The Knight of Fairy Tail

Alice is Back!

The rumbling of a moving train, the clanking of steel can be heard. Someone is reading a newspaper.

????:"Did you hear what Salamander of Fairy Tail did at Hargon Town?"

The person lowers his paper to look at the person sitting across from him.

????:"Yeah, he destroyed the entire Harbor."

The other person sighs and looks back at the paper.

???:"Then a few other members of Fairy Tail destroyed a train station then destroyed Guild Master's Meeting Building, in Clover Town."

???:"Man, Fairy Tail is trouble."

???:"Really the only one that isn't is the Fairy Knight, but she's kinda scary."

A few seats behind the two is a female with Long Golden Blond hair that is tied to both sides of her head, and a braid running down from the back of her head, a bow attached at the end of the braid. She also wears a white lace around her forehead. She has sparkling blue eyes and she is also wearing golden armor, a blue cape, white leather boots, and a white skirt.

She closes her eyes.

?????:*Whispers.* "They've caused trouble. Natsu what did I tell you."

She then opens her eyes and looks out the window.

?????:"I'll be home soon, Amayori."

Natsu is sitting face down at a table. Happy is beside him eating fish.

Natsu:*Muffled.* "I'm bored."

Happy:"Why don't you do something then."

Natsu then stands up and punches his fist together.

Natsu:"Gray fight me!"

Gray is over at the bar talking to Mirajane. He's mostly naked.

Gray:"Not now fire brains."

Cana is sitting on the counter beside him.

Cana:"Gray your clothes."

Gray looks down and becomes panicked.


Natsu then looks to Erza, who is sitting nearby eating a strawberry cake.

Natsu:"Eraza, Fight me!"

Erza glares at Natsu as she takes a bite of her cake.

Natsu:"Never mind!"

Lucy walks into the guild and she's holding Plue in her arms. Natsu laughs and runs over to her.

Natsu:"Fight me!"

Lucy screams and kicks Natsu in the face and Natsu fall to the ground.

Lacy:"Ahh, I'm sorry, Natsu. But you scared me!"

Happy flies over and laughs at Natsu.

Natsu:"Why won't anyone fight me."

Gray walks over and he's wearing his clothes this time.

Gray:"Maybe because no one wants to deal with you idiocy" 

Natsu gains a tick mark on his head and he stands up.

Natsu:"What ya say Ice princess."

Gray:"You heard me Ashbrain."

Gray and Natsu butt head.

Natsu:"Ice stripper"

Gray:"Squinty eyes"

Lucy sweat drops.

Lucy:"Their at is again."

Levy walks over.

Levy:"Hey Lucy."

Lucy smiles.


Suddenly a loud roar is heard and every stops what their doing. Lucy freaks out.

Lucy:"What was that?!"

Natsu sniffs the air.

Natsu:"That's Amayori! That means Alice is back!"

Everyone cheers.


Mira walks up.

Mira:"She's another S-Class Mage, like Erza, she was on a quest for the past few months."

Lucy:"Wait "The Fairy Knight" Alice?"

Levy:"The very same."

Lucy starts to fangirl.

Lucy:"Ahh, I can't wait to meet her!"

Natsu:"Maybe she'll fight me!"

Natsu runs to the guild doors and he opens them. He runs out but Erza grabs him but his scarf and he falls to the ground. Sun shines into the guild.

Happy:"And he's down."


Erza:"We're all excited to see her, but done just rush out. She just got back home, so let's give her some space and all walk there together." 

Natsu groans in frustration and Erza glares at him.

Natsu stands up and salutes.

Natsu:"Sounds like a great plan."


Team Natsu starts to walk through the town.

Lucy:"So exactly where are we going?"

Happy:"There's a hill that Alice likes to rest at."

Erza:"And that hill is a little ways out of town."

Lucy:"I have always wonder? How strong is Alice compared to you Erza?"

Erza:"She is a strong rival. We have a battle once a year to determine who's stronger. The current score is 3 and 3. We are tied."

Lucy eyes go wide.

Lucy:"Wow, so you both are tied in strength?" 

Natsu:"Yeah, it's like there are two Erza's at the guild!"

Lucy starts to imagine there being two Erza's and she shutters.

Lucy:"I'd hope she's not like Erza."

Erza glares at Lucy.

Erza:"What's the supposed to mean."

Lucy freaks out and waves her hands around.

Lucy:"I didn't mean it like that."

The group makes it out of town.

Lucy:"So how far is it out of town."

Gray:"Only a few minutes."

Lucy:"Good, I don't want to walk much more."

Natsu:"Come on guys, stop standing around and lets go!"

Natsu starts to walk off and the others follow.

Lucy:"How long has Alice been apart of the guild?"

Gray:"She join a year after me so back in X775."

Happy:"She's been part of Fairy Tail for a long time."


Natsu:"Hey look."

Natsu points ahead and they see a hill with a tree at the top and they see a figure sitting under the tree.

Natsu points ahead and they see a hill with a tree at the top and they see a figure sitting under the tree

Natsu smiles and the group runs up the hill.

Natsu:"Alice. Fight me!"

Lucy:*Sweatdrop* "Straight to the point."

Alice holds up her hand and the group stops.

Alice:"Please wait a little longer. Since the weather's so nice, I want to give it ample time to bask in the sunlight."

Alice puts her hand down and looks to the group.

Natsu smiles and looks to Gray.

Natsu:"Gray help me with this."

Gray:"Uh-huh. Not after what happened last time."

Natsu:"Come on, it'll be fun."

Lucy:"What happened last time."

Happy:"It's best you don't know."

Lucy then looks back to Alice and notices she doesn't have her sword.

Lucy:"She doesn't have her sword."

Happy flies beside Lucy.

Happy:"Oh, she does."

Lucy becomes confused.

Lucy:"What do you mean?"

Happy lands on her shoulder and just points forward as Natsu and Gray walk up the hill to Alice.

Alice stands up.

Alice:"Thank you for waiting."

Natsu:"Now, let's fight!'

gray:"I can't believe I'm doing this."

Gray is taking his clothes off.

Alice touches the tree and a blue light comes from it then after a few seconds the tree turns into a sword.


Erza:"Fragrant Olive. That's Alice's trusty sword."

Natsu:"Let's go!"

Natsu:"Let's go!"

Natsu and Gray run at Alice and pulls her sword out of its sheath and holds it to the side and starts to cast magic on it.

Natsu and Gray run at Alice and pulls her sword out of its sheath and holds it to the side and starts to cast magic on it

Alice's sword turns into golden petals.

Natsu:"Fire Dragon:-"

Gray:"Ice Make:_"

Alice swings her sword and the petals slam into Natsu then into Gray and they both fall a little ways down the hill and roll onto their stomachs. 

Lucy:"Wow she took them out fast."

Happy:"She seems pretty unhappy."

The golden petals fly around Alice.

The golden petals fly around Alice

Alice:"I heard what you guys did. I'm sure you've already been punished, but that still means doesn't mean I won't be punishing you."

Natsu:"Not good."

Gray:"I know I shouldn't have followed you."

The golden petals flying around Alice go back and form into her sword.

Lucy:"What is with that sword."

Erza:"Not much is know about it."

Lucy turns to Erza.


Erza:"It's believe to be an object from the gods. It's an indestructible sword and the petals can piece rock and even the ground. The only person who seem to be able to use the sword to it's full potential is Alice."

Happy:"And the sword can take the shape of a Olive Tree."

Lucy:"So cool."

Alice seaths her sword and whistles.

Alice:"Be prepared for your punishment later. I have other business to attend to."

A roar is heard and lucy shrinks as a Wyvern lands behind Alice.

Amayori is a gigantic, silver Wyvern with triangular scales adorning its entire body. She has two wings that tower like a couple of spires, a long neck and a long tail that draws an arc. She has a faintly bluish fuzz growing under her neck and has metal armour equipped on its chest and head when on duty

She has a faintly bluish fuzz growing under her neck and has metal armour equipped on its chest and head when on duty

Alice turns to Amayori and she lowers her head and Alice pats it. Then Alice looks to Erza.

Alice:"We shall talk later, Erza."

Erza nods.

Erza:"We shall."

Alice climbs onto Amayori's saddle and she flies off.

Natsu gets off the ground.

Natsu:"Hey! Get back here. That wasn't a proper fight."

Gray gets off the ground.

Gray:"Just let it go Fire clown."

Natsu:"Shut up, Pervy popsicle."

Lucy:"And their back at it, again."


Natsu and Gray put their arms around each other and dance.

natsu/Gray:"We're best friends."

Alice lands at her house and gets off Amayori and heads to the front door. Amayori goes and lays down in a big hole that's at the base of the tree.

Alice opens the door and walks inside and she walks into the living room and suddenly stops

Alice opens the door and walks inside and she walks into the living room and suddenly stops.


Alice looks to the couch in the side of the living room and sees Makarov sitting down, drinking some tea.

Makarov:"Alice, how was the quest."

Alice:"It went well. I took care of the monsters that were attacking the city. They paid me 9,000,000 jewels."

She takes out a large pouch and throws it to Makarov and he catches it.

Alice:"I'll pay for the damages the group caused."

Makarov:"You know you don't need to do that. I keep tell you-"

Alice puts a hand over her heart.

Alice:"I want to help keep the reputation of this guild a good one. Even if it already has somewhat a bad one."

Makarov sighs and he sets his tea cup down and gets off the couch and walks to Alice. Alice crouches down to him.

Makarov:"Your a good kid."

Makarov pats Alice's head and she smiles.

Makarov:"Get some sleep and come by the guild tomorrow. We do have a new member and I want you to meet her. She's really pretty."

Alice:"Master manners."

Makarov clears his throat.

Makarov:"Right, well. You get some rest and see you tomorrow."

Alice nods and Makarov heads to the front door and he looks to Alice one last time.

Makarov:"Welcome back home."

Makarov leaves the house.

Alice looks to the door for a few seconds then she closes her eyes and she shines gold and after a few seconds the shine goes away and Alice is wearing different clothing.

Alice looks to the door for a few seconds then she closes her eyes and she shines gold and after a few seconds the shine goes away and Alice is wearing different clothing

Alice walks to the fireplace and hangs up her sword near it. she then looks outside and notices the sun on the horizon casting an orange glow over the trees.

Alice:"It's getting late."

Alice walks out of the living room.

Alice is sitting in her bathtub and there are a bunch of bubbles. You can she the top of her breasts and you can see a golden fairy tail guild mark on her left breast near her heart. A rubber ducky floats past Alice and Alice sighs and sinks lower into the bath.

????:*Memory* "Man, Fairy tail is trouble."

Alice puts a hand over her guild mark and Smiles.

Alice:'Even if they are. They're my family and I wouldn;t ask for anyone else to have as a family. Even If I don't remember mine.'



1770 words

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