The Journey That Changed A World.

57. Vault.

Jethro regarded Archer with a curious expression before speaking.

"My king, where do you come from? Your skin is very white and not like ours."

Archer answered absentmindedly, lost in his own thoughts about everything that had happened.

"I come from the Avalon Empire in the far north."

The two people looked shocked as he spoke.

Jethro spoke up before Sagana could.

"How did you get down here?"

Archer looked up and saw the two were wide-eyed.

"I was fighting a King orc, and he knocked me into a river and I drifted down here a while back."

Realizing they had gotten sidetracked, he refocused the conversation.

He looked at Jethro and asked.

"What power?"

The older man coughed and proceeded to tell him all he knew.

''The last dragon king possessed an incredible power to create his own domain, a place where dragon kind could flourish and thrive.

Within this domain, he had complete control over every aspect, from the climate and terrain to the creatures that lived there.

With his power, he could shape the land to suit the needs of his people, ensuring that they had everything they needed to survive and prosper.

This ability was truly awe-inspiring, as it allowed the dragon king to create a world that was perfectly suited to his kind, a place where they could live in peace and harmony.

With his power, he was able to protect the people and ensure their survival for generations to come.''

Jethro took a breath after his long explanation as Archer sat there and looked at him but before he could speak a notification popped up.

[Mana Creation Skill Learned]

Shocked at the skill he just learned, he selected it.

[Mana Creation: Empowers the caster to manifest anything they can imagine within the confines of their domain, utilizing the power of mana]

''Do you know where the rest of your people are?''

He fiddled with his long white beard as he was thinking.

''Some should have fled to Aquaria City or the Olympic Mountain range which is on the Aquarian northern coast.''

Archer nodded his head as he stood up.

''Thanks for the information Jethro, I got to go collect something from the local castle''

As he looked at them, he noticed their grim expressions.


Sagana spoke up.

"My king, it's best if you witness it yourself."

He just stared at them and then vanished.

The two remaining people looked at each other until Jethro spoke up.

"He is a strange one, isn't he?"

She nodded.

"Yes, but there's a pain in those eyes that has etched itself deep in his heart."

Sagana noticed the man had a contemplative look on his face and realized what he had planned.

"Don't tell me you're going to try to introduce them?"

Jethro laughed as he spoke.

''We will travel to the southern continent one day, so why not?''

Leaving the safety of his Domain behind, Archer found himself standing once again on the sturdy branch that had served as his bed.

With a deep breath, he stretched his wings wide, preparing to take flight.

Without hesitation, he leaped off the highest branch, flapping his wings with all his might as he soared through the air.

The wind rushed past him, carrying him higher and higher until he was nothing more than a small speck in the sky.

He saw a crystal blue river that snakes through a vast, grassy desert, shimmering in the bright sun.

The water flows gently, creating small ripples and waves as it moves along.

Along the banks of the river, tall grasses sway in the breeze, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

In the river, sleek and powerful River Drakes swim and hunt, their eyes fixed on the water's surface.

Their blue and red scales glisten in the sunlight, and their sharp teeth glint as they open their jaws in anticipation.

They waited for their prey, they move stealthily through the water, their muscular tails propelling them forward with ease.

The sound of the river flowing and the occasional splash of a river drake hunting creates a soothing ambiance in the otherwise barren desert.

As he flew over the river's edge, he saw them lurking in the water, ready to pounce on any unsuspecting prey that came their way.

He watched in awe as they hunted other beasts, their powerful jaws clamping down on their victims with deadly force.

Further up the river, a caravan was crossing a rickety wooden bridge, oblivious to the danger lurking below.

Archer used his wings to speed up towards the eastern fort, eager to escape the treacherous waters and the beasts that called it home.

A few hours later.

He saw the eastern crossing in the distance, as well as a massive Kagian castle looming in the distance, its walls towering high above the surrounding landscape.

Its imposing presence was accentuated by the two pillars that stood on either side of the road, holding something in place that he couldn't quite make out from his vantage point.

As he drew closer, he could see the intricate details of the fort's architecture, with its ornate domes and minarets reaching toward the sky.

The walls were made of thick, sturdy stone, and he could see the occasional guard patrolling the ramparts, their eyes scanning the surrounding terrain for any signs of danger.

Archer noticed wooden pillars lined the road leading up to the fort, and when he saw what was on the pillar he lost his temper.

Hundreds of Dragon-kin were crucified on the pillars, all dead.

Some of them suffered some form of torture before they were strung up.

He tried to control his raging emotions as he cast Call Lightning.

But it was useless as his anger boiled over, he raised his hands to the sky and called forth the powerful spell.

Above the Kagian castle, dark clouds began to gather, crackling with energy.

Suddenly, a bolt of violet lightning shot down from the sky, striking the fort with a deafening boom.

The soldiers within the fort were thrown into confusion, their senses reeling from the sudden blast of energy.

They stumbled and fell, struggling to regain their footing as Archer continued to call forth lightning strikes, each one more powerful than the last.

As the barrage of lightning continued, his anger began to get a lot worse, he decided to recreate a spell from a game on Earth.

[Spell Creation activated]

As he hovered in the middle of the lightning storm he imagined the spell he wanted.

[A power powerful spell that summons meteors from the heavens to destroy the caster's target, dealing massive damage to any beasts or structures caught in their path.']

Soldiers spotted his silhouette in the storm and rang the alarm, Archer's eyes shone as he saw the notification.

[Meteor Swarm Learned, 3000 mana per use]

[Spell Creation: On cooldown until next rank]

Archer whispered.


As he saw the man flying towards him at high speed, he felt a surge of mana within him.

He closed his eyes and focused his energy, summoning all of his draconic features.

Extra scales began to appear on his skin, and his eyes glowed with a fierce intensity.

Archer was hovering before the castle, his heart filled with anger and determination.

He knew that the Dragon-kin had been wronged, and he was determined to seek revenge on their behalf.

With a fierce cry, he raised his hands to the sky and began to channel his magical energy.

The air around him crackled with power, and he felt a surge of heat and energy coursing through his body.

With a final burst of effort, he unleashed his spell, Meteor Swarm.

Everyone was looking up, Flaming meteors falling from the sky is a sight to behold.

The sky is filled with streaks of fire as the meteors hurtle toward the ground at incredible speed.

As they get closer, the heat and intensity of the flames become more apparent, casting an eerie glow over the surrounding landscape.

As the meteors impacted the castle, there was a deafening roar as the earth shakes and rocks are thrown into the air.

The impact creates a massive explosion, sending flames and debris flying in all directions.

The heat is intense, and the air is filled with the acrid smell of burning debris.

The aftermath of a meteor impact was a scene of destruction.

Craters are left in the ground, and anything in the immediate vicinity was destroyed or damaged.

A sense of satisfaction washed over Archer as he surveyed the destruction before him.

He was determined to exact revenge on behalf of the Dragon kind, and he knew that becoming a demon was the path he needed to take.

As he gazed upon the largest crater, a smile stretched across his face when he spotted a golden dome at its center.

Without hesitation, Archer flew towards the dome, his eyes shining with greed.

He activated his Aura detector and was relieved to sense no one around as he approached the small room protected by some sort of treasure.

It was buried even deeper than the fortress, adding to its protection.

The sight of the treasure-filled room only fueled Archer's desire to become a demon and claim it for himself.

But for now, he allowed himself a moment of satisfaction and anticipation for what was to come.

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