The Knight of Fairy Tail

Natsu, Alice and the Dragon Eggs

Lucy is in the library of Fairy tail and she sees Mira on a tall ladder that's leaning on a massive bookshelf. 

Lucy:"Hey, Mira! What are you doing up there?"

Mira:"Just a bit of reorganizing, that's all."

Lucy:"Oh, I can help with that."

Mira:"Are you sure you want to?"

Lucy:"Yeah. I'm good with boring stuff."

Plue comes up from Lucy's shoulder.





Mira now sorting through books and Lucy tells her what happened with Natsu and Happy at the lake. Lucy is up on a ladder.

Lucy:"And then he just stormed off. What a jerk, right?"

Mira:*Giggles.* "Maybe. But that's what makes him so cute."

Lucy:"You really think so?"

Mira:"Of course. You're attracted to Natsu's boyish charms too, aren't you?"

Lucy Paicks.

Lucy:"What?!" *She slips on the ladder.* "Ah-- No!"

The ladder falls and it brings Lucy and many books with it.


Mira runs over to her and Lucy laughs a few times.

Mira:"You okay?"

Lucy:"Yeah, sorry about that. I guess ladders aren't my strong point."

Lucy noties an old painting from when everyone was a child and she grabs it.

Luct:"I found an old painting."


In the pitcue a little girl with a small wyvern on her head is standing next to Erza.



(Amayori is the size of the dragons in the picture.)

Mira:*Chuckles.* "I remember that."

Lucy:"Is this everyone when they were kids?"

Lucy:"It sure is."

Lucy looks to a child Gray.

Lucy:"This must be Gray. And who's that next to him? Canna?"

Then she notices Macao and Wakaba behind Gray and Canna.

Lucy:"Whoa, Macao and Wakaba? They looks so young!"

Then she looks to Natsu, who's riding a blue dragon.

Lucy:"Oh, I'd recognize that spiky head anywhere. Natsu hasn't changed a bit. And what's with the little blue dragon?"

Mira:"That's happy."

Lucy gasps in horor.

Lucy:"I don't know if you even know this, but how did Natsu and Happy first meet, anyway?"

Mira:"Let me think. When that picture was painted, I hadn't been a member of Fairy Tail for very long myself. The time sure has flown by.


Makarov:"Hey, Natsu!"

Wakaba:"He went out."

Macao:"Something about a fight."

Natsu and Gray fighting in the streets.

Mira:*Voice over.* "Back then,"  

Natsu and Gray are fighting in the guild.

Mira:*Voice over.* "Natsu and gray were little balls of hate. They'd fight every time they ran into each other."

Lucy:*Voice Over.* "Doesn't sound like much has changed."

natsu and Gray are fighting outside the guild and Erza shoves them away from each other.

Erza:"All right, that's enough out of you."

Mira:*Voice Over.* "Of course, there was always someone to break them up."

Lucy:*Voice over.* "Let me guess, Erza."

Gray and Natsu angry look to Erza.

Gray:"Mind your own business for once."

Natsu:"You want a piece of me too, you jerk?"

Erza:"If you insist."

Natsu and Gray rush Erza but she just bonks them on the head and they fall to the floor with lump on their heads.

Erza:"Now behave. No more pointless fighting from you two."

Gray:"You just got lucky."

Natsu:"I'll win next time."

Mira:*Voice Over.* "Natsu was always getting into fights like that. OF course, he acted like that's what he wanted, but sometimes I'd catch him with a sad look on his face. Then one day...."

Natsu is punching a tree with Erza's and Gray's face on it.

Natsu:"Stupid Erza and Gray. You stink!"

Natsu then takes a few steps back and winds up his fist and punches the tree really hard. Then he holds his swollen red hand.

Natsu:"That didn't hurt at all."

An egg falls onto Natsu's head.

Natsu:"Oh, what the heck?"

Natsu sees the egg and he chuckles.





Natsu brings the egg all the way back to the guild.

Natsu:"Hey, you guys! Check out this awesome egg I just found."

Natsu brings it over to the bar counter where Makarov is sitting.

Makarov:"Where in blazes did you pick up that thing?"

Natsu:"I found it in the east forest."

Makarov:"The East forest?"

Gray:"Look at that. Guess you're good for something after all, huh? Gonna fry it up for us?"

Cana:"Gray, your clothes!"

Gray gasps.

Natsu:"I ain't gonna fry this. Can't you see it's a dragon's egg? I'm gonna hatch it."

Cana:"You sure?"

Natsu puts the egg on a pillow.

Natsu:"Look at the marks on the outside of it. They look just like dragon claws, right?"

Gray:"I don't know about that."

Natsu:"So anyway, Gramps. Why don't you hatch the dragon with a spell?"

Makarov:"Gah Don't be a fool."

The three kids become confused.

Makarov:"Using magic for such a purpose would dishonor the miracle of life. You see, life is born from love and love alone. No spell can transcend that power."

Natsu:"Uh... Sorry, Gramps. I don't think I'm following you."

Makarov:*Sighs.* "You'll understand when you grow up."

Erza walks up.

Erza:"He's saying that if you want it to hatch, you have to work hard to make it happen on your own. SInce you usually just burn and break things all day, it might be nice to try something more productive for once."


Gray:"I didn't hear you come in."

Then Mira comes up.

Mira:"I've been looking for you, Erza."

Erza looks and glares at her.

Mira:"Why don't we pick up where we left off? Come and get some."

Lisanna:"You're gonna fight again?"

Erza:"Mira. You know now that you mention it, we never did finish our match, did we?"

Mira and Erza glare at each other.



Plue is dancing around the Library. 

Lucy:"Are you for real? That girl is you?"

Mira:"Yup. Surprised?"

Lucy:"Yeah. This doesn't look like you at all. And wait... You said you were picking a fight with Erza?"

Mira giggles.


Mira rishes Erza.

Mira:"I'm gonna bury you alive!"

Erza:"I'll make you beg for mercy!"

Erza rushes Mira.

Before they reach other other two cups hit them each in the head.

Alice:"Are you fighting without me?!"

The two turn and see Alice with her hands on her hip.

Erza:"What you want some?!"

Mira:"Yeah, goldie locks you want some."

Alice sighs and stretches her arms then makes a come at me mention. Erza, Alice, Mira all rush each other.

Alice:"Bring it on!"

Lucy:*Voice Over.* "Alice wanted to fight, too?"

Mira:*Voice Over.* "Alice was always looking to be the best at everything. I wasn't the only one that changed."

Mira kicks Erza away.

Erza:"Is that armor your training bra?"

Alice punches Mira away.

Alice:"Aren't you wearing enough eyeliner already?"

Erza sends Alice away.

Erza:"Is your brain as weak as your punches!"

Alice, Erza and Mira butt heads and push against each other. 

Mira:"You ugly prudes!"

Erza:"You stupid wenches!"

Alice:"Short stacks!"

Mira:"Thunder thighs!"

Alice:"Bug eyes!"

Cana:"Way to keep it classy, girls."

Gray:"Oh, sure. She's all mad when we get in a fight. But she can wreck the whole guild whenever she wants?"

Natsu:"Just wait. One of these days I'm gonna give them a beatdown they're never gonna forget."

Lisanna walks up to Natsu.

Lisanna:"Aw, give me a break. Keep up that tough guy act, and you'll never get the girls to like you."

Natsu:"Shut up, Lisanna. What do you know?"

Lisanna:"Now don't be mean. I was just about to ask if you needed a hand raising that egg?"

Natsu gasps.

Natsu:"You want to help, really?"

Lisanna:"Mm-hmm. I've never tried raising a dragon. I bet it'll be real fun."

Gray:"I don't know if 'Fun''s the right word."

Natsu:"So how are we supposed to make it hatch?"

Lisanna:"I think you just warm it up."

Natsu:"wait, for real?"

Natsu looks to the egg and smiles.

Natsu:"Looks like I'm the right man for the job."

Natsu grabs the egg and starts to breathe fire onto it.

Lisanna:"Not like that, Natsu!"

Gray kicks Natsu and grabs the egg from him.

Gray:"Are you stupid?!"

Lisanna:"Jeez. Careful. We're trying to hatch the egg, not poach it."

Natsu:"Yeah, you're right."

Lisanna:"Sit back and let mu magic handle this."

Lisanna puts her hand out and a magic circle appears.

Lisanna:"Take over...animal soul!"

Lisanna changes into a bird and giggles.

Natsu:"Whoa, you're a bird!"

Gray:"Oh, I get it."

Lisanna:"We're experts when it comes to hatching eggs."

Natsu:"Wow, you're so smart."


Alice is sent flying and she lands on Natsu.

Alice:"Darn it, Mira!"

Alice notices the egg Lisanna is hugging with her wings and Alice gets up and looks at the egg.

Alice:"Whoa, thats a big egg."

Natsu:"And I found it!"

Alice crosses her arms.

Alice:"I bet I can find a cooler egg."

Natsu smirks.

Natsu:"I bet you can't."

Alice looks to Natsu.

Alice:"Challenge accepted!"

Alice runs out of the guild.

Alice:"I'll find the best egg before tomorrow."

Natsu laughs.

Natsu:"Good luck."





Alice is moving through a forest.

Alice:"I am the best egg finder there ever was!"

Alice stops walking and she looks around.

Alice:"I... Where am I?"

Alice looks around some more.

Alice:"I'm not lost. Lady Alice doesn't get lost. I'm just a..... I'm not lost!"

Alice storms through the forest and comes to a cave.

Alice:"HA. I found a cave. I wonder what's inside."

Alice gets to the edge of the cave and it's a slope that leads down. 

Alice:"it's kinda dark."

Alice leans more forward and suddenly a rock from under her hand slips away.


Alice falls down the slope and rolls a few times and then comes to a stop.

Alice gets up and some blood falls from her nose. Alice wipes her nose and she feels around in the dark and finds a rock.

Alice:"World Call:"

Alice's hand glows gold and a magic circle appears. 

Alice:"Generate luminous element."

A ball of light appears in her hand and she touches it to the rock.


The ball of light surrounds the rock and Alice stands up and uses the rock as a source of light.

Alice:"I'm gonna be the best cave explorer ever."

Alice whips some blood from her nose and walks through the cave. After some walking she sees some light ahead and she runs towards it.

Alice gets to a big room and finds a nest in the middle.


Alice runs over to the nest and finds a single silver egg. A large Silver egg.

Alice:"Take that Natsu, I found a cooler egg."

Alice goes over to the egg and picks it up.

Alice:"Shiny. I'm gonna rub this in Natsu's face."

Lucy:*Voice over.* "So she just stole a Wyvern egg she found?"

Mira:*Voice Over.* "She wasn't the smartest when she was young."

Alice then starts to run back through the cave and she almost trips a few times.





Alice makes it back to the guild and she kicks the doors open. She hides the egg behind her back.

Wakaba:"She's back and extremely dirty."

Alice's dress has a bunch of dirt, sticks and mud all over it. She has some blood and dirt on her face.

Alice looks around and Spots Lisanna and Natsu with their egg.


Natsu looks over and he gains a smug look.

Natsu:"Well, did you find a egg. Like you said you would, 'best egg finder'?"

Alice smirks.

Alice:"Why yes I did."


Alice shows Natsu the silver egg.

Alice:"I found a shiny silver egg!"

Macao:"Where did ya find that kid."

Alice:"I found it in a cave!"

Lisanna:"It looks very pretty."

Alice:"Why thank you Lisanna."

Natsu:"My egg is prettier!"

Alice:"Uh-Huh! My egg is silver and shiny!"

Natsu:"Well my egg is bigger and has blue marks."

Elfman:"Their arguing over eggs?"

Cana:"That's Alice and Natsu for yeah. Always arguing over strange things."

Alice punches Natsu in the face.

Alice:"I am the best!"

Alice walks out of the guild.





Alice walks out of a tent that's in front of a log house that's partially built. Alice is now clean and she looks around as the sun is setting.

Alice breathes in fresh air and her stomach growls.

Alice:"I'm hungry."

Alice goes over to a cooler of sorts that's inside a tree trunk and she opens the lid and pulls out a fish.

Alice:"World Call: Generate thermal element. Aqueous element. Aerial element. Vortex shape. Burst."

Alice's hand warms up as she holds the fish and later a few seconds the skin of the fire starts to dry and cook. 

Then after a few more seconds The fish is cooked and Alice removes her hand from the fish and her hands stops glowing.

Alice:"I hope I did this right."

Alice brings the fish up to her mouth and takes a bite.


Alice moans as she eats the fish and when she's done she whips her hands on her dress and then she yawns.

Alice:"It's getting dark."

Alice goes over to her tent and she enters it. Inside is a backpack and a sleeping bag. Inside the sleeping bag is the Silver Wyvern Egg.

Alice zips up the tent flap and she goes over to the bag and she grabs the egg and sets it to the side of the sleeping bad and she gets in the sleeping bag. Then she grabs the egg and hugs it close as she falls asleep.




The next morning Alice is in the guild and she's sitting at a table with the egg on her lap, she's drinking some tea. Natsu rushes in the guild and he looks angry.

Natsu:"All right, which one of you stole it?"

Natsu goes over to Gray and Cana.

Gray:"We don't want your dumb egg."

Canna:"I don't know anything about it. Gray, your clothes."

Gray gasps.

Natsu goes over to Laxus.

Natsu:"Laxus, was it you?"

Laxus:"Yeah right.

Natsu goes over to Erza.

Natsu:"Okay, Erza, out with it already."

Erza:"Now now, let's not jump to conclusions. It wasn't me."

Natsu goes over to Alice.


Alice:"Wasn't me flame for brains. I have my own egg."

Lisanna goes over to Mira.

Lisanna:"What about you, Mira? Have you seen the egg?"

Mira:"No. 'Fraid not."

Mira looks to Natsu.

Mira:"You ate it, didn't you, pinky? Just admit it."


Natsu gasps and he attacks Mira.

Natsu:"That's it. You're going down!"

Alice takes a sip of tea and sets the cup back down.

Alice:"Man, people are animals."

Mira and Natsu fight and Gray is trying to to get involved.

Mira:"Yeah? Well, bring it on. I'll skin you alive, twerp."

Gray:"Natsu, watch where you're punching, stupid."

Natsu:"I'll fight you too!"

Erza rushes over to them.

Macao:"They're at it again."

Wakaba:"Man, what are we gonna do with these kids? Hate to think what the guild's gonna be like in a few years."

Makarov:"They only fight because they acknowledge each other's strength and when they see themselves in one another, it makes them strive to improve. In other words, there's nothing to worry about."

Erza was able to break the fight up and tears well up in Natsu's eyes. Alice walks over holding her egg.

Natsu:"Why are you so mean? I just want my egg back."

Gray:"Come on."

Mira:"Aw, look at you crying. How cute."

Natsu:*Angry.* "I'm not crying!"

Erza:"You have to quit teasing him about it." *She looks to Natsu.* "Now, would you please stop crying?

Natsu:*Angry.* "I'll make you cry!"

Alice:"Hurry up and give jim the egg back, all right?"

Mira:"I told you, I ain't got it."

Mira and Alice start to butt heads.

Mira:"It looks like you ate it, Porky."

Alice:"What did you call me?"

Mira:"I saw you eyeing that thing."

Alice and Mira start to argue.

Canna:"You  know, Elfman told me how jealous he was of your egg the other day."


Mira and Alice stop arguing.

Natsu:"He's the one who ate it?"

Lisanna:"No, he'd never do that."

Then Elf man walks up holding Natsu's egg.

Elfman:"Hey, sorry guys."

Natsu:"It was you all along, wasn't it?"

Lisanna:"The egg."

Elfman:"I didn't mean to steal it or anything. It's just you toss and turn so much in your sleep, I was afraid you wouldn't keep the egg warm enough."

Natsu:"Wait a sec."

Lisanna:"So it's okay?"

Elfman:"I'm not very good with magic, but I stuck close to it all night, and kept it warm with my body heat."

Natsu:"Oh, I get it now."

Lisanna:"Thank you."

Elfman hands Natsu his egg back.

Natsu:"Thanks a lot. You sure are a real man."

Mira looks to Alice.

Mira:"And you blame everything on me. Typical."

Erza comes up to the two.

Erza:"Well, that's because things are usually your fault."

Suddenly the egg starts to crack.

Everyone gasps.

Lisanna:"It's hatching."

Everyone in the guild gathers around the egg. The egg bursts open and a blue light shoots up into the air. Then the light disappears and reveals a baby happy.

Wakaba/Macao:"Whoa, it's a freaking cat?"

Alice blinks a few times.

Alice:"Since when are cats blue!"

Baby happy flies around.

Natsu:"It has wings. Is it a bird."

Lisanna:"No, it's a cat. A blue cat."

Happy lands on Natsu's head and his wings disappear.


Lisanna:"He's so cute!"

Everyone:"I know!"

Erza looks to Alice and she stares at her head. Alice notices.


Erza:"What's that on your head?"

Alice raises an eyebrow and Erza points to the top of Alice's head. Alice looks up and sees the blue eyes of a baby Wyvern staring back at her. Alice looks down to her arms and sees a broken egg.

Alice:"Ahh! It hatched without me noticing!"

The Wyvern roars and Alice laughs and grabs her and rubs her face against the Wyvern.

Erza:"What are you going to name it."

Alice looks to the Wyvern.


Amayori roars and it's a cute one and Alice blushes.

Alice:"Best day ever."


Lucy:"I see. That was a totally cute story. I really hate to see those two fighting."

Mira:"The closer two people are, the more they fight. It's fine."

Makarov enters the library and he jumps on the stairs railing. 

Makarov:"Hey, Mira. Think you could come help me for a sec?"

Mira:"Or course."

Mira heads up stairs and Lucy looks back to the painting. 

Lucy:"Now let's see... There's Erza and Gray and Mirajane and Alice. That's Laxus, and this girl must be Lisanna. That's weird, If she's Mira and Elfman's sister, how come I haven't met her yet? I wonder where she is."






Alice is brushing Amayori scales and she looks lost in thought. Suddenly Amayori rubs Alice's face.

Alice:"Sorry, just lost in thought."

Amayori gives Alice a light growl.

Alice:"Just thinking about the past." *She sighs.* "I'll be fine."

Alice puts the brush away and she climbs into Amayori's saddle.

Alice:"Just a quick quest then we can stop and get you some fish."

Amayori gives her a happy roar and flies off.



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