The Immortal Calamity

Chapter 2

My eyes burst open. A sheet fell away from my face as I gripped my head in pain. “This part is always the worst,” I hissed through gritted teeth.

Time passed slowly as lifetimes of memories pounded inside my mind. With a deep breath, the pain began to fade. I took in my surrounding, eyeing the dimly lit room. I was alone.

 'Where is my family? MOM! DAD!'

I slapped the side of my head roughly, shaking away the chaotic mess in my mind. “It has probably been a few hours since I died. At least I did not wake up in a coffin this time.”

Taking a moment, I moved each part of my body carefully. All my limbs are here. No missing fingers or toes. I am still a girl, that is always good. Everything was stiff and unresponsive, but I knew that would fade with time.

I examined a few locks of hair and sighed. “Brown hair again. I wanted something more colorful. Maybe I should dye it.” I shook the hair out of my face. It was not important right now.

 'I want to see my family!'

Overcoming the stiffness in my body I rolled over the edge of the bed. With a thud, I fell unceremoniously to the floor. “Ouch. I hate new bodies. Why is the bed so far from the ground?”

After a bit of trial and error, I managed to pick myself up off the ground. With a shambling movement, I made my way towards the door to my room. I stopped, stunned.

It took me a moment to register what was wrong. The doorknob… it was the same height as my eyes. A few jumbled memories flashed through my mind. “I… one of the Five Calamities feared throughout universe… stuck in the body of a child.” I pulled my hair in frustration.

“I am telling you I heard something.” Said a familiar voice beyond the door. Before I could react, the door flew open. The accursed doorknob smacked me in the face. I crumpled to the floor.

“WHY!?” I shouted, clutching what would undoubtedly become a black eye.

My father froze, I heard a creak as his grip tightened on the door.

“Honey, what is it?”

My mom rounded the corner, her steps faltered. She grabbed onto my dad to prevent herself from falling. Her eyes wide.

 'I want to hug them! I want to hug them! I want to hug them! I want to hug them! I want to hug them!'

Clutching my head, I didn’t have time to respond before my father swooped forward. In one quick motion, he scooped me up, holding me so tightly it hurt. My mom was one step behind, joining the hug.

“Is this a miracle?”

“My little Wren you came back to us.”

“Can’t… breathe...” I protested, despite instinctively wrapping my arms around them. I felt something warm streaming from my eyes. I was crying. Such a strange concept. I can’t remember the last time I cried.

Tears flowed freely as both parents refused to let go. only after what seemed like hours did my parents agree to let me down.

It was only then that my parents noticed something different about me

“Wren, your eyes…”


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