The Journey That Changed A World.

1. So The Journey Begins. Final Edit.

London, United Kingdom.

A 17-year-old boy walked down the sidewalk to the local restaurant.

His name is Archer, but people call him Arch for short.

It was a cold Friday night but he was happy to be out, after all his childhood friend Alexa agreed to come out with him.

He was so excited to go on a date with her that he forgot he had training today that he missed.

His instructor taught them how to use the Roman gladius to build strength and get used to the weapon for demonstrations.

It was a busy Friday night, people were headed to a party somewhere.

Groups of people walking along screaming and shouting loudly.

He ignored all this and walked to his destination, when he heard his phone ring.

As soon as he pulled it out of his pocket, he answered.


''Arch where are you? I'm already here.''

''On my way Alexa, I couldn't get a bus or cab so I had to walk.''

''Oh okay then, no rush I'm here anyway, see you soon.''

She hung up the phone, he slipped it back into his pocket and continued walking.


A notification sounded off and he took out the phone to check it.

It was a message from his mother Michelle.

[Be careful when you're out, a mom around the school text me and said there's some dodgy groups lurking]

Arch laughed at her anxious nature.

[Okay mum, I'll be fine, I'll talk to you soon]

Putting the phone back into his jacket pocket, he wasn't paying attention when he bumped into someone.

A shrieking voice screamed out.

''Oh my god, watch where you're walking idiot!''

Archer panicked before speaking.

''Sorry I didn't see you there, excuse me.''

He attempted to walk around the girl but a gorilla looking man stepped in front of him.

Archer looked up and rolled his eyes.

''What do you want? I apologized to her.''

The man didn't move but spoke in a cocky voice.

''You walked into my girl mate, better keep your eyes open when walking down a road on a Friday night.''

Archer looks at the man as if he is an idiot.

''It was an accident. Why are you complaining?''

The man scowls at my words, and gets hostile.

''Boy you should be careful who you speak to with that mouth of yours, it might get you into trouble one day.''

Archer nodded along to keep it moving, he didn't want to spend anymore time  arguing with the gorilla.

''Whatever mate, move out of the way!''

Walking past the man and ignoring his angry shouts before turning around and giving him the middle finger.

''Fuck you!''

He then jogged down the road.

After walking about 10 minutes, he arrived at the restaurant he was going to meet her at.

Archer entered the restaurant and started looking around for her.

He spotted her sitting at a back corner table waiting for him.

As he approached, he took in her beauty.

She has long curly navy blue hair running down her back and the greenest pair of eyes he has ever seen sitting upon her heart shaped face.

Alexa is beautiful for her age.

He is taller than her by a head but that doesn't change anything for him, he still adored the girl since the day they met all those years ago.

If anything it adds to her charm.

He walks up to the table and she notices him and starts to wave him over with a smile.

''Get over here Arch, I'm starving, and ready to order!''

He sits down and takes a look at the menu.

The waiter walks over and takes their orders.

A while later he brings the food, placing it on the table before walking away.

Starting to eat the meal, they spoke while they ate.

''So how's your history class coming along?''

As soon as he finishes eating, he replied.

''It's coming along well to be honest, the teacher has us learning the basics of the Kopis short sword to step into the sandals of the Greeks, I don't know why he does this, personally I think he enjoys role-playing a bit too much''

She laughed at my answer.

''Only you would be stuck in a class like that.''

He shakes his head as he smiles and replies.

''It's not like I'm stuck, I like history and there's a plus, I know how to use a short sword now.''

They both laughed as they finished their meals.

The restaurant was quiet for a Friday night, usually it was busy with drunk people and couples.

As they left the restaurant, they thanked the waiter and other staff.

Alexa grabbed hold of Archer's hand and walked down the road, neither of them knowing a young man was stalking them.

They walked along the riverside, watching the boats sail up and down.

Both of them saw many couples holding hands walking along the riverside.

''So Arch, did you mean what you said earlier? That you like me and would love to explore a relationship with me?''

Archer got nervous when he heard this, he knew it was coming but still wasn't prepared but answered nonetheless.

''Yes I do, I like you a lot, you don't understand how happy I am that you agreed to come out with me.''

Her smile was so wonderful it blinded him for a second before she spoke up.

''I'm glad cause I feel the same, how about we take it slow and see where things lead?''

Archer was happy so he nodded his head excitedly and started speaking fast.

''Yes, we will take it slow and not rush anything''

Just as he finished talking Alexa kissed his cheek which stunned him.

He stood still as a statue touching his cheek before turning to her with a smile and bright red cheeks.

''What was that for?''

She gets a mischievous grin as she giggled.

''Wanted you to shut up, you were speaking too fast.''

Archer stared at her then started laughing.

''Fair point, I just got excited that's all.''

They both laughed as they started walking beside the river again.

It's getting colder so he decided to take her home.

What both of them didn't know was that a man was following them closely, a man they both knew well.

Someone they both did not wish to see.

He turned to her and offered to walk her home.

''Alexa let me walk you home, it's dark and getting cold, I don't want our parents telling me off again.''

She smiles but nods as she grabs his hand and walked back to their homes.

They've lived there all their lives, grew up together and have always been close.

But one winter night changed all that.

Someone who hated their budding love wanted to burn the roots before they could take hold in Alexa's heart.

Not knowing it was already to late, she loved the boy dearly.

As the two love birds walked hand in hand.

The man watching sped up to get closer.

Archer had a strange feeling and turned around to see a man pulling out a knife going for Alexa.

Without even thinking twice, he pushed her to the side as the man plunged the knife deep into his chest.



He grabbed the mans hand that had the knife, that's when he looked up and recognized the guy.


He doubled over as the boy jumped onto him and stabbed him even more.

Alexa shrieked with horror as she witnessed a boy stabbing Archer wildly with an evil grin on his face while chanting.


''Only mine, Only mine, Only mine, Only mine, Only mine, Only mine, Only mine, Only mine, Only mine.''

He tried to fight back but was losing strength, but Alexa didn't stand by and just watch.

She jumped into action and viciously attacked Noah trying to get him off Archer


Noah was an obsessed stalker who wouldn't leave her alone, and was here now stabbing her new boyfriend.''

Alexa's loud shrieks can be heard as she kept kicking him in the face.

This sent him tumbling onto the ground next to Archer while mumbling.

''Only mine, Only mine, Only mine.''

She rushed over to Archer and saw his eyes dimming as his body grew weaker due to the amount of blood he lost.

''Arch stay with me I'm calling the ambulance!''

She pulls out her phone with trembling hands and dials 999.

When they answered, she screamed out what had happened and within 3 minutes blue sirens could be heard as police cars skidded to a halt on the small street.

Two police men jumped out of the car, one rushed towards Noah to detain him and the other started administering first aid, trying to save the dying boy.

''Troy get on the radio and tell the ambulance to hurry, we're losing him!!''

As the police tried to stop the bleeding, Alexa was pushed aside.

That was until an ambulance pulled up and two paramedics jumped out and put him on a stretcher.

He was rushed into an ambulance and the officer took Alexa to the hospital.

They asked for his relatives details which she gave them his mother's number.

They called her and told her what had happened.

All that was heard were the loud shrill screams of a woman whose child was  at death's door.

Archer's father took the phone, he said they would come to the hospital as soon as possible.

The police car then rushed off to catch up with the ambulance while the other officers took Noah away.


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Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

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