The Knight of Fairy Tail

Cursed Island 2

(Alice is the same age as Erza. So 19 years old.
Also Alice has the Fairy Tail symbol on her right breast plate, on her sheath and a small one on the pommel of her blade.)


Gray:"The truth is Ur's still alive."

Erza:"What do you mean?"

Gray:"It's been ten years."

Gray tells the story about Deliora and Ur.

The group is now looking at the temple, it's tilting to one side. Lucy and Happy has their heads tilted.

Lucy:"Uh... Hey, guys? Is it just me, or does that temple look a little crooked right now?"

Happy:"What happened to it?"

Gray:"I'm guessing Natsu."

Erza:"Me too."

Alice:"It's tilting to one side. Gotta be Natsu."

Gray:"Yeah, I don't know how he managed to putt it off, but he's the only one who'd do something that crazy. It's a pretty great idea if he did it on purpose. Since the temple's tilted like that, the moonlight won't hit deliora. 

Alice:"Natsu with a good idea. Impossible."

Lucy moves her head back up and Happy is trying.

Lucy:"You mean his habit of destroying stuff actually came in useful for once?"

Happy:"My head's stuck! Looking sideways at that crooked temple hurt my neck!"

Alice walks over to Happy and she grabs his head.

Happy:"Be gentle."

Alice tilts Happy's head to the other side and Lucy gasps. Alice's sences go on alert and she pushes both Lucy and Happy out of the way.

Alice:"Watch out!"

Alice, Gray and Erza avoid throwing knives.

Erza:"Who's there?"

Lucy and Happy land on some trees.

Cultist:"we've tracked you down, Fairy Tail!"

Cultsist:"We won't allow you to interfere."

Alice:"These guys again."

Gray:"Not these guys."

Erza:"Lyson's Minions?"

Lucy:"They're all around us!"


Erza and Alice go back to back.


Erza:"We can handle them ourselves."

Erza gasps requip and she requips a sword and Alice unsheaths her sword.

Gray:"You sure?"

Alice:"We'll take care of them. You go and settle things with Lyon."

Gray nods and Lucy pulls her whip out and cracks it.

Lucy:"We'll fight with them! You just go and do what you gotta do."

Happy pulls a fish out.


Gray:"Thanks, you guys."

Alice chuckles and looks to Erza.

Alice:"Just like old times, huh?"

Erza smiles. 

Erza:"Like old times."

Erza and Alice look to the cultists. 

Erza/Alice:"Let's show them what the 'Battle Knight Sisters' can do!"

Erza and Alice rush forward and start to take down the cultists. 

Cultisit:"Do not falter. We must strike down all who oppose the cold emperor."

The cultist cheer.

Suddenly everything starts to rumble. 

Erza:"What's that sound?"

Lucy looks to the temple and gasps.

Lucy:"No way."

The temple is now un-tilted.

Happy:"Whoa, the temple just un-tilted itself."

Alice just shrugs and punches a nearby cultist in the face. Erza takes a few out herself.

Erza:"Notice anything strange, Lucy?"

Lucy:"Yeah. Even though there's a bunch of them, their magic seems weak for some reason."

Erza:"Exactly. As far as I can tell, there are only five wizards among them."

Alice:"It's really strange."

Happy:"Oh, man. Guess that means I'm gonna have to go easy on them."

Lucy:*Sweat drops.* "Just keep telling yourself that."

Alice:"Do you think you can handle this one?"

Lucy takes out a gate key.

Lucy:"Oh, you betcha."

Lucy then casts her spell.

Lucy:"Open, Gate of the giant grab.  Cancer!"

Cancer comes out from his gate.

Erza:"Hmm. We've met before, haven't we?"

Cancer gets down on one knee and holds out a bouquet of roses.

Cancer:"Indeed we have. And as always, I am at your service, miss."

Lucy:"I thought you always said baby? What's with miss? And aren't you supposed to be at my service?!"

Happy:"I think someone's jealous."

Alice blinks a few times and them holds up a finger.

Alice:*Sweat drops.* "What's going on here. We're in the middle of battle."

Lucy then points to the cultists.

Luxy:"Take them down! But don't kill them. Just rough them up, okay?"

Cancer:"All right, baby. Uh, miss."

Alice:*Confused.*"What's going on?"

Cancer takes out all the cultists.

Cultists:"Cold emperor." *They pass out.*

Erza:"Excellent work. Let's head to the temple."

Alice sheaths her sword.


Cultist:"No, wait."

The group turns around and they see two cultists without their masks on.

Cultist:"We won't let you interfere with the Cold Emperor."

Erza:"Those headpieces. You people are from the city of Brago. And you want revenge."

Suddenly a loud roar comes from the temple. Lucy and Happy cover their ears.

Happy:"My ears weren't ready for this!"

Erza:"That doesn't sound too promising."

Alice:"We need to move!"

The group:"Right."

Everyone runs to the temple and when they get inside Deliora roars again.

Lucy:"What the heck was that noise? It sounded like some kind of monster growling."

Happy:"It was Probably just your stomach, Lucy."

Lucy:"You know, you're not half as funny as you think you are."

erza:"So do you think that sound might have been Deliora?"

Alice:"It has to be."

Lucy:"Oh, no. You mean..." *She panics.* "They brought it back to life?!" 

Happy sees a purple light coming from the floor and ceiling and he points to it.

Happy:"See that purple light? That's the moon drip."

Deliora roars again.

Erza:"It must be."

Happy points to Lucy.

Happy:"Hey, you need to eat something."

Lucy:"And you need to shut your trap before I hurt you."

Alice:"That may be the demon growling, but someone's still performing the moon drip ceremony up there."

Erza:"Which means they haven't fully revived it yet. So we still have a chance to do something. Come on."

Erza starts to run and Alice follows her. 

Lucy:"Deliora's below us."

Erza:"Putting a stop to the ceremony is our only hope. We've got to hurry!"

The group gets to the top and they see Toby performing the ceremony and Erza kicks his butt.

Lucy:"Awesome. The moon drip should stop any minute now."

The magic from the moon drip disappears. 

Happy goes over to Toby.

Happy:"You mean this guy was doing it all by himself?"

Tody:"Too late! It's over. The ceremony's already been completed."


Suddenly a massive green beam comes from where the moon drip magic was and Deliora roars.

Lucy:"Whoa. No way."

Alice:"Not good."

Natsu and happy are celebrating.

Natsu:"Oh yeah! That's right. We won!"

Happy:"Aye, sir!"

Lucy:"You know, I was kinda worried for a while there. But it all worked out thanks to your amazing teacher."

Natsu is jumping around all happily. 

Natsu:"We totally finished an S-Class quest. All by ourselves!"

Happy and Natsu laughs.

Lucy:"You think Master Makarov will let us in the second floor now?"

Erza and Alice glare at them all and they all get scared, well except Gray.

Lucy:"Oh no! You're still gonna punish us, huh?"

Alice:"Isn't there something that you're all forgetting about? You came to this island to help the villagers. The request was for you to return them to their original forms."

Lucy gasps.

Erza:"You still haven't completed your S-Class quest yet."

Lucy:"But I don't understand. The curse should be lifted now 'cause Deliora's dead."

Erza:"Wrong. This curse you keep talking about never had anything to do with the demon. The villagers have been affected by the intense magic energy released from the moon drip spell. In other words, Deliora's death isn't going to change their current situation whatsoever."

Lucy:"What-- Oh no."

Natsu holds up his hand.

Natsu:"Well, then we'd better go and change them back."

Happy highfives Natsu.

Happy:"Aye, sir!"

Gray:"Yeah, but we don't know how."

Gray then looks behind him to Lyon, who's rest on a rock a little ways from the group.

Gray:"Lyon. Do you know?"

Lyon:"To be quite honest, I don't have a clue."

Natsu:"You don't know?"


Lucy:"But they told us the curse started about the same time you guys got here."

Lyon:"When we first arrived three years ago, we were aware that there was a village somewhere on this island. But we had absolutely no reason to communicate with the villagers, so we left them alone. And they never came to the temple to see what we were up to."

Alice:"In three years you've never once met?"

Lucy:"I don't understand. The light from the moon drip is so bright you can see it from practically anywhere on the island. It's kinda weird that they saw it every night and never went to investigate."

Lyon:"The villagers weren't transformed by the moon drip. It doesn't affect the human body."


Natsu:"Yeah, right. You're just saying that so you and your lackeys will be off the hook."

Lyon:"Just think about it. I've been exposed to it as long as they have and my appearance hasn't changed one bit."

Lucy:"Oh yeah. That's true."

Lyon:"I wouldn't trust them. Those villagers are hiding something. But I'm sure you guild wizards can handle it."

Natsu:"We're not done with you. You destroyed the village--"

Erza cups Natsu's cheeks with her hand; making him shut up.

Erza:"That's quite enough, Natsu. They were simply doing what they believed to be right. So there's no need to criticize them for it. Let's go."

Erza lets go of Natsu.


Erza starts to walk away.

Natsu:"What are we gonna do to lift the curse?"

Erza:"I have no idea."

Lucy:"Oh, great."

Natsu look to Alice and she just shrugs her shoulders. Alice walks after Erza.

After a little while the group makes it back to where the villagers are staying, but no one is around.

Happy:"That's weird, where is everybody?"

The group starts to walk through the area.

Natsu:"Are you sure they came here?"

Lucy:"Yeah, this has been their camp. I wonder where they could have gone."


Gray heads over to the tent where he woke up earlier that day.

Gray:"Since we're here, I'm gonna grab bandages and some medicine."

Suddenly a villager runs up to them.

Villager:"You finally made it back. There's something you need to see. Please, follow me to the village."

The villager leads the, back to the village and it's completely restored. 

Lucy:"Whoa. Are you kidding me?"

Happy:"Yesterday it was a total mess, but now it looks perfect."

Natsu is banging is hand on the side of a building.

Natsu:"What's going on here? Everything's back to how it was. It's like the village went back in time."

Lucy:"Now that it's fixed, you probably shouldn't touch anything, 'kay, Natsu?"

Natsu gains some tick marks on his head and he looks to Lucy, agarily. 

Natsu:"Are you saying I destroy everything I touch?"

Alice punches the top of Natsu's head and a red lump appears on his head.

Alice:"That is what she is say. Now shut up, you're causing a scene."

Alice walks away and she finds Erza.

Alice:"Figure out a plan yet?"

Erza:"Yes, now let's go ding the chief."

Erza walks away and Alice Follows her. They find the Chief Talking to Lucy. Gray and Happy are nearby.

Chief:"When are you wizards finally going to destroy the moon for us? Well?"

Lucy starts to sweat.


Erza and Alice walk over to them.

Erza:"Destroying the moon is a simple task, sir."


Gray:"What the--? Did she just say that with a straight face?"

Happy:"Aye. Maybe she's gone crazy. That means Alice is gonna go crazy, too!"

Erza:"But before I do that, I need to ask you all a few questions. Would you be so kind as to call everyone together for a meeting?"

A few minutes later the group and the rest of the villagers are all standing in front of the gates to the village. 

Erza:"Let me make sure I have my facts straight. The first time everyone in the village took on these demonic forms is when the moon began to turn purple. Is that correct?"

Chief:"Yes. During the day, we're fine, but when the moon comes out we transform into what you see now."

Erza:"And the moon first turned purple about three years ago, right?"

Erza starts to walk to the side.

Villager:"Wow, has it really been that long?"


Erza:"We've learned that the moon drip ceremony has been performed on this island every night for the last three years. And each night it produced a beam of light so brilliant that you couldn't possibly have missed it."

Erza steps into one of Lucy traps and she falls with a loud Kyaa.


Natsu and Gray yelp.

Lucy:"Whoa. Even Lucy's pitfall trap is back."

natsu:"She screamed like a girl."

Gray:"Yeah, and it was cute."

Alice has a small blush in her face.

Alice:"It was so cute and high pitched."

Lucy starts to panic.

Lucy:"I'm so gonna be dead meat when she gets out."

Erza then climbs out and acts like nothing happened. 

Erza:"Seriously. Didn't you ever wonder where that light was coming from?"

Villager:"She got up like nothing happened."

Villager:"She must be pretty tough."

Erza:"I don't understand. Why didn't anyone investigate?"

Everyone starts to murmur. 

Chief:"Well, we would have looked unto it, but according to village lore, our people must never go near that temple."

Lucy:"But who cares about village lore when your own people are dying? You obviously know there was a problem 'cause you contacted the magic guilds."

Chief:*Sweating.* "Oh well..."

Alice:"Why don't you tell us what's really going on here?"

Chief:"To be honest, we don't even know that ourselves. Allow me to explain. We tried to investigate the light many times. We'd take up weapons we've never had to use. I'd trim and style my sideburns, and then we'd venture into the jungle towards the temple. But we could never get near it. We'd get close enough that we could see it through the trees, and then suddenly we'd find ourselves back at the village gates."

Lucy:"But how's that possible? It doesn't make sense."

Natsu:"We got into the temple without any problem at all. How weird."

Villager:"We didn't say anything to you earlier, because we were worried that you wouldn't believe us."

Villager:"We're telling you the truth. We've tried to go back to the temple many times."

Villager:"But not a single villager has ever been able to get inside."

Erza:"I get it. Yes."

Lucy gasps and Natsu becomes confused.

Erza re-quips her armor and she walks to the side.


Natsu looks to her.

Erza:"Come with me. I'll need your help to destroy the moon."

Natsu laughs. Lucy, Happy and Gray all gasps.




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