The Journey That Changed A World.

66. General..

Mohamet stopped laughing when he saw Archer staring at him as if he were an idiot.

'This boy is strange,' he thought. 'He can butcher people but still act like this.'

Shaking his head, Mohamet gave Archer the reason for his laughter.

"Well, it was the way you reacted like a scared rabbit. But I mean you no harm, Archer."

He said, stepping closer to the boy and allowing him to see his face more clearly.

"You're the White Dragon from the legends my wife has told me about," he exclaimed. "I want to help you. I want to be a part of your story."

A smile spread across Mohamet's face as if he was recalling a fond memory.

He spoke again, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

"I wish for my son and daughter to live a free and happy life, and for some reason, I have a feeling that you can help me achieve that wish."

Staring at the man in surprise before finally speaking.

"Okay, I accept your offer."

Mohamet smiled at the strange boy as he watched him walk over to the dead bodies and use his claws to tear out their hearts.

Archer managed to loot 22 human hearts under the horrified gaze of Mohamet.

He turned to the man with a confused look.

"What?" he asked.

Mohamet didn't know what to say to this crazy child.

He wanted to keep his heart. Coughing to clear his throat, he asked him a question.

"Why are you ripping out their hearts, your majesty?"

Archer stared at the man before letting out a sigh.

"Not you too," he said.

Finishing up with the bodies and realized he was covered in blood.

Casting Cleanse on himself and he watched as all the blood disappeared from his clothes and body.

Archer dismissed his Draconic features as he pulled out a pastry and started eating while answering the horrified-looking man.

"Well, for some reason, every time I eat hearts, my body gains benefits from it. So why not eat them?" he said.

He finished the pastry and realized he was running out of them, which made him frustrated.

Mohamet spoke up, dragging Archer out of his stupor.

"Mana is stored in the heart of every living being, and as a white dragon, it makes sense that you consume them," he explained.

Archer nodded in understanding, aware of the importance of mana in their world.

He decided to check his status.


[Experience: 5250/12000]

[Level Up: 86>90]

[SP: 8>16]

[Mana: 8100>8300]

[Spell Combined: Cosmic Step]

[Spell Combination Learned]

Archer felt a surge of excitement as he leveled up not once, not twice, but four times.

With newfound power coursing through his veins, he unleashed the devastating Meteor Swarm spell upon his enemies.

The thrill of watching the fiery meteors rain down upon his foes was indescribable, and he reveled in the chaos and destruction that followed.

With each passing moment, he grew stronger and more confident, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

However, he then remembered a notification he had received while fighting.

"[Spell Combination Learned]

[Cosmic Enhancement & Thunder Step Combined]

[Cosmic Step: Every time the spell is used, the user's body is powered by the Cosmos]"

"Oh nice, that will come in handy from now on," he thought.

He continued eating as Mohamet stared at him, but he shrugged him off.

As he finished eating, he stood up and brushed off all the dirt, only to realize that his shirt was ripped.

He took off the ripped shirt and put on a new one, then turned to Mohamet, who was watching him like a creep.

"Stop looking at me like I'm a rare beast, or I'll take your heart. Now, do you want to travel with me, or do you want to meet the others?" he asked.

"I'll go meet the others until you reach the Aquarian Kingdom," Mohamet said.

Archer nodded and opened up his domain portal.

The two of them walked into it.

Both of them entered his Domain, they were greeted by a breathtaking sight.

A vast expanse of lush greenery stretched out before them, with towering trees and vibrant flowers dotting the landscape.

The air was thick with the scent of blooming flora, and the soft rustling of leaves provided soothing background noise.

As they walked deeper into Archer's forest, Mohamet's eyes fell upon a beautiful cottage built inside a tree and the walkway leading up to the front door.

"What is that?" he asked.

Mohamet pointed to the cottage, and Archer smiled, explaining that it was his home, a place of refuge and solitude where he could escape from the chaos of the outside world.

The man marveled at the beauty of the forest, admiring the way the sunlight filtered through the leaves and cast dappled patterns on the ground.

He felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over him, as though all the worries and stresses of his life had melted away in the presence of such natural beauty.

Archer and Mohamet arrived at the clearing, they were met with a bustling little tent city.

The air was filled with the sounds of families going about their daily routines, with children laughing and playing in the background.

In one corner of the clearing, a group of women was busy preparing food over a fire, while in another, some men were collecting firewood for the night ahead.

Archer added that the outside world's climate and weather could sometimes get a bit cold at night.

Overall, Mohamet was impressed by the community's self-sufficiency and the harmonious coexistence with nature.

As they walked further into the camp, Archer noticed a group of men herding strange-looking beasts toward a nearby pen.

They resembled Earth cows, but were larger and had a unicorn's horn on their heads.

As they were being herded along, they bleated and baaed.

Archer wondered where such beasts had come from, and then he remembered giving dragon tokens to Sagana.

Despite the bustling atmosphere of the place, there was an air of happiness that permeated the camp.

Dragon-kin moved about their tasks with a sense of purpose and community.

Archer felt a sense of admiration for the Dragon-kin, who had carved out a life for themselves in the midst of the Dragon's Domain.

As he stood there, Archer felt a little tug on his shirt.

A short girl with mint green hair, who looked to be about 10-11 years old, caught his attention as he looked down.

"Hey, what can I do for you, little dragon?" he asked.

The girl had a big smile as she spoke.

"Elder Jethro told us that if we were to see the King, we should inform him immediately that he wanted to see him."

"Take us to him,'' he said to the little dragon.

Archer said as he pulled out a piece of chocolate and handed it to the little girl.

The girl nodded as she grabbed Archer's hand, dragging him off.

Mohamet watched the scene in shock, the two sides of the King worried him.

'How can he go from butchering men like he's cutting grass to acting like a child any other time?'

He thought to himself, shaking his head as he followed behind the children.

Following a brief stroll, they arrived at Jethro's tent, which was identical in size to all the others.

Upon entering, they found Jethro engaged in conversation with three Dragon-kin men.

The atmosphere was cordial, and the men seemed to be enjoying each other's company.

Despite the cramped quarters, the tent was filled with warmth and camaraderie, a testament to the tight-knit community that had formed among the travelers.

The three men turned to him as he walked in, and when they spotted Archer's white horns, their eyes went wide as they started mumbling to themselves.

"The rumors from the north are true," said one of the men.

"The King has returned. Look at those white horns," another added, pointing at Archer.

Archer just stared at the three men as Jethro watched on.

The three men then jumped up and knelt in front of Archer.

"We pledge ourselves to the White King," they all declared.

He felt weird seeing three grown men kneeling down to him and turned to Jethro, who was smiling but spoke up.

"My King, you are the only White Dragon alive. You are royalty whether you like it or not. But who's the man behind you?"

Archer turned around and saw Mohamet standing there, silently watching him.

He gestured towards him.

"Let me introduce you to my new general," he said. "This is Mohamet Kaba."

He turned to Mohamet.

"This is Jethro. He looks after the Domain when I'm not here. Actually, he still does that when I am here."

Everyone laughed. Archer turned to Jethro and asked him who the three kneeling men were.

"Who are they?" he inquired.

Jethro looked at him and spoke.

"Well, Sagana found them in some of the Kaigian Cities, along with 300 more Dragon-kin her group has rescued. She's gone out again but she asked for more tokens if you can."

Archer closed his eyes and pictured a pouch full of Dragon tokens.

When it appeared, it shocked everyone but Jethro, who smiled as he took the pouch.


Archer's Current Status.

[Name: Archer]

[Race: White Dragon]


[Rank: Master]

[Exp: 1800/12000]

[Level: 90]

[HP: 2300/2300]

[Mana: 8300 /8300]

[Magic: Fire-Water-Earth-Wind-Lightning-Space-Darkness-Light.]

[Strength: 1500]

[Constitution: 1700]

[Stamina: 1500]

[Charisma: 1750]

[Intelligence: 1300]

[Status Points: 16]

Spells: Void Blaze(0)Cosmic Shield(3)Cosmic Sword(4)Cosmic Step(0)Cleanse(-)Eldritch Blast(4)Plasma Shot(3)Fire Missiles(4)Thunder Wave(3)Call Lightning(3)Element Bolts(2)Dragon's Breath(1)Meteor Swarm(0)

Skills: Spell Creation(-)Mana Regeneration(-)Regeneration(6)Dragon Senses(-)Short Sword Mastery(4)Aura-Detector(4)Dragon's Domain(1)Draconic Form(-)Spell Combination(-)

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