The Hero’s Supplier

Chapter 16: Creation Spirits

The damp forest was getting gloomier by the second. The group walked alert of any movement around them. For nearly eight hours now, they were walking in this tight formation.

There were originally thirty-three of them but only sixteen of them remained. The group was out here for a high school class picnic when the Heaven's Dictate echoed.

"Hey Veni, there is a cave a little up there, we should take rest here for the night." Rudin came running to the group along with two other boys. He pointed towards the direction of the setting sun.

"You did not go in did you?" Veni whispered, brushing the hair off her forehead.

"No, no. You were right, its best for us to be careful" Rudin replied. A smile came upon his chiseled face.

Rudin trusted Veni's to take the right decisions. She had warned him not to enter the caves, so he did not.

Nearly a week ago, when the mutation after the Heaven's Dictate occurred, only four classmates had died. The casualties that occurred were minimal, but among those that failed the mutation process were the two teachers that had accompanied them.

The class jocks immediately saw this as an opportunity to establish themselves as the group's leaders. The class immediately divided into three groups, each trying to vie dominance over the other, led by the tree class jocks.

When the mutated beasts started attacking, rather than helping with each other, the 'leaders' only tried to sabotage the other 'leaders' and even going as far as using their classmates as baits.

After all the stronger you get, the more you will be able to establish your dominance.

But the cruel ambition of these leaders was also their downfall.

During one of the beast attacks, a mutated cross of an elk and a tiger appeared. Its appearance sent chills down all their spines.

But the jocks would not have such cowardice. The three walked up and ordered everyone to go up and fight and threatened them with "or else!" 

The Telk did not bother hearing the rousing speech of the 'leaders'. He charged up and impaled the first jock with its antlers and trampled the second with its feet, carving his chest in. The third lucky escaped the telk's jaws by an inch with his high [Agility stat].

"Help!" the third jock cried out, but no one moved to help. They all moved back ready to flee.

"He deserves it," one murmured. 

"Would you have helped us?" another cried out

That is when Veni rushed out.

"We are from the same class and we have to help each other out. The world may have come to an end, does not mean our humanity must as well." She shouted while drawing her makeshift bow to take aim at the Telk.

Whenever Rudin recalled the incident, the hair on his neck would stand up. That was the day when Veni had saved him from certain death.

Veni treated the entire group with respect and everyone respected her in return. The obscure silent girl was now the group's leader.

The group made it near the mouth of the cave. It looked big enough to easily fit the entire group. Veni tried to look into the cave but they could see nothing.

"Rudin, Sukak, Dewinta and I will go check out the cave. You guys have to be careful. Stay in a tight formation.

"Veni, I think you should stay. We will go check it out. It could be dangerous down there," Rudin spoke up.

"Yea let him go alone. Maybe it will wash off some of his bad karma," a lanky boy spoke up from the group. 

Although the group decided to save Rudin, it was not as if they had forgotten about his actions. The caves were bound to be dangerous. These were usually where dungeons would appear. The group had already entered two such caves and realizing the dangers immediately withdrew back. Even then many in the group suffered injuries.

"We have to stay strong. I cannot hide behind my friends and let someone else face dangers for me, can I?" Veni let out a slight smile. "We will come back soon. But in case we do not come back in three hours, leave. We will catch up with you guys later. Let's go."

Veni walked forward and disappeared into the cave followed by the other three.

The group knew what she meant. Even in such a dangerous situation, she did not forget about them! 

A fire burned in the hearts of everyone in the group.




The cave was dark, the four carefully walked into the formation.

Sukak took the vanguard and held up a thick piece of wood fashioned into a shield on his right hand and a crude spear on his other hand.

Dewinta and Rudin stood to Sukak's right and left. They both used short hunting knives on both hands. The teachers who had accompanied them had them with them for 'emergency'. Finally, Veni took the vanguard with her bow.



[You have entered the Forest Salvus Dungeon]

[Dungeon Level- 53]


All three of them received the notification.

"This won't work. Let's head out!" Veni whispered. This was the highest level dungeon they had entered till now. The other two were Level 8 and Level 12 dungeons and they were already beyond their ability.

They started to withdraw back, just then,



[The dungeon has been locked.] 


[Clear the dungeon]

[Reward: Grimoire of the Forest Salvus ]


The four were stuck frozen in their steps. They had to clear the dungeon for them to escape? This was nothing less than a death sentence!

"We will do all we can. Let us at least make sure Veni can survive." Rudin broke the silence.

Hearing him, the other two also nod their heads. 

"Guys, we are in this together. We will go down together." Veni's heart tightened hearing the others show such faith in her.

"This does not need to be your end!" An aged voice echoed over from the depths of the cave.

"Be careful everyone!" Veni warned. The four tightened there circle and stood close by.

Suddenly, a vein shot out from the ground and latched onto Sukak's feet, yanking him down. He fell down with a thump.

"Cover!" Rudin roared and moved into the front of the group, giving Sukak a moment to get back up.

"I do not want to kill anyone. I want you to hear my story, you can choose to leave after that." The voice spoke again.

"Let's hear what he has to say. But don't let your guards down," Veni instructed.

A moment of silence enveloped the damp cave.

"Millenials ago, the world was filled with mystics. The war between angels and demons were fought on Earth by humans, demons, beasts and fiends. But for as long as I can remember there was not a moment of peace on Earth" The voice broke the silence. 

"Although humans were weak, they soon made schools of magic and over centuries several legendary humans came about. These humans vowed to destroy the shackles oppressing them. They fought through everything in their way. There were countless that fell but their quest against evil did not stop.

Slowly, they sealed every evil that had stood against them. From demons to vampires, they were slowly defeated and sealed.

After ages passed, these heroes had sealed almost every evil on Earth. So they finally decided to travel the universe and left Earth.

But before that, they established the dominance of humans on Earth. With dedicated schools to teach magic and train warriors for the future.

Now the later generation of mages and heroes went after the weaker monsters, the trolls and the goblins. The ones after that went after the remnants that had escaped previously, the vampires, werewolves and Yetis. 

But what about the generation after that? They had no one left. So they went after the only remaining forces that were not human, the Creation Spirits. The magical spirits born out from nature itself. That existed for countless years, since the ages of the ancient legends.

The humans hunted these Creation Spirits, their allies of old. Although the human clans stood up against the desecration of their Totem Lords, it was impossible to stand up against the mighty humans. Within years, the Creation Spirits were sealed as well.

Years passed by and even the age of magic came to an end. I assume God had something to do with it as well. Magic was replaced with engines and electricity. The ancient humans became forgotten, others became legends. But everything of that age was forgotten. Only to be remembered as a figment of the imagination."

The cave again enveloped into silence.

"I am a Creation Spirit. The Forest Salvus, the forest sage." The voice continued. "I have no intention to hurt humans. I could never do that. I am a Totem Lord, I can only live through humans. My old clan was killed during the purge. I saw them all fall trying to stand up against the humans."

The four stood immersed in the story. Their imagination stirred vivid by the words of the Forest Salvus.

"If you accept, we will become start a new clan. All my powers would be yours and we will live in harmony with the world. Would you join me?" the Forest Salvus spoke.

The sudden proposition took them all by surprise.

I hope you enjoy the chapter. If you have any feedback please let me know.

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