The Hidden World

Little Letter

Hello everyone,

I first want to just say thank you for sticking with this webnovel for so long. I didn't expect that anyone would read it to begin with when I published that first chapter, but here we are. So thanks for everyone that supported the novel. Especially those that gave tips and that lone patreon supporter. You guys give me life.

Now, onto the more important stuff. Let's preface this with me saying that this entire story had almost no planning whatsoever. It was spur of the moment and my first time ever writing. I just went for it with a general idea. It's safe to say that the story went along its own path that I just decided to go with.

To begin with, I meant for the novel to kinda go back and forth between Ethros and Earth. That never happened as I realised pretty early on that the route the story was taking would make it difficult for me to write such a plot. It could actively hurt it as I needed to give a lot of focus to Ethros. So, that's why Earth was never visited ever again. I tried to wrap it up by showing that people believed Yuki died, but I understand that many people still want to have that shock payoff. 

Another thing that you all might have noticed was that the profile and system thing just sort of went away. That was intentional. I made a mistake by adding it. It constrained me in my writing and was honestly just a pain to work with. I originally added it in when I was reading a bunch of other webnovels and isekai mangas, but it really didn't go well with what I had in mind, so I had to make it poof without being so obvious about it. 

Some plot lines were probably also ignored as the story went on which were probably accidental and caused by me jamming too many plot lines due to no plan. If I missed a plot line you were looking forward to, I apologize. This hard to keep track of when your notes and outline is literally the entire novel.

The ending of the novel was abrupt, kinda, at least in my opinion. I had to draw a line somewhere because the original ending I had in mind and the way the novel was heading just weren't going to intersect in anyway, so I had to come up with something that was at least a bit satisfying. 

I hoped that helped some of you with why things happened the way they did. To sum it up, I had no real plan. This novel is literally the rough draft of an idea that it then proceeded to not actually follow. I do plan on coming back to this and rewrite it. The thing is though is that this story will likely be a standalone. The "rewrite" will be quite different honestly. It probably would better be described as a different story set in the same world. You'll recognize characters, at least their names, but that will mainly be it besides some similar plot lines. So for those of you that enjoyed this story in its current state, good news! It'll be here and the rewrite will basically be an entirely new one for you to experience. That one will be more in line with the idea I had before. When I get to publishing it, you all will see just how hard of a turn the current story took.

The patreon will still be a thing. Once I start actually writing chapters, I'll start using the patreon more and more. It won't be excessive though. Any updates on what's happening will be posted here in SH. Honestly, I prefer tips. Feels more in line with traditional novel purchases.

And now a poll for you all. I'm going to be planning the next thing I write and publishing it when I'm ready (hopefully in a month or two). I want to see what you guys are most interested in as I have a lot of ideas. Just out of curiousity. The general idea and the genre will be shown.

So thank you all again for going along this crazy journey that is my head. Hope to see you again when the next thing comes out. Whatever it is. Hopefully it'll be better.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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