The Journey That Changed A World.

84. A New Legend Begins.

Hovering in the air, Archer watched the soldiers below, trying to determine whether Malia, Teuila, and Triton had managed to escape the city before the siege began.

As Archer scanned the road, he spotted an expensive-looking caravan rushing towards him.

Without hesitation, he flew towards it and landed on the road ahead of the carriage.

The horses came to a sudden halt when they saw Archer stretching out his wings, blocking their path.

A noble-looking man emerged from the carriage and approached him.

As he drew closer, he spoke in a commanding tone.

"Why are you blocking the road when an army is behind us, boy?"

Archer looked up at the man as he replied calmly.

"They are attacking the city, and allowing the people to flee. Do you know if the royal family, who were in the city, managed to escape?"

The man shook his head before speaking.

"They are in the governor's residence with their guards. we managed to get out because we were close to the western gate," explained the Nobleman.

Archer nodded in understanding and stepped aside, allowing the caravan to pass.

As he did, he heard explosions from the two armies exchanging attacks.

When he arrived at the edge of the battlefield, he was met with a nightmare.

Sunhaven's defensive dome was being pushed to its limits with constant attacks.

Watching the attacking army, Archer knew that casting Meteor Swarm was not an option as it would cause too much collateral damage to the city.

With a confident grin, he relied on his speed and magical prowess, soaring high above the siege camp.

He unleashed a barrage of spells, including Void Blaze, Plasma Missiles, and Eldritch blasts, causing explosions to erupt everywhere.

Turning his head to speak to Sera, he said, "Hold on very tight, and don't let go, my cheeky girl."

Sera crawled into his shirt and clung onto him, nibbling at his neck, Archer smiled affectionately at her.

He quickly tucked in his wings and began free-falling toward the ground, firing bolts of fire at the siege engines as he descended.

When the fire bolts hit some of the siege engines, they exploded, causing massive shockwaves that shook the ground and sent debris flying in all directions.

The impact of the explosions rippled throughout the battlefield, causing the ground to tremble and the air to vibrate with the intensity of the blasts.

As Archer was getting closer to the ground, he cast Blink and appeared in the center of the enemy camp.

Laughter erupted from him, causing all the soldiers to turn and stare at the eccentric white-haired demon who had single-handedly slain hundreds with his powerful spells.

Smiling as he started running forward. The soldiers saw him and their commander screamed out.

"Defensive positions!"

They quickly formed a shield wall and lowered their weapons toward him.

Archer stopped running and smiled as he saw the shield wall.

Pointing his hands at the soldiers, he started casting earth bolts while flinging them at the shield wall, pushing it back.

He quickly cast Blink and reappeared in front of the soldiers, casting Thunder Wave sending them flying back.

As he rushed forward to finish off the fallen soldiers, using his claws and tail, the Aquarian soldiers watched in amazement as Archer continued to slaughter even more soldiers.

However, he stopped the slaughter for a minute and looked around, seeing dead bodies scattered all over the place.

Approaching some of the fallen soldiers, he ripped out their hearts and stored them, repeating the gruesome act in front of the horrified soldiers.

Without warning, Archer's head snapped towards the nearest soldier, causing the man to turn pale with fear. Archer strode purposefully towards him.

"What kingdom are you from?"

The soldier just stood there, looking down at the little devil, and stuttered out.

"T-t-the Kheesar Kingdom in the south."

Archer smiled as he pierced the man's chest, after the man was dead he flung his body to the side.

The other soldiers watched in horror, frozen in place until he vanished.

Panic set into the soldiers as they formed circles, hoping to prevent Archer from sneaking up on them.

However, unluckily for them, that's exactly where he reappeared.

Giggling at their frightened faces, Sera flew out and started breathing fire.

Archer followed suit by taking a deep breath and letting out a stream of violet flames that burned many soldiers to ash.

Jumping up, he started flying while breathing fire down upon the soldiers. As he finished breathing fire, a notification appeared in front of him.

Lost in thought, Sera flew up to Archer and plopped down on his head.

[Final evolution stage available]

[Yes or no]

[You have two minutes to pick a choice, otherwise yes will be selected]

Archer ceased fighting and unleashed a Thunder Wave to repel the soldiers around him.

Grabbing ahold of Sera as he opened up a portal and quickly spoke to her.

''Go into the Domain I will be gone for a little while.''

She nodded her head and flew through the closing portal.

Archer knew he didn't have much time and wondered why he was being forced to make a choice.

He selected yes and the weather worsened, and a white storm materialized, causing mana to swirl in the sky.

He gazed up, only to find himself getting covered entirely by a giant cocoon, all Archer felt as the world turned black was a relaxing feeling.

[Teuila P.O.V]

Teuila and Triton left their aunt in the city's castle and rushed to the wall to observe the ongoing battle when bright lights suddenly appeared above the battlefield.

Explosions erupted all over the enemy army as the lights descended toward the ground.

She glanced at her brother and urged him to join her in investigating the source of the disturbance.

"Come on, Triton, let's see what's going on," she said.

He nodded, and they hastened their pace until they reached the wall, where they witnessed something falling from the sky, surrounded by beautiful violet lights.

Teuila whispered to herself, "It's beautiful," as the color of the lights reminded her of Archer's violet eyes.

As the siege engines exploded, something emerged amidst the soldiers, causing Teuila's eyes to widen in shock as she realized who it was.

She turned to her brother and exclaimed, "Triton, it's Archer out there!"

All the Aquarian soldiers cheered at the sight of him, but their celebration was cut short when a storm suddenly appeared over the battlefield.

The thunderous roar of the storm silenced the soldiers as a swirl of mana gathered high up in the sky.

Teuila noticed that Archer had managed to clear the soldiers around him and was now staring up at the sky.

She followed his gaze and saw the swirling mass of mana shooting toward Archer as a giant cocoon grew around him.

The Kheesarian army surged forward and started attacking the cocoon but couldn't even put a scratch on it.

As a soldier from their royal guard approached the two on the wall, Teuila watched everything unfold.

"Your Highnesses, Commander Tavita has requested your return to the castle. He has successfully activated the Royal Orb and is prepared to transport you, along with the Queen's sister, to Aquaria."

The two looked at the soldier, and Triton spoke up.

"What's the hurry? The Kheesarian army has taken a heavy hit thanks to Archer. If we attack now, we can end the siege and wipe them out."

The soldier smiled as he looked at the prince before explaining the dire news.

"Your Highness, another army is approaching from the north. The Kagia Kingdom has joined forces with the Kheesarians and invaded our borders."

He looked far into the north before finishing.

"They somehow have demi-giants in their ranks. Only the goddess knows where they came from, but they are here in large numbers."

Teuila nodded with a worried expression as she gazed at the giant cocoon containing Archer.

However, the storm continued to rage and mana poured into it, causing a white glow.

Triton nodded as well, and the two of them headed back to the castle. When they arrived Malia was waiting outside.

When she spotted the soldier and the two children she rushed up to them, thanked the soldier, and grabbed the kid's hands.

She was wondering what was happening when Tavita came marching out with the royal guard following behind.

The guard halted in front of the three, and Tavita lowered himself to one knee. He spoke as he gazed at the prince and princess.

"It has been my greatest honor to watch you two grow up, but now it's time for us to part ways. My heart is heavy with the knowledge that we may never see each other again. Please, escape while we hold them off. The enemy has breached the gates, and with the appearance of the second army, our chances of victory are slim to none little prince and princess."

Before they could reply he stood up and walked off without looking back, followed by the royal guard going to buy time for them to escape.

Teuila tried to stay strong knowing she would never see the man who has always been by her side.

As he left the castle he stood on the main road and used mana to raise his voice.

"Brave warriors of the Aquarian kingdom, heed my call! Hold the line with all your might, so that our beloved prince and princess can escape this treacherous siege! We shall not falter, nor shall we retreat!"

As they hurried through the halls, she could hear the thunderous cheers of thousands of Aquarian soldiers and citizens.

Malia led her to a room where the Royal orb was set up, and without hesitation, she pulled her inside.

Once inside, she urged both of them to touch the orb, and in an instant, they vanished from the spot, leaving behind the commotion and chaos of the besieged city.

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