The hero is now gone, but I’m still here, now what? (Undergoing editing)

Recollections: The first sibling meetings.

Merry Christmas.


Uploads will resume after new year.




It may be arrogant of her to think like this but it can be said that she- Amber Lenora Everlast, - is someone who's competent, who's capable, who's smart- someone who will one day be one of the many Everlasts written on the history books for the Kingdom that her family rules over.


A lot of good things are going for her- is she smart? Everyone seems to think so for someone her age, and her tutors are especially proud of her.


Is she competent? Of course- she's been taught and has learned the importance of schedule and time management and how work ethic often affects her results.


Is she beautiful? Yes- A lot of suitors have been promised to her name and all of them reacted the same way; red faced and shy.


Despite that though, Amber has found them… stale? Unattractive? She didn't know how to feel about the boys her father and mother had chosen to be the "candidates” for her marriage and the best she can describe her feelings on the matter is complete and utter apathy.


Amber found herself feeling restless as she lay on her bed.


Again- there were so many ways to describe someone like her and she, much like the boys who were chosen to be her husband one day, found all of those titles, all of those expectations… completely dull.


Sure she wants to fulfill them and do her best because it is what’s expected of her but… there's no joy in it- no- no inspiration- she has no real motivation to do any of it other than the simple fact that she needed to finish them, so she will.


It is completely unlike her sister. The complete opposite of it in fact- Neophyte has always gone through her days full of purpose, full of life- full of vigor- so much of it that when things went wrong, she started breaking herself using her very own conviction.


Would have- broken herself if not for the intervention of Amber and the rest of their siblings.


"Neophyte…” Amber found herself lulling as she rubbed the drowsiness off of her eyes.


Even with their city literally floating close to the sun, the morning light up here in the sky was, surprisingly enough, always tame. Like most things about Everlast that baffle her, it is absolutely unlike what she expects whenever the words- ‘our city is floating among the clouds,’ - get uttered by her family.


Or whenever she thinks about it really, which is starting to get rarer as the days go by.


It makes sense, of course, logically speaking, Amber supposes that with her days getting more and more busy, the thought of their city quite literally floating amongst the clouds is now staying comfortably at the back of her mind.


It was a state that Amber preferred, because worrying about whether or not everyone is going fall to their deaths seems redundant or even downright pointless when Everlast, according to written history, has been flying for more than a thousand years.


It will most likely not fall during her lifetime, nor will it ever.


“Ughh…” Amber grabbed her head and groaned-


Not that her self-assured thoughts of the city’s capability to sustain its flight do anything to push back the feeling of lightheadedness, weightlessness, and nausea that assaults her very being at the thought of- staying in the SKY.


A knock got her attention and Amber faced the door to her quarters, guess Iverie heard that just now and the best thing she could do was pretend like nothing ever happened. She did not let out a pained sound, no. Of course not.


Amber schooled her expression and cleared her throat, and when her voice sounded good enough for a conversation, she put on a smile and faced the entrance to her room, seconds later, another knock came.


“Come in!” Amber said, feigning- though not much, a light meal always gets her going regardless of how she feels after waking up, - excitement and her smile turned genuine once her personal maid met her gaze.


Amber was proud of being served by someone like her because even though they were of the same age, Iverie was already capable of doing so many things that it was enough to make Amber feel jealous.


As expected of a servant directly serving under Royalty, Iverie had a lot of skills- cooking, cleaning, writing, and the standard weaving were just the few that were on her maid’s arsenal of skills but if needed, she could also concoct various chemical agents, or even make traps, or, if Amber asked of her, she can also show off her swordsmanship, which, of course, just like everything else that her maid does, is very impressive.


For her age at least.


But even then! Calling Iverie simply skillful does not cut it and Amber is sure that she would be a master of a lot of things when they grow up.


“Mistress,” her maid bowed and Amber responded to the gesture with a smile- it wouldn’t do for Royalty to return the greeting and calls of their servants, or even act humble, as according to her father, it would make her look two-faced.


If Iverie minded Amber’s treatment, she didn’t show it, “do you want me to talk about what’s been happening around the castle while preparing your food?”


“Yes please,” Amber politely replied, hearing about the information that her maid had somehow managed to gather overnight has always been one of the things that she enjoyed during her mornings.


Iverie talked about a lot of things as she ate, with most of them either being a progression of yesterday’s information or were things that Amber had never heard of.


After her light breakfast, Amber went and did her usual morning routine of cleaning herself- with the help of her maid, her pesky hair is- no matter how much she protests, - recommended by her mother to be grown long because it looks pretty.


And in exchange? It is absolutely horrendous to wash without aid.


After her bath is the time for her to start picking out her dress; a phase of the routine that she admittedly very much enjoys.


And right now, Amber’s smile was joyful as she scoured through the hundreds upon hundreds of outfits available for her to wear.


She had nothing more than a towel on her person and all the passing dresses made her feel both inadequate and excited for what was to come.


To her left, Iverie stood next to a lever, acting as its silent guardian and overseer who, after Amber picked out her dress, would pull it so that the clothesline stops moving and the chosen dress can be taken.


“Oh! I want that one!” A miniature hand took over the entirety of Amber’s vision and she eyed it in a sudden surge of self reflection- her milky skin glowed under the soft yellow light, the soft hue emphasizing the tenderness of her flesh.


Her eyes trailed her arm, going past her wrist and onto her hands before eventually settling on her fingers, which were nothing more than tiny digits.


But as small as they were on the outside, Amber didn’t like the way they looked.


A bit of worry ached away at her heart, it wasn’t painful, just… uncomfortable, and it was a state that she’s very familiar with- she was already ten years old, and that meant marriage would soon come her way- well, a small partnership for now, because much like the rest of her engaged siblings, she and her “fiancee” would need to be acquainted first to prepare for their future together.


Regardless, it is still something that she’s worried about.


A simple trial it may be- Amber wasn’t willing to spend time with a boy she feels nothing for.


The worry in her heart growing, Amber faced Iverie, “do you think I can avoid marriage?”


Amber trusted the answer that’ll come from her maid- Iverie is smart, she knows a lot of things and Amber knew that she would have a satisfactory answer to her question but… the silence of her maid was starting to unnerve her so she pushed herself mentally to be more confident and subconsciously puffed her chest, “Iverie? Do you think I can avoid marriage?”


“... it’s possible,” answered her maid after a pregnant pause, “why do you ask?”


“Because I don’t feel anything for my suitors,” Amber replied honestly, she didn’t want to marry someone whom she didn’t feel anything for, and she’d continue pushing that agenda until something happens, “they’re all just there- do you know what I mean?”


“... I don’t know,” her maid was soft spoken, Amber knew, and she hoped that she would be more active when spoken to, because this- this is starting to get kind of annoying, if she wanted to talk to something that barely replied, then she’d buy a hound and converse with it!


“So it’s possible right? That I don’t marry them?” Amber questioned, tone solemn yet hopeful.


“Yes.” Her maid’s answer came immediately, adding fuel to the spark of hope growing within Amber’s chest, “it is possible, a lot of princesses borne from your family in the past managed to live fairly alone so you should be able to do that as well,”


“How?” Amber gestured for her to stop moving the clothesline and smiled when a light blue dress made of soft wool stopped directly in front of her.


“You need to show that you’re worth more staying with your family than marrying outside of it for alliances,” Amber pouted as she watched her maid take out her chosen dress- that’s a bit unfair? Isn’t it?


“Like you? Iverie?” Amber asked, her maid’s useful isn’t she?! Maybe Amber can follow along her footsteps?


The maid shook her head, “no- not like me, never like me- Everlasts like your father appreciate people with minds similar to the family members within Tequi,”


“Who are they?” Amber questioned again.


Her maid, as patient as ever, provided an answer, “a family that buys businesses across Everlast and earns money through them, they mostly sell stuff as well.”


“So I just have to be a merchant?! Like Tranil?!” She said excitedly, spouting the name of an ancient Hero who, unlike most of his peers, had the profession of that of a merchant, and he became rather well known because of it.


“Exactly like him, yes.” agreed her maid.


“So I just have to sell stuff?..” Amber murmured, “but how do I do that?” She faced her maid. 


A sigh was the response to her question, “I do not know, mistress,” her maid spoke with a resigned smile on the edge of her lips, “do forgive this simple maid for not being able to be knowledgeable in the art of businesses and being a merchant,”


“Forgiven,” Amber replied casually, though her face was heating up in embarrassment- okay, maybe she’s over reliant on her maid to answer most, if not all of the questions that pop up at the forefront of her mind.


That fact shall be well and duly noted. She will increase the amount of studying that she does in her free time.


“Well, no matter- I’ll learn about it in time,” she cleared her throat and raised her hands in preparation to wear her dress, “wait- do you think that my younger sister would be able to… know about it?” She asked as Iverie fixed her dress, “about how to sell stuff?”


“Maybe Lady Neophyte knows how to do it,” replied her maid, sounding a bit uncertain, though Amber felt proud that Iverie knew who she was referring to when she merely said ‘little sister’ just now, she’s glad that Neophyte’s name is known to her maid and hopefully, in time, the rest of the castle’s servants will realize who she is as well.


Her overworked sister needs people to watch out for her after all.


“Do you want me to ask her?” Iverie suggested without missing a beat and Amber thought her words through- typically, should she need something, her maid would be the one to leave and go talk to the person who’s responsible for handling anything necessary but in this case-


“She’s my sister, not some servant or personnel who offers their services, I will talk to her myself,” Amber knew she was being haughty, doubly so when she’s willingly going out of her way to take over her maid’s task but she knows better than to merely let go of such an opportunity.


“If you wish,” Iverie didn’t even try to talk back and Amber is happy that she understands the importance of this particular event.


Which, unfortunately for her- didn’t get to happen because like always, Neophyte Astral Everlast, her prodigious younger sister of 6 years who beats her in almost every category (except emotional intelligence,) is nowhere to be seen around the castle.


Chances are, she’s probably in some gravity well somewhere, training her feeble and young body till collapse but since she was a Pledge Bearer, Amber deemed that it was fine right as long as it didn’t get too much which… knowing her sister, the exercise that she’s going through would most definitely go past that point.


“This is getting annoying,” she murmured while glaring at the scenery in front of her, she didn’t even know how she got here, her thoughts just ran wild and suddenly, she was standing in a whole nother place, was the balcony she found herself on enough to trigger whatever fear that’s gripping her heart related to tall heights? Yes. Yes it was.


But did she care?


No. Not at all.

In fact, the Nausea and the lightheadedness served as a great way to take her mind off of things- which is probably bad, given that it’s the kind of fear that’s affecting her this much but… okay- she’s willing to admit it- she has no reason to stay here but she’s going to stand here regardless of opinion, personal or otherwise.


Her thoughts went back to Neophyte quickly enough and she let out a tired sigh, “every day, training, day in and day out,”


Amber found herself hammering the stone railing with the bottom of her fist, “no one can reach her and whenever she’s needed, she’s nowhere to be found,”


She raised her hand and once her mind registered the dull ache currently eating away at it, her anger went away to be replaced by a sense of tranquility that managed to even remove the nausea ailing her stomach and head.


She let out another sigh, “sister, I can hear you, you don’t need to slow your steps,”


“Why worry?” Asked a peer of hers agewise, no sooner after those words were spoken, Amber found herself standing next to her sister- Calcite Venear Everlast.


On the corner of her eye, she got a glimpse of her sister looking at her in concern, “you know that Neophyte’s self imposed repention of her mistake is one of the few things that’s keeping her from being hanged,”


“... I know,” Amber sighed- and that’s exactly why she’s annoyed, all of that and for what? Nothing. The Hero is never going to come back, and Amber feels as though this entire charade is nothing more than a way for everyone to feel satisfied and stress free from the fact that the Demon Horde may do more damage to humanity than originally predicted.


Will they get wiped out? Amber wanted to laugh- of course not, humanity was pushed to the brink more times than historians could count, and they had so many struggles in their past that most of them weren’t even written down.


Now? Now they had weapons that allowed even the weakest soldier to kill a Demon. Assuming that they get a lucky shot. That is.


With weapons that are effective against Demons at their disposal, humanity is more than guaranteed to be able to buy time until the arrival of the next Hero, making it so that they can finally fight back again. The only real problem Amber has with her plan is that they would have to expend a lot of resources in order to do it which… isn’t really as bad as it may seem at first glance.


Their Kingdom exists, doesn’t it?


“You’re worried,” Calcilte said and Amber sighed- wow, really? Such a hard thing to guess. “You shouldn’t- Neophyte is going to be fine, she’s pushing through everything coming her way, and with a will like that, I’d be surprised if she loses the fight,” Calcite smiled, it was one of hope, “believe in her, believe that she’ll push back and come out on top,” Amber sighed, Calcite’s smile wavered, “please?”


“I’ll try, dear sister,” Amber mirrored her peer’s shaky smile- out of everyone in their siblinghood, Calcite would be someone that she’d willingly call an ally without hesitation but sometimes- sometimes she speaks with ambition that can be considered too much.


Neophyte surviving on her own? What are the chances of that? She’s already been dragged by several servants back to her room several times due to the fact that she trains so hard she collapses- and even then, Amber knew that her sister simply wouldn’t stop, that she would keep going even when she’s lying on her bed, sick as a wet rat and bedridden.


She would be forced to sit and wait due to being unfit to move and Neophyte would find a way to keep training in spite of that. Amber didn’t know how she would do it but she felt as though her sister would just grit her teeth and find new ways to get stronger.


A tap on her shoulder broke her out of her thoughts, “come on, dear sister, breakfast is about to come and I think we need to move to prepare for Neophyte’s arrival,”


“Yes, pethaps we should,” Amber nodded, holding out hope that their sibling would join them again, “are the twins awake?”


“If you mean the two that mostly sandwich Neophyte to protect her from everyone else- then no, Stalactite and Stalagmite aren’t awake yet,” Calcite answered.


“A shame,” Amber replied, “then it is up to us to fulfill their roles isn’t it?”


“It is,” smiled Calcite, “now, come on, I do not want to be late- well, too late that our plan won’t be fulfilled, the seating arrangement can get pretty messy after all,”


“Mhmm.” Amber hummed in agreement, “let us go,”


Like always, arriving at the dinner hall made Amber feel tense, the way the atmosphere felt to her during this time can only be described as choking and she could never get used to it, no matter how many times she experienced it.


Everyone had… an opinion of their own on what Neophyte did and Amber could somewhat understand why some- if not most, - of their family would resent Neophyte for what she did but again, did they not think that the world wasn’t going to end simply because of what happened?


Sure this is perhaps the first time this has happened in the history of humanity- something Amber doubts, honestly, - but it happened during a time when Everlast existed: a city with so many resources that it could provide aid to Kingdoms all across the land and it wouldn’t even hinder its economy.


But, Amber supposes that not everyone can think the way she does- or even be as biased as she is towards their younger sister, who, for some reason or the other, figured out who the Hero was before everyone else did, there’s a motive behind why she… did the thing as well- and it wasn’t to kill him, quite the opposite in fact.


Whatever- whoever told or gave her sister such information remains to be seen but Amber believes that it was all Neophyte’s doing and the implications of that is… rather staggering, especially if what she’s thinking is true-


That Neophyte is supposed to be one of the Prophecies- Pledge Bearers who were meant to party up with the Hero and help him succeed in his quest to kill the Demon Lord.


Which one she is, Amber has yet to figure out but with how she’s able to figure out who he was beforehand… there’s a high chance that she’s the Saintess- the healer of the party.


And how ironic is it that she’s the one responsible for killing the Hero, huh?..


Amber silently removed such thoughts from her mind, what happened has already happened and she needs to focus on the present instead of the past.

Amber proudly walked.


Despite the gazes being directed their way, she and Calcite moved with confidence and bearing that would make their etiquette tutors weep in joy and before long, the two of them found three pairs of empty chairs, which they quickly occupied.


They both sat on either side while leaving the one at the center open. What they did got one of their siblings to scoff.


“Why bother helping her?” Cobalt asked, instantly knowing their motive, “it’s not like she’s going to come,” he said with a shake of his head, “she never does,”


“... we know that,” Calcite answered, “but it doesn’t matter, does it?” She met her brother’s gaze, “because holding out hope isn’t exactly a bad thing to do,”


“Do what you want, then,” Cobalt shook his head, a condescending smile mirroring his arrogant expression, “just know that you’re both wrong for doing this,”


“At least give her a chance?” Amber asked in a vain ray of hope. Cobalt- Cobalt isn’t a bad person… just misguided.


“No.” Cobalt answered softly, it didn’t have any malice to it, at least.


Dinner finished but…


Neophyte hadn’t come.


She already expected it…


Amber felt frustrated-


“That-” she cut her insult short and faced her maid, the hallway they were on was empty, she checked, so it should be fine to say what was on her mind out loud but she didn’t have the heart to, so she settled with worrying instead, “I’m starting to think that Neophyte’s life is at risk,”


Iverie’s expression didn’t change, remaining stoic as she tilted her head, “wasn’t it obvious from the start?” She said as though she already knew that Neophyte was going to die at some point, Amber shot her maid an angry look, which she didn’t care about.


“You didn’t know.” Iverie said seriously, “how? She was coughing out blood, and despite being a Pledge Bearer, her body can only take in so much damage before it gives up altogether.”


“...” Amber turned away and gazed at a nearby window, she took in the scenery while doing her best to control her anger-


It was… meant to make the hallway scenic during the night and give it light during the day- the window only served two purposes but those were important ones- she didn’t know where she was going with this but… but…


She let out a frustrated sigh, “And? What about it?” Amber snapped- “are you saying that I should just let her die?”


“I didn’t say anything but if I did, then I’d suggest that you should let Neophyte rest, give her a chance at a break,” her maid, again, said that with a tone that made Amber think Iverie was just stating the obvious.
“You know how important this is for her, right?” Amber nodded, again noting that her maid’s tone wasn’t soft like the rest of her siblings, where they’re encouraging Neophyte’s training because it’s “important to her” so they should “leave her be,” as if willful ignorance will solve anything-


No, instead- Iverie was stating it as fact, and Amber agreed with her- Neophyte’s training is important to her, isn’t it? How else is she going to let her frustrations out otherwise?


“I do.” She replied and a part of her recognized that she only agreed because she knew that Neophyte’s frustrations would eat away at her if left alone.


Amber gazed out at the scenery, a question in her mind.


She decided to voice it out- “then how are we going to make her stop?”


“Give her something more important to do- make it feel like a one time thing she shouldn’t miss,”  Iverie suggested not a second sooner after Amber asked her question.


Amber hummed in thought while her maid turned silent, they resumed their walk shortly after that.


Once they passed by another one of the massive square windows placed in the hallway, Amber stopped walking and stared out into the open field of grass that was the courtyard of their castle… she started thinking, her mind whirring up different possibilities as for what is the “thing” that can get Neophyte to stop pushing herself…


“I remember her enjoying a particular holiday,” a smile was tugging at her lips, “before… everything- Neophyte used to enjoy it when we celebrated the birth of the world, do you know what that is? Iverie?”


“Who doesn’t?” Her maid asked in return and Amber smiled wryly, guess that was a stupid question to ask.  Iverie continued, “The Goddess created the world and so it must be celebrated, no?”


“Yes!” Amber snapped her fingers at her maid, “that’s exactly what makes Neophyte so excited about it-” for some reason or the other, “-it’s because it’s a celebration of the Goddess creating the world and it’s happening… tomorrow, isn’t it?”


Iverie nodded, “the celebration is happening tomorrow, yes,”


“Do we have enough time to make it so that every single thing that Neophyte likes happens? That’ll get her out of her fugue right?” She hummed in thought for a scant few seconds before her expression twisted into a frown, “we don’t, don’t we?”


“We could if you somehow manage to convince your father of what you wanted to do,” her maid answered which again, got Amber thinking- convince her father? That’s a harder task than most would assume, and she’s the eldest daughter, “if you somehow do it, then he can hire a lot of people to make it happen no?”


Amber snapped her fingers- “good point,” she agreed, “he can do so much that it wouldn’t even take a day for things to get going right?”


Her maid nodded, “indeed, at best it’ll be a few hours- or, if things really needed to get rushed, then he can pay the workers to work overnight, and by tomorrow evening, everything will be ready,”


“Right! Right!” Amber wanted to start skipping but that would be unbecoming of her- “I just need to convince father about my plan right?!” She had an excited smile as she turned to Iverie, “how do you think I’ll be able to do it?”


“I say we need to start with something more pressing first,” a voice cut in, and upon hearing that, Amber snapped her gaze at the turn of the hallway and saw Pearl standing there with her arms crossed, “do you think our siblings will just let it happen? They’ll go to their mothers and when they start complaining about how the things their child wants should also be included then everything will go out of hand, and do I need to say what happens after that?”


Amber frowned, “you’re… actually right-” she paused, “how do I deal with something like that?”


“We need to talk it out without dragging our parents obviously,” Pearl replied, “and we need to pressure everyone else into agreeing with our plan and not put up their own.” Her sister added as if what she said wasn’t horrific, “they need to keep themselves down until everything is done- after that, they can complain as hard as they want,"


“And we can do that, how?” Amber questioned, not truly minding Pearl’s plan- pressure everyone? How? With how spoiled their siblings are, they can't be controlled, it'll be impossible-


"If I may join in,” her maid asked for permission and both she and Pearl granted it with a single nod, “Lady Neophyte does have her allies within your siblinghood yes?” The two of them nodded again and Amber was starting to understand what her maid was trying to go with- “then if I may, suggest, wouldn't it be good if all of you band together to convince your siblings that doing things your way is a good idea?”


"She has a point, Amber,” Pearl said in agreement, “I think that can actually work, so we need to set up two different meetings… the first one is an hour from now? Two? And everyone willing to help Neophyte is included,” Pearl stopped looking up at the ceiling and faced her, “you can tell your maid to call the people we consider as an ally and I'll do the same with mine?”


"Deal.” Amber reached out a hand that Pearl quickly shook, “it should also be important for us to go and call those people ourselves too yes?”


“No- we need to plan on what we need to say to them, and we only have an hour to do it,” Pearl shook her head, disagreeing immediately, “and I'm not exactly that good of a spokesperson but I’m sure the meeting would go well,”


Amber bit her cheek, telling their servants to go fetch their siblings may be seen in bad taste, “but-”


“I agree with her,” Iverie chimed in, cutting Amber off before she could protest, “I suggest you two find a room- preferably something comfortable and spacious, - to call the meeting in and then we'll tell your siblings to go there,”


“Right- fair enough,” Amber decided to agree, she faced Pearl, “what do you think is the perfect place to hold a meeting in?”


“How about the Brine Cellar?” Suggested her sister and Amber thought it through- the Brine Cellar was… no- it wouldn't work.


“Jars of pickled meat and vegetables wouldn't do to set an atmosphere for a meeting,” Amber said with a frown while scouring her memory for something that’ll work… “how about we just go to one of the lobbies outside our spas?”


“There?” Pearl hummed, “why?”


“Well it has enough seats,” Amber raised one finger as she made a single point, “we can lock it for privacy because there's only one spa per lobby,” another finger went up, “and if we want to eat something during the meeting, then there's a vending machine there for food.”


Pearl reached a hand out and slowly, used it to push down the hand that had three of Amber's fingers raised-


“No.” She said.


“No?” Pearl shook her head and Amber once again decided to think things through, “okay- then what about… uhm- one of… the empty studies across the castle?”


“That can work,” Pearl agreed readily, “I was just thinking about it too actually, there's a lot of things there that'll be useful for a meeting because one, we have a blackboard and chalk available to us to write down our points, we also have books… for when we want more information while at the same time, there's enough space to fit all of us inside.”


“Right.” Amber nodded with a smile, “guess it's settled then?”


“Yes,” Pearl nodded, she then faced Iverie, “we will pick the second study on the third hallway of the castle's left wing, and Dioxine should be staying around the 2nd kitchen on the first floor,” Iverie nodded and Pearl faced Amber, “come on, we need to plan for the eventual talk that we'll have with everyone,”


Amber reluctantly left her maid- Iverie had a job to do and so did she…

Walking through the halls in silence had gotten her tense, and now, after passing through several corners and turns, she and her sister reached the door that led to the study they were planning on using but now, after what felt like hours of disarrayed thoughts full of worry, she felt unsure of what they were about to do-


She turned to her sister, “are you sure about this? What if everyone disagrees?”


“Don't lose your nerve now, come on,” Pearl confidently twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, she walked inside before turning back to her, “so? Are you coming or not?”


Amber nodded, “okay, let's do this.”


Following her sister inside, Amber headed deeper into the room, she scanned the desk at the center of the room, the massive bookshelves on the walls, and the cushioned couches meant for guests and thought that it was all perfect for what they wanted to do but she still felt like the meeting would go badly…


She heard the door behind her slam shut before the sound of a lock clicking in place entered her ears.


She turned to her back and faced her sister, “so, what do we need to plan for?”


“A lot of things, mostly the things that we want to suggest to Dad,” Pearl answered, “but more importantly? We need to convince everyone that Neophyte- our sister, needs a break,” her sibling stalked forward and Amber tailed after her, they walked until they reached a shelf on the opposite end of the door and there, Pearl grabbed a book, one that's meant to tell a story, “and this is our key to doing it,”


“A… storybook?” Amber trailed off, unsure of what her sister is getting at.


“Yes!” Pearl replied enthusiastically, “this isn't just any storybook though- this is a story that happened between a past Hero and a Saintess,”


Amber's eyes widened in realization- “Oh- I get it- you want to convince them that Neophyte is the Saintess right? So that they- they'll agree to it!”


“Exactly like that- I want to tell them that we don't want another Prophecy to die on us so we need to help her out- and after that, we tell them what we want them to suggest during the second meeting which-” She and Pearl moved over to the desk of the study, and her sister didn't continue what she was going to say until she pushed the curtains blocking the blackboard to the sides, revealing a glossy black surface, “- we'll plan right now!”


Amber nodded, excited at the prospect of succeeding in their plan, “let's do it!” She pumped her fist.


“Yeah!” Pearl did the same before grabbing a white chalk that she used to draw a line across the blackboard, she wrote down the words Help Neophyte on top of the line before facing Amber, “so, how are we gonna do it? Any suggestions?” She wrote down a number underneath the line, then she pressed the tip of the chalk against the blackboard again, “I'm thinking of…”


As her sister trailed off, Amber put up the first thing that came to her mind earlier, “how about we make it so that Neophyte's favorite things are all included in this year's Celebration of Creation?”


“Right- Good idea,” Pearl nodded with pursed lips, “it's so that Neophyte has even more incentive to go right?”


“Yes.” Amber nodded seriously, “if the things she likes are there, then she'd want to go ahead and be part of it.”


“Okay-” Pearl wrote Neophyte's Favorite Things down while nodding enthusiastically, “that's done, what else?”


“Uh… maybe we can set up friends for her? I think- personally, Neophyte needs more people to talk to than just us, it's affecting her mentally I think…” Amber murmured, “she's starting to look at us in distrust,”


“Good idea,” Pearl wrote it down, “and yeah, I think I know what you mean- did you know that she murmured I wasn't real at some point?”


“No.” Amber said in horror, “what is she thinking?”


“I have no clue,” Pearl shook her head, “but I think she needs to start going out-” she snapped her fingers, “and that's going to be a part of the plan, Neophyte getting out of the castle and seeing the world for once,”


"But… wouldn't that be bad?” Amber asked, “the people kind of…”


“We're gonna make her wear a mask!” Pearl said with a grin, “that way no one would be able to know who she is!”


“They'll just be more suspicious,” Amber pointed out.


“Then we're all gonna wear masks so that no one knows which is which!” Pearl refuted.


“... we all have distinctly colored hair,” Amber said again.


That got Pearl to wince- “uh… we'll make it so that our masks our enchanted so that we can hide our hair color!”


“Won't that cost a lot of money?” Amber pointed out another problem.


This time, Pearl scoffed and waved her off, “pfffttt- as if that's a problem. Father has a lot of it, it's fine,”


Amber giggled alongside her sister's chuckles, “okay, fine, I concede, guess it's settled, Neophyte is going out- but where?”


Pearl stopped writing all the “requirements” for Neophyte's day out and tilted her head, “... the Flora and Fauna territories?”


“Good idea, let's do it.” Amber nodded.


“Okay, what more do we need to do?” Pearl asked and Amber started thinking of all the ways they could make tomorrow just that much more lively for their sister, and their brainstorming session continued on even as their siblings arrived at the study, the first to come was Bismuth, who looked as though he just finished his own exercise and training.


Moderated, this time- he says that he isn't as obsessed with it as Neophyte, and he added that he meant no harm when he said that too, which was wholly unnecessary since much like her and Calcite, Bismuth has been one of the few people who willingly entered Neophyte's room and talk to her so his status as an “ally” isn't really questioned by anyone present.


He helped plan and smooth things out- even suggesting a “sparring ring” so that their sister has an even bigger reason to go because if she can exercise while at the party, then there’s a higher chance that she’s going to come.


Eventually, the last of their siblings came and Amber scanned the room as Pearl told Charcoal to lock the door.


Everyone that she knew wanted the best for their wayward sister was here; Stalagmite, Stalactite, Bismuth, Charcoal, Byzanthine, Ruby, Cobalt, and the like met her gaze with unwavering resolution.


They clearly didn’t know why they were here- well, they do, but that’s not important- what is, though, is the fact that they all came even though they knew that it involved their most problematic sibling.


And to Amber, this is a better gift than all the things written on the blackboard behind her.


Pearl walked forward, “to start,” she said, raising a book that was bigger than her torso, “can I read out this story?”


Two pairs of hands were raised at the same time and Pearl turned to the twins, she nodded- “uh, Sister? Sister?” Started Stalactite, repeating her words as though she was a music box with a twisted lever, “don’t you both think that we all know that Neo is the Saintess?”


“I agree with Stalactite,” Stalagmite nodded, all the while doing her best to put on a cool, stoic expression- which Amber genuinely found cute.


“Neo… did predict who the Hero is and we checked the place where she sent him to… on a fetch quest,” Charcoal slowly uttered, each word carefully selected, “- and we did find the artifact that she talked about but what we didn’t know is that the place is guarded by a Demon Baron so…”


“She’s the Saintess,” Bismuth nodded, “that much is obvious,” he looked around, “I don’t see why you need to emphasize it,” Amber lightly smiled at her brother- again, everyone acting serious is something that she finds amusingly cute, her own guilty self included. Bismuth pointed at the blackboard behind them, “how about we start talking about the things that we need to do in order to save the Saintess and prevent another Prophecy from dying on us?”


“Alright,” Pearl placed the book down, “you all win, let’s talk about all the things that’ll convince Neophyte to come and join the celebration,”


Amber nodded, the meeting was going well and she hoped that the one after this would go the same way.


Neophyte needs it.



 “Amber, I don’t think you should go with us,” Bismuth, for some reason, kept insisting that she didn’t need to come with them to the second meeting that’s being held - which will happen 2 hours from now, - even though Amber is confident that she’ll do well with convincing everyone else.


Bismuth and the rest though weren’t so keen, even Calcite, who had arrived at the meeting late, wasn’t on her side.


“Why?” Amber asked while glaring at everyone, she felt betrayed- she’s competent enough isn’t she?!


“Because they’ll just target and keep pressuring you,” Pearl replied, tone assured, “and someone- probably Graphite, knowing him, will point out the fact that you’re starting to bend as a sign of guilt, and that’ll break our argument apart, turning what’s supposed to be a proper meeting into a one sided shouting match,” Pearl looked away, refusing to meet her gaze, “sorry but we need all the advantage that we can get,”


“Advantage that you can get- why are you all even doing this?” Amber snapped, “why is there-”


“Amber, we need an advantage because we need to win,” Bismuth’s words made absolutely no sense to her but what he added to them did, “the Saintess needs to live, we can’t have another Prophechy- as misguided as she is, - die.”


“So you all just want to- to-” she tried to find an argument in Bismuth’s words, something that’ll make everyone think otherwise of their opinion of her- make them feel guilty for their motives-


She found none.


But she’ll still try.


“- you’re all just doing this because Neophyte is the Saintess!” Even she knew that the words that she uttered were completely wrong and full of holes, with one of them being-


“We want her to live.” Bismuth snapped back, “that’s what matters. Saintess or not- Neophyte has to live.”


“And, I think, we’ll all agree that if she wasn’t the Saintess, then none of this would’ve happened correct?” Pearl said to the nod of everyone around her, “personally, her status as the Saintess doesn’t matter in this scenario but we’ll use it as an argument anyways, anything to convince everyone that our sister is going to die if we don’t let her understand that moderation is important,”


That there’s more to the world than gravity well and training mats- Amber silently said to herself.


She let out a sigh, “fine,” she narrowed her eyes at them, “I’ll go search for Neophyte in the meantime,” when Pearl smiled at her, she responded with a tired sigh, “you better convince them,”


“Don’t worry,” Stalactite nodded, grinning, “we will!”


“Agreed,” Stalagmite’s slow nod that followed her words forced Amber to hold back a smile.


So cute!


Sadly, with her unable to go to the second meeting- and one that she personally feels is more important than the one they just finished, - her happiness only lasted for a little while and the smile she held back in Stalagmite’s presence never came when she started walking the halls alone.


Iverie was nowhere to be found- and this was something that was done on purpose on account that it is possible that the personal servants of those who joined may very well snitch on one of their siblings given the chance.


She did find Iverie eventually, inside of a guest room alongside all the other butlers and maids that attended Amber’s siblings, unlike their master’s excited yet tense meeting though, the servants were having tea while talking calmly with one another.


The scene that greeted her when she opened the door was everyone turning their head toward her, Amber greeted them with a wave and all of them returned her gesture in some shape or form while Iverie stood up, bowed in apology to the rest of her acquaintances, and then proceeded to follow Amber out.


“I take it that you weren’t allowed to join the rest at the second meeting?” Amber’s nod was followed by a sigh- of course, Iverie would immediately figure it out. Was it that obvious? Was she really a liability to the rest of her siblings?


She’s not that easily pressured is she?..


She let out a tired sigh, “am I a liability?”


“In some cases, yes,” responded her maid bluntly, “like the one right now- where what’s needed are steeled hearts and stoic faces, your kindness is nothing more than an opportunity to be taken advantage of,”


“I guess…” Amber trailed off, “but can I ask you what kind of scenario my kindness will be useful in?”


“Talking your sister out of her training and making her understand that her mistake shouldn’t be dictating her life,” Iverie’s words were like a blunt hammer that struck Amber’s conscious thoughts, sending them in disarray- well, it seems that her musings of trying to find Neophyte was actually the right call, isn’t it?


Is that why no one disagreed with her back then?


“Say,” Amber started, “if I want to search for Neophyte, where do you think I can easily find her in?”


“I’d say that it would be one of the gyms across the castle or the gravity wells attached to them but that would be a mistake,” Iverie hummed, “if I remember correctly, one of the maids brought her back to her quarters two days ago, she was… incapacitated-” like always, Amber thought in worry, “- but she managed to recover after a day and knowing Zathania… I think she would have asked Neophyte to teach her stuff to distract her mistress from training any further so chances are, you can find her in the royal library.”


“I see…” Amber pursed her lips in thought, impressed with her maid’s deduction skills- also, do the servants actually talk to each other whenever they’re off duty? That explains all the things that Iverie knows about…


Anyhow- “Okay! Let’s go to the royal library so I can talk Neophyte out of her problems!”


Amber’s steps were excited as she made her way across the castle until she reached what might as well be the heart of the massive fortress.


Amber stopped in front of the library’s oversized double doors, their half-oval shapes looking as though they were the gates of a chamber that hid valuable treasures within, and in a sense, perhaps that analogy is correct- knowledge is one of the most valuable things that someone can possess in this world after all.


In the corner of her eye, Iverie moved silently towards the tiny lever that was supposed to open the doors looming over the two of them, she flicked the switch and the sound of colossal gears turning echoed like the yawns of a giant that’s been awoken from its slumber, breaking even the sound of Iverie’s footsteps as she made her way back to Amber’s side.


When the doors fully opened, Amber walked into the library with her maid in tow and it didn’t take long for her to hear the sounds of someone talking-


“The place that the Hydrokiths are living in is amazing!”


Amber smiled lightly… that- that was her sister’s voice. Undoubtedly hers. Amber is sure of it.


And… Neophyte sounded excited- absolutely unlike her typical state of dull boredom whenever she faced all of them.


Amber nodded when she passed the silent guardian of the library- a Vigolith whose marble body had been carved into that of an armored statue, complete with smooth pauldrons on the shoulders, a knight’s helmet for its head- the gaps of which, show nothing other than darkness, - and several interlocking platings reminiscent to that of an insect’s carapace found across its person.


“Mistress,” the living stone said with a nod, the Ruby attached to its chest glowing slightly, “servant,”


Iverie returned the Vigolith’s nod while Amber stalked forward.


She continued moving without acknowledging the Vigolith, the etiquette that had been drilled into her since she was a child was the only thing holding her back from running across the massive space, she kept moving, face forward and expression schooled.


All around her, the looming bookshelves which were taller than houses didn’t grab her attention, no- she was focused on the voice that echoed within this otherwise silent land-


“They live in corals! Do you know what those are Zath?!” A pause, and Amber assumed her sister’s maid shook her head then, “well if you don’t the corals are like uh- Kagron! You know! The Vigolith standing guard over the entire library?!”


Amber turned back to where Kagron stood and found him missing- “she knows a lot, for a young kid,” Amber flinched before snapping her head at the massive stone being, a deep rumble that reminded Amber of an avalanche of glaciers she saw while flying over the White Spines echoed out of its empty helmet, “I do not mean harm, I am merely here to remind you that your sister shouldn’t be disturbed without a good reason,”


“It is fine,” Amber said in reply, “I am here because of something important.”


“I see,” the Vigolith nodded, “then I hope Neophyte finds you well, she’s… she likes to hide if she doesn’t like who’s searching for her, and it’s like she knows this library like the back of her hand,” another rumble of a chuckle emerged out of the creature, “well, I wish you luck, I for one, can be found in my usual spot, listening in to why corals are similar to my species,”


The helmet that served as the Vigolith’s head shook back and forth smoothly, nary a sound came out, as though the marble didn’t grind against one another from that simple action.


“Exactly! Vigoliths are living rocks but get this- corals are too! It’s why when taken out of the water, they die and lose color and stuff!” Neophyte explained excitedly, and Amber found her explanation made sense, so that’s why her colorful corals went dull…


“How do they work? Well- plants don’t usually grow underwater, or at least in the sea because it’s so salty so obviously, it has to be another animal that needs to take over their place and just like anemones and other stuff, corals are also animals!”


Neophyte was repeating herself now- Amber thought in amusement, “and I guess that’s all she knows about corals, that they’re alive and similar to animals,”


Neophyte kept droning on and on about corals and how they’re alive and Amber found it amusing that she was repeating herself again and again- and her amusement only grew when she found the spot where her sister was located and saw her standing on top of a table, arms outstretched and expression grinning-


She faced Amber and beamed, “Amber!”


Zathania sprung up and raised her hand in concern when Neophyte jumped down from the table, and without so much as a stagger, immediately bolted for Amber to give her a hug that, to the older royal, felt like a painful tackle.


Amber smiled while rubbing her sister’s hair- she had so much to say to her and she didn’t know where to start…


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