The Impregnation Theory

Chapter 7 – Child Making

Sex was fucking great. Gray thought he would initially hate himself during the second round, but this time he rode the waves of pleasure that conquered him each time he entered Andria. But he controlled himself. He didn’t want to get her pregnant, and luckily he didn’t feel it.

He came more than last night, with Andria sticking out her tongue as usual while Gray pumped load after load inside her. But this time instead of staring at her lewd face Gray closed his face to hers and kissed her in the lips.

He thought another slap was close by, but her tongue moved vigorously inside him, and when he finally pulled out and fell down to the bed beside her, they were both panting.

“Julius is coming home this evening,” Andria said. She had lost the pitch she had during her moans, but it wasn’t her usual serious tone. She almost sounded sad about Julius coming home. “And we have two more rounds.”

Gray made himself comfortable on the pillow and moved his hands to her nipples. It felt so soft when he pinched it between his fingers. Almost like cotton. He kept on playing with it while he talked. “We’ll have one round after lunch, probably before he comes back. Then we can have another one tomorrow when he goes to the bank in the morning.”

For once, Gray was glad he knew about his master’s schedule.

“No, this evening will be too late,” Andria turned to the clock. “You and your foreplay take time.”

“And you loved it,” Gray kissed her cheek.

Andria blushed. “We can meet tonight. Julius goes to sleep when the clock strikes ten. I stay awake an extra hour or two every day to read a book. He never suspects a thing. Then I’ll visit your room.”

“I don’t have a room. I just sleep with Lyla and Sia in the room beside the cellar. Our beds are close together they’ll hear you coming the moment you open the door.”

“I’ll be in the guest bedroom then,” Andria bit his lip. “Come there…”

Did sex make her meek?

She didn’t have the same ferocity as the woman who explained her family history an hour ago.

“Sure thing,” Gray grinned. “Can I get a kiss before I go back?”

He had asked that to test her limits. To see to what extent she had fallen for him. He expected a sarcastic comeback or some meek insult, but after a moment of hesitation, Andria brought her face close to him and kissed him.

“Poor Lady Andria,” Gray smirked when he pulled back. “You always had sex but you’ve never enjoyed it, have you? I pity Lord Julius with the bottom of my heart.”

“I just want a child,” Andria muttered, but at that point, it looked as if she was desperately trying to convince herself.




Gray didn’t ask for the day off from Andria, because he had already gotten enough scrutiny from both the mother and daughter. And he tried his best to stay away from them. So he decided to clean the garden while the two of them were washing the clothes and sneaked up to the library just before lunch.

He had a little plan going in his head. A plan that was way too idealistic that even Sia would call it dumb, but now he had a powerful weapon with him. A weapon he could use to blackmail the lewd noble lady and bend her to his will.

He looked through Julius’s books until he came to the section with fairies. There were some large books in the row below, filled with heavy words and jargons Gray barely understood, but the little books in the top row made some sense. Lyla had taught him basic reading when he was a child, and for that, she had his eternal gratitude.

“Let’s see,” the book was called ‘The World Mirror’. It was one of Gray’s favorite books to read. It had details about everything from fairies to witches to demons and ghouls. A lot of women in the book were drawn naked, which made the reading more pleasurable.

Gray flipped the pages until he reached the section about fairies. The book explained the origins of fairies. It was too much for Gray to understand, but he kept turning pages until the author started explaining fairies one by one. There was the Age Fairy, the Fairy of Creation…and then on the next page…

“The Fairy of Procreation,” Gray stopped, then read closely. There were several pictures of her beside it. The drawings didn’t look like the fairy he’d seen at all, but they had captured some features like the short hair and those same big round eyes. And this time she was naked in all of the pictures. One had a naked man and woman wrapped in bed, with the little naked fairy sprinkling dust on them.

Kitra, the fairy of procreation, blesses wedded couples with children, the paragraph beside it read. These blessed souls would one day become great rulers, inventors, and conquerors.

Gray kept searching. He was expecting some information about the heralds of the fairies, and he was damn sure he had read it somewhere in the book a few years ago.

There was a little line about heralds at the end of the second page.

Heralds, the messengers of fairies, hide within the shadows of society and carry out their command. Ael’tos, the herald of Kitra has disguised himself as a mere mortal countless times to help families who are in need of a child…

“It basically means he fucked the wives while the husbands watched.” Gray giggled.

“What are you laughing at?”

Gray closed the book swiftly and turned to see Sia a few feet away from him.

“Ah! Sia!” Gray gave a nervous chuckle and slid the book away from him. “Nothing…I was cleaning the library and found this really funny line in a book.”

She folded her hands, a posture that gave her the look of an angry headmistress. But Gray loved that for some reason. “Really? Tell me what’s funny.”

“Uh…” Gray thought fast. “I-it was about having children…uh…it said about this funny ritual for having children…haha,” his chuckle sounded more like someone was gagging him. “It was probably written by someone who wasn’t blessed by the gods with a child.”

“You don’t get blessed to have children Gray,” she said. “You have a child when two people are in love…and they…do stuff.”

“Wait,” Gray found it funny how he looked like the naive one. “You know how a child is made?”

There was a faint redness in her cheeks. “You aren’t the only one reading books while cleaning the library. But I don’t want to tell it to you! You’ll probably think it’s something dirty.”

Gray wondered if all this time Sia knew about what was going on in Julius and Andria’s bedroom. But more than that, Sia’s words made the pleasurable feeling in the morning fade away.

“It’s something pure, and something two people do when they are in love with each other,” Sia said, seeing Gray’s silence.

I’m not in love with Andria, Gray was definitely sure of that. Even when he squeezed her nipples and asked for a kiss that wasn’t love. If that was love it was only felt by his dick.

“Right,” Gray stood up. “I’m done cleaning the library. I’ll go see your mother to see if she has any chores for me.”

He stood up and left faster than he arrived. A smart Sia was definitely more dangerous than a naive one.




Sia watched him leave. She had wanted to ask why he was acting so out of place.

I shouldn’t have given him a lecture about child making, Sia thought. And she was afraid he would laugh. Gray probably didn’t have an idea about sex. Even if he did, he’d probably think of it as something funny, not something people do because they are in love.

I wonder what he was checking, she turned to look at the book he had craftily slid away. When she bent down to pick it up, she found the tip of the last page he was reading was bent a little.

She opened the book, then started reading from top.

If you are tired of waiting daily for new chapters then you can take a look at my other novel Symbiosis. It has 70 chapters published so you can binge read :)


Alex is a normal guy who is a little bit rich, a little bit depressed, a little paranoid, and a lot more horny. An incident at the ATM drags him into a killing game called UNET with his former high school crush Tara who is a regular girl who is a little bit broke, a little bit suicidal, a little obsessive, and a lot more deadly. He strikes a deal, and a deal isn't without its advantages ;)

What to expect:

- Death Games
- Deals
- Sex
- Strategy

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