The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 8: Motivation – Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 8: Motivation - Chapter 4

2 weeks later*

As Daisuke sensed Black Star's fist swinging toward him, he swiftly redirected it away. At the same time, he caught a glimpse of Kid's side kick coming his way. He ducked under the kick with a quick reflex, feeling the air swooshing above his head.

While Daisuke remained focused on Black Star and Kid, he caught a glimpse of Blair at the edge of his vision. She was twirling around Maka and Soul. Soul had transformed into a scythe, and Maka wielded him with skill, yet that wasn't enough to cause any harm to Blair.

Blair's movements were light and effortless as she danced around them, her playful grin and occasional giggle adding to the scene. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Blair wielded Liz and Patty, firing shots at Maka with precision. Despite the playful nature of the encounter, there was an underlying tension in the air as the battle unfolded.

Daisuke smoothly spun Tsubaki around into a reverse grip, her ninja sword form. With a swift strike, he slashed against Black Star's chest, leaving another bloody mark on top of the previous wounds.

"Black Star!" Kid shouted, filled with haste. He dashed forward, aiming a top spin kick towards Daisuke. At the same time, he reached out, grabbing the back of Black Star's collar to pull him away from danger swiftly.

However, Kid's underestimation of Daisuke proved costly once again. Daisuke swiftly intervened, smashing into Kid and Black Star with force, driving them downwards towards the ground. He anchored himself firmly, using his other leg for support, ensuring the impact was solid. With a swift kick to Kid's stomach, he pushed him into Black Star, intensifying the collision.

Daisuke glanced down to find his two sprawled on the ground, unconscious from the fight. His attention shifted to Blair, still toying with her opponents. But the distant clash between Esdeath and Stein truly caught his eye. In the distance, he could see the two locked in a fierce struggle, with Stein wielding Maka's father, Spirit, in his scythe form but more mainly for a defensive manner than using it as a weapon for killing.

"Tsubaki, go help Blair."

With a swift motion, he flung her towards Blair while she was still in her ninja sword form. Meanwhile, he dashed towards Esdeath.

The World materializes behind Daisuke, causing time to come to a standstill, locking everything in place. However, Esdeath, still woven into his clothing down to the tiniest thread, maintains her connection, allowing her to defy the time freeze and move freely in the suspended world.

Esdeath sized the opportunity to decapitate Stein swiftly. She then proceeded to freeze his scythe, shattering it into pieces, bringing an end to Spirit's life.

However, that wasn't the end. Esdeath didn't even spare a glance at Daisuke. Instead, she charged straight at Maka and Soul, killing them with a spear hand thrust into Maka's heart, then shattering Soul as she did with Spirit. Afterward, her right hand morphed into a giant mouth to devour Black Star and Kid in one massive chomp.

As time resumed its flow, The World vanished, leaving Daisuke with a lingering gaze. It seemed to suggest that summoning it was not merely for halting time, but for engaging in a battle. The air crackled with anticipation as if challenging him to call upon its power for a purpose beyond mere stillness. Daisuke felt the weight of the unspoken challenge, understanding that The World was ready to be wielded in combat, not just as a temporal pause button.

"So, Esdeath. Why did you decide to kill them now when you could have tortured them?" Daisuke asks Esdeath as the Thomspon sisters and Tsubaki revert to their human form.

"Because I got bored of torturing the same person." Esdeath's response came with a calm tone. "I did enough to the guy with a screw attached to the side of his head, and he wasn't that durable. I easily chopped off one of his arms, and he became much weaker. Furthermore, it seems I'm somewhat full for the time being, odd as that sounds. So I'm going to sleep now; I don't know when I will wake up on my own unless you call me." Then, she disappeared and merged back into Daisuke's clothing.

Daisuke just stood there blankly, speechless.

Had she completely forgotten who Kid was? He wasn't your average guy. He was literally created from a piece of Death himself. And she just went ahead and ate him, along with Black Star. It was like she didn't even realize what she had just done.

"What now?" Blair asks Daisuke as she watches Esdeath going to 'sleep.'

"Now, we go back to your place to relax, and maybe on the way, one of us has an idea of what to do next."

With a subtle glow, any sign of Stein, Spirit, Maka, and Soul exploded and vanished from the surroundings as if they were never there. Thanks to using Killer Queen, Daisuke ensures no traces remain.

"Hey, Daisuke." Liz starts, her voice filled with hope and excitement. "Do you think we could go shopping? I just spotted some amazing styles in the latest fashion magazine, and I'm dying to see if they've hit the stores yet."

"Sure, Liz." Daisuke replied. We can go check the clothing stores." Then he looked at the others. "Do any of you wish to go shopping for anything while we're at it?"

"I want to buy a new plushie!" Patty exclaimed, her face lighting up with a bright smile as she hopped a little to express her excitement.

"Oh! I want to buy some fish and restock on my usual soaps for bubble baths." Blair grinned at Daisuke, her eyes sparkling in mischief. Then, she let out a playful giggle. "And I know you love my bubble baths, Daisuke." She added with a wink, teasing him lightly.

"Um. I'm fine with anything, honestly. Thanks for asking, Daisuke." Tsubaki smiles, trying not to mention the fight that occurred just a few minutes ago.

"Well, girls, let's head to the local mall then." Daisuke says, leading the group to the nearest shopping center.

The next day*

"Alright, girls. I have something to announce." Daisuke said to everyone in the cozy living room. Blair was sprawled in a bean bag chair, resembling a contented cat. Liz sat on the couch, meticulously painting her nails with a vibrant polish. Patty knelt on the floor, skillfully stacking building blocks into a towering structure that reached five feet in height. Meanwhile, Tsubaki sat at the kitchen table, engrossed in a book about Japanese food cuisine recipes. "I've decided there's no point in staying in this world any longer. It's time for us to venture into another. I have my fill of fun here and obtained what I felt I needed in this world."

"Wait, seriously? You mean you and Esdeath are from another world?" Liz paused her nail painting, her eyes widening in disbelief as she stared at Daisuke.

"Of course." Daisuke nods.

"Oh! Is there a world where everyone is just a stick figure?!" Patty's eyes lit up excitedly as she turned to Daisuke, eagerly awaiting his response.

"Should be possible. There are countless worlds out there I've never visited before. So, a world with stick figures wouldn't be impossible." Daisuke replied thoughtfully, considering the endless possibilities beyond their current reality.

"Let's go!" Patty exclaimed, leaping into the air excitedly, causing her block tower to tumble over. But she didn't mind; her excitement overshadowed any concern for the fallen blocks.

"The other worlds won't be too dangerous compared to the one we're in now, would they? I'd rather not have everyone in danger." Tsubaki asked with concern, her eyes scanning the room before returning to Daisuke with a worried expression.

"Relax, Tsubaki. With Daisuke here, as long as he isn't caught off guard, he'll protect us easily." Blair reassured, stretching her back like a cat before gracefully jumping, executing a front flip, and landing on her feet with ease.

Daisuke nods, agreeing with Blair, knowing it's nearly impossible to sneak attack him. Not with all his Stands ready to appear the instant something could potentially harm him.

"Wait, let me go pack my clothes and makeup kit!" Liz rushed to her bedroom, which she shared with Patty. Patty quickly followed her older sister to help with packing.

"What should I pack, Daisuke?" Tsubaki asked, glancing at the Thompson sisters as they hurried to their bedroom. Then, she turned her attention to Daisuke, awaiting his suggestion.

"Technically, you don't need to pack anything. I can help you get your other stuff and new ones easily. But if there's something special to you that can't be replaced at all, you should bring it with you," Daisuke advised Tsubaki. She nodded thoughtfully and went to collect her most cherished items. He didn't need to say anything to Blair; she had already dashed off to gather her belongings. However, he noticed she was heading towards her bathroom instead of her bedroom.

Sure enough, he could see Blair rushing back with her arms full of bottles of shampoo, bubble bath soaps, and her cherished rubber ducky.

Daisuke didn't bother explaining how he could recreate the girls' belongings through Omnifabrication and Fifth Magic. Doing so might make them see everything else as pointless, much like he does, no matter how hard he tries to see things from a different perspective. Therefore, keeping this information from them would somewhat prevent them from viewing everything as dull and pointless.

Of course, that wouldn't stop him from spoiling them when he could surprise them with unobtainable stuff that even money couldn't buy or that others couldn't easily make.

Now, he just has to wait for the girls to finish packing and hope it doesn't take too long.

A few hours later*

Daisuke should have helped instead of watching TV shows while waiting for them. Nonetheless, it's time for them to leave this world for another.

"Beat that, Artoria; I have companions that I won't outright murder just because I can with how annoying they could be sometimes," Daisuke muttered to himself, grinning that he had proved Artoria wrong. Although, he is still willing to call her and the others for sex whenever he can.

"Did you say something, Daisuke?" Blair blinks at him, tilting her head.

"Nope. Is everyone ready?" Daisuke asks the girls as he finishes storing their packed stuff in the Gate of Babylon.

He should really check if it's possible to summon the female version of Gilgamesh, at least the same version he killed to obtain her Gate of Babylon and see her reaction to what he had put into the Gate of Babylon so far since he stole it.

"Ready as ever, Daisuke!" Blair playfully saluted Daisuke, her eyes gleaming with mischief and a hint of insanity that could send chills down many people's spines.

"Yeah, we're ready." Liz said with a slightly fearful tone, slipping both hands into her front pockets. Her gaze darted around, betraying her nerves, but she put on a brave face for Patty, trying to reassure her little sister.

"Ready! Hehehe!" Patty's giggles bubbled up with excitement; she eagerly awaited the adventure of exploring the new world.

"Shouldn't we transform into our demon weapon forms just to be prepared for whatever enemies we might encounter in the new world?" Tsubaki nervously suggests, glancing at the group with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Yup, everyone is ready. But, he might have to calm down Tsubaki before he have D4C send them to the new world.

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