The infinite base of the heavens

Chapter 162 Snowballing

Chapter 162 Snowballing

There are 216 Hunter α, 339 Lickers, and 571 Cerberus! !It was only then that Chunyuyan discovered that he had owned more than 1000 BOWs!You know it's only been a week!

But thinking about it, he basically spent all day in the mining area during this period of time, constantly using the collection function to collect Tiberium crystals.

The three production lines in two subsidiary manufacturing stations and a manufacturing center are basically being built non-stop. In addition to building worker ant drone factories to increase their own resource collection speed, they are constantly building these three BOW production lines.

These production lines are basically built at the Black Wolf Base, because this kind of building is only an enlarged building, so it can be placed here. The Black Wolf Base will also be the military base of the Ruin Legion in the future.

The more advanced and cutting-edge buildings can be placed in the Nuwa base, and some buildings related to people's livelihood should be built in the three villages of Xingfu Village, Muhe Village and Baitie Village.

The result of the crazy expansion of the number of BOWs is that the number of mutant leeches is not enough.Chunyuyan simply produced ordinary BOWs. Anyway, these BOWs can be recycled into resources after being killed. In this process, his loss is not large, only about 50%.

Now he has a total of 15 hunter factories, 20 licker production lines, and 20 hellhound production lines. With continuous production day and night, he actually owns such a thousands of dogs in a week. BOW army!

The worker ant drone factory, which has been increased to 25, guarantees this huge resource demand. Thousands of worker ant drones climb in and out of the ruins of the ruined city, and the ruins of the collapsed buildings, the car's Wreckage and even the remains of victims decades ago are all removed and decomposed into resources.

Among them, there are as many as 15 worker ant drone factories in the mining area!
The T-72 tank, Chunyuyan, has not been manufactured at all, anyway, it is just a display.Now the three T-72s he built before are being thrown away at the Black Wolf base, allowing those soldiers who have studied with the black tank soldiers for a day, but still have a little knowledge of how to actually learn how to operate them.

Among other things, at least a week later, some of those soldiers were able to drive the tanks away.Chunyuyan asked Wang Jie to select a few fast learners to learn how to drive a tank.

Chunyuyan now wants to drive Junkrat Gang out of the ruined city as quickly as possible, so that he can continue to develop in a relatively peaceful environment.By the way, you can also draw a reward below level 3, isn't it the best of both worlds?

Compared with half a month ago, Chunyuyan's current development can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, it is completely like a snowballing development!After owning three production lines, he can build three buildings at the same time, and the built buildings are constantly being produced!In this way, his production capacity is also snowballing!
But now that the number of BOW has increased to more than 1000, Chunyuyan temporarily stopped the increase of BOW production lines, and instead built various laboratories scanned from the world of "Resident Evil" in the Nuwa base.

Now the number of worker ants drones is increasing, and the buried part of the Nuwa base has also been cleaned up. After confirming with Wang Jinsong that the cleaned up places are really useless, Chun Yuyan built a biochemical laboratory. Here it is.

In this way, one day passed, and Chunyuyan was holding a Chinese dictionary bought from the world of "Resident Evil" to teach one by one to recognize characters.He found that Yiyi's learning speed was very fast, basically to the point where she had a photographic memory. She could quickly learn to read and write a word, and after a few minutes, she could even comprehend the meaning.

At this time, the projection of Red Queen 00001 appeared behind him, "Junkrat Gang has been blocked in the last stronghold, they built a temporary defense line, BOW launched a tentative attack, there are some losses, master."

Chunyuyan stood up and said, "Since that's the case, then I'll go there myself and give them the last blow."

Hearing that he was leaving, Yiyi who was beside him also jumped up and said, "Dad, Dad, I...go!" After studying for this period of time, she can already carry on basic conversations.

Now Yiyi is wearing the long dress that Chunyuyan brought her in the world of "Resident Evil". To be precise, Murphys-D-Duval helped him choose it.This guy was the director of the Atlantic Research Institute of Umbrella Corporation before, and he was also a top student with a Ph.D. and multiple master's degrees, but his thoughts were basically on some inexplicable things in Chun Yuyan's opinion.

Plastic surgery, beauty, cleansing the world... And it's the kind of paranoia that if you don't make him beautiful, he will slap the T-virus on your face in minutes.

Looking at Yiyi who was eager to try, Chunyuyan asked with a smile, "Why do you want to go?"

"I... like... war..." Yiyi said while gesticulating. Her Chinese is not proficient enough, and she obviously used the wrong vocabulary to confuse battle with war, but there is no sense of disobedience in saying this. look.

"Then go, remember to put on your combat uniform." Chunyuyan nodded.

Yiyi let out a cry of joy, grabbed the electromagnetic bulletproof combat uniform that Chunyuyan had made for her before, and she was about to take off her clothes and start changing in front of Chunyuyan.

Chunyuyan hurriedly stopped her and told her to go to her room to change.

Then, he gave Wang Jie, who was at the Black Wolf Base, an order via radio, asking him to gather the soldiers at the Black Wolf Base and go to a decisive battle with the Junkrat Gang!

"I'm getting bored after staying here for a long time, let me go too!" Wang Jinsong came out and said.

"The Junkrat Gang is also a Forsaken, and it's also from Tielong's side, are you okay?" Chunyuyan asked.

Wang Jinsong asked back, "You are also a human being, and you are also a human being on Earth. Have you never killed anyone?"

"Let's go." Chunyuyan said with a smile.


The road has not been completely cleared yet, and it is still nearly an hour's drive from Nuwa base to Heilang base. Wang Jinsong drove, Chunyuyan and Yiyi sat in the back seat.

Along the way, Chunyuyan checked the menu of the infinite base with his eyes closed, thinking about the next construction plan.And Yiyi stood up from the back seat very excitedly, letting the gust of wind blow her cheeks, her shoulder-length hair fluttering behind her.

Arriving at the Heilang base, Wang Jie had gathered 40 soldiers here. Although they were still loose, at least their mental outlook was much better than before. It was worthwhile for Chunyuyan to give them a meal of meat every day.

Looseness is a matter of training, and the quality of the mental outlook is the basis of everything.In this regard, Chunyuyan was quite pleased.

He looked at these soldiers and said loudly: "Now the Junkrat Gang has been cornered by us!! Next, it's time to give them the final blow!! Starting today, the Junkrat Gang will become history!!"

All the soldiers cheered excitedly!Although they didn't see the battle situation, they can understand from the buildings that have been rising from the ground this week, and the various BOWs that have been coming out of these buildings, that there is now a huge biochemical army attacking the Junkrat Gang. !
And now, it's the last moment! !All of this was brought to them by their new boss - Chun Yuyan!
"Kill it!! Destroy the Junkrat Gang!!!" Everyone shouted loudly.

 Thanks to Lao Nie next door for the reward of 1000 starting coins! !Thank you TXfans for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

  The fifth watch is reached and ends today.There will be another day tomorrow, the fifth update is guaranteed, and we will strive for the sixth update. I hope everyone will support, subscribe and vote more.Thank you everyone! !
(End of this chapter)

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