The Immortal Calamity

Chapter 9

“Stop squirming. I will be done in a moment,” Doctor Fraus said as he pried open my mouth. The stale taste of wood pressed down on my tongue. Staring down my throat with a critical eye, he went through the motions with an efficiency that comes from years of practice.

 'Stop touching me!'

“It has been three days since your recovery. Have you had any trouble breathing? Felt any nausea or had to throw up?” asked Doctor Fraus, after he finished examining my throat. He dug into the bag he brought everywhere with him, pulling out a small box. “I will be leaving after this last checkup so do not hide anything. I want to make sure that you are as healthy as possible first.”

“I am fine,” I replied. “Strong as can be. You don’t have to keep checking.”

“Just a few more tests and I will be on my way.” He opened the small box, and inside were dozens of sticks of incense of varying colors. He picked up a purple stick. With one quick motion, he used a match to light the incense. Smoke rose into the air as the smell of flowers filled the room. “This incense has a calming effect. I usually prescribe it for people who have trouble sleeping. However, people with chest problems like yours are prone to coughing fits when it is used. I want you to breathe deeply. Tell me immediately if you feel even the slightest discomfort and I will put it out.”

Doctor Fraus put two fingers on my arm as he silently took note of my pulse. His fingers were cold and devoid of any calluses, so unlike my parents. I instinctually pulled my arm away, earning a stern frown from the doctor.

I breathed in the smell of flowers. I was reminded of a distant memory. A memory I could not place from long, long ago. I knew this flower. Lost in the memories of a long-forgotten time, I felt my eyes begin to grow heavy.

Kolburn flower! Suddenly remembering where I had smelt the flower in the past. My eyes shot open as I looked at the doctor. His face was still as solemn as ever.

I tried to move, but it was already too late. My arms and legs were unresponsive and heavy. I tried to shout, but all that came out was a whisper.

“Shush now, none of that," said Doctor Fraus, “Go to sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us.”

Anger flared even as the world grew dark. In my last moments of consciousness, I reached out to Sylvie, who was sitting on a branch outside.




I awoke with a rush of adrenaline. I shot up in a rushed attempt to stand, only to immediately fall to the floor. My head hit the wood hard. My vision blurred as stars danced in front of my eyes. I could not move. Rope bound my wrist and ankles. The scratchy material bit into my skin. The taste of an acidic cloth filled my mouth, leaving it dry and cracked.

I took a moment to gather myself. The floor was shaking. I could hear the scraping sound of wheels turning. A carriage, well built, with a very hard floor. The small enclosed space made me feel claustrophobic.

“Finally awake?” asked a familiar voice.

With a painful squirm, I was able to turn myself onto my back. Sitting above me, on a plush cushion, was Doctor Fraus. His normally stoic face now sporting a wide grin.

 'I told you I did not like him.'

I rolled my eyes as I forced myself into a sitting position. With every movement, the ropes dug into my skin, but that wasn't what mattered. Pain, I was used to that. The inability to move however was infuriating.

I glared at Doctor Fraus. I tried to shout a series of obscenities at the man. Unfortunately, my mouth was still gagged with, what I could only assume based on the taste, to be a rag used for cleaning alcohol.

“You were out for almost twelve hours. If you promise to behave, I will remove the gag. I will even give you some water to drink. Dry mouth is a common side effect of using Kolburn flowers.”

I nodded at the man. He reached over, untying the gag and removing the rag from my mouth. He folded the cloth neatly, before placing it to the side.

Ignoring the pain in my mouth, I spoke with a raspy voice. “Once this is over, I am going to kill you.”

Doctor Fraus chuckled. He took a large, slow gulp out of a canteen. “I guess that means you are not going to behave.” He picked up the cloth from before and moved to put it back in my mouth.

I was not about to let that disgusting thing back into my mouth. As his hand got close, I snapped. My teeth dug into his fingers. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

A heavy fist slammed into the side of my head, as the doctor shouted a long list of curses. The fist came down again, hitting me solidly in the side of the head. I felt my vision blur from the impact.

The pain only made me bite down harder. A small flame ignited inside of my mouth where the doctor could not see it. The green flame flowed into the doctor’s open wound, passing through his skin. However, the doctor did not react to it at all.

Another fist was brought down on my head. This time I was finally forced to let go. I fell back down to the floor in time to catch a kick with my gut. His foot stomped down again and again. Still tied, and with nothing left to bite, I curled into a ball and tried to protect my head. Pain tore through my side as I heard a snap from one of my ribs. My vision grew dim, but I forced myself to stay conscious.

Eventually, Doctor Fraus grew tired. The blows came to a stop. he sat back down on his cushion, examining his bloody hand. “Crazy brat. I hope whatever the empress’s cult does to you kids is truly terrible.”


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