The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 18 **Impending ‘Poison’ Death **

It was an hour after Sahara had been diagnosed with the ‘Two Faced Poison’, when the Second Prince came storming into the room with a royal physician.

It was not long after that, that the royal physician checked her pulse to say that the ‘Two Faced Poison’ was now completely in the ‘second stage’. This particular stage of the poison was known to be something that couldn’t be cured…

By this time, it was harder for Sahara to stay awake, her body went through hot flushes and then cold flushes. She had started to loss her hearing, to hear blurring sounds, as the poison reached her ears. Sahara’s eyesight had slowly gone blurrier and blurrier, as her pigmentation in her eyes slowly were turning red and uncontrollable tears went down her cheeks. The pain was insufferable, but she tried desperately not to scream…

Sahara let out gasps and groans, unable to hold them back. She wanted to clench her hands, but she didn’t have the strength to make her fingers even touch the insides of my palms. She bit her lip often, trying to draw out some of the pain, so her lips started to go red and even started to bleed not long after. Sahara, at first, was only slightly trembling, but as the time moved on…She was trembling so much that she assumed that she saw and heard Talon start to cry himself.


Even though Sahara had started to use her cultivation to try and get rid of the poison, as soon as she knew that she was poisoned, it’s not as easy as one thinks. Sahara would forget about forging the poison out completely, leaving the poison to run rapid through her body a decent amount of time before she remembered again. The pain did not help her focus at all…It seemed almost unbearable at most times, but she would get moments when she felt like she could handle it…Before another wave of pain washed over her that tried to get her to forget what she was doing again!

The last thing that doesn’t help Sahara force the poison out, was that she would drift into unconsciousness unwillingly, and lose a minimum of five to ten minutes, before she would wake up again to the pain!


“I’m so sorry…So sorry!” Talon’s voice wasn’t heard through Sahara’s ‘broken’ ears, but she knew that he was trying to console her in some kind of way. Seeing him like this really teared at her heart, he really was someone that had a heart of a lion, but a family of white lotus’s.

Sahara felt like the both of them were born in the wrong family. That they might have been better in a poorer and smaller commoner kind of family. Seeing a small figure close to Talon, she added Samuel into her equation of wrong people in wrong families. Samuel was somebody else that she preferred near her, he wasn’t a schemer, and he was cute. If everyone could be like Talon and Samuel, life would be…So much easier…

He can come too! We’ll…We’ll go to the countryside and fish…Even though I hate to fish…But…I feel like fishing…

When Sahara’s blurry eyes turned to her other side, someone was there too. She wasn’t sure who it was, they had come about two or three hours ago now, and she knew that they were different because of the blurry clothes that they were wearing.

Sahara knows that people had said things when they had arrived, but she didn’t know what those words were. Instead of Talon, who gript her hand very hard and mumbled, this other person seemed calmer. They also held her shaking hand and held it very gently. She was also sure that they were staring at her…

At the bottom of her bed, her ‘stupid grandfather’ had calmed down, but was just standing there. What she couldn’t see was that his eyes were a blazing glare of anger and he had clenched hands, making his knuckles go white. To others, they weren’t sure if he was going to cry or go into another fit of rage…Perhaps if she had seen this, she wouldn’t think him out to be like the cold, greedy bastard that she thought he was at the beginning…


After another bout of dizziness and blankness overwhelming her, Sahara struggled through the pain that woke her once again, and wondered who the new person was that had just walked in.

That person had rushed in here and seemed to look at her for a moment.

I wonder if it’s her…

“I would like to have a short moment with my daughter…Alone. Just in case…Just” Celeste’s voice stammered. She looked closely at everyone, unsure on how to say these words, but she knew she had to say them!

But nobody moved. As the blurry figure with a feminine murmured voice entered her ears again, Sahara struggled to use her cultivation for a short moment, to see if this figure was that woman!

“Please, let me see her alone, one last time! She is a beloved daughter, I must speak with her!” Celeste’s loud voice seemed scared.

Has this worthless girl said anything? Why are they so quiet!? Dammit, just get out of my way!


Celeste had a right to be scared, as the ‘Two Faced Poison’ was supposed to kill a person within a few hours at most. Yet, Sahara was still alive and still awake. So, Celeste was scared that she would be found out!

She had thought it would be over and done with by now, but hearing everything that was going on, Celeste decided that she had to make a move!

If she wasn’t dead yet…Then I will have to finish what I had started!

Talon really thought that he should leave, with what was happening, Sahara’s survival didn’t look good and perhaps it was okay for his wife to say her farewells. With this thought, tears fell down his cheeks. Not once before this very day did he think that he’d ever have to say farewell to this daughter of his…Never…


When Talon went to get up though, his eyes fell onto the Second Prince, who seemed to have no intentions to leave at all!

Talon weakly told Celeste that if she had something to say, she needed to say it now.


Sahara’s voice trembled, it sounded weak and as though she was just about to cry. It tore at the hearts of more than a few people in the room, making them want to look away, instead, they tried to hold in their tears and covered their mouths with their hands.


This time Sahara’s voice was louder, and through that effort, another tear fell down her cheek. Her head had not moved from looking at the new figure in the room, that she had confirmed not long ago through a second of using her very useful spiritual essence.

…Everyone was silent.

As Sahara closed her eyes and focused on purging the poison, she heard fuzzy murmurings, that got louder over time.


“You are the one that poisoned her food?”

“She’s lying!”

Everyone knew that Sahara had only just said one word, for Celeste to say these words in retaliation, they all started to get shocked into seeing her guilt!

Through Celeste’s haste to clear her name, she had already made a blunder. “She’s delirious. Don’t listen to her!”

She hadn’t been here to see that no words had been said, she automatically assumed that people already knew through my question of ‘why’ and not letting her say ‘farewell’.


With someone already stating that she was the one that poisoned Sahara, the only thing that crossed Celeste’s mind, was that they had already been told about who had arranged the food that Sahara had eaten.

If only she had known that this was going to happen, she would have made sure that death would have come for Sahara a lot earlier!

Having read the information about the poison before she even used it, Celeste clenched her fists.

Why isn’t she died yet! Just leave! Leave my daughter and I alone! You have wrecked our lives enough for an outsider! I regret ever letting you into my family!


The Second Prince smirked, as he recalled Talon’s wife wanting to see the lass alone. No doubt it would be to kill! With furious eyes, he set them at the lady in question, “Take her! I’ll be questioning her myself!”

Talon was utterly shocked!

Why did they want to harm Sahara? Why…Celeste? Is she really my wife? No, it can’t be right…

He didn’t understand it at all! Sahara hadn’t done anything to them, yet they wanted to hurt her!

She was…She played with animals and small children, stayed in the estate more often than not, yet her life is on the line! Why!?

Looking at the precious bundle that was trembling on the bed, his heart stilled to see her start to mumble. It felt almost forbidding, like…It was the end…

“No! Sahara! Don’t…” Talon sat back down beside her, shaking his head, “No!”



Talon started to worry more and more, just in these small seconds. “Sahara!”

Everyone in the room looked towards the trembling child on the bed. They had all but thought that this is probably the last words that she will say, the last couple of minutes of her life…The last seconds…

The Second Prince took a deep breath but never moved his eyes away from her. He gently took her small hand again and moved closer, inserting his spiritual essence into her. His heart felt like it had stopped beating, he couldn’t really feel his own breath anymore, the world had literally stopped turning to him, which was still hard to bear.

How, in such a small amount of time, was one person’s well being so important to him? Hadn’t they only been in each other company twice?

…But…The idea that she could be leaving this world forever made him feel like he could turn cold…Turn into ice…


The ‘stupid grandfather’ didn’t unclench his hands nor did his lose his raged filled face, but his eyes showed sadness. Sadness to the obvious loss of a really good pawn but…He did love his second son and his second son’s obvious love for this child was something that the ‘stupid grandfather’ couldn’t ignore. Besides, he had not found any fault with this little one…She came across as mature and quiet, which was pretty perfect for him…It was indeed a sad loss…A sad loss…Not to mention, if it gets out that his own family were behind the death! He knew he had to start covering up this death as soon as she was gone…


Samuel had loudly started to cry, obviously not wanting to lose his sister. This sister of his was different to his other sister. This sister spent time with him, this sister didn’t make him feel bad! This sister made him feel good!

“Sister…Come, come play, come play with me! Let’s go…Let’s go play!” Samuel’s crying and a hiccup stopped him from talking properly but it only made it all the more sad to have him speak and be heard by the others in the room.

Celeste, before being taken away, saw the potential end of Sahara and smiled.

She won’t last much longer! Now there’s no need for my daughter to disappear. Serves you right, you worthless little thing!

What surprised everyone, was what Sahara did next…

She…Smiled! Sahara smiled one of her dazzling smiles that stunned everyone in the room…


Sahara hadn’t wanted to do her ‘escape plan’ just yet…But she had no other choice. She’s been poisoned and didn’t really trust anyone at the moment. If she stayed, she would probably die…

Seeing herself getting away from this crazy family, she couldn’t help but smile…This was also the ‘worry’ that she had been dreading. The bad luck that she had to survive, this was it, and now that she knew it was ok. Seeing her problem now, right in front of her, instead of looming over her head, it relieved her. If she overcame this, then she knew that she could start again…

She couldn’t help her bottled-up emotions tumbling out, unable to hold it in, she let a secret out.

The only thing that she was unhappy about…Was the fact that she wasn’t able to see their faces!

“I’m actually…The thirteenth miss of the Rolland Estate. The Right…Minister is my biological…Father!”

Sahara then removed her hands away from those who were holding them, and with quite a substantial amount of strength that she had, and in the blink of an eyelid…Sahara disappeared!

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