The Journey That Changed A World.

6. The First Hunt. Final Edit.

All he could hear was noise coming from the bodies.

Thump!~ Thump!~ Thump!~

Archer approached it and examined the dog's body.

That's when he realized the thumping was coming from its chest.

''Hmm, the heart maybe?''

He took out a knife from his item box and sliced open the beast.

Thump!~ Thump!~ Thump!~

As he grasped the still beating heart, the thumping got louder.

Pulling it out blood dripping down his hand.

Archer brings the heart close and examines it.

''Is this what's attracting me?''

His instincts kicked in and told him to eat it.

Munch!~ Munch!~ Spelch!~

After finishing the heart he felt an odd feeling circling his body.


An explosion erupted inside him. Sending Archer to the floor.

He felt stronger as he checked his stats.

[Experience: 500/1000]


[Mana: 610/800]

'I think killing the dogs gave me 100 experience each, and the heart gave me 100 as well and a status point.'

From the memories he got from the old Archer, he knew whenever someone levels up they get two stat points to upgrade each stat by 10, some stats can get boosted higher but that's a rare occurrence.

After standing up, Archer extracted the rest of the hearts from the other dogs.

He also realized he wasn't hungry anymore.

It must have been the heart that he just ate.

Neither he nor the old Archer knew anything about this.

He was thinking.

''I'll see if the guild has a library when I get back''

He then shrugged and decided to think about it later.

After collecting all the hearts he ate the rest and felt the power boost after swallowing the last bite.

[Experience: 800/1000]

[SP: 1>4]

[Mana: 670/800]

Archer then spent 2 points on Mp and strength to see the results.

[Mana: 800>860]

[Strength: 45>55]

[SP: 4>0]

'Oh look at that, mana gets 30 per point and strength 10, that's okay.''

Storing the dog's bodies, he explored the forest.

Archer walked into the forest, he began searching for more monsters.

This feeling made his blood boil.

He wanted more of it.

Like the beginning of something new, it felt beautiful.

He loved the feeling of experience flowing into his body.

It felt like a drug he could never get sick of.

He then continued his first hunt.

After walking for a while, the afternoon sun was high in the sky.

But it vanished as Archer walked deeper into the forest.

The trees were getting taller and bulkier.

He could still hear animal noises normally heard in forests.

That's when he suddenly heard a rustle from in front of him, then the same alarm feeling came over him as he jumped to the side.

Woosh!~ Woosh!~

Two shabby looking arrows flew past his face.

He wondered what this alarming feeling was, as it warned him again.

[------ sense of learning]

He looked baffled at the half-hidden skill he had just learned but noticed it was something to do with his senses.

Archer jumps forward but trips as he lands.

Turning around he saw a small green humanoid lunging from the bush with a spear made from a branch.

Then a group walked out of the bushes surrounding Archer.

He panicked as he counted them.

'There are 15 of them, fuck my life!'

He quickly cast his cosmic sword spell to fight back.

''Cosmic sword!''

A pitch black short sword that resembles a Greek kopis sword from ancient times.

Archer could feel that the sword barely weighs anything and could be wielded easily, it was also sharp enough to slice straight through skin.

''Let's test it out Hehe.''

He then darted forward shocking the 15 goblins trying to surround the young white haired human in front of them.

Archer then sliced at the closest goblin who tried to block the creepy black sword with the wooden shield.

However, it sliced through the wooden shield with no difficulty, then slashed the goblin's throat.

Kicking the dead goblin away, seeing its blood spilling out, Archers mind became blank.

He stood still as the goblins surrounded him.

Archer then laughed manically while his eyes shone brightly as he began to quote something he saw in his past life.

''HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Let me tell you a quote I know!''

''Walls have ears,

Doors have eyes.

Trees have voices.

Beats tell lies.

Beware the rain.

Beware the snow.

Beware the man.

You think you know!''

Archer then lunged forward while slashing at the closest goblin's neck.


The goblins head went flying in the air, Archer then pointed his small hand at a group of 3 goblins and fired a void blast at them.

He then fired 3 void blasts at the 2 groups running at him from different directions.

'Void blasts.' X 3

Boom!~ Boom!~ Boom!~

The 7 goblins who was running towards Archer were sent flying when they got struck by the blasts.

Landing quite far away with heavy thuds.

''Hehe, 6 more to go!''

Archer pounced forward and slashed the 2 goblins standing close, he spun around and cast mana enhancement on his legs and shot forward quicker than the goblins could see.

The last 4 goblins panicked and fired arrows at Archer who inwardly cast a cosmic shield around him.

'Cosmic shield!'

The same purple barrier that appeared earlier grew around him and blocked the arrows before vanishing.

He finally got to the 2 goblins standing in front.

Casting another cosmic sword so he could have 2.

Plunging both blades into the goblins while staring into their eyes with a massive smile on his face.



Pulling the blades out as the last 2 goblins attacked.

Quickly deflecting one goblin's swipe and stabbing the other goblin with the temporary sword before he got to him.

Following that, Archer fired a void blast at point blank range.

'Void blast!'

It tore through the goblin sending its body falling to the floor with a thud.


Archer stood in the middle of the carnage while looking around.

He spotted a few goblins getting up from the groups that rushed him at the beginning.

Rushing forward he ended all their lives without missing a beat.

The cosmic swords were dismissed, and he sat down in order to catch his breath.

'This body isn't used to this much use, hopefully it gets stronger.'

That's when he checked his status because he felt that similar feeling from earlier but stronger this time.

[Experience: 50/1000]

[Level Up: 0>3]

[Rank: Novice]

[SP: 0>6]

[------ Sense Learned]

While archer was looking at the pop ups he realized he leveled up and got a unknown skill that involves his senses and got excited.

He decided not to spend the points for now and wanted to hunt some more.

Standing up he went over to the bodies and started cutting out the hearts while storing them along side the goblin bodies.

Feeling the item box was close to getting full, he didn't bother about it as he continued hunting with a smile on his face.

Several hours later he walked out off the forest.

Archer looked up to see the stars shinning bright in the sky, during his hunt he managed to kill 4 forest wolves and 10 more goblins.

Looking back down he checked his status.


[Experience: 50/1000]

[Level Up: 3>5]

[SP: 6>10]

[Void Blast: 0>1]

[Cosmic sword: 0>1]

[Mana: 860>880]

[Strength: 55>65]

[Constitution: 30>40]

[Stamina: 60>70]

[Charisma: 150>180]

[Intelligence: 80>90]

He got excited once he checked his status, he gained a lot from all the hunting he did.

All his stats increases a tiny bit, plus archer has loads of new hearts.

He closed his eyes and thought about item box and saw everything he has collected.

24 goblin hearts, 4 forest wolf hearts and the bodies he managed to collect.

4 wild dog, 18 goblin, and 4 forest wolf bodies.

He inwardly congratulated his self.

'What a fruitful first hunt, hopefully they all go that way Hehe.'

It was then Archer realized it was night time and he couldn't hunt anymore.

'Let's find a tree and get some sleep.'

Archer went of to find a suitable tree to sleep in, and found one that was sitting at the edge of the forest.

Climbing up and getting as comfortable as possible, he remembered he got his first rank earlier.

He summoned the pop-up window for his rank.


[Rank Unlocked: Novice]

Archer tried hard to recall the ranks, and he only had information until rank seven.

It works like this: 0-20 is an Novice, 20-40 is an Apprentice, 40-60 is an Adept, 60-80 is an Expert, 80-100 is a Master, 100-200 is a Grand master, 200-300 is an Arch master.

That's all the old Archer knew about the ranking system.

His stomach growled as he leaned up against the tree trunk while on a branch.

He pulled out a goblin heart he collected earlier then chewed on it.

'The taste isn't bad, but it's not the best either.'

Archer then ate the rest of the hearts before falling asleep to the hooting of a bird and the shrieks of something hunting.


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