The Impregnation Theory

Chapter 29 – The Duke’s Daughter

Jenna was nice, which was not a word Gray would use with most nobles.

But Jenna wasn’t just a noble. She was a royal. Duke Herriton was the most powerful man in the entire kingdom, and Gray didn’t want to mess up with his daughter. Even though that daughter looked absolutely fuckable.

She had long legs, and when she was in the carriage she crossed them, giving him a nice view of her golden sandals. She didn’t show much of a cleavage, but the contours of her body already told Gray enough.

I can’t fall in love with a woman, Gray reminded himself. It usually happens the other way around.

She took him to a private bar. Rented just for the two of them. But Gray wasn’t surprised when he caught guards patrolling the area.

“I hope this conversation doesn’t end with me behind bars,” Gray said casually. He didn’t want to show his fear. Being too vulnerable would give her an advantage.

“Ignore them,” Jenna looked annoyed. “My stupid father thinks I’m some princess that needs to be guarded.”

“Can’t blame him. You are the duke’s daughter.”

Jenna motioned him to a seat and sat opposite him. “Wine?”

“I just want to talk,” Gray said flatly. “Just like you.”

“Oh,” her smile was seductive. “Let’s get straight to the point then. Most women you fuck are a cunning bunch. They might look happy because they got what they want, but when they lose their property and get the divorce certificate from their husbands, that’s when they search for alternatives.”

“And that alternative happens to be me?”

“You impregnated them. You are bound to protect them. That child belongs to you as well. You are the father.”

With each of her sentences, Gray felt like someone was stabbing him in the back. He didn’t understand the feeling so well since he was the one who stabbed Julius in the back.

“Alright, let’s put things simply,” Gray leaned on his chair. “I had sex with girls, they got pregnant, and when their husbands find out they are going to divorce them and come back to me?”

“And ask for support.”

“Even if that happens, why the fuck do you care? There are two reasons women come to me. One to gossip and find out about how I went from a servant boy to a noble, and two, to get fucked hard in the bed and get pregnant. Which one of those two are you?”

“A new third category who wants to just help you,” she gave her usual sweet smile. “And as for the reason, it’s going to be my business from now on. See, you impregnate women, I care about child support and everything required by the law. I am the highest-ranking student in the College of Law, so I know how to make those women bite back their words. So you get to do what you like without worrying about the legal side of things.”

“In return for what?”

“PROFIT!” her eyes gleamed. “I have a completely new business model planned. Something that can turn every noble to my side. And you are the perfect key.”

Gray stared at her for a while. He had seen cunning. This wasn’t cunning. This was plain greed. But what would the daughter of one of the richest men in the kingdom need money for?

“Put yourself in my shoes for a moment,” Gray said, leaning close to her. “You are just a man who takes women to his house and gives them what they want and makes them so happy just for a…small price. Then suddenly this rich noble girl who had been spying on you for so long comes and tells you she wants you to be her business partner. How would you react?”

“Hmm…” Jenna cocked her head. “I’d say I’ll think about it.”

“Well that’s you. I say we seal the deal with something else,” Gray took his hand to her leg and brushed her skirt. Then he trailed his fingers up to her crotch. If he could get her to bed then he could place a tattoo over her. Impregnating the duke’s daughter and having her under his control will give birth to all sorts of benefits. “Are you a virgin?”

“Yes, I am. Probably one of the few in my age.”

“Oh I know someone else,” Memories of Sia flooded into Gray, but he erased them quickly. “But why don’t we finish this stuff by going to bed and showing you the reason why all women walk out of my house with a smile on their faces?”

He touched her crotch and slowly fed the magic. Her legs shuddered, but her expression didn’t change. She met his eyes and smiled. Nothing horny, no kisses, no groping, no invitations to take her to bed…

Am I losing my touch?

“You won’t be taking me to bed,” Jenna winked. “See, my father has spies. And they do a good job working for me. Somehow every woman with a bulging belly in this town is very loyal to you. Not even a hint of betrayal, or at least one tiny gossip. It’s almost like you have some magic placed over them.”

Gray started sweating for the third time in the day. But he brushed it off quickly and kept talking.

“You are the most delusional woman I’ve met.”

She brought her face close to him, almost close enough for a kiss. “I will be the last if you don’t take your hand off me. In another moment my father’s butler will walk to the room, and if he sees your hand on me then you’d be lucky to survive without hands.”

As if on cue Gray heard footsteps behind them. He quickly withdrew his hand, still looking grim.

“Lady Jenna,” a muscular man with a rough voice appeared behind them. He was dressed in a black overcoat and had the royal emblem pinned on it. “Your father requests you at the mansion. We’re to leave immediately.”

He looked at Gray, almost like looking at a cockroach. “Is this your business associate?”

“Oh yes, he is Borin,” Jenna beamed. “And we were done. So Gray,” she opened her purse and gave him a thin piece of paper. “You know where to find me. Just give me the confirmation and we’ll get to work right away.”

Borin cast a dark glance at Gray, then turned and walked away.

Jenna followed him but turned at the door. When the butler was out of hearing range she spoke to him softly. “You must be very surprised. Not many women turn you down.”

Gray gritted his teeth. Don’t let the bitch win. Say something…

But before he could Jenna gripped the edges of her skirt and pulled it up. “I can see why women like you.” As she lifted her yellow dress up till the top of her legs Gray caught a pink undercloth, but with a dark patch near her crotch. “You are the first man to make me wet. But that’s all you are going to do.”

She kept her usual smile, turned, and walked out, leaving Gray alone in the room.

When she was gone, he finally relaxed on the seat and rubbed his eyes.

God, I think I’m in love with that woman.

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