The Journey That Changed A World.

64. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.

The afternoon sun was beaming down on the motionless caravan.

Archer looked at the man who just spoke, he was in his late teens or early 20s.

He examined the horseman's armor, he noticed the intricate designs and patterns etched into the metal plates and leather straps.

The lightweight and flexible armor allowed for easy movement in the hot environment.

His helmet covered both his head and face, featuring a visor to protect against the harsh sun and sand.

Even the horse's armor was also adorned with colorful fabrics and tassels, adding to the overall aesthetic of the desert horseman's attire.

Before Archer could speak, Najee emerged from the carriage and addressed the man.

''The boy is with us, and your issues with the Dragon-kin are of no concern to us, but thank you for the help.''

The commander nodded before speaking.

''We have been hunting the mountain men for a week now, one of our scouts spotted them on the move so we rushed here.''

Najee nodded.

''Are you from the Sunspear Castle?''

The man nodded and offered the caravan to follow them.

''Follow us we will escort you there.''

Najee smiled as he bowed towards the horsemen, and went off to talk to the head caravan guard.

After a little, while the caravan was on the move again.

Archer was sitting on the roof of the last carriage as he watched the beautiful landscape.

The Saharveldt desert grassland stretched out before him, a vast expanse of golden-brown grasses swaying in the hot breeze.

In the distance, he could see the glimmering ribbon of a river and wondered if it was the same one he had traveled on to get here.

The grassland was dotted with small shrubs and occasional trees, providing some shade and shelter from the unrelenting sun.

Despite the arid environment, there were beasts grazing on the grass and chasing other smaller beasts.

He was sitting there he checked his status.


[Experience: 1800/12000]

[Level Up 85>86]

[SP: 6>8]

Archer was happy, he had gained 800 experience points for each Bigfoot kill, so altogether he had earned 13,600 experience points from the fight.

As he lay on the roof, basking in the afternoon sun, he noticed a lot of chatter from the caravan guards, so he looked up to see a massive castle built into the side of the mountain.

Nestled into the side of a towering mountain, Sunspear Castle was a breathtaking sight to behold.

The castle's imposing presence and stunning location made it an awe-inspiring sight that left a lasting impression on all who beheld it.

Its walls were constructed from golden sandstone, polished to a luster that mirrored the sunlight and created the illusion of a fortress made of pure gold.

Each of the fort's towers soared high into the sky, crowned with banners bearing the sigil of the Kaiga Kingdom.

As the caravan approached the fort, they were greeted by a refreshing breeze emanating from the mountain, providing a welcome respite from the heat.

The fort's strategic position offered a commanding view of the surrounding terrain, making it a perfect bastion for those seeking to cross into the Aquarian Kingdom.

The entrance to the fort was marked by a colossal gate, forged from a blend of iron and bronze, embellished with intricate patterns and symbols that conveyed the fort's rich history and purpose.

The caravan neared the castle, it came to a stop as the merchants inside the carriages poured out to get a look at the beautiful fortress.

Archer shut his eyes and was hoping to avoid witnessing what he knew lay ahead, but he opened them and they widened in horror.

His heart sank as he surveyed the sea of crucified Dragon-kin in the field beside the caravan.

Men, women, children, and even the elderly had fallen victim to the brutality of their captors.

The air was thick with the stench of death and decay, and the sight was almost too much to bear.

Archer was overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness and despair, knowing that he could do nothing to bring back those who had been lost.

While he was standing there staring at the gruesome scene.

Closing his eyes, he whispered.


Summoning his Draconic features, he was just about to take off when he noticed movement on one of the crosses.

Archer's heart shattered as he saw a little blonde girl hanging on the closest cross, the only survivor of this sickening crucifixion.

Gliding over to her, intending to heal her wounds and take her to his domain, he looked into her eyes and knew she was dying.

Using his claws, he cut her down and held her close as she spoke.

"Promise me you'll make them pay... The Kaiga Kingdom... They did this to my family... They killed everyone."

Archer's eyes started to get wet as he made a promise to her.

"I promise. I'll make them pay for what they've done."

She smiled at him and whispered.

"Thank you... I'm Kela... I'm happy I met you... You have kind eyes... Promise me you'll never forget me."

He started crying but mumbled out.

"I won't. I'll remember you always, Kela."

She smiled as she spoke, as her little bloody hand touched his cheek.


He stared at her peaceful face as she managed to say one last word before passing away in his arms.

Archer's emotions boiled over, as he placed Kela's body into his Item Box.

He turned to face the castle and let out a deafening roar that shook the very ground beneath him.

His body trembled with rage as he unleashed his violet dragon's breath toward the sea of Dragon-kin, setting them ablaze.

Flames roared and crackled as they spread, fueling his fury.

Archer stood amidst the sea of Dragon-kin he had just set ablaze, he could feel the intensity of the flames and the heat radiating off of them.

But amidst the chaos, he could hear something else.

It was as if the voices of the fallen Dragon-kin were speaking to him, thanking him for freeing them from their torment and guiding them to Tiamat.

The sound was haunting yet comforting, and it gave Archer a sense of purpose.

He knew that what he had done was necessary, and he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had avenged the Dragon-kin from their suffering.

With his violet eyes, Archer turned towards the horsemen, an evil smile spreading across his face, revealing his sharp dragon teeth.

The horsemen watched in awe as he suddenly vanished from his spot, only to hear a muffled scream as he reappeared on the back of one of their horses.

A head flew through the air as Archer use his claws to decapitate a rider as he cast multiple fire bolts and shot them at the remaining soldiers.

Three soldiers dodged the bolts, but before they could even think about fleeing, they were decapitated, their bodies falling to the ground with a thud.

Archer butchered the horsemen, receiving a few blows but shrugging them off as his scales defended him.

He impaled one soldier with his tail as he slashed another.

After finishing the two soldiers, he fired void blasts at some of the remaining soldiers, sending them flying off their horses.

Finally, Archer lunged at the last remaining soldier and bit into his neck, tearing out a chunk.

Najee and Sarwana watched in horror as Archer massacred the Kagian soldiers who had previously helped them with the mountain men.

After finishing the slaughter, Archer looked over towards the gate as more soldiers came charging out.

Smiling, he began casting a Fireball and Void Blast, combining them together he fired the purple flaming sphere straight at the incoming soldiers.

[Spell Combined: Void Blaze]

The Void Blast tore through their ranks, and the attack didn't even leave bodies behind as it slammed into the castle walls, making the whole castle shake, and Archer looked at the carnage he was causing.

He raised his hands in the sky before casting Call Lightning above the castle. As he cast the spell, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the air grew heavy with static electricity.

Suddenly, a blinding bolt of violet lightning shot down from the sky, striking the castle with a deafening boom.

The force of the lightning strike was so intense that it shook the entire structure of the castle, causing rocks and debris to rain down from the walls.

The lightning bolts left a smoldering crater where it had struck, and the air was filled with the smell of burning stone and ozone.

Many of the soldiers inside the castle were left reeling from the impact.

Suddenly, another bolt of lightning struck the castle, causing the guards to panic and run toward the walls to see what was happening.

Archer smiled as he saw the soldiers piling onto the walls. He quickly pulled out three mana potions and downed all three, then checked his mana.

[Mana: 6000/8100]

Looking at the castle, he crouched down and leaped into the air, Archer started to hover in the air as he raised his hands.

Archer did so, he remembered all the lives that were lost and how every Dragon-kin life was precious.

A certain poem came to mind as he raised his hands, and he began reciting it so that all the still-living people could hear.

"Do not go gentle into that good night."

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