The Hero’s Supplier


Well most of you must already know where this is going. So I'll say it - the Hero's Supplier is going on a long term hiatus.  

Every time I start writing, I realize I need to edit my previous chapters. I also lost my in a couple of chapters and it took me your comments to realize I was not getting anywhere - just stuck in pointless details on the story.

Before I do start posting new chapters here, I want to do a complete rewrite of the previous chapters.  

But you've been through the story and even for anyone that started reading just now I wont leave you hanging. This is the TLDR for the remaining plot. (I know this may hurt when I return to this, but so be it. ) 


In the meantime, I'm writing another novel - Call The Manger.

It is set in a the modern world where Mages have started to explore the universe searching for mana-rich worlds to conquer. Our MC (Alex) doesn't have the mana aptitude to become a Worlder (mages that conqueor worlds). But instead he becomes a World Manger.  

Most believe World Mangers are just cogs that keep the cities in lower-planets running. But is there more to them than meets the eye?


I hope to see you around. Drop a hi on discord and Call the manager. And most importantly stay safe and stay healthy! 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.