The Knightly Elven… Spider?

1.26 Ideas


It sounded like it would be highly useful. Would this make me know more about my blessing?

The cost, though...

Elysa, how many points will I have when I hit level ten?

By the time you acquire level ten, you will have 164 Evolution Points as long as you don’t spend any.

Well… crap. That would mean I would only get to spend 14 points on other things if I wanted this “insight” skill.

And I wanted it.

I could spend those points already, but I was conflicted about which ones I should take…

I was actually completely lost…

“Are you okay, Kealyna? You seem awfully… I don’t know how to put it… quiet, I guess?”

“Do not know what to choose,” I wrote for her. “Am still thinking.”

“A shame I can’t help you with that,” She said softly. “Just take as long as you need.”

She went back to reading her book and my attention was once again on my possible enhancements.

This was so troublesome…


It seemed I was going to be forced into sacrificing some skills if I wanted to select the insight skill later on.

If anything, I should try to pick up skills that I didn’t have yet, just in case I managed to somehow, accidentally, unlock the rainbow evolution again.

How big were my chances for that, really?

My other options were to delay picking up that skill until after my next evolution, or hope I would get some kind of achievement granting me additional Evolution Points. The skill wasn’t in cursive, so it should be there no matter what I evolved into.

I decided I would put off spending any points until hitting the level cap. I wanted to try to get a couple of achievements. If past proved present, I would get an achievement for killing all these fish somewhere down the line.

Elysa, is it true that my larger abdomen grants me larger mana reserves?


I had thought that would be true. I felt it.


At least that would help me with massacring fish…

I guess I should continue doing that…

I tapped Cellestra’s hand. She was too lost in her book to see me skittering up to her.

“Oh, what’s up Kealyna? Do you want me to put you outside again?”

I nodded with my limbs.

“Alright then,” She said as she extended her palms on the table. I stepped on as she stood up and continued. “Better hold on tight. I don’t want to drop you now that you’re this big.”

That sounded… painful for sure.

When I dropped from the sky just before I met her, I seemed to get through it relatively unscathed, but I could only imagine what would happen if my abdomen were this large… and heavy.

It made my mind shudder.


She carefully opened the doors with her elbows and placed me outside in the grass

“Good luck, Kealyna. Please stay safe.”

Thank you, Cellestra.

I waved with one of my legs. She noticed it and smiled before going back inside.

I looked up at the beautiful, clear sky with confidence. I didn’t think any birds would be able to cause me any harm anymore. If I could see them coming, I could perhaps even take them out with a well-aimed ice lance. The spell seemed to be quite a bit more accurate than a fireball.

I quickly made my way towards the stream.

It was time for another day of fishing!

First, I needed bait. As such, I created my standard lure again to get one of the reaperfish close to the surface. As soon as one showed interest and got close, I fired an ice lance, taking it out, and spreading its blood as bait.

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +43


I noticed from the message that my experience gain for these fish appeared to be halved now that I had evolved. I had more or less expected this would happen some day.

That didn’t mean this was ineffective, far from it.


Soon enough, several reaperfish started eating the corpse before them. I waited for a while so that more fish were present before firing my spell. I managed to kill two fish with one ice lance yesterday, and hoped to repeat that feat.

I lowered myself so that I would line up the fish better, aimed, and fired!

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +41


You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +47


Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 2!

You have been awarded 15 EP.


Hah! My plan worked!

With more spells available before my mana reserves depleted and killing two fish at once, I would hit my next evolution in no time!

I fired another ice lance hoping to hit two fish at once, but only managed to kill one with it.

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +44


Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 3!

You have been awarded 14 EP.


I was slightly disappointed but quickly shrugged it off as I prepared another spell. I saw an opportunity pop up before me as three fish lined up just perfectly. I didn’t hesitate for even a second. I fired my spell… and impaled all three!

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +45


You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +47


You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +41


Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 4!

You have been awarded 15 EP.


Achievement Earned: Carnivore Carnage

Kill three carnivorous adversities with a single spell or attack.

You have been awarded 10 EP.

Hidden requirements for future evolution complete.

I noticed the last message being longer and decided to read it.

The extra evolution points were more than welcome right now! Moreover, it gave me an idea.

I assumed carnivores were generally considered stronger than herbivores. Now, I was going to assume that the same sort of achievement existed for herbivores, except that I may have to kill more than three with a single attack.

If this was true, I might know of an achievement I could unlock without too much effort.

I would have to find several small herbivores and kill them with a single attack or ice lance. Would mice count?

Elysa, can I still get achievements by killing creatures that are considered “Too easy” for me to kill?

As long as the requirements for the achievement are met, yes.

That was great news!

This meant that I could have Cellestra help out!

Excitement flooded through me, just as I saw something large approach in the corner of my vision.

Oh shit.

A wolf appeared, and I started making a run for it. I skittered back to Cellestra’s abode as fast as I could, but the wolf had noticed me.

I mean, how could it not? I was pretty big now.

It started giving chase. Fortunately for me, Cellestra’s home was fairly close to the stream. I ran up to the building and scaled the wall and window as fast as I could, before tapping the glass in panic.

The wolf approached and I threw a fireball at it to keep it at bay.

The fireball impacted on the wolf’s snout. It didn’t seem to do much damage as the creature simply shook it off, but it bought time.

The wolf started its approach again and I threw another fireball at it. The canine dodged the attack and I heard the door opening.

A fireball bigger than anything that I was currently capable of was thrown at the wolf. This one did seem to do damage. It didn’t appear to be lethal, but the wolf whimpered in pain after the spell impacted its head and ran off with its tail between its legs.

“By the goddess, are you alright, Kealyna?”

I’m fine.

I descended from the wall and made my “Yes” gesture.

“Do you want me to take you inside, or?” She asked me with worry.

I thought for a moment…

I kind of wanted to continue getting experience, but I could also ask Cellestra if she could help me out with a possible achievement.

I decided on the latter. I hoped she would want to help out.

I gestured yes again and she knelt to pick me up. I stepped into her hands and observed a somewhat worried smile. It was as if she was trying to comfort me but was still in shock herself.

I didn’t know what to think about it. I guess it made me feel somewhat warm inside to know that she cared.

It was something I hadn’t experienced in so long.

Cellestra walked inside and placed me back on the table. I skittered over to the paper and started spelling out my question.

“Could you help with something?”



May sound like a bit of an odd request, but I'm also publishing this story on Royalroad.

I'm climbing the rising star section there pretty well. If any people would like to support this story, would you mind rating/faving it over on RoyalRoad too? <3

I would appreciate the help a great deal <3


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