The Hero That Was Body Swapped With A Lewd Succubus!

11. Irreversible Corruption


While Zain erased the lust corruption brimming inside Leila’s body, making sure not to cause irreversible harm to her body or soul, Leila lied under him, unconscious and unaware of everything that was happening.

Inside her subconsciousness, Leila was reliving a dream that was repeatedly created from her corrupted soul, where she was under Zain, her sheath being penetrated as pleasure filled her body, giving her no time in between each thrust of his strong and impacting sword.

Occasionally, he would pause briefly for a moment and move in for a deep kiss as he used his delicate hands to deftly fondle her breast, leaving her with no room to breathe. To Leila, every move of his hands and sword felt like the movements of a deity without a single flaw.

His technique wasn’t only nimble but also used small movements, not wasting a single moment. Her mind wanted only one thing: for him to keep going and never stop! If he were to stop, she knew she would beg him to continue. This was heaven; she would trade everything she had simply so she could stay.

"Ahn… More… Don’t! Mnnn~!"

That dream kept repeating in her mind, trying to destroy every thought of escaping the corruption. These were the dreams that were set in place to prevent anyone from erasing the corruption of the soul.

Fortunately, this wasn’t a problem for Zain. He was the one who engraved the crest onto Leila, and he knew the method to erase it. The problem was that it couldn’t be done in a short manner; he also had to worry about the other effects it would have on her soul.

He was certain that her soul wouldn’t be too different from before, but he knew it wouldn’t be the same. It was likely that her soul would change. He didn't know if this change would be good or bad for her. He could only guess the importance of that change.

He increased his focus, reversing the defense the soul corruption had put in place against him.



While Zain worked diligently, Leila, whose soul was broken, had only thoughts of how pleasurable she would feel at the hands of the man who now lied under her in her mind. Their time together was disturbed when she heard a loud rumbling in the sky. It was as if several chains were trembling and clashing against each other.

Leila looked up to where she heard the rattling of chains coming from. For some reason, she had a bad feeling about this. The sounds of chains... She couldn’t put her finger on what it could be, but she felt that it would destroy the heaven she was in with her man.

She couldn’t let that happen! She was already aware that this place wasn’t real, but she was happy! She didn’t care if she would be trapped here for eternity. She could live here forever with him.


The rattling of the chains only intensified, becoming even louder, while small cracks formed across one of the chains, slowly spreading as the chain grew weaker. It was only a matter of time before it would break.

Tears started trickling down from her eyes as the cracks spread, reaching the point where there wasn’t a place without a crack.

Feeling helpless in this situation, Leila went to her knees. "No! Don’t! I can’t let you destroy this place! I’m already happy. Why do you wish to destroy my happiness?" 

[I won’t lie; seeing you in this situation pleases me, but it is also a disgrace to someone I call my woman! A woman with a broken soul isn’t the woman I fell in love with. I fell in love with the one who refuses to give up, trying to use any method they can find to escape my reach. I need you, and I want you!]

[Return to your true self, the woman I love.]

"I…" For a moment, Leila hesitated as she felt the sincerity in his words. But her soul was still broken, and she still only wanted endless pleasure. It was her only true desire in her heart. She had hesitated for the sole reason that the one asking her was Zain himself. The man she devoted both her body and soul to.

"I can’t! You’re not doing this to satisfy my desires. You’re doing this for your own sake!" She finally understood that she couldn’t trust him. He was the same man as Zain, but the one before her and the one outside were different. However, it was already too late! Her hesitation was all that he needed.

Zain had known that Leila inside the corrupted dream was the source of the soul corruption from the start. If she believed she belonged inside there, the chains trapping her would keep her bound, making it incredibly difficult to break them. That worked the other way as well. If she hesitated and believed she didn’t belong there, the chains would weaken.

Her hesitation, even though it was only for a moment, was enough to break the first chain. The chain broke apart, turning into a pink mist that entered her body. After the first chain broke, the dream world had some spatial cracks and some signs of being unstable.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Leila cried out. She was still broken, but there was a change inside her. She wasn’t as broken as she was before, feeling less attachment to this place and to Zain in this world.

The chains didn’t have the same strength as they did before! Zain didn’t need Leila to weaken them anymore. With one chain broken, he knew time was all he needed to break the others.

[Return to me! Resistance is pointless!]

Second chain…

Third chain…

Fourth chain…

Fifth chain…

The more chains that he destroyed, the more the dream world became unstable, with thousands of spatial cracks spreading throughout the world. The Zain she loved inside the dream world had also disappeared.

The desire she had to be Zain’s loyal wife and to receive endless pleasure decreased drastically. Her feelings for him still existed, but they were diminishing at a rapid pace. She didn’t feel anything anymore for this place. Her feelings were only toward the real Zain.

She orgasmed, masturbating over the thought of Zain touching her body. She kept recalling the things he had done and the things she wanted him to do, using it as fuel to pleasure herself.

"Why can’t I stop? What is it about him that makes me do this to myself? I’m not his, nor do I have the desire to be his, so why?" 

Her body and heart desired him, while her mind didn’t. It was as if with each passing second, there was a war between her mind and body, forcing her to do things she hated. The effects of the battle were too much for her to endure.

Sixth Chain…

Seventh Chain…

Eighth Chain…

"No more…" Leila let out a deep sigh, no longer feeling the inclination to pleasure herself with the thoughts of Zain in her mind. A little more, and she knew she couldn’t return.

She felt grateful that the chains were breaking and she was returning to her real self. The world was on the verge of destruction, with even the house she resided in disappearing. A single chain was left, holding the world together on its own. However, something she didn’t expect happened! The chain didn’t break like the others.

Instead, like a giant dragon, the giant chains came flying down towards her. The giant chain rushed straight to her, wrapping itself around her body and freezing her in place. Moving her eyes alone was difficult. She knew trying to move a limb was impossible.

The giant chain tightened around her body, not giving her room for possible resistance. Once she couldn’t move in the slightest, the chain stopped, not wanting to harm her. Unlike the other chains, this one seemed alive, seeping into her body.

Watching what was happening inside Leila’s dream world, Zain released his lips from Leila's, getting off the bed. He understood that everything was done. The chain that Leila was absorbing had surrendered to him. The chain still held the corruption of lust, but one chain was weak on its own. It was more beneficial to absorb it than destroy it.

"You really had to do this to yourself. Most of what the corruption did to you is gone, but there will always be some in you. No one can remove that from you, not even a god." Zain smiled, seeing Leila’s body, which had a bright pink aura shrouding her entire body. The chains had brought her many benefits as well as misfortunes.

Shaking his head, he grabbed his clean clothes and walked into the shower room. He took off his clothes that were drenched in Leila’s bodily fluids, and went straight into the shower, closing the door behind him.

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