The Journey That Changed A World.

87. Not A Dream Or A Nightmare.

Archer's eyes fluttered open, and he immediately rubbed them, trying to shake off the grogginess.

The darkness surrounding him only added to his confusion.

Standing up and scratching his head, he noticed that his horns were missing, which further bewildered him.

Feeling disoriented, he began walking aimlessly.

After a while, he stopped and looked around, spotting something in the distance. As he approached, he saw a park bench sitting there in the darkness.

It was the same bench he and Alexa sat on when they went to the park as children. Memories flooded his mind as he sat down.

Archer sat there for what felt like hours, just watching the world go by.

He didn't hear the footsteps approaching until they stopped close to him.

Startled, he looked up with wide eyes to see his big sister Ellie standing there with a look of shock spreading across her face.

As the young woman gazed at the white-haired boy before her, she was struck by his otherworldly appearance.

His skin was as pale as snow, and his long, pointed ears gave him an ethereal quality. His hair, too, was a shimmering white, almost as if it were made of pure light.

Despite his fantastical appearance, the young woman knew in her heart that this boy was her baby brother, Arch.

She hadn't seen him since the day he was murdered, and the sight of him now filled her with a mixture of joy and sorrow.

As she sat down next to him and put her arm around his shoulder, Ellie spoke softly to her brother, trying to offer him comfort and support.

Ellie could see that he was struggling with deep sadness and despair, and she wanted to help him find a way out of the darkness.

"Hey, little brother," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring. "I know things have been tough for you, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. I always have been, and I always will be."

Archer's eyes welled up with tears as he listened to his sister's words.

"I need you to live for me," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I need you to live a new life and be happy. We will meet again one day, and I want to see you living your best life."

He nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope return to his heart as the darkness that had been buried deep within him began to dissipate.

"I promise you," she continued, "Things will get better. You just have to keep going and never give up."

"Thank you," Archer whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

His sister smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I love you baby brother," she said. "I'm really happy you got another chance."

In an instant, the scene shifted, and he found himself seated at a table, surrounded by faceless women and children who chatted and laughed with each other.

Then, the scene changed once more, and he stood on a balcony, overlooking a burning land with a massive army cheering him on.

''Which fate do you choose my new white dragon? To ruin or burn? To seek revenge for how the old you was treated? Maybe live a fulfilling life filled with many wives and children?''

The woman's voice that spoke suddenly stopped.

Archer turned around and didn't see anything, that's when a large pair of red eyes opened staring at him.

''Who are you?'' he asked as he stared into the eyes.

A woman's laughter can be heard from all around him before she stopped and answered him.

"I've always been watching you Archer, I chose you, I gave you what all off dragon kind wish for. Do you know why I gave it to you instead of anyone else?"

Archer shook his head. ''No, I don't. But I guess you're going to tell me?''

He heard the same laughing again.

"I have chosen you, young dragon because I have seen the potential within you. You possess a pure heart, a strong will, and a fierce determination to do what is right."

Archer looked at the red eyes in awe, unsure of what to say.

"But why me?" he asked.

"Because I have faith in you. I know that you have the power to save our people from the darkness that threatens to consume them. You are the one who can bring hope and light back to our world."

She paused in her speech to take a deep breath, then blew a gust of air towards him, sending Archer flying. Despite this, he could still hear her words.

''You are the new white dragon, go forward and save our race, bring them to new heights, and unite the world Archer. A great danger approaches and you need all the help you can get.''

When Archer opened his eyes, the scene around him shifted, and he found himself in a beautiful forest.

Sitting up, he looked around in wonder, taking in the lush greenery and the sunlight filtering through the trees.

As he stood up, he noticed a tall woman with platinum-blonde hair standing a few meters away. Intrigued, he made his way toward her, drawn by her regal air.

She was standing on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a great city in the distance. As she turned around to face him, a smile lit up her face, and Archer was struck by her stunning beauty.

Her face was exquisite, with bright yellow eyes and a pair of long elf ears. Archer felt a sense of awe wash over him as he gazed upon her.

"My darling," she said, her voice soft and musical. "It's not yet time for us to meet. You must find the others first. But she told me you would appear here.''

The woman walked towards him and grabbed a hold of his head, she gently kissed his forehead. Archer felt a power surge within his chest.

The elf let go and smiled as she saw his reaction.

"Good, good," she whispered softly, her voice like a gentle breeze.

"My darling, it's time to wake up now. Remember to live every moment, to love with all your heart, and to never give up on your dreams."

Her words were like a warm embrace, filling Archer's heart with hope and encouragement. He smiled, feeling grateful for her sweet words of wisdom.

As the woman smiled at him, the scene began to change, and Archer found himself in darkness once again.

Despite this, he felt much better. When he turned around, he stumbled backward in shock at what he saw behind him.

A massive shadow stood in front of him, it was looking down at him.

"I am you, and you are me. Accept it, and your new life will begin," a voice said.

Archer calmed down and nodded. As soon as he did, he felt a powerful energy enter his body, changing every inch of it.

He dropped to the floor in pain, but it soon passed. When he stood back up, his eyes shone with a violet light that looked like two flames.

''Dragon Form.''

A burning sensation coursed throughout his whole body, and he started to change.

[Tavita's P.O.V]

The enemy breached the gates, and the fighting was happening from street to street, what remained of the aquarian soldiers retreated back into the city's castle with what remained of the population.

Tavita was standing on the walls overlooking the city, fires were raging and screams can be heard.

A soldier approached him and saluted.

''Commander all the civilians that didn't leave have been crammed into the castle along with all the surviving soldiers.''

Tavita nodded his head and spoke.

"Reinforce the gate, post every soldier who has the ability to use bows or magic on the walls and attack the enemies who approach."

Just as he finished talking a bright light manifested in the sky and shot down at the cocoon which was guarded by the elites of the Kagia and Kheesara Kingdoms.

The impact caused a massive explosion, and silence fell over the whole city. However, it was soon shattered by a powerful and earth-shaking roar.

All the soldiers on the castle walls had to hold on due to the shaking.

Tavita turned to his commander and asked for the mana scope, he put it to his eye as he looked in the direction of the roar.

Spotting the source of the roar, he dropped the mana scope, causing it to smash on the ground. His commander just stared at him in disbelief.

Tavita's gaze fell upon a powerful white dragon, and he was struck by its awe-inspiring presence.

His eyes widened as he took in the creature's impressive size, which measured 5 meters in length.

The dragon's beautiful white wings shone brilliantly in the sunlight, casting a radiant glow around it.

Tavita couldn't help but admire the dragon's long, slender tail, which moved with graceful fluidity.

With four muscular and well-built limbs, the dragon exuded a palpable sense of strength and power.

Its majestic head was equally impressive, featuring a strong jawline and piercing violet eyes that seemed to see right through him.

The four large horns on the dragon's head added to its imposing appearance, giving it a fearsome presence that commanded both respect and admiration.

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