The hero is now gone, but I’m still here, now what? (Undergoing editing)

Chapter 78



“Informal start,” Castella said to no one but herself, a small smile tugging at her lips. Ruffling sounds resonated as dainty fingers moved to straighten the piece of paper between them, Castella went back to reading the contents.


- I know that this is a bit sudden but I want to take you out shopping and stuff, I don’t know if you’re busy (I know you’re not, don’t lie to me,) but I want you to meet me at-


Castella read the location twice, wanting to make sure what she just read was correct, and it was.


“An outing to a mall owned by the Tequi Family,” Castella placed the letter on her thighs and stared out the window of her room, a conflicted expression tugged at her face, “why? Neophyte?”


Hoping that the letter would give her answers, Castella pried her eyes away from the beautiful scenery of the White Spines in the distance and went back to reading her friend’s/sister-in-law’s letter.


- and I know what you’re thinking, “Neophyte, why go to Liquid Diamond instead of Goldrune Mall?” Well, the answer is simple, and that’s because I’m going to buy clothes and stuff!


… now Castella was confused, didn’t Goldrune Mall also have clothing stores? And not to mention it is also safer (and less politically intrusive) for Neophyte to go there. With the place being family-owned and all.


- And I also want to talk to Capscaria I guess, and going to her family’s mall will get the rest of the Tequis to feel safe when she goes out with me I think? I don’t know, but we’re going there okay? I already sent the letters to both of you and there are also a few more things that I want to talk to you about so please come!


Castella put down the letter, it was informal, barely structured, and it didn’t have an ounce of the linguistic fancy typically found within the letters of other nobles. And, she supposed, that such tiny imperfections made sure that the letter she was holding came from her friend and no one else, and since that’s the case…


“She wants to talk to Capscaria huh?..” She murmured.


Castella stood up and walked out of her study, expression concerned all the while.


As powerful as Neophyte is, her friend is very lacking when it comes to the social department, and who knows what kind of mess she’ll cause by pulling off this kind of stunt?
It’s not that Castella didn’t trust her- she does, Neophyte is capable enough, - it’s just that she knew that Neophyte would somehow find a way to turn something as simple as talking into an out-of-control mess.

A mess that, admittedly, will eventually fix itself thanks to her status and personal power rendering her untouchable to but the strongest Dragons but it is a mess nevertheless.


Castella thought that it was up to her to act as the mediator between Neophyte and Capscaria and prevent them both from doing anything that they might regret.


“Tell the other servants that I want a carriage ready 30 minutes from now and then proceed to prepare a bath for me,” she ordered her maid the moment she stepped out of the door.


Nodding, the maid left to do as she was told and Castella went on to head to her father’s study.


She knocked on the hard oaken door once, then twice, and when a verbal question came from within asking her what she wanted, Castella cleared her throat and answered, “father, Neophyte invited me to go shopping,”


The follow-up was immediate.


“Well that’s a rather serious matter Castella, please come in,” without further ado, Castella, the person tasked to be Neophyte’s- unofficial, - handmaiden since she was a child twisted the doorknob and walked inside her father’s study.


The soles of her shoes sunk into the red woolen carpet everpresent on the floor and a floral scent wrinkled her nose.


“Honeybark as an aroma has always irritated me,” Castella mentioned as she took a seat in front of the room’s only desk, her father raised an eyebrow at her but nodded regardless.


Castella looked around as she thought about what she was going to say, and once her tongue found the words, her etiquette training came back to her as she straightened her back and turned her speech formal, “Neophyte invited me to Liquid Diamond, specifically,”


“And the location has significance… how?” Her father stopped writing- something undoubtedly related to the meeting he went to with the king a day prior, - and eyed her, “Castella, I can understand why you’d feel concerned when Neophyte of all people invites you somewhere but I don’t think the location matters no?”


She nodded, “you’re worried about Neophyte’s tendency to… turn social situations awkward-”  which as a noble can be quite vexing to go through, “- and I feel the same because we’re going to Liquid Diamond since Neophyte wanted to talk to Capscaria about something,”


Her father narrowed his eyes, “I see…” he trailed off, “and I’m assuming you want to go?”


“It’s better than letting them bicker and cause a scene, so yes,” Capscaria confirmed, adding, “she also mentioned that she wanted to talk to me about something, which can only mean one thing,”


“She wants you to sew something for her,”


“Spot on,” Castella nodded, “with that being said, can I ask you to write letters to my current clients that I will have to delay their orders by at least a few days?”


“Of course Castella,” her father said warmly, he smiled, “and how much do you want for this outing of yours, specifically?”


“No, I don’t think you need to,” she shook her head, “especially if the rumors of Neophyte holding a black card are to go by,”


In a rare show of surprise, her father’s eyes widened and he stared at her dumbly, then he recovered and shook his head, “I suppose it is expected that Pledge Academy would give her such a gift,”


“Isn’t that right?” Castella giggled, “Neophyte is powerful after all,”


And the Academy values power more than most, her holding a black card is also a sign of her place in the school’s hierarchy; that being at the top. Castella doubts that anyone would willingly challenge Neophyte for her card after she killed a Demon Duke in front of the entire school but then again, such a thing won’t stop the more competitive students from training their hearts out in hopes of beating her.


They won’t, Castella knew that for a fact, but powerful Slayers are in demand right now and she could see the play that the principal is making.


As powerful as Neophyte is though, social situations still aren’t her forte and it is up to Castella to plug that particular flaw in her friend during times when she needs it. She stood up, deeming that time shouldn’t be wasted, “If I may, can I leave?”


“You can,” Castella turned away from her father before he could finish and moved with haste.



Castella peered out the window of her carriage, outside, a cascade of luminous waves passed by, the flow coming out from the Griffons pulling the carriage upfront. The light-gray waves distorted the coloring of the sky and clouds, giving them a photographic feel.


Moments passed as Castella stared unblinking, her mind too focused on the storm of thoughts bouncing around her skull.


The situation had gotten a whole lot more complicated thanks to Neophyte not just bringing her and Capscaria for the shopping trip- the preferable outcome, - but also her Dragon as well as several students from her class.


Things would get awkward, Castella was aware of this, and so, she hoped that she could get to their chosen mall faster than Neophyte’s group- a likely occurrence given how large their group is, - she also hoped that Capscaria would get there before them- if Capscaria even shows up that is, - so that the two of them can have a private conversation.


Castella needed to tell the younger noble to not be an anxious mess during the entire thing or else everything would fall apart.


And the same goes for Neophyte as well but Castella knew that right as long as she enjoyed herself during the entire trip, she wouldn’t be the self-loathing wreck she normally becomes.


Castella blinked and the colors outside disappeared, the sky went back to normal, and she went on to read a book the rest of the way. When she landed, she found herself a carriage to ride and headed for one of the many Liquid Diamonds built on Everlast.


Fortunately for her, fate seemed to have conspired to make things easier and when she got to the spot where they were supposed to meet- a private room typically reserved as an entrance for nobles on the side of the mall, - there was no one there other than an anxious looking Capscaria, who shook as she sat, eyes glazed over and staring at nothing.


Castella greeted her, “Capscaria,” the girl flinched and she made a show of not acknowledging it, compliments will do well in place of criticism and that’s the tactic that she went with, “I see you’ve come early, if I was Neophyte, I’d feel that your punctuality is worth noting of,”


“Y-you think so?” From the girl’s reddened ears, Castella felt that her compliment may have too much of an effect but she went along with it, everyone has their own preferences and it seems that Neophyte changed Capscaria’s, no harm no foul.


Castella nodded and Capscaria pushed a non-existent strand of hair to the back of her ear- an anxious habit? - and smiled in the same way young girls would when seeing someone they admired.


Which is to say; foolishly.


“I know so,” Castella doubled down, if Capscaria felt romantically attracted to her friend, then who’s Castella to judge her? “Neophyte doesn’t show it but she likes it when people around her act quickly,”


Because it’ll get things done faster; thus giving more time for Neophyte to do… whatever it is that she does on her own.


Capscaria nodded, “I’ll do my best then!”


In response, Castella placed a hand on her shoulder with a smile, “I wish you the best of luck,”


Then, as if she just realized what just happened- she most likely did, - Capscaria’s cheeks turned crimson, the color moved to her neck and all the way down to her collar,  “Uh-” she said dumbly, “I know what I said just now-”


“I don’t care,” Castella told her the truth, “mostly because I don’t see the point of it but I can see why you’d feel attracted to Neophyte,” she sat down next to Capscaria and stared, causing the other girl to awkwardly look away, “she’s tall, pretty, strong, all the qualities of a good man, or girl in this case,” Castella finished with a shrug, “I wouldn’t blame you for falling for her,”


“O-okay?” Capscaria met her eyes, “uhm, so, you think that Neophyte isn’t mad at me…? Not like- anymore I mean-” a nervous laugh rose from her throat, “- you know?”


“... I don’t think she is,” Castella gave the girl an answer that would satisfy, but also wasn’t the truth, because she didn’t know how her friend felt at this instant, and the letter that said she “wanted to talk to Capscaria” can mean a lot of things. Both good and bad.


“But you should probably not expect too much,” Castella added, “Neophyte isn’t so out of touch that she won’t hold grudges,”


“R-right, guess I won’t then,”


“Good,” Castella smiled, then silence, then, “how have you been?”


“F-fine I guess,” Capscaria averted her eyes, “I’ve been learning how to cook and clean, so…”


“Servant work.” Castella bluntly stated, “why?”


“I thought it would be better- well- no- Zathania managed to become a Vassal-” Castella wanted to correct Capscaria and say that it was Zathania’s family name which became a Vassal but she kept her silence, “- by doing that kind of thing so-”


“Neophyte is suspicious of you,” she pointed out, well aware of why the girl is doing what she’s doing.


“Yeah? And?” Capscaria stared, her heat disappearing in place of irritation.


“She’s going to think that you’re trying too hard,” Castella shot the girl a narrowed glare, “so if you think that somehow, following what your family wants is a good idea-” because why else would she chase Vassalhood? “- then I suggest you set aside their priorities in place of your own, which is more genuine,”


Capscaria wore a frown but the crimson tinge coloring her cheeks told Castella all she needed to know about how the girl took her word of advice.


“Yeah, and how do I show that?” She asked, tone curious enough to make Castella deem that her words had gotten to the girl.


“By being yourself,” Castella answered.


“You know that’s not an answer right? Being myself?” Capscaria rebuked with an incredulous shake of her head, “what does that even mean?”


“Be normal,” Castella elaborated.




Castella stared, was the girl this socially inept? “Go along, don’t be weird, laugh when others are laughing, push back when you need to, say no when it's necessary-” Castella paused for emphasis, “Do. Not. Make. Others. Uncomfortable.”


Capscaria sighed, replying, “yeah, I get it, fine- just… be how I normally am I guess,”


“As I said.” Castella turned away from her and another silence came between the two of them.


“Neophyte invited you too huh?”


Castella stared, “I’m here aren’t I?”


Capscaria, in response, waved her hands around animatedly, gesturing, all the while her mouth opened and closed, only for no word to spill out. She did eventually speak though, “w-well yeah but uh, what’s like- why are you here?”


“Because Neophyte invited me,” Castella answered simply.


“I mean, I know that- but why-”


“Because we’re friends, Capscaria, I’m not here to steal her from you,” Castella decided to nip this kind of thing in the bud because if the girl is going to get jealous every time Neophyte goes so far as to talk to another person, then their- possible, - future relationship with each other is going to be awry and full of complications.


“No one will,” Castella added, voice hard- then she shrugged, “well, there is a chance that she’s going to get concubines- like you,”


“L-like-” Capscaria’s offended look worsened the more she talked, “I’m not a concubine!”


“Zathania would be her wife,” Castella chose this moment to drill this particular lesson into this hard headed girl’s head, “and you are nothing more than someone who stays on the sidelines during court meetings, remember that,”


Capscaria deflated, “it’s always about her, and- and- we- our families- House Tequi is just as influential why is she- you know?”


Castella, in fact, did not, but she was going to try and decipher the meaning and give Capscaria a satisfactory answer, “Why shouldn’t it be? Although the two of you can arguably live good lives thanks to the finances of your families, it is Zathania who holds authority thanks to her Vassalhood,”


Castella’s explanation only made the other girl frown, and Castella considered whether or not to help out with this particular problem before deciding that she should let Neophyte do what she wanted to do first before moving in with her own motivations.


“I’m going to give you two an opportunity to talk,” well, not really, as she was mostly planning on waiting for Neophyte’s signal for when she wanted to be alone with Capscaria, “and we’ll leave you alone later on so that you both can sort out whatever it is that’s happening between the two of you,”


“Alone,” Capscaria muttered, dismayed.


“Alone, yes, just like last time,” Castella confirmed.


Dragging everyone else to go ahead and “shop” in some random part of the mall wouldn’t be too hard, and getting them to forget about Neophyte for a few minutes would also be easy to pull off.


Fafnir might spawn complications but from what Castella knew, the Dragon was willing to help Neophyte in everything and so, she’d most likely go along with Castella’s plan to distract everyone while Neophyte talks to Capscaria.


“And speaking of Neophyte,” Castella turned her head to the side and stared at the group approaching them, she blinked and the blazing tower of golden light erupting from the tall, white haired girl at the center of the group became visible.


The light show was all-encompassing, all-consuming, so much so that even Fafnir’s Light couldn’t hold a candle against the sun that was Neophyte’s, it was so bright that the Light from the girls around her couldn’t even be seen.


Well, except for one: Castella’s eyes trailed on the orange haired girl walking nervously alongside Neophyte, she was emitting Light so dense, that there was a bubble of it around her despite being directly next to Neophyte’s beacon.


Hm. Guess there’s a first time for everything.

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