The Hero That Was Body Swapped With A Lewd Succubus!

22. Departure

Where am I?

Leila woke, finding herself standing in cold, dense water, pulling her along a slow current as its chill numbed her entire body, bare of any clothes. The place was back, with not a photon of light lightening her surroundings.

She trudged through the muddy water, feeling a slight pull in her soul to keep moving forward. Like a whisper in her ear, sounding like her own voice, "Go straight." She listened to the message, "You'll find your destination." 

As the water continued to rise the further she went, she struggled to keep her breasts from bouncing as she had to jump to take each step. She folded her arms for support.

I wish I had my bra. It would eliminate the need to store them. Wait… what? A bra materialized out of thin air, already fastened.

Much better.

She dropped her arms and smiled.

If I wished for clothes better suited to traversing water... Nothing happened. No clothes appeared. She then thought of wearing panties to keep the water out, and it worked.

As the water rose above her shoulders, she struggled to take a step but pushed herself forward until it reached her chin, then her mouth, where she took a deep breath before she submerged. Inside, she had no direction and relied solely on the voice for guidance.

Seconds passed as time seemed to stretch endlessly in her mind, turning seconds into minutes and minutes into hours before she emerged, stumbling onto solid ground below. Water splashed over her as she entered, dripping down without wetting the ground. Instead of complete darkness, some light filtered in, casting a dim, dark gray hue.

Behind her was the wall of water she passed through, and before her, she made out the shadow of a bed with two shadowy figures on top. A long-haired woman on top and a man on bottom. They were active, going at it with the woman riding the other’s... She didn’t want to say it.

Leila turned around. Her thoughts muffled as she tried to redirect them, but she couldn't shake the memory of them making love. A hand grabbed her shoulder, causing her to jump. A scream rose in her throat, but she suppressed it. Leila found the woman standing next to her. With their close proximity, her face was clear. She resembled Leila but had clear differences.

The woman was taller, had longer hair, appeared more mature, and leaned forward in a seductive manner, her bare breasts brushing against Leila's arm. She mouthed words that did not come out. Leila frowned as the woman grasped her chin and pulled her into a… kiss.

Leila grabbed the woman’s shoulders and tried to push her back, but she remained unmoved. The woman's strength overwhelmed her, draining her strength as information bombarded her mind, stealing her focus. It came too quickly to comprehend, except for two key points: details about a new dagger fighting style and seduction. Before losing consciousness, she heard a whisper from the woman and realized that the man, presumably Zain, had disappeared.

“We’ll meet again.”


After experiencing a series of random dreams, she had a nightmare in which she transformed into the woman Zain desired her to be—his submissive wife. Startled awake, she pressed her head on something hairy and broad below her. Her heart raced, thumping, as she hyperventilated. It took a few minutes for her heart rate to calm and for her to regulate her breathing. When she glanced around.

Leila lay on top of Zain, her stomach and chest pressed against his as he held her close, arms pulling her in. His chin rested on her head, tousling her hair. The warmth and intimacy he provided due to their kinship heightened her fear. His act of doing so, in the end, calmed her until she noticed another warmth as well as fullness in her abdomen.

In response to the sensation, she craned her neck. His penis was inserted, reaching her cervix. To make matters worse, no film covered it, leaving it unprotected. Leila froze in horror as she understood. Two times in one day, she had his bare penis inside her—two more than she could handle. At least Zain did not appear to be in the mood for sex, as proven by the absence of dried semen.

"It's my night, but I had no idea you were this in love with me. I was going to let you sleep, but you came to me, slid my pants down, and took matters into your own hands. I gave no order; I let you do it. Are you lying to me?” Zain said, gazing at her. "The words you speak are false, and you want this. I don't know what to believe. Do you know?”

“I—“ Leila was speechless, glancing around. 

Why? Why? Why does this happen? To me! Her mind was frozen, making it difficult to articulate. It took a long time to rearrange her words.

“You’re teasing, the way you force me to do all these things—you give me no say, where you agree or deny what I do. If I disobey, I’m ordered and punished.” Her words escalated from a normal tone to a loud one. “You force me to have sex, to suck your dick for all to see. It doesn't matter if they forget after watching. All of them watched, and I can’t get that out of my head.”

Leila dismounted Zain, disregarding the fluid she ejaculated. She hurried to the wardrobe, grabbed clothes to wear, and left as soon as she put them on. Zain watched her with his mouth open and his eyes widening, eliciting a smile from her. The man deserved it, but something compelled her not to stop there.

Before closing the door, she uttered her final words, "What are you?" Leila hoped these words would end this torment. But she knew deep down that these words and her relationship with Zain wouldn't end. She slammed the door and strolled the halls.

She stopped to peer out a floor-to-ceiling window at the end of the hallway, overlooking a spacious garden filled with numerous flowers and trees, with a stone path running through it. She found no birds in the trees, where long shadows cascaded onto the canopies. The setting sun cast a golden glow into the hallway, touching her shoulders down to her hips. The warmth jolted her, reminding her of the last warmth she had experienced—how awful.

She left, her slow pace quickening as she sought solace in the cool shadows, distancing herself from warmth on her way to the combat training grounds. When she arrived, she found the place empty and dim, lacking sunlight. Just the way she wanted.

The emptiness had one replacement—a thin pink barrier. She placed her hand on it. The barrier rippled, but nothing happened. So she pushed her hand in, and a fire broke out in her abdomen—not the familiar kind, but intense pain. Within a second, she collapsed with stiff muscles, her strength fading as she clutched her stomach, attempting but unable to alleviate the pain. 

Lying in a fetal position, the pain ceased. She raised her head but dropped it, dizzy. After some time, she tried again and stood, glaring at the barrier through her moistened eyes.

Even if I escaped... She expected it somewhat, but had a sliver of hope that Zain had overlooked something in his preparations to control her. A shattered hope.

How can she love him?

The eyes of the shadow clone showed affection, caring for both Leila and Zain—not the Zain in the dream, but the real one. How did she know him? She was a figment of her subconscious, manifested in a dream. However, Leila suspected there was more to it. The dream felt real. The way the water hindered her movement, the weight of her breasts, the clothing, and the kiss. She vividly remembered the entire dream from start to finish, unlike the usual vague recollection of dreams.

The way the woman shared the information was similar to how Zain shared his, but he did it through her forehead while she did it through a kiss. Both relied on pouring mana through her. She seemed connected to Zain, but she left that for later. The woman confirmed she would meet her again after all.

"It's getting dark.” Leila sat in a lotus position and focused on the woman's information, which she ended up viewing seduction first.

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