The Knight of Fairy Tail

Fighting for her

(Fight episode. I hope you're excited! I am!)

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Sparks fly as Alice's great sword and PoH cleaver clash. Alice pushes against PoH and he starts to slide back.

PoH:"You've gotten stronger, but you're not the only one!"

PoH's cleaver glows red and he starts to push against Alice and she starts to slide backwards. PoH gives Alice and evil smile and he pulls his cleaver back and slams it into Alice. 

Alice goes flying through a wall and she hits the ground and rolls a few times; then she hits a wall and it stops her. 

Alice:"Get up."

Alice stabs her sword into the ground and she pulls herself up and coughs a few times. PoH laughs and he walks through the hole in the wall.

PoH:"You managed to survive that."

Alice wipes her mouth and smiles at PoH.

Alice:"You'll never take me down."

PoH:"Then bring it on girle!"

PoH and Alice charge at each other. PoH Swings his cleaver and Alice ducks under it and he swings again; Alice parry's it and leans back and pushes herself into the air with her head and kicks him in the head.

Alice the grabs PoH with her legs and throws him away from her. PoH uses his hand to stop himself and he runs back at Alice. His cleaver glows red and multiple red slashes appear in the air and Alice flips herself into the air to avoid them.

Alice swings her sword at PoH and he turns to the side and avoids it and kicks himself a few feet from Alice.

PoH:"Many would have given up with the odds stacked against them, so why do you keep fighting?"

Alice:"I'm a knight of Fairy Tail, I need to protect my family."

Alice moves her sword up and it shines in the light.

Alice:"I'm gonna take you down like I did with your guild."

Alice glares at him.

Alice:"Those people you and your guild killed where my friends!"

Alice charges at PoH.

PoH:"Did I hurt your little feeling, you bitch?"

Alice swings her sword at PoH and he leans back to avoid it and he sees Alice glaring at him. Alice lowers herself to the ground and sweep PoH's legs and he falls and slices at Alice and she parrys the blow.

Alice slides a few feet back and PoH lands on his feet.

PoH lunges at Alice and she holds up her hand and a ice shield comes from the ground and blocks the attack and Alice jumps away from him.

Alice:"You could say I'm pissed. Your standing between me and Erza!"

Alice lunges at PoH and he jumps away to avoid the attack. Alice then jumps at PoH and does a downwear swing. PoH takes a step back and avoids the attack; then he slices at Alice he she pushes herself forward and avoids his attack.

Alice moves around PoH and she stabs her sword into the ground and grabs PoH's arm and throws him into the air and she grabs her sword and jumps after him.

Alice swings her sword and PoH parrys the attack and he kicks her away from him. Alice lands on the ground, she stabs her sword into the ground and stops her.

Alice:"World Call: Generate thermal element. Form element, sword shape, Fly straight."

Many red swords appear around Alice and they point towards PoH and he smiles and runs at Alice.


The swords fly at PoH and he avoid and parrys the rest and he jumps at Alice and swings his cleaver down onto her. Alice eyes widen.




 Child Gray:"Do it again, Cana. You must've read the cards wrong 'cause there's no way today's my lucky day."

Child Cana and Gray are sitting at a nearby table; Cana is using her cards to read Gray's fortune.  Child Alice is leaning against a nearby pillar, watching them.

Cana:"Look, I know what I'm doing, and I didn't read 'em wrong. It's your lucky day so just deal with it, for crying out loud."

Gray:"Well, I don't believe it. Jeez! I fell into a ditch on my way here this morning. And now I can't find my stupid wallet. Today totally sucks!"

Alice laughs.

Gray:"Shut up!"

The doors to the guild opens and a child Erza walks in. In tattered clothes; she has an eyepatch on her left eye.


People start to murmur and Alice raises an eyebrow. Erza walks into the middle of the guild.

Wakaba:"Someone's kid come wandering in?"

Macao:"She doesn't look like some regular kid off the street to me."

Erza:"This is it. The guild grandpa Rob told me about."



Alice flies into a wall and she slumps down and her sword lands a few meters from her.

Alice coughs up some blood and she touches a hand to her stomach and she brings her hand up and a few specks of blood drips from her fingers. Alice looks down and sees a another big gash in her armor.

Alice:"I'm not done."

Alice puts her hand on the wall as she stands up to help support her. 

PoH slowly walks towards her.

PoH:"Still standing."

Alice:"I'm not even close to being done."

PoH laughs and he lunges at Alice and she does a backflip and grabs her sword and gets ready for another fight. 

PoH:"Show time!"

Alice yells and charges at PoH and they clash. Alice throws her hand up and a bright light shines from it.



People are celebrating and Gray, Cann and Alice are sitting at a table; looking at Erza, who is sitting at a small table by herself, eating. She's wearing some armor now.

Cana:"I feel bad for her 'cause she's always alone."

Gray:"Don't just sit there feeling sorry for her. Go say hi."

Cana:"I tried that, but she totally ignored me."

Alice takes a few bites of her mint ice cream.

Gray:"Well, she should understand by now that she's not gonna get anywhere in this guild if she doesn't wanna talk to the Gray."

Alice face palms.

Cana:"You are getting way to big for you britches there, streaker."

Alice was taking a bite of ice cream and she chokes on it. She beat her chest a few times and then starts to laugh at Gray.

Gray:"Shut up, both of you."

Gray grabs Alice's arm.

Alice:"What are you doing?"

gray stands up and drags Alcie with him.

Gray:"We're going to talk to Erza."

Alice sweet drops.

Alice:"You're gonna mess this up."

Gray:"Quiet! I got this!"

They reach Erza and Alice rips her arm away from gray and stands a few steps off to the side behind him.

Gray:"Hey, what's up?"

Erza ignores him and Gray kicks the table away. Alice blinks a few times and just stares at Gray with a 'WTF' face.

Erza:"Is there a problem?"

Gray:"You know this is a wizard's guild, right? That stupid armor won't protect you here."

Erza:"Maybe not but at least I have the common decency to wear something. That's more than I can say for you, perv."

Alice bursts out laughing and so does everyone else in the guild.

Wakaba:"Be careful, guys. Looks like we got a live one."

Macao:"She sure figured you out quick, Gray."

Alice:"She'll fit right in!"

Gray glares at Erza.

Gray:"What'd you call me?"

Erza:"If you're smart, you'll leave me alone."




Alice swings her sword a few times at PoH and he blocks them all.

Alice:"Get out of my way!"

Alice brings her sword down hard and PoH flips away from her. She hits the ground and it cracks heavily. Alice throws her sword at PoH and it cuts his cheek. Her sword becomes embedded in the wall behind him.

PoH:'She's fighting harder now.'

Alice jumps at PoH and she cocks her fist back.




Gray has a bunch of bumps on his face and his head. Alice is nearby and she's holding back her laughter.

Macao:"Did you let that little girl beat the crap out of you again?"

Alice:*Muffled.* "She did."

Gray starts to get frustrated.

Wakaba:"You know, I'm starting to think you like it. Or maybe you just like her."

Gray:"Oh, shut up!"

Wakaba:"She must be pretty tough if she can take down the Gray, huh?"

Alice:"Pfft, anyone can take down 'The Gray'."

Gray:"Shut up!"

Macao:"Yeah, if she keeps it up, next thing you know, she'll be calling the shots around here."

Alice:'No way that'll be happening. I'm the strongest and I'll be calling the shots!'

Gray:"No, she won't. She'll never be one of us."

Alice slams her hand on the table.




Alice punches PoH in the face and he flies back into the wall, Cracking it. Alice runs at him and tries to punch him again, but her jumps out of the way. Alice grabs her sword and swings at PoH and he blocks her attack.

Alice:"I'm coming, Sister!"

Alice holds up her hand and a bird made of ice flies from it and hits PoH in the face.




Erza is sitting at the edge of the river with the sunsetting on the horizon. Gray and Alice are a little ways behind her.

Gray:"Can't hide from me you red-headed freak."

Alice growls at Gray and he sweats slightly.

Gray runs down towards Erza and Alice sighs, she walks after him.

Gray:"All right, Erza, bring it on. You're the one who's going down this time."

Erza looks to Gray and she's crying; Gray stops running and Alice makes it down the hill.

Erza:"It's you again what is it with you?"

Erza stands up and wipes her eye.

Erza:"Haven't you learned your lesson?"

Alice:*Mumbles.* "He's too thick skulled too."

Erza:"All right, give me your best shot."

Gray blushes and Alice gives a chuckle.

Gray:"Oh, well, uh..."

Erza:"What's the matter? You're not chickening out, are you?"

Gray:"Tell me something. How come you're alone all the time?"

Alice:"It would be nice to know."

Erza looks down to the ground.

Erza:"I just prefer to be alone 'cause I get nervous around other people."

Alice:"Oh, yeah?"

Gray:"Well, you're alone now, so why you crying?"

Erza gasps.

Gray walks to the edge of the river and sits down. Alice follows his lead and she sits down next to him.

Erza:"So you're not going to fight me today?"

Gray:"I can't fight a girl who's crying."

The three of them look off to the sunset.

Alice:"You don't have to cry any more. We're here now, Fairy Tail is a family. I promise We'll take care of you."

Alice smiles at Erza and Erza gains a small smile.



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Alice is rapidly swinging her sword and PoH is walking backwards and blocking her attacks.

PoH:'What's with her now? She's like a totally different person now.'

Alice yells.

Alice:"World Call: Generate Cryogenic and Thermal element. Form Fragrant Olive!"

A bunch of ice and red Fragrant Olive swords appear around Alice.


All the swords fly at PoH.

PoH:"Well, shit."

The sword hit PoH and they cause an explosion and smoke fills the area.

Alice coughs a few times and she waves her hand around to clear the smoke. Then She hears PoH coughing.

Alice looks to the side and sees PoH using his cleaver as a cane.

PoH:"Well would you look at that. You got me."

Alice glares at him and PoH laughs and he stands up and takes a few steps forward; he almost falls over.

Alice holds her sword with one hand and points it at him.

Alice:"This ends now!'

PoH chuckles.

PoH:"I agree."

Alice and PoH yell and they charge at each other.

PoH  swings his cleaver down at Alice and she smirks and drops her sword from her left hand; PoH's eyes widen. Alice grabs the blade with her right hand and her gauntlet shatters and some blood splatters from her hand. Alice yells and she pulls her other hand back and punches PoH in the face and he's sent flying into a wall.

The Wall behind PoH breaks and he falls into the next room.

Blood drips onto the floor from Alice's right hand.Alice walks over to PoH and she sees that's he out cold.

Alice:"I win."

Alice grabs her fallen sword and she walks away. After a few steps she falls to a knee; she's using her sword to prop herself up.

Alice:"I got to careless."

Alice looks to her right hand and stares at the deep cut. 

Alice:"That's gonna scar."

Alice looks down to the rest of her armor and it's cracked and broken in places with two big slash marks in it. Small drops of blood fall from the gash on her stomach.

Alice takes a few deep breaths and she gets back up.

Alice:"I'm coming, Sister."

Alice glares forward.

Alice:"And nothing is going to stop me."


(So what did you guys think of the fight?)


1962 words


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