The Journey That Changed A World.

62. What The F*ck.

Sarwana walked alongside Archer for hours, informing him about the empires and kingdoms that resided there.

The two of them ignored the constant worrying of the caravan guards until one of them ran up to her again, advising her to return to the carriage.

She relented before turning to Archer.

"I'll head back in. My husband is starting to get worried. If you need anything, just knock on the door."

Archer nodded and started to think about all the information she had given him.

The Land of Mediterra is massive. If he were to compare it to anything on Earth, it would be the size of Asia and Europe combined.

Most of the Medi population is made up of mostly humans, demi-humans, elves, nomadic tribes, and the Avian people from the Talonreach Kingdom which is based in the mountains.'

As he was thinking his AD started pinging like crazy, Archer quickly scanned the tree line but didn't see anything.

He calmed down but remembered the Wendigo attack months back and started using his Dragon senses.

Archer smelt a horrid stench but couldn't pinpoint It, it vanished as quickly as he smelt it.

Shaking his head, he pulled out an elven cake and started eating it while he thought about all the forces in the Land of Mediterra.

'There's the Levantia Empire, which is the strongest force in the land but doesn't attack the other kingdoms.

Then there's the Nova Empire, which is very aggressive but can't beat the Levantians in battle, so they try to lure the smaller kingdoms into fighting them instead to wear them down.'

Finishing the cake but not feeling satisfied, he pulled out some chocolate pastries.

'The way Sarwana described the land, it seems like this world's version of the Mediterranean, but five times bigger and more dangerous.'

There are seven kingdoms in the Mediterra, the Aeternum, and Arcadia Kingdoms are in the west, and the Sicilia and Olympus Kingdoms are in the east.

The Levantia Empire takes up all the north, and the Delphosia Republic is in the south, bordering the Southlands.

Archer stopped thinking about all this and decided to think about it later on.

The caravan continued on as he overheard the guards speaking of the Southern fortress located a day away from here.

Happy with what he found out, he continued walking.

The sun was setting over the simple stone road.

Archer couldn't see far into the forest that lined one side of the road, while a grassland desert stretched out as far as the eye could see on the other side.

One of the caravan guard commanders shouted out that they were going to set up camp just up the road.

An hour later, as the tents were being set up Archer looked around for a tree to sleep in. Seeing one not far away, he walked over to it.

Jumping up to the lowest branch he climbed up.

He summoned his wings and used them to wrap around himself and keep himself warm.

A little while later Archer was lying there watching the stars.

The beautiful night sky was full of shining stars, twinkling like diamonds against the black backdrop.

Archer looked up in wonder as he saw countless shooting stars flying through the sky, leaving trails of light behind them.

Stars stretched across the sky, creating a ribbon of stars that seemed to go on forever.

The night air was cool and crisp, and the silence of the night was only broken by the guard's quiet chatter and the footsteps of the patrolling guards.

It was a beautiful moment, one he would never forget.

As he was lying there, his AD started going off, and he noticed that the whole camp was surrounded by big humanoid creatures.

Archer jumped to his feet and activated his Draconic form.


But as soon as he activated it, an ice blast flew at him, but he quickly deflected the attack by using his wings.

He realized they were surrounded, but his AD didn't detect any enemies.

''It's the mountain men, be careful and keep your guards up.''

Archer heard the caravan guard commander shout out as the attacks died down, he wanted to go into his Domain but didn't want to miss anything.

He sat back down and kept an eye out until he fell asleep.

Waking up in an unknown bed, Archer raised his head and looked around to see a room that was beyond his expectations.

It had an African-like style and many windows.

Looking through the open windows, he noticed a massive African-like city spread out, stopping at an expansive savannah.

He had no idea where he was until he looked down and noticed a young woman in her early 20s lying next to him.

Not recognizing the wild blonde hair, smooth white skin, her muscular body, or the lion's tail lying still on the bed.

He examined this strange girl until she started to stir and woke up.

The girl turned to Archer with a cheeky grin before blood started dripping out of her lips, and her blue eyes became unfocused.

She collapsed on the bed, and Archer rushed forward to help her.

However, he was thrown into another nightmare as he found himself on the same street that led him to Thyrlos.

He saw the old him and Alexa walking down the sidewalk, his brown hair and slim build compared to his now snow-white hair and muscular body.

Seeing a man moving towards the two, he tried to look away but couldn't move at all, he saw the old him push her out of the way and take the knife to his chest.

Sweat started to trickle down his back when the old him dropped to the floor.

As soon as he hit the floor the scene changed yet again and he was in the hospital room, seeing his body on the bed.


Hearing someone shouting his name, looking around the room in his dream he saw Alexa and his Mother crying.

Archer was ripped out of his dream when something slammed into his body sending him flying out of the tree, and crashing onto the ground hard.

Looking around, he saw the same ice blasts from last night flying out of the forest, hitting all over.

Scrambling to his feet, he saw Sarwana standing there, casting rock blasts into the forest as the guards got into formation.

The attack died down as the men all prepared themselves, but after an hour, there was nothing.

The commander called for the men to calm down and get as much rest as they could until morning.

Archer looked up and saw the giant moon shining down on him.

He started thinking about the nightmare, wondering why there was a random woman he had never seen before.

Shaking his head to clear his muddled thoughts, he climbed back into the tree.

Settling back down as fell back to sleep.

The next morning, he woke up to bird chirps but noticed the weather: black clouds in the sky and a drizzle of rain.

He pulled out a black cloak and wrapped it around himself, dismissing his wings. Archer jumped out of the tree, landing with a heavy thud.

Looking around for Sarwana's carriage, he spotted it and walked towards it.

As he approached, a guard stepped in front of him and spoke.

"What do you want, boy?"

Archer looked at the guard and replied, "I want to talk to Sarwana."

The guard's eyes widened, and he was about to berate Archer when a man's voice was heard.

"Leave the boy alone, Haider. Sarwana likes him for some reason."

A black-haired man in his early thirties stepped out of the carriage.

He had blue eyes and a clean-shaven face, he smiled at Archer as he approached.

"So, you're the boy my wife wouldn't stop talking about.''

Looking up at the man he nodded as the tall man stopped in front of him.

''So you're from up north?''

''Yes, got lost down here and trying to make my way home.''

The man raised his eyebrow as he asked another question.

''Why are you traveling south then?''

Archer didn't know where the man was going with his questions but answered.

''Looking for a friend.''

He could clearly see the man didn't believe him but didn't care either way, he wished the man goodbye and left.

As he walked alongside the forested road, they continued their journey for a few more hours until his AD suddenly went off.

He looked around and was shocked at what he saw standing no more than 10 feet away from him.

Archer stood frozen, staring at the massive Bigfoot-like beast that loomed over him.

His eyes widened in awe as he took in the creature's size and strength.

The Beasts fur was thick and matted, and its muscular arms hung at its sides.

Despite its intimidating appearance.

He wondered what it was thinking as it stared back at him with its piercing eyes.

It roared at him, throwing him off guard as it started to charge.

'What the fuck.'

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