The Lady’s Sickly Husband

Chapter 80 - Confession

Chapter 80: Confession
Translator: Antonia
Since several days ago when coming back from Tong mansion, Mo Qianxue had stayed at home, writing and drawing pictures all day long, which made Ning Shaoqing very curious.

He asked her, but she didn’t reveal, only saying that it was a secret and that she would tell him everything after she gained the valley.

If she told Ning Shaoqing that she was working on the therapy plan for lord Tong, he, a jar of vinegar would definitely ground her and never let her go out.

Since that Mo Qianxue stayed at home, Ning Shaoqing gave a day off to school children in the pretext of cold weather.

Mo Qianxue sketched speedily on paper, writing and drawing something.

She had racked her brain to make out a great plan, that was to tell children’s stories in the form of animation.

Ning Shaoqing sat on the side reading a book. Mo Qianxue lost her sense of time for a moment when she looked up and saw his half-smiling face with inky-silk hair hanging on two sides which was as tranquil as a beautiful jade.

Anyone would involuntarily take more glances with a watering mouth in the face of such a good-looking man.

Therefore, when Mo Qianxue painted the animation cards, she also glimpsed at him from time to time.

If Ning Shaoqing happened to look at her too, she smiled and looked down to her paintings again.

A mere smile and soft loving eyes formed warmth between the couple. Ning Shaoqing felt clear spring water flowing past his heart.

No feuds, no calculations, no troubles… The sweetness in his heart made him feel that this life was too beautiful to be true.

With a smile, he put down the book in his hand, dragged over a stool to sit on the opposite side of Mo Qianxue, holding against the table and watching her.

The smile sprawling on Mo Qianxue’s lips reminded him of her counterattack last time when she almost bit him in his lips. Sweet waves of warmth flew through his heart to reach down there and form a heated place.

Mo Qianxue was a little shy by his gaze, coughing, “Shaoqing. I can’t draw with you looking at me like this.” The gaze seemed to devour her!

Ning Shaoqing blinked innocently and played the woman, “If you don’t look at me, how do you know I’m looking at you. Besides, you looked at me just now and disturbed my reading. Of course I should stare at you too.”

Mo Qianxue never expected such a persona from Ning Shaoqing. Under this kind of intent gaze, Mo Qianxue didn’t think she could finish the drawings.

With a snicker, she put down the pen and planned to tease him.

Then, she cleared her throat, regarding him seriously and saying, “Yes. I looked at you. Yet, what my gaze contains is appreciation, not like yours, which is so forthright that you seem to be swallowing me right away. It’s too…horny.”

Horny? She said he was horny? Ning Shaoqing’s smile turned stiff on his face. He got up, reached out his long arm to get her and give her a taste of being swallowed by a horny man.

She sprang up, stepped back in a hurry and managed to escape from the wolf palm. She laughed with gloat. Luckily that she was nimble enough. She knew that the man would react like this!

Mo Qianxue was complacent when she turned around and found Ning Shaoqing had jumped over the table, half-sitting on it and smiling at her.

Before her, the wall was not far. Oops. She had to run away. It was in broad daylight! What if he was really turned on by her…?

She cautiously detoured to approach the door when a gust of wind rushed over, and the doors immediately shut up with a bang.

Mo Qianxue couldn’t help exclaiming to herself that this was the so-called palm wind in legends.

She turned around and forced a smile, “It’s so windy right? I just wanted to close the doors.”

Understanding her bashfulness, Ning Shaoqing, leaning against the table, was amused by her reaction, saying in a languid tone, “Close the doors? So that you can do something horny with your man?”

This man? His nature changed so fast? Or, this was his real nature?

In Mo Qianxue’s life experience, the time of making out with a man was equal to zero. Though just now she dared to say flirting words, at this moment, when hearing Ning Shaoqing’s response, she felt shy in heating fidget.

She murmured, “It’s not proper…in the broad daylight.”

Ning Shaoqing chuckled and pretended to act as a dandy, curling his finger at her, “Come here Qianxue.”

Mo Qianxue cried to herself. Why did she provoke him just now? This guy had two personas in the day and night. Very likely, this time she would really be eaten up…

The doors had shut. Under such circumstances, it seemed that she must go to him.

However, if she walked over immediately, she would appear too eager, but Mo Qianxue didn’t want to impress Ning Shaoqing like this, so she slowly moved towards him in small steps.

When she was a few steps away from him, Ning Shaoqing suddenly flashed over and instantly took her into his arms.

So, was it coming today?

But, this small body was too young. At least…she should wait until next year.

His hug was so tight that she could still feel that heated part against her body even through thick winter clothes.

The perfect hot lips touched those of hers which were slightly cold.

The heat seemed to flow to her heart, which made her couldn’t help but open her mouth to respond with him.

The bulging softness of her breasts beneath her clothes were grasped and fondled. Overwhelming waves of electric shock swept like a storm.

Her legs momentarily turned feeble and brain intoxicated.

It was day time. The memory of Asan knocking the door last time was still fresh. So embarrassing!

She made up her mind and gave a hard pinch at her own thigh. The pain restored some clarity to her mind and strength.

As her brain got clearer, the opening mouth didn’t cooperate any more but directly gave a bite.

However, Ning Shaoqing seemed to have already expected it. His lips quickly moved away to slip along her cheek to reach her earlobe.

Itchy! Itchy! Her heart was itchy too!

The hot lips seemed to get enough of licking her earlobe and moved back to wrap her little mouth.

Mo Qianxue’s mind turned into a complete mess. The burning fidget seemed to break out in an instant, charging her body to make it tremble and stimulate the nerve tissues of her brain.

At this moment, she was carried up to the couch.

She wanted to stop him, but her body was too powerless to exert any strength, which seemed to be melted by his heat.

She could clearly sense the accelerating of Ning Shaoqing’s breath and hear her own violent heartbeat as well as his warm puffing around her neck and the soft wet lips circling and provoking around her lips and ears.

Was he…really taking her?

Mo Qianxue hesitated and finally made a decision that if he really ripped off her clothes, she would instantly kick him out of bed.

However, just as she made up her mind, the person on her, though still burning, stopped his movement.

All actions stopped all of a sudden!

The air was frozen at that moment.

The predicted madness and fierceness didn’t come. Mo Qianxue was somehow disappointed and lost, opening her eyes to look at him in confusion.



Ning Shaoqing stabilized his messy breath and cleared the wayward hair at her forehead, saying gently, “Qianxue, in fact I didn’t like you the first time I meet you.”

Must this man be a wet blanket now?

“Fine. I didn’t plan to spend my life with you either when I married you as a lucky wife.” Finishing the words, Mo Qianxue tried to push him away.

He tightened his arms and held her closer against his chest. Seeing her frustrated and impatient attempt to run away, he laughed and gently bit her ear, “Could you let me finish?”

Mo Qianxue touched her earlobe in grievance and stopped struggling, “Just go on. I don’t block your mouth.” This man was getting used to biting her. Since last time, he always put on a look of biting her to death.

Besides, why did he still hold her if he didn’t like her? He was so heavy!

Mo Qianxue felt surges of sorrow and anger…

She ran here and there every day regardless of coldness and exhaustion just for him, but now he should say that. She was really frustrated.

Ning Shaoqing helped comb her hair and said, “At the beginning, I was in total despair, believing I would spend the rest of my life in sorrow. Even if I could wake up, my life meant nothing but a few more days of pity. I didn’t think I had the right to loving you…

On that day, I overturned the tea tray in a daze. When I regained my consciousness, I couldn’t regret more, but I didn’t get up to beg for forgiveness because I thought I shouldn’t make you more troubles if I was dying soon…”

Strong emotions rolling in Ning Shaoqing’s calm tone. A moment ago, Mo Qianxue pissed off, but now she blushed. After all, this was the first time he made a confession to her, although he didn’t directly say the three words—I love you.

However, his confession contained emotion that was numerous times stronger and deeper than the light three words.

“When I woke up again, the way you looked at me made me feel…”

Ning Shaoqing’s made it too serious that even Mo Qianxue found it a little mushy, so she cut in, “Did I look like a loving mother?”

Ning Shaoqing gave her a glare, “Would you let me finish? Or do you want to…” He showed some teeth.

At the sight of the row of his white teeth, she pushed him, “Yes! Please finish!”

Leveraging on her pushing, he stood up and paced in the room to continue his speech.

He told her his feelings at that time. On the day he had woken up again, he felt unprecedented warm from her.

Then, he said that actually the mother in Ning mansion wasn’t his biological mother. He had mentioned this before, but this time he stated in detail.

Mo Qianxue half leaned against the couch and listened quietly.

He born with blue blood and a default heir of Ning family because of his outstanding exterior, hard working since a young age, extraordinary intelligence, and most importantly, his identity as the single legal son.

But just because of all these traits, others respected and feared of him. Since very young, he had been lonely without any playmates or friends. Except for servants, there were no people around him.

How happy he had been when he knew that his stepmother gave birth to a son, his younger brother. Finally there was a person with whom he could stand shoulder by shoulder. He bragged everywhere that he had a brother now and how handsome and smart his brother was.

When he went to school, one of his classmates said that every infant looked the same, crying and shouting and ugly like an old man. He hit the ceiling and taught that classmate a good lesson. Later, he was punished because of this incident to kneel down in the ancestral hall, but he just grinned and never regretted.

The stepmother had been nice to him, mild, smiling, taking care of him when he fell ill, and telling him to put on more clothes when the weather got cold. His brother enjoyed his accompany too and always cuddle and crawl on him. All these gave him a sense of home.

Over time, he was convinced that she really regarded him as a son, and he treated her as his mother too.

Speaking of this, he paused and didn’t talk more about the past, only saying, “Qianxue, from now on, you’re my family. It’s enough to have you in my life!”

The subject changed so fast that a full stomach of words that Mo Qianxue prepared to comfort him were stuck in her throat. It would be uncomfortable either to spit out or swallow down. She got up, with teary eyes, scratching her scalp.

The former part was automatically ignored by her.

She just wouldn’t believe that an ancient male-chauvinist guy could say something like this. Was this a vow? He swore to spend the rest of his life with her and never depart?

She didn’t talk, so with a sigh, Ning Shaoqing leaned over to put his arms around her waist and lifted her up to face him.

Did she distrust him?

Or because…they hadn’t don’t it yet?


There were some words that he didn’t dare to say at night and things that he didn’t dare to do at night. It wasn’t the right time. He feared that he couldn’t stop in time!

Just a moment ago, he almost took her directly.

He bowed down to kiss her clean forehead and, moving down, to kiss her tears. His heart trembled and the kiss became even softer like in the face of a treasure.

It was so wonder to be loved! When you felt painful, she felt the same way; and when you cried, she cried with you.

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