The Journey That Changed A World.

60. Adventure & Connections [Bonus]


"Hey Talila, it's been a few months since you and Archer first met. Do you miss him?"

Cecelia asked as they walked through the Sabat Kingdom, escorting the iron-shadow merchants.

Talila shrugged. "He's fine. We'll see each other again soon enough."

Cecelia raised an eyebrow. "So, why have you been so quiet lately?"

She sighed inwardly, knowing that Cecelia was just trying to provoke her.

"I've just been keeping to myself. No need to worry about me."

Cecelia didn't press the matter any further, and they continued on their journey.

The caravan traveled down the road, and the sun started to set as the wind grew stronger, sending shivers down Talila's back.

The journey to the Demonian Kingdom would still take several weeks.

Talila trudged down the long dirt road, her hood pulled tightly over her head to shield her from the biting wind.

She continued to walk as the weather grew steadily worse. The sky darkens, and the temperature drops rapidly.

Soon, snow began to fall, swirling around her in a flurry of white.

Talila shivered, her cloak doing little to protect her from the cold.

Her footsteps grew heavier as the snow piled up around her, making it difficult to move forward.

Despite the harsh conditions, she pressed on until the guard in charge of the merchant's safety called out to everyone.

"We will camp in that clearing over there. The trees will provide some protection from this snow."

The whole caravan pulled off the dirt road as the snow got heavier, the clearing was compact, and the trees were taller than the ones in the forsaken forest.

Novius and Radyn were setting up the group's tents, and Talia kept watch as Feyra joined her.

"Did you hear what the guards were talking about earlier?"

She looked at the red-headed knight who just spoke before shaking her head.

"No, what were they saying?" Talila asked.

"Have you heard the children's tale about the white dragon king who fought against humans thousands of years ago?"

Talila nodded.

''It appears that a white dragon has emerged in the empire, and the church attempted to attack the boy they believe to be the dragon. However, he was able to evade their grasp.''

Curious, she asked, "Does anyone know who the boy is?"

The redhead shook her head. "No, I only overheard the guards talking about it earlier."

Talila and Feyra stood side by side, scanning the snowy campsite for any signs of danger.

The night was quiet, with only the occasional hoot of an owl breaking the silence.

Hours passed, and Talila shivered, wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm as the snow grew heavier.

"I can't wait to get back to the fire," Talila muttered.

Feyra agreed.

"Me too. But we can't let our guard down. Radyn wouldn't forgive us if something happened."

Just then, they heard Radyn's voice calling out to them from the direction of the fire.

"Hey, you two! Come on over and relax for a bit."

Talila and Feyra exchanged a look before making their way over to the fire where Radyn was sitting on a log, holding a steaming mug of tea.

"Finally," Talila said as she sat down next to him. "I thought I was going to freeze out there." She smiled as she settled in next to Feyra.

"Thanks for calling us over, Radyn. We needed a break," Feyra added.

Radyn grinned. "Of course, we can't have our watchwomen freezing to death on duty."

They all laughed, the warmth of the fire chasing away the chill of the night.

For a while, they sat in comfortable silence, taking small sips of their warm tea and relishing the peacefulness of the night.

However, their tranquility was soon interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Darius strode over to the group, his arms crossed over his chest. "Where's my tea? It's freezing out here," he grumbled.

Talila rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

She had noticed that Darius had been acting strangely since their meeting with Archer weeks ago, but she didn't want to engage with him if he was going to be difficult.

Novius, who had been standing behind the group, spoke up.

"If you want tea, make it yourself like everyone else did. Don't be lazy."

Darius scowled but didn't argue.

He walked over to the fire and began to rummage through the supplies for a tea bag and a mug.

The group fell back into their companionable silence, but Talila couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

[Naravo, the capital city of the Lionheart Kingdom]

A young girl with blonde hair flowing down her back in loose waves stood across from the commander.

Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she bounced up and down on the spot, ready to begin her training.

With a grin on her face, she crouched down like a lioness ready to pounce.

Swift and graceful like a big cat, the young girl launched herself at the commander with a sudden burst of energy, ready to engage in her combat training.

The commander blocked her attacks and lightly attacked her back.

Hours passed as she stood on the training grounds sweating and breathing heavily, sword still held firmly in her hand.

Still facing off against her father's general, a seasoned warrior with many years of experience.

The general circled her, his own sword at the ready, and remarked.

"You're getting better, Nala."

He said, a hint of approval in his voice.

"But you still have a long way to go."

Nala gritted her teeth, determined to prove herself. She lunged forward, her sword flashing in the sunlight.

The general parried her attack easily, then countered with a swift strike that she barely managed to block.

They continued to spar, each one testing the other's skill.

Nala was fast and agile, but the general was strong and had a wealth of knowledge to draw upon.

The two traded blows back and forth, the sound of their swords clashing filling the air.

As the sun began to set, the girl felt her energy flagging.

She knew she couldn't keep up this pace forever, but she refused to give up.

Nala pushed herself harder, determined to prove that she was worthy of her father's trust.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the general lowered his sword and said with a hint of a smile on his face.

"That's enough for today. You did well."

The girl grinned, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Nala's determination burned within her as she wiped the sweat from her forehead and returned her weapon to the racks.

She knew she still had a long way to go, but she was driven to become the best warrior in the Lionheart Kingdom.

As she turned to leave the training grounds, the general approached her with a smile on his face.

"The little lioness has grown," he said, his eyes glinting with pride.

"And you're only thirteen." Nala felt a surge of satisfaction at the general's words.

She had worked hard to get where she was, and she knew she still had much to learn.

But she was determined to keep pushing herself to become the best she could be.

With a nod of thanks to the general, she left the training grounds and headed into the city.

Nala walked through the ancient city, she admired the sights.

Naravo City was nestled in the heart of the large savannah, surrounded by tall grasses and flame trees.

The tall buildings were made of acacia clay and thatched roofs, with intricate carvings and colorful murals adorning the walls.

The streets were bustling with various vendors selling exotic spices, hand-woven textiles, magic items, tomes, and intricate beadwork.

She gazed upon the sun setting, casting a warm orange hue over the city, the air suddenly erupted with the lively beat of drums and joyful singing.

People gathered in the city squares, dressed in vibrant fabrics and adorned with jewelry made from precious stones and shells from the coast.

The air was thick with the scent of incense and roasting meats.

At the center of the city square stood a towering Umba tree.

The tree was sacred to the people of the kingdom, and they believed that it held the spirits of their ancestors.

As the night wore on, the people danced around the Umba tree, their movements fluid and graceful.

The drumming grew louder and more frenzied, and the air crackled with energy.

It was a magical place, full of life and spirit, and anyone who visited could feel the power of the land and its people.

Nala stood in the bustling city square, her eyes fixed on the towering Umba tree.

She gazed at the tree's gnarled trunk and sprawling branches, she felt a strange sensation wash over her.

Suddenly, her mind was filled with a vivid image of a white dragon soaring through the sky, its wings beating against the clouds.

For a moment, Nala was transfixed by the vision, her heart pounding in her chest, she had never seen anything like it before.

The image faded, and she shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

Had it been a trick of the light? A figment of her imagination? But as she looked up at the Umba tree once more.

Nala couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about it, something that connected her to that mysterious white dragon.

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