… do things while in that speed?” Laceresta chimed.


Her words got me to think and reach a decent conclusion.


Back in the game, I did try a rogue like playstyle that ran around enemies and did hit and runs and stuff so maybe I can teach Lucille to do the same? Tell her to watch out for enemy attacks and time them instead of going in and either stun locking them like fighters or doing so much damage that they don’t have the chance to retaliate like mages.


“That can work,” I murmured.


“What can work?” Laceresta asked.


“Telling Lucille to fight like normal and how to watch out for monster attacks and read their patterns,” I replied.


Well, it is a pretty decent idea but it’s not enough, and Laceresta agreed- “it’s a good start,”


“It is, but it’s not enough right?” She nodded and I sighed


Goddess teaching someone is actually kinda annoying isn’t it? Especially with this whole planning phase. Ugh.

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