The Knight of Fairy Tail

Get Back Up!

Alice POV

I open my eyes and I'm in a black void.

"Where am-" I quickly cover my mouth. "What's going on?" 

My voice is higher than it should be. I look down at my hands and they're small and smooth.

"What is this?"

I look at myself. I'm a kid again, but much younger than I remember. I think I'm around six or seven. My memory only goes as far back as from when I first met Makarov. I was around 9 then.

I look around and there's only darkness. A cold black darkness. I look back down to my hands and fear goes through me.

Blood covers my hands.

"Wh-What's going on?"

I look up and see someone on the ground, bleeding from a large wound on their stomach. 

"Good work." An Alluring voice says behind me.

I turn around and only see a shadowy figure walking towards me.

"But it was not a perfect strike." The voice says again and it puts a hand on my shoulder. "It wasn't deep enough. Now kill him."

I look down at my hands and I see Fragrant Olive., well what looks like Fragrant Olive. Instead of a shiny golden blade it's a spine-chilling red blade with a black hilt.

Blood covers the blade.

"Yes, Mistress." I involuntarily say.

My body walks over to the bleeding person.

'No, no! Stop! Why won't my body obey me!'

I raise the sword above my head.

I shut my eyes and try my best to force my body to stop.

Is this my memory? or someone else? This can't be me! Please, Make it stop!

I start to bring the sword down.

"Alice." I hear Erza's voice and everything stops. 

I snap open my eyes and the scene before me is now gone. 

"We need you, so get up!" I hear Erza say to me.

That's right. Zero. 

I'm coming for you, you bastard.

General POV

In the ruins of what used to be a room, we see a banged up and hurt Alice using her right arm to push herself up. Alice grabs her limp left arm and pushes on it hard and a loud crack is heard.

Alice rolls her left should and moves her arm around.

"Can you hear our voices?" Hibiki telepathically talks to the group. "If you can, please respond."

Alice shakily pushes herself onto her feet and takes a few deep breaths.

"Yeah, we hear you." Natsu says.

"Natsu." Hibiki says in their minds.

"Destroy all six lacrima at one time." Gray says.

"So who's fighting Zero? 'Cause we'd like another crack at him. right, boys? Alice?" Lucy asks.

"I've got a score to settle." Alice says as puts a hand on her guild mark.

"Eighteen minutes left. We've gotta hurry." Happy takes a few big breaths. "We owe it to Carla and Wendy to protect their guild." He yells.

Alice nearly falls over but she steady's herself.

"Guys, my telepathy's about to cut out." Hibiki tells the group. "A while ago, I uploaded a map to each of your minds. I numbered the Lacrima so you could find them. Everybody choose a number, okay? Then split up--" Hibiki cuts out.

Natsu looks to Alice and nods.

"I'll take one." Alice says. 

Natsu smiles. "I'll get two."

"Three." Says gray.

"Guess I'll take four." Lucy says. "Please don't let Zero be there."

"Then I shall take number five." Ichiya says over the telepathy. "I can tell it's closest to me thanks to the smell of its Parfum."

"You mean, because you see it on the map?" Erza's says over the telepathy. 

"My honey, why do you insist on making a fool out of me?"

"I can take number six."

Alice smiles.

"I'm glad you're feeling Better, Erza, Huh?"

"Yeah, it's all thanks to you guys."

Alice smiles.

"We better-" Erza starts saying but the connection is lost.

"What happened?" Natsu questons.

"We lost our connection." Gray says.

"That means we lost Hibiki." Lucy gets sad.


"Okay guys, it looks like we've got the six people we need." Happy says to the group. "Let's go and if you run into Zero, take that jerk down. 'Cause we're all gonna be too busy destroying those Lacrima."

Alice cracks her knuckles.

Natsu walks over to Alice and he holds his fist out. Alice brings her fist up and they both fist bump.

"Kick his butt." Natsu says to Alice.

Alice smirks.

"I'm going to teach him to never mess with Fairy tail."

Both Alice and Natsu chuckle as they quickly hug each other and head to their Lacrima's.

Little later.

Alice is walking down a hall with a small limp.

'I've got a score to settle, with you creepy bastard.'

Alice comes to a large room with a big Lacrima ball and with Zero standing in front of the Lacrima.

Zero and Alice stare at each other.

"It's the knight. Fancy meeting you here." Zero says to Alice.

Alice just glares at him.

"You looking for a rematch? Well, you got one."

Alice smiles and Zero is slightly taken back.

"I wonder who will survive this fight, me or you?" Alice growls at Zero.

Alice holds her hand out and a golden light shines and Fragrant Olive forms in her hand.

Alice yells and she jumps forward and does a downward slash at Zero. He moves to the side and ducks under another slice from Alice.

Alice jumps back and glares at Zero.

"Impressive, you've still got that fighting spirit even though you were beaten to the ground last time we met." Zero says.

Zero points two fingers towards Alice.

"Dark Capriccio!" Zero casts a dark spell at Alice.

Alice jumps out of the way and avoids the attack.

"As you can see, I'm twice as strong as Brain." 

Zero flicks his hand up and Alice jumps away as an attack comes out from the ground. But then she's hit in the back by Zero's dark Magic.

Zero laughs as Alice dodges another attack. Alice keeps dodging attacks.

"You were wondering who will make it out Alive." Zero says as a few of his attacks hit Alice. "I think it's obvious that it'll be me."

Alice holds her hand out.

"World Call: Generate Thermal Element!" The palm of Alice's hand glows red. "Arrow Shape! Fly straight! Discharge!"

Red Arrows stream from Alice's hand and they counter Zero's spell, but they aren't doing much. Alice keeps letting thermal arrows out and finally Zero's spell dissipates. 

Alice glares at Zero. "No."

"Hmm... I must say I'm surprised you were able to stop a piercing spell."

Both Zero's and Alice's eyes widen as Alice is hit with a golden spell. Alice flies back and hits the ground. A golden glow cover's Alice.

"Who's there?!" Zero yells as he turns around and sees Jellal at the entrance of the room.

A golden glow covers Jellal's outstretch hand.

Alice jumps to her feet and glares up to Jellal.

"Jellal!" Alice yells.

"Well, Hello." Zero says to Jellal. "I take it your memory has returned?"

Jellal stares at the scowling Alice.



1100 words.

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