The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 25 **Naruto’s Entrance**

Being a bogan, and one that stayed in the house a lot back in the day, Sahara didn’t worry for money too much. In this life, after becoming the daughter of Talon, she hadn’t had to worry about money than either.

But…Sahara was on her own now and regretted not finding some way to get some kind of income, as she had no money on her now or in the near future. When she was to return back to civilization she would, of course, look into these matters. Not just about selling or using her nucleus’s but finding a constant flow of income…You know, like those characters in books that get shops for selling Earthly things…Like bras or face creams…Stuff like that! Hey, that’s a great idea!

I could sell something this place hasn’t got but Earth was famous for! If I’m the only one that knows about it then it should sell like hotcakes! Hotcakes…Haha, what about hotcakes? Uh, nah they have something similar to that, maybe I can do something else…I’ll have to think about it!


But…Dammit…Why did it seem like so much work just thinking about it? Perhaps there’s another way to get money then having to work hard for it? She worked so hard in her last life, surely, she didn’t have to work like the average of five days a week and eight hours a day again…Right?

Sahara might know what it’s like to do a hard day’s work but she, just like many others, would much prefer spending her days in leisure and experiencing new things then slaving away…Actually, she really did want this life off! She was ganna live it up and not worry about working so much in this life! She didn’t want to be in a position to worry about money and that was that!


What she had preferred someone else do, would be the skinning and cooking of the beasts. Sahara hadn’t learnt how to do some kind of jerky from the kitchen, in the past, so she ended up leaving some of dead beast’s bodies behind. Over a long period of time of being annoyed and doing a bad job, she slowly became better at skinning. But…She still would prefer never to do it again!

All of the skins were being kept on the side of her residence…Sahara was still unsure on how much stuff could fit into her ‘storage’, so, she just put it all to the side for now.

She had to have them dry out first anyway, and some she had used as mats or blankets.

From her past life, she knew that there was more than just skinning a beast and just putting the skin up to dry but because she had never done it herself the first couple of skins were very tatty and came out wrong. Sahara had to even throw some away because they had not worked out!


It was all her memory and trying to figure out the rest of how to get these skins to be usable herself. What ended up being the answer, was just ducking a star back to Green Haven and finding out from there. When she found the action that she was forgetting, Sahara then was able to use her cultivation to finish the job anyway. So, from all the skins she has obtained from the beasts that she has killed, about half of them were practically not even worth selling…

There were several different types of skins and two of them looked rather pretty, well to her own personal observation.

The beasts differed from Earth in looks but the skins seemed to be relatively similar. Some skins were of only one color, ranging from shiny to dull. Then there were patterned ones, that looked closer to the type of tigers or zebras. Yet, the animals didn’t look the same at all! The weirdest ones where the smallest ones that came out good. Sahara was used to skins that go over a lounge chairs, but the small ones were like, one side of a pillow! Even if she couldn’t sell the small ones…Sahara kept them anyway because of how adorable they were!


If she had to say what the beasts looked closer to, when they were fighting or walking around, was that they were more demonic. All of them seem to have horns and large nails or claws. Their eyes seemed to shine beyond that of being normal and they exerted some kind of blackness from their bodies. It really was quite interesting to Sahara, and she had watched several beasts with her stars, to try and understand more about them…

Sahara found out that they may look like this, but still acted like the same kind of animals on Earth. They had the wildness about them, then the basic instincts to be a leader of the pack and to reproduce. Some males seemed to look better than females, just like Earth too. There was a slight difference, as some were big, and some were small, and due to this, they all either lived together or stayed apart. For instance, the ‘big rat’ looking beast, was a species that stayed with the smaller looking rats, yet it seemed that some species in the bird types, seemed to have broken apart in sizes…But she guessed that this was just normal here on this planet…


The birds…Yeah, they weren’t as easy to deal with! She may be safe from land beasts up there on her residence, but the flying birds were still a problem!

Some were just annoying and would rattle on and on, as though that would be enough to make one bugger off but then there’s the swoopers! The bigger swoopers would damage her little tent like house and so when she knows a big bird is around, she has to either teleport away and wait for it to leave or kill it.

It wasn’t hard to kill a bird, when Sahara figured out a way, as she used a stick or something and sharpened it and then used her spiritual essence to make the stick hit the bird, but it didn’t mean Sahara couldn’t be caught unawares!

It was rare but Sahara did cop hits by birds, the only ones to be weary of in her residence…Well until a specific little one kept Sahara company…




Being by herself for so long, Sahara didn’t get bored, as one of the first beasts that she went up against, she adopted. It was a cute looking, little fox…Even though it had two little horns near its big, fluffy ears, it was so adorable to her!

It was small, so there was no way it was going to win against Sahara in a fight, but she just couldn’t bring herself to kill such a cute, little thing!

Actually, Sahara let many little beasts go now, she used the bigger beasts for food instead. A better reason to use the bigger beasts, was for the bigger nucleus’s inside of them, and that they also had more fur or skin as well.

Funnily enough, the fox that she had adopted, seemed to follow her around everywhere now…

After Sahara had found the little bugger, she hadn’t put him down for a whole day and he had seemed to have gotten used to her cuddles!


Honestly, Sahara was a little starved for cuddles too. She was able to be alone with no problem, it was more that she just liked to cuddle something. Sahara thought it’s because of the fact that animals were natural, that she liked to cuddle them easier than humans. Humans tend to have a side to them that would make it harder to understand what they really mean…If an animal is angry, they will lash out at you, whereas a human may not show it at all and may do something behind your back.

That is probably why Sahara spent time with the animals and small children back in the estate. Because they were just a lot more easier to figure out!


Gabriella, on the other hand, would be a ‘good’ girl in front of ‘mum and dad’, yet she would be nasty to her behind their backs. It did get quite tiring…With a human, you have to watch their eyes, their faces, their actions and what they say…And even watch them when you’re not around. Hell, you even gotta watch what they don’t say!

Of course, Sahara…Was a busy body, and watched Gabriella a few times in the past, with her stars. That was why she knew one of her friends were just as devious as Gabriella was. Sahara had watched her ‘stupid grandfather’ a couple of times and knew that he was most likely only happy with her because of her cultivation. Her eldest uncle, Borak, was quite silent on the short amount of time that Sahara had watched him, but she knew that he was hiding something.

For the most part, Sahara had only done this a few times, as it didn’t help her cultivation training much. For her to get better and stronger, she had to push the distance further and further, and that seemed to be more important to her than being a sticky beak at the time.


So, this little fox, well he could get angry…Not that his scratches do anything to Sahara…Haha

But he’s become very affectionate to her, finally, and she’s already decided that he was her pet. It was a bit of a forced issue in the beginning, but Sahara thinks it’s only better for him to behave ‘properly’! She was the boss, not the fox! So, the little fox had to become submissive but…It didn’t mean that he wasn’t mischievous!

At night, the damned fox would curl up near her neck, making it very uncomfortable for her, but she couldn’t bear to move…

During the day, Sahara would at first leave the fox behind, but it would be very clingy after she had returned. So, she took it out with her now, and he happily stayed on her shoulder, clawing onto her clothes…Because one time it had fallen off! Yeah, that was funny!


So, Sahara had a friend and they kept each other company!

And this friend’s name…Was Naruto.

This strange circumstance ended up being something Sahara very much appreciated.

She would talk to Naruto very often, telling him about…Well, the obvious character that she knew as Naruto, back from her previous life, and how cute he was. She’d tell him a lot actually, almost like she had to explain everything in detail but sometimes…She was still quiet and so Naruto go used to both her voice but also silence. Sahara wasn’t big on talking, so she sometimes just didn’t know what to say, sometimes she even felt like a complete idiot for saying what she says to the fox! Nonetheless, Sahara felt she could be herself to this fox and it seemed they got on very well!

Sahara had also found out that she could teleport more than one, as she was with Naruto as well. But this only happened when he was touching her. Sahara also didn’t know if that meant she could do more than one, if she touched them as well, or how big the other one had to be…

Otherwise, Naruto also ate with her, slept with her, cheered her on and he even ‘looked’ like he listened to her when she was speaking…


There was something odd though, in this big land area, Sahara still hadn’t seen any people. After searching with her stars for quite some months, Sahara concluded that no one would come, and she no longer cared to look for anyone.

Sahara was also sure that people with her cultivation really shouldn’t be out here. If she hadn’t been able to teleport and get away, Sahara would have been dead a long time ago!

Which helped her to realize why this place was so avoided by people.

She felt even more lucky that she was able to teleport to such a safe place in amongst all this danger!

The noises that she could sometimes hear, even during the daytime, no longer got to her and she even got used to them over this amount of time...



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