The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 3 **Knowledge of the ‘outside’…**

As Sahara’s ears seemed to work better, as the days moved on, she became clearer upon her situation. On this planet, she resided in an estate that was in a ‘capital’, maybe, she wasn’t one hundred percent sure…And this ‘capital’ was called ‘Green Haven’, and of course there was a leader, known here as the Emperor…

Even though there was a lack of interest on ‘that’ information, the opposite happened when Sahara found out that there was indeed cultivation here!

Having read cultivation type of books beforehand in her previous life, she had a basic understanding of it, but what she knew was…They were books, and this place could be very different, simply because it was real. Besides that, there had been quite a different amount of cultivations techniques and so…She had to empty her mind of some things so to keep her mind opened to this world’s ‘way’ of cultivation. What was the point of going by one way of cultivation when it didn’t even work? No, she must figure out the way that it works here!


The way they do it and learn it, may be something totally hard or something I can’t understand…Who knows…

What Sahara did know, not that she understood, was that apparently ‘The first son’ had become a third ranked cultivator, and with the way people close to her sounded, it seemed to be a good thing. She had a thought that this ‘first son’, might just be her brother. No sibling had ever visited her so Sahara could only speculate upon who the ‘first son’ was at this point of time.

The other ‘stupid thing’ that Sahara had found out…Was that her ‘father’ was 45 and that she was his thirteenth child. Not only did it take a while to get over the fact that she had twelve siblings but there was more to it than that…Finally, there was ‘a’ so called ‘reason’ upon why she had not been treated well…


She was deemed as ‘bad luck’ and has been talked of by the maids that she has already been abandoned by her very own father.

Ah, now I get it. My father must be superstitious. Is it the number thirteen? Suppose that was known as an unlucky number on Earth too…Yay, a familiar…Thing…Y..ay…

Sahara wished that if there was something that was the same or similar to that of Earth and this planet that it was something other than a number! I don’t blame her…But I know, no one was asking me, moving on!

They called her birth and timing of birth and her placement of birth an ‘omen’ here, but nonetheless it was something that deemed Sahara bad luck and so her father practically pretended not have conceived her in the first place…

Let’s just hope all fathers aren’t as stupid as mine! Not even…He’s not even giving me a chance! Stupid dad! I’m great, I’m a great person!

With a past on not many people liking her, it wasn’t a surprise to become defensive on her father’s so-called decision on her life…


Sahara couldn’t help but laugh though.

I was really good in my last life! How do I deserve this!? Oh! Perhaps he was told that in the future I kick his ass! Oh, yeah, I then bring him back to life and kick it again! Haha, yeah, any father wouldn’t like that!

So, obviously, the number thirteen wasn’t all that was making her ‘bad luck’…Sahara had also been born on the thirteenth day of the month, on what she would call a ‘Black Friday’…Apparently, here, the names of days were different, so Sahara wasn’t used to it yet. She’ll have to find out more about how the years go by and what the days are called later.

With this, her ‘father’, she heard, had gone one step further to act as though he had already disowned her, which meant that the nannies in charge of her had ‘reason’ to ‘forget’ her dinners! And finally, after a few ‘weeks’ now, Sahara has the answer upon why she has been treated like she has since birth.


All that Sahara could think her father was…Was stupid!

To abandon someone as awesome as me, even with my status and time of birth…Would have to be stupid! It’s unfair though, I mean it’s not my fault! How should I be abandoned when he chooses to have sex when he did, and I was ready to pop out when I was ready? I’m so ganna kick him, bring him back and kick him again, I tell ya! I’ll give him a real reason for doing this!

After coming up with a comeback plan upon being treated this way for the future, Sahara felt better!

Granted, Sahara was a modest and humble person but sometimes, she really did think quite highly of herself…Well, let’s just say that she thought herself good enough to have this ‘bad luck’ and ‘abandonment’ be dropped and not accepted by her father and mother! She didn’t think that that was asking too much! Nonetheless, she now accepted it, simply because she has a plan!


And since now, that she had classified her ‘father’ as ‘stupid’, she no longer wanted to care for him. Her thoughts were, that it wasn’t like she was ‘losing out’…Simply because she’s already had a ‘father’ before. She thought she was pretty lucky to have the chance to even have two fathers in the first place, so dropping one out of existence in her own small family tree seemed pretty easy, especially when she didn’t know him anyway…Then she let out a tiny baby noise to her own strange joke!

I’m still new here! Of course, I wouldn’t know anyone! Maybe just give the planet and its people a chance…There’s gotta be someone nice here, even if I adopt my own new daddy! Haha, daddy. I’m small so I could get away with saying such a childish thing!


With plans, everything seemed fine, except food. She was still living and hopefully getting stronger, not weaker. Sahara was pretty good at putting things that were out of her control, to the back of her mind. She even made herself feel better, by thinking that there was no cure for stupidity and that her life should be easier because of ‘letting the ‘stupid’ father go’!

This was only one way to her thoughts upon ‘simplistic happiness’, which meant the less you worried about, the easier happiness was to obtain. The less you stressed, the less that you even had in the way of possessions, it just felt like it was her way of being able to obtain happiness better…Easier…

Well, that and it was her lazy mind thinking of perhaps the ‘laziest’ way to obtain happiness…

The first thought that pops into her mind upon ‘simplistic happiness’ is, ‘That’s why I sleep on the floor’.

Again…Some things we will not quite understand when it comes to Sahara…




As the time flew by, Sahara entertained herself through her past life. She watched movies, that she still remembered, in her head and tried to even remember manga and books that she had previously read. It didn’t matter if she didn’t remember a title or all the details, but it was still something to entertain her days away. Again, Sahara couldn’t help but praise babies upon how they deal with all this time on their hands, yet again, she assumed it was another reason why they slept so much…Because being awake is just so damned boring!

Sahara did what she called ‘baby exercises’, which helped her crawl a little earlier than normal, but…She kept it a secret!


She started with going to the door all by her tiny self…

I’m bushed! This might take longer than I thought!

Being bummed out, over her short escape to the door, she had a day off!

At least I haven’t been seen yet, if I can keep it a secret, all the better! It’ll be my first secret…Wait no…It’ll be my second secr…Nope…My first secret is that I transmigrated. Second, second is that my father is stupid and that his superstitions are a load of bullshit, so this must be my third secret? Right?

While Sahara is able to spend some time away to figure out how many secrets she apparently has, I’ll continue…

Sahara seems to believe that she shouldn’t put all her ‘cards’ on the table…I tend to think that she hasn’t got many cards, at least not right now…So, what’s so important about them knowing or not knowing if she can crawl yet?

I say ‘whatever’ to Sahara’s thinking upon keeping her ‘crawling’ a secret…


Sahara never had so much appreciation for babies…Ever!

Just in these short months, it was like the ‘baby’ was miraculous and shouldn’t be underestimated! Seriously, they had to work so hard!

It seems Sahara was just one step away from bowing to the ‘baby god’…If there were such a thing…Hail Baby God! Hail!

The next day, it was the same, and she purposely sucked harder for her meal that night! Squeeze!

Mature audiences only please, squeezing boobies here…


Anyway…This did not impress the nanny of course! Apparently, their boobies, that are there to feed the young ones of their species, had been violated! Oh no! It’s the ‘Boobie Patrol’, no baby must drink from there!

…Yeah, I get it, I’m getting carried away…Perhaps Sahara’s thoughts are making me weird…Just being a narrator is fine but then I came here to this weirdo and…Moving on…

Well, at least Sahara got a decent amount of ‘food’ before being ‘humphed’ at and left to her own once again! Seriously, where they waiting for her to just kick the bucket? Is that what they were doing? Author, how is this realistic!?

*Just recently a baby has been reported to be left alone in a park for a few hours, then there was one that died in a car, both of which were on the news…*

…Then let’s just continue…Shall we…


If Sahara had other things to do, she may have shrugged this off. But…She didn’t! She needed to be strong…Right now!

Sahara knew that she was dreaming of something that couldn’t possibly happen so quickly but being harshly put on the small bed and then left alone again like this, she couldn’t help but have the urge to survive as best as she could!

Mumbling her sorrows away, and exhausted through her ‘baby exercises’ and crawling, Sahara fell asleep, she already decided to have tomorrow off, so she took the next day as her ‘Sunday’. Sleep in and veg out day!

Well, that’s just too damned crazy! A baby taking a day off! Nuts!




After a week, Sahara finally went through the door!

Then in another week, she crawled all around her small, little ‘house’!

To anyone else, this would seem to be a small accomplishment, but to her, it was huge!

Sahara was so happy that it didn’t matter that she had been ignored that night, yet again…

The next day, after she was left alone, Sahara wondered out a little further and was able to see the one living beside her, from about twenty meters away. This child was a sickly male, that was bigger than her. She assumed that he was closer to one and a half or two years old.


Seeing him cry, Sahara wanted to go take a closer look, but knew that she wouldn’t be able to return to her own ‘house’ if she did. Instead, she sat and watched, listening to his cries. The mother seemed to be there and trying to coax the boy to drink more, but this child just wasn’t able to latch on probably to the nanny.

He might need a modern-day baby’s bottle or something, mmm?

Thinking about somebody else’s problem, gave her something to do and Sahara even felt better about her own situation.

She didn’t feel the jealousy, from knowing that his mother cared more for that child then her own ‘mother’ did for her, instead, she was curious.

Actually, Sahara already knew that her curiosity was a flaw of hers, but what can she do when it’s a part of who she was?


As Sahara crawled back to go inside, still not letting on to anyone that she can crawl yet, she contemplated her neighbors problem. Her instincts absolutely insisted that the child would be better with a bottle…

Yeah…Where am I ganna get one of those?

Sahara pictured her baby self crawling through a shopping mall, trying to obtain a milk bottle and let out a small laugh to the climbing that she ‘might have to do’. Of course, she knew it wouldn’t be done, a baby wouldn’t have that much energy! Plus, some adult would probably pick her up and stop her from getting to the baby bottle first. She could see herself doing it, picking a baby up that is, so if a baby went into a shopping mall and obtained a baby’s bottle…That baby needs to be like a hero or something hey.

Why am I talking…Right, Sahara started it again…

Let’s go back to the present shall we!


Although, she wasn’t the newborn that she used to be! Sahara was holding her head up high, already crawling so…She would have to be a couple of months old by this time.

But, what did age have to do with her right now though? Sahara was somewhat put back to reality upon remembering why she thought of her age in the first place.

A baby’s bottle. One with either that of squirted milk from a Mumma or made-up milk. She remembered someone, vaguely, from her previous life, that had a kid and had to use a bottle because the kid didn’t latch onto her nipples…And for some reason, like quite a number of other times, Sahara just felt like that was the answer to the problem that her neighbor was having…


Normally, Sahara followed her instincts like a religion, they seemed too always be right! The problem was, if Sahara hadn’t followed them, something bad would always happen! At first, this happened a lot when she was young in her past life. She had bad luck often and found herself depressed, being misunderstood, homeless…

Sighing, Sahara struggled to find a way to help the boy, by following her instincts, but came up with nothing! How could it be possible for her, a baby, to accomplish such a feat? Even if she knew how to fly, would she be able to find a bottle anywhere? When were bottles invented anyway?

Great! Now something bad is ganna happen!

…Just as Sahara had given up and saw her doomed future, she saw someone rush into the house, to stop just in front of her.

Her first thoughts…

Doom has come! So quick!

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