The Immortal Calamity

Chapter 46

“Blue? My eyes have always been blue.” I said with a laugh. “Only Aurielle’s eyes are green.”

“Aurielle? Then you are Wren… my Wren!” my mother shouted, grabbing me tightly. She pulled me into a hug. Sobbing tears rolling down her face. “My little baby!”

“I am not a baby.” I protested angrily.

“How did this happen?” My father asked, kneeling down in front of me.

“Aurielle was not feeling well so I made her sleep.”

“Is she… gone forever?” my mother asked.

I shook my head. “She is just sleeping. She will wake up soon.”

My mom looked towards my dad. “What should we do now?”

“I want to go play!” I shouted. “Aurielle never lets us play. She’s always worry, worry, worry. Envy this, Chronicle that. I want to have fun!”

“Um, ok. There are still a couple hours left before sunset. We should enjoy this opportunity while it lasts. Let’s see if we can find something fun.” My dad said, grabbing hold of my hand.

My mom released me from the hug and took my other hand. her grip was so tight it hurt, but I did not complain.

After finding the two horses a new stable away from all the bad things that happened, my parents and I went on an adventure.

Together with the two of them, we explored the places my mom said she enjoyed when she was little. We stopped at a park, where I played tag with other kids my own age. I was surprised to learn I was the fastest. Nobody could keep up with me.

After waving goodbye to my new friends my mom brought me to a place that sold a sweet drink. It tasted really good, but she said I could not have too much. When she was not looking, my dad refilled my drink with his own.

I wanted to try lots of other foods, but the sun started to set. I protested, but mom and dad said there was nothing I could do after dark that did not involve getting into trouble. Giving up, I followed them back to grandma’s house.

“Oh, look at you!” My grandma said excitedly, “You learned how to control your innate talent. I was starting to worry your eyes would always glow. Some people never learn how to turn theirs off.”

“Grandma look! Mom and dad got me this drink. They call it… Odas, I think. It is really good!” I said running up to her.

“Odas this late at night? what are your parents thinking? At this rate, you will never fall asleep.”

“No! I don’t want to go to sleep!” I shouted, “Never ever, ever!”

My grandma chuckled. “Everyone has to sleep eventually, especially growing girls.”

“Not me, I am going to stay up forever!”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my parents looking at each other with bright smiles. They were holding hands, and after a moment, kissed each other lovingly. I made a face of disgust, but it did little to dissuade them.

“I tell you what, we can play a board game. Maybe something that can calm you down,” My grandma said, explaining the rules of a game to me.

I nodded happily. While grandma was getting the game, I ran into the parlor, practically bouncing with every step.

In the parlor, Charly was sitting on one of the large, cushioned chairs. He had a book open on his lap, but he did not seem to be reading it. His eyes were unfocused, gazing at an empty wall.

Before he even registered, I was in the room, I pounced on Charly. I grabbed Charly and pulled him into the tightest hug I could.

“Careful, you are going to damage the book,” Charly said, instinctively protecting the pages from getting wrinkled or torn.

“No boring stories tonight, Charly! We are going to play a game. Grandma calls it la… lutrice?”

“Latrunculi.” My dad corrected as he walked into the room.

“Latransuly? That’s a funny name.” I laughed.

“Latrunculi,” My dad corrected again, “It was a popular game in the army. Also known as the mercenary game, it teaches strategy, planning, and patience.”

“Lat… laracity? Whatever, it does not matter! I said, excitedly pulling on Charly’s arm, forcing him out of the large chair. “Come on come play with me. It is only fun if you play too.”

“What is wrong with you tonight? I don’t… Wren, your eyes!” Charly exclaimed, looking at me properly for the first time.

“Aurielle is asleep! Tonight, there is only me! I want to play. Please play with me.”

“How? I don’t want… fine, but I am not going easy one you.” Charly stuttered while trying to take everything in.

My mom and grandma walked into the room carrying a large wooden board and dozens of stone pieces. The rules were explained again so that everyone knew how to play. It was a boring game of strategy, but with family it became fun. We split into teams and played against each other.

We played and joked late into the night. the butler Jacob brought us drinks and snacks before we dragged him into the game as well. He protested at first, spouting something about a butler’s duty, before relenting under our collective pleas.

The only person that was missing was Donte. Jacob told me he woke up earlier, but the medicine he took put him back to sleep. I was sad I could not play with him as well, but he needed the rest.

Through the night I had to switch teams many times. Finally, at the night's end, it was four versus one. Then the entire family against me.

“How are you so good at this game? You still can’t even pronounce the name!” Charly complained as another piece was taken off the board.

“Yes, I can! It is lacarcity!” I protested.

“Latrunculi.” My dad corrected again.

My face turned red as everyone else laughed. “Whatever! I am still going to wipe the floor with all of you. You better get ready!”







I woke up later than normal that morning. I was groggy and lacking energy. My entire body felt like it was being torn apart at the seams. Every muscle and bone seemed to barely be holding together. My head ached, but it was not bad yet.

I failed to stay up all night, despite my best efforts. It had been a late night, but more fun than I can remember in a long time. Nobody came to wake me, so the sun was high in the sky before I forced myself downstairs.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I walked down the flight of steps. My mom sat at the window, sipping from a hot drink.

“Wren? Your eyes are still blue.” She remarked in surprise.

I nodded. Still tired, I cuddled up beside her. I laid my head on her arm and closed my eyes. her warmth and the familiar smell calmed me more than anything else could.

She ran the fingers of her free hand through my hair. It was so comforting I almost fell back asleep, but I knew I could not. I wanted this moment, this one second. If only it could last forever.

“How long will you be… you?” my mom asked quietly.

“Not long now,” I replied. My voice was barely above a whisper.

“I don’t want you to go,” My mom said, holding my head tightly. I felt teardrops landing on my head.

“I am not leaving.” I replied, curling up tightly against her, “I am always there. Aurielle and I are a jumbled mess, but it is not all bad. She does not command me, and I do not command her. Together we are one. Without her, it is like there is a hole in my chest. It hurts every second, but I wanted this time, this moment. I wanted you to know… I am still here.”

“I know you are sweetheart, and I will never forget it,” My mom replied.

The tears had stopped. I opened my eyes to look up at her. I saw a determined fire burning in her eyes I had never seen before. I could smell ozone as static filled the air.

I held her tightly. Eventually, the power faded, but her determination did not. She sat in silence for what seemed like hours.

Outside the window, I could see my dad training Charly and Donte. Seeing the two of them up and moving around made me smile. What Aurielle and I forced upon Charly was something I should have never done.

Watching the three of them spar I observed Charly closely for a while. His heart did not seem to be in the training, but at least he was not moping and depressed. My dad put him to task every day. I knew from Aurielle’s experience, the routine would help.

After some time, my eyes were naturally drawn to Donte. He was moving more aggressive and impatient than normal, but that was to be expected. His first real fight outside of the slums ended without him accomplishing anything. Against a properly trained soldier, he had been helpless.

Despite his loss, Donte’s training was going well. He had learned much from my dad’s daily training. He was improving by leaps and bounds every day. Now that he was out of the slums and eating properly, he looked much better. He seemed older and much more mature than when I had first met him. he had even started gaining muscle.

Watching him train, I started to blush.

 {Nope, No! Absolutely not!}


Through my reflection in the glass, I could see one of my eyes had turned green while the other remained blue. She was not fully awake yet, but it was only a matter of time now. I closed my eyes, praying my mom had not noticed. It was too soon. I wanted more time!

 {And I wanted to give you more time, but I am not allowing you to get a crush on that little brat.}

 ‘Why not? Just because all your relationships ended badly do not mean mine will.’

 {Because you are both children! If you still like him in ten years then maybe I will consider it.}

 ‘You were younger than me when you had your first crush on Azreal. You pined for him for years even though he was already engaged.’

 {By the realms! Do not remind me of that!}

I stifled a chuckled as both embarrassment and amusement clashed inside my head. This was an opportunity I could not give up. It was the first time since our rebirth that I had her on the back foot.

 ‘You even had that awful fling with the brute calamity. How did you possibly think that would end well?’

 {That’s it! I am merging us back now. Much more of this and we will become bipolar.}

 ‘No! give me a bit more time. Please. I was having so much fun!’

 {Sorry, but the longer we spend apart, the more dangerous it becomes. I am sure you feel it too. Our body is slowly shutting down. Without my power, it cannot sustain itself for long.}

 ‘I know… I just wish I had more time.’


 {Once I have finished remolding our body it should function without our power. Give me a few months first, but maybe I can find out how this happened. I might be able to fall asleep on purpose. That time will be fully yours. I promise.}


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