The King of the Underworld is Tired

Chapter 17: The Story After the Typohnomanchy – (1)

'Squeak! Screeech! Yelp!'

What am I supposed to do with this?

I looked down at the three-headed dog frantically wagging its tail and showing its belly.

It did look a bit cute like this, but... hmm...

"Hades, sir, shouldn’t we dispose of it? It's already a strong creature..."

Considering it could already withstand Pan's light attacks, I couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy about its future potential.

However, from what Pan had observed, it seemed to prioritize survival instincts over savagery.

"Fine, follow me to the underworld."

*Whine! Whine!*

As soon as I finished speaking, the beast foamed at the mouth and began thrashing wildly.

Its tiny tail whipped around like a windmill, and tears streamed from its three pairs of eyes.

"I am the king of the underworld, Hades. I’m not taking you there to kill you..."

Yelp! Woof!

"He says, 'I’ll be completely loyal to you.'"

The creature's tears had vanished, and now it circled around me, wagging its tail—an opportunistic beast through and through.

Pan translated its response with a look of disbelief on his face.

Honestly, this creature seemed like the type that would betray me without a second thought.

* * *

I named the three-headed dog 'Cerberus' and headed to the underworld with it.

I thought it might try to escape along the way, but it followed me quietly.

I considered what job to give it and decided it would be best to use it as a guard dog.

Sometimes, souls try to escape the underworld and return to the world of the living.

"Bite any soul that tries to sneak out. You can eat them if you want."


Cerberus seemed to understand and nodded with all three heads.

With its dark, sinister appearance, considerable strength, and poisonous fangs, it would make a fitting guard dog for the underworld.

"First, let me show you around the underworld. Stay close."

'Pant! Pant!'

All three heads were busy scanning the surroundings, taking in the sights. It seemed Cerberus found the underworld’s atmosphere quite agreeable.

Now, we just needed to cross the Lethe and Styx Rivers, and then we could reach my fortress.

"Hades is coming... or not... he’s coming..."

What on earth is that sound?

Who dares to sit idly by the sacred River of Forgetfulness, mumbling... the goddess Lethe?


The goddess Lethe, who had been crouching by the banks of the River Lethe, noticed me and ran over.


"I’ve been waiting here all this time... You’re not dead, right...?"

I felt the soft skin of the goddess against my chest.

Please, suddenly hugging me like this... Ahem!

"I think I’m going to die now."

"Oh no, I’m sorry!"

Being a god, I’m immortal, but I did take a beating from that Typhon. I’m still in some pain, especially around my chest, so if you could just back off a little... Ugh!

"I-ichor... ichor is coming out of my mouth!"

* * *

So, I returned to the fortress of the underworld.

I was sitting on my throne, receiving reports of what had happened while I was fighting Typhon.

The area around Olympus had been completely devastated by the battle, leading to many deaths.

As a result, the workload in the Underworld had temporarily increased.

With the workload piling up and me, the highest authority, absent, the gods had grown increasingly weary...

This eventually led to the goddess of the Styx glaring at me with hollow eyes.

“How could the king of the Underworld, a major god, go to the battlefield himself...”

She lamented that the affairs of Olympus should have been left to them, that I didn’t need to participate in such a dangerous battle, that if it was a battle fierce enough to spill ichor, I should have let Zeus handle it... that restoring his tendons should have been enough to maintain my dignity... and that despite being brothers, I should have properly negotiated for compensation...

Ah, it seems this isn’t just because of the busy work. I appreciate your concern for me, but...

Her endless nagging was making my ears ring, and my face was growing as hollow as hers.

“Yes, yes... I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”


Finally, she stopped?

“Well, I’m glad you’re safe. I was so worried... sniff.”

The goddess Styx’s face turned red, and she covered her mouth, turning away.

I could see clear, transparent liquid flowing from her eyes and down her cheeks.

Oh no, why are you crying now?

Unable to bear the prickling gazes around me, I got up and tried to comfort the goddess of the Styx.

“Hades, my friend, you shouldn’t make your wife worry like this.”

“Angering the mistress of the Underworld? That’s bold even for a god. I wouldn’t dare to match that...”

“You might want to take a look over there...”

As if that weren’t enough, I noticed that Lady Lethe was now glaring at me with a pout.

I wish everyone would just be quiet.

I’m a god who hasn’t even gotten married, let alone dated anyone. Why are they all so interested in me...?

But Thanatos, you don’t have any close goddesses either, do you?

“What’s with that look? I don’t like it.”

It’s nothing.

“By the way, Hades, why did you bring that monster here?”

Morpheus pointed to Cerberus, who was sitting quietly, waiting for my orders.

Hmm... Let’s see. I’ll have him guard the gates to the Underworld.

Now, there will be no more souls escaping the Underworld.

“But it’s still a monster. A dangerous creature like that could one day betray you if it feels it’s grown stronger...”

"Ah, you don't need to worry about that."

I had infused Cerberus with some of the Underworld's power, transforming it into more of a divine beast rather than just a monster.

Although its ferocity remained, it would never attempt to escape the Underworld or disobey my orders.

"But what happened to Typhon?" asked the goddess Lethe, her arms crossed.

Zeus personally sealed Typhon's body beneath Mount Etna.

As for his severed head, I threw it into Tartarus.

"Hades! You wretched rat! Where is my body?!" 

"At the bottom of Mount Etna."

"Raaah! Reattach my head to my body this insta... aaaargh!!!"

I did worry that Typhon’s body might cause some havoc trapped under Mount Etna, but I could always check on it when I patrolled the mortal world.

The Olympian gods also kept watch over the place, ensuring that his body would never be freed.

At most, he might cause some damage to the surface with his tantrums.

"My goodness... His body is buried under a mountain, and his head is in Tartarus..."

"Times like this really show that you’re indeed the god of the Underworld... But why is it that sometimes..."

What is he trying to say?

Thanatos, who had locked eyes with me, quickly looked away.

"Ahem. I’ve heard that Hermes has recovered and is planning to return to Olympus. He said he wanted to thank you in person—would you care to visit him?"

Ah, Hermes.

* * *

When I entered the place where Hermes had been receiving treatment near the entrance to the Underworld, I saw the messenger god, fully recovered and smiling.

As expected of a god, he must have healed long ago and was waiting for me.

"Uncle Hades, I heard you defeated Typhon!"

"It seems you’ve fully recovered."

With the caduceus staff, where two snakes intertwined, and his winged sandals back in place, he was now the Hermes I knew.

When he was brought here, covered in blood...

"Thank you so much for aiding Olympus. My father will surely reward you greatly!"

"No need for a reward, but take this Scythe with you."

I needed to return it to Zeus, but accidentally brought it to the Underworld with me.

"Ah, so this is the Scythe. I’ve never seen it before."

"Zeus will know what to do with it when you hand it over."

Hermes accepted the Scythe with both hands, examining it curiously.

As a young god, he probably hadn’t had the chance to see Olympus’s most powerful weapon, made from adamant.

"Are you not going to use it yourself, Uncle?"

"It’s not mine to begin with."

Unfortunately, the scythe doesn’t suit my hand.

Of course, having fought through the long war with the Titans, I can wield any weapon, but I feel more comfortable with a sword or spear.

No matter how good or powerful a weapon is, if the user isn’t skilled with it, it can’t fully display its power. This weapon is better suited for Zeus.

With a slight shake of my head, I signaled to the messenger god, and he began preparing to leave the Underworld.

"Well then, I, Hermes, the messenger of all, will be returning now. Next time I visit the Underworld, I’ll be sure to bring a gift for you, Uncle..."

Alright, off you go. Even your son was worried about you.

As I watched Hermes rise into the air, a soul-guard came rushing towards me.

"Lord Hades, the goddess of the rainbow, Iris, is at the entrance to the Underworld on behalf of Olympus!"

Iris had been visiting quite often lately.

Since Hermes had been injured and laid up in the Underworld, Zeus must have had no choice but to send Iris.

After a moment of waiting, the beautiful goddess with rainbow wings entered.

"I greet the lord of the Underworld once again. Lord Zeus has sent me to invite you to Olympus as a token of gratitude for your participation in the battle against Typhon."

He’s asking me to come to Olympus?

I wish he wouldn’t bother me with such requests; I’m not one of Zeus's subjects.

As I frowned, Iris broke into a nervous sweat and quickly added more explanation.

"Lord Hephaestus mentioned that a custom weapon must be forged directly in his dedicated forge... Also, since Typhon has been defeated, a victory banquet will be held at Olympus. It would be an honor if you could attend and grace the occasion with your presence..."

So Zeus had ordered Hephaestus to make a weapon for me? But I already have the Styx sword.

And a banquet on Olympus... that does sound somewhat appealing.

It wouldn’t be bad to attend a banquet on the clouds for a change.

Who knows what might happen with most of the gods gathered in one place, so it might be a good idea to go and check out the atmosphere...

Although I am a bit concerned about the affairs of the Underworld,

compared to the time of the Great Flood, things have become quite organized and stable, so I can afford to be away for a little while.

"Alright, I’ll go now."

"Then I shall escort you, Lord Hades."

Iris bowed respectfully and created a rainbow, forming a passage to Olympus.

No matter how many times I see it, that power is truly enviable.

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