The Impregnation Theory

Chapter 19 – Meeting the Parents

“What are you talking ab-”

Before Gray could finish Lyla was onto him. She pushed him down to the ground, her lips smacking on his. Gray barely had time to feel his tongue before her hands wandered onto his penis, and the bath cloth she wore fell down to the wet floor.

“Lyla-” Gray should push her away, but he didn’t want to. The sensation of her nipples on his skin made his penis fling into a long erection.

“Sia is gone,” Lyla pulled back, then looked at his dick. “And you still have the chance to give me a child.”

She grabbed his penis with her soft fingers and looked at the tattoo. “To think a fairy blessed you….by the divine, you are going to be the most powerful man in this entire kingdom.”

Gray barely heard the words, he was more interested in her nude body. Her breasts were huge but still mellow, and her vagina, even though hairy like Andria’s was inviting enough. Even Lyla’s squatting posture made it Gray want to push her back and get inside her. But despite all of that the only thing he could do was to point at her breast and ask a funny question.

“Do those still have breastmilk?”

Lyla was silent for a while, and she looked at him with her big eyes, trying to comprehend what he said, but then she gave a light smile. “I don’t think-”

Gray grabbed her breast and put his mouth in it. The feeling on the nipple wasn’t much different but the thought of sucking Lyla’s made him only more hornier. He felt a little precum at the tip of his member, and she brushed it on Lyla’s skin.

She was right. There wasn’t any breastmilk, and Sia was eighteen, it’s been a long time since Lyla last breastfed her, but the woman was still in her thirties. Quite ready for childbearing.

There’s no coming back, Gray knew that. The moment Lyla touched his nipple and said she wanted a child any relationship they had so far was shattered. And Lyla was the perfect way to take revenge on Sia.

Oh Sia, Gray pulled back his mouth and kissed Lyla back. You’re going to have a little sibling when you come home.


The funeral happened in the evening, so Gray nor Lyla had the time for a lengthy sex session. But Gray said they’ll do it at night.

The burial was a silent one, with the head priest muttering about how Julius lived a long and happy life and how everyone around him loved him. At the last sentence, Andria gave a fake sob, but it only seemed to convince her parents. After the burial, everyone cleared off the cemetery as if nothing happened. In fact, some seemed even happy that it was over.

Gray wanted to get into the same carriage as Lyla, but Andria gripped his arm. “I need you.”

“Can’t have sex in the carriage,” Gray said.

“Not that,” she frowned. ”I want you to talk with my parents.”


But before he could argue he was dragged into a carriage with golden trims and mahogany wood. Even the carriage driver looked like a fucking noble, and it was no surprise the man and the woman inside looked regal.

Andria’s father was Fahel Edhall, a merchant who had arrived in Adula just before the mists started to grow around the kingdom and quickly rose in ranks until he owned his personal bank for the nobility. He looked no better than Julius, and during the whole ride, Gray wondered if Andria’s mother had fucked another man to get such a pretty daughter.

Her mother, Selina Edhall, had shades of her beauty even though she was close to her sixties. She was a huge talker, and Fahel was the complete opposite.

“Are you sure about it?” she asked, as soon as the carriage started moving. “What you said about Julius’s last will?”

She gave a despicable glance at Gray.

“What will?” Gray asked.

Andria cleared her throat. “Lord Julius was a very kind man Gray, in his death, he had left a quarter of his wealth to you.”

“Oh!” Gray tried his best to look surprised, even though he and Andria had discussed it last night. Andria had edited Julius’s will, with Gray’s tattoo working charms on her, by giving half of the wealth Julius handed over to her in case of death, back to Gray. And when Gray covers his debts his bloody father owes every family in town, he’ll still have enough money to build his own life.

A life full of impregnating women, Gray smiled but quickly hid it.

“Lord Julius is so kind,” Gray sobbed. “He always treated me like his own son. And even though he punished me I know he did it for my own good.”

Selina snorted. “At least you realized that, bastard!”

Fuck you dumb old bitch…

“I know,” Gray gave another sob. “And that is why I want to be with Lady Andria and help her through these troubling times. She loved her husband so much, and I want to help her back. I’ll stay with her, not as a servant but as someone-”

“No, you won’t!” Selina snapped. “Andria, you’ll find another man. We already gathered a set of suitors. You’ll sell Julius’s property to me and your father and then get ready for new wedding bells. You are still young and can still bear a child whenever this goddamn curse is lifted.”


“It’s just spreading your legs,” Selina continued. “He might be rough on the first night, but you’ll get used to it.”


“I don’t want a no.”

“I am pregnant.”

Fahel, who was silent the whole time, made funny chortling noises. Selina dropped the paper fan in her hand and stared at her daughter like she saw a ghost. “Y-you…what?”

“I am pregnant,” Andria repeated, gazing into her mother’s eyes.

“The gods blessed us!” Fahel raised his hands. “Oh, the mighty divine! I can see grandchildren. They’ll finally be a future for my businesses!”

Selina wrinkled her nose. “At least Julius did something before dying.”

“This is not his child mother.”

Gray paled. That wasn’t a part of their discussion. He stared at Andria, trying to take back control of her with the tattoo, but what was said was said.

Selina’s eyes were glittering dangerously. “Then who is the father?”

Andria only eyed Gray, and Selina’s face went ablaze. “HOW DARE-”

“WHO CARES?” Fahel snapped, louder than his wife. “I don’t care even if she was impregnated by Julius’s guard dog as long as she gets a child. Our family has a future! I have an heir to give my businesses, you have an heir to hand over your farms, and we will thrive! And our daughter has a child,” he shook his wife like a maniac. “Do you know what that means? She’s the most important woman in this entire kingdom. There are rumors even the queen has decided to invite men to her bed to get pregnant, so I don’t fucking care who it is as long as the Edhall family has a future. You got it?”

Selina’s eyes went timid. And there was a reason. Fahel’s eyes looked like a hungry lion. Gray had no doubt how the man grew up his business so fast.

“I’m sorry my lord.” Selina became silent, but still looked at Gray like she saw a cockroach.

“Now, you,” Fahel pointed at Gray. “You will keep silent about this. We don’t want a scandal. If you want money you can have it, but spill this out and you’ll be dead in an alley.”

“By the divine,” Gray raised a hand. “I want to stay out of trouble as much as you, my lord.”

“Good, stay at her house. If you are her secret love dog then do whatever you want, but in nine months I want a healthy baby. And then,” his eyes glinted. He paused for a while as if thinking about all the nicer things that were going to happen to a family. He held the same expression while the carriage lurched to a halt near the house. “Alright, we’re off Andria. We are already busy with work since this is harvest season.”

Selina bent to get out of the carriage and Fahel slapped her ass. “Quick, get out woman! I need to tell this to the entire kingdom. Oh, how the other nobles will look at me!”

Selina looked as if she wanted to say something but Fahel nearly shoved her out. When he was out at the carriage door, he turned back to Andria. “For the first time in your life, you’ve made me proud Andria. Pray to the gods that it’s a boy, but who cares even if it’s a girl? I’ll teach her better than you.”

He got out of the carriage and then pecked his head inside again. “Remember, Julius is the father, and I think you’ll be smart enough to handle the newspapers.”

Then he was gone.

Andria huffed. “Went much better than I thought.”

It was way better. Now Gray had nothing to hide, and his financial position was secured.

“Ah Andria,” Gray stretched on the seat and kept a hand on her lap. “For the first time in my life, you’ve made me proud.”

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