The Immortal Calamity

Chapter 33

“Twenty-five senators will be attending tonight’s banquet. Eight of them oppose Chancellor Otto’s proposal,” my grandmother said while combing my hair.

This would already be the third such event I had been to in less than two days, and another one was planned for later tonight. My feet hurt and trying to be nice to these people was wearing on my nerves.

“Now, of the eight there tonight it is unlikely that any of them are behind this. They oppose the bill for their own reasons. If we befriend them, we may be able to convince them to change their positions. Do not, I repeat, do not stomp on another noble’s foot just because he is being a little too friendly. You probably broke poor Damian’s foot.”

“I thought that party went fairly well,” I replied.

“That is because nobody likes Damian. That does not mean you should do it again. Violence should only be used as an absolute last resort, not because some senator’s son is being annoying. People will start calling you a barbarian child at this rate.”

“Yes grandmother,” I said, knowing better than to argue.

From my seat at the boutique, I could see out the window. My father and mother were training both Charly and Donte in combat tactics. The two boys were covered in dirt and were easily trounced by my parents. Donte especially seemed to be having a hard time. My father did not seem to be pulling any punches when working with him, causing his body to be covered with bruises.

How I wished I could be out there with them instead of stuck going to these stupid events. My place was on the battlefield, not at fancy parties.

I squirmed as my grandmother finished getting the last of the knots out of my hair. There was no escaping this, my only hope was that I could find the perpetrator behind this incident soon and be done with all the political nonsense.

The next hour passed, and we were finally ready to leave. Outside, I could see Donte and Charly lying in the grass, exhausted. My father stood over them, shaking his head.





Another opulent mansion, and another swarm of fake smiles and even faker words. Otto taking me aside so publicly during our first outing made me extremely popular among the crowd. As the most powerful man in the city, a single word from him was worth its weight in gold.

My grandmother easily ingratiated herself with the eight senators that went against the proposal. She smiled constantly and laughed easily. It was completely different from the stern woman she was at home. Unfortunately, her attempt to cozy up with the senators also meant I had to be left alone with the wolves.

“Your green eyes really are quite unique. What kind of innate talent did you awaken?” one woman near me asked.

“I have a self-healing ability.” I lied.

“How envious. I spent my entire life hoping to awaken a talent, but was never able to.”

“What a completely useless ability.” Came the mocking of a familiar voice. I saw the limping figure of Damian approaching the crowd.

I really hated this kid. Despite being only a couple years older than me, he acted like he was king of the world. He was the son of a senator who led one of the city's political factions. Most people seemed to fawn all over him, and I doubt anyone had ever told him no his entire life.

“It looks like you could use this useless ability right about now,” I replied, smirking at his injured foot.

Damian’s face darkened. “I told my father about what you did. He says a little monster like you should not be in polite society.”

“And yet here I stand, invited to yet another of these lovely parties.”

“People are polite to you just because your grandmother has a bit of wealth. Deep down, everyone here knows you are a low-class peasant with cursed eyes.” Damian replied, looking at the crowd nearby. None of them met his gaze.

I never expected much from them anyway. Not many people would be willing to risk their careers and wealth angering the son of one of the city’s most influential men.

“Your grandmother’s time has long since passed.” Damian continued. “Her political power is practically nonexistent without her husband. Soon enough, my father will deal her, and then you will be back on the streets where you belong.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. During my life, I had faced demons and warlords capable of destroying planets. This boy’s threats were less intimidating than an insect to me. Even his father meant nothing.

“Oh, I am so scared. The little boy told on me to his daddy. Whatever will I do?” I replied with a mocking smile, “Can’t you do anything without daddy’s help”

Damian’s face darkened further. His hands clenched into fists. Unfortunately, he did not throw the punch I was hoping for. “You can be sarcastic now, but when my father is done ruining your family, I am going to get payback for my foot.”

I laughed. “You are welcome to try whenever you want, but you should be careful. You said it yourself, I am a little monster. I like that title. Just remember, monsters have teeth.”

“What is going on over here.” Asked my grandmother as she walked over.

“Just debating how to educate the little animal you call a granddaughter,” Damian replied, "You must be a real hag to live alongside a beast like her.”

The smile disappeared from my face. I did not care if he slighted me, but I would not allow anyone to insult my family. With one swift motion, I appeared in front of Damian. He moved to take a step back in surprise, but before he could my foot slammed down on top of his.

The shoes I wore did not have much of a heel, but what was there was solid. Flames ignited inside of my body, flowing to the muscles of my leg. With all my strength I stomped down with my heel, hitting the same foot as last time. I heard a snap as the small bones in his foot broke for real this time.

Damian screamed as he collapsed to the ground. He cradled his foot, staring at me with pure hatred. He cursed loudly, a string of expletives that would make a sailor blush. “You… I will make you pay for this!”

I turned away from him without a care for his so-called vengeance. “Grandmother, any chance Damian's father is among those who oppose Otto’s bill?”

“Yes, though not the most vocal of the opponents. His father's influences may have some sway over the vote.”

I nodded, looking down at Damian with contempt. I had never been one to let my enemies attack first. Tonight, I would be giving his father a visit, and if the house happened to burn down while I was there… well, that would just be an unfortunate accident.

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