The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 – Witch Of The Lake

The wall on the left side of the sarcophagus slides away to reveal a secret door. Antoine drew out his long sword and pointed at the hidden door vigilantly, as if countless hidden arrows would fly out of it in the next second.

“Drop your weapons,” said the man in the door.

“You think I’m an idiot? Let it go when you say it?” Antoine shouted.

A faint sigh came from inside the door. The long sword in Antoine’s hand twisted for some reason, and the steel curled upwards, turning into a green snake and pounced on him. “Ugh!” the young swordsman screamed and threw the poisonous snake away.

“Demon magic! That woman can demon magic!” He spoke incoherently.

Others looked at him like idiots.

Giuliano looked as if he wanted to be away from him, as if he would catch the plague. “Why did you throw away the sword? Don’t you treasure it?”

Antoine took a closer look, and it was clearly his “Girissa” on the ground, and there was no poisonous snake there.

There was giggling from inside the door.

A woman steps out of the shadows. Her blue dress is low, a gleaming silver gauze is draped over her shoulders, her black hair reaches her waist and is braided into many strands, and a diamond as bright as a star is tied on her forehead. Blue tattoos were all over her arms, starting from the exposed skin at the cuffs and spreading to her fingertips.

Everyone looked at her, then at the marble statue beside the sarcophagus, and shuddered at the same time. The face of the woman is exactly the same as the statue, and it is obvious that the statue depicts this woman. But if the statue is the witch Amandina, who is this woman? Amandina died in the “Battle of the Polar Night” nine hundred years ago, how could she be alive today?

Seeing that they were silent, the woman went straight to the statue. She walked quietly, she couldn’t hear the slightest footsteps, like a ghost, but she could hear the rustling of her skirts brushing against the ground. She touched the statue, turned to the stunned crowd, and asked with a smile: “This statue is not bad, it looks like me, right? It was made by the art master Bolan. At that time, the Duke of Frozen Harbor specially made a statue to please Darion. A lot of money was spent to renovate the place, and Pollan was invited to paint murals and carve statues.”

Antoine pointed at the woman and shouted in panic: “Impossible! Are you the witch Amandina? But Amandina is dead long ago, how could you be her? Are you a ghost?!”

The woman walks up to Antoine. Like a frightened rabbit, the young swordsman backed away quickly, asking his companions for help with his eyes. But when his ruthless companions saw that the woman was targeting him, they backed away from him one after another!

He was filled with grief and anger: “Why are you doing this! Cold-blooded! I really made friends carelessly!”

Seeing this, the companions retreated further.

“Young man, I saw a rare item on you, can you show me it?”

Antoine shook his head again and again: “No, no, I don’t have any rare items on me! Don’t come here! Don’t touch me!”

The woman stretched out her hand in a grasping gesture, and Antoine immediately ran out of the gate screaming, as if he had witnessed a fire scene. It is unimaginable that human beings can move so quickly. If he goes to participate in the sports competition, he will definitely win the big prize. But the backpack he was carrying betrayed him and flew towards the woman. Antoine was taken staggeringly, and if the strap of the backpack hadn’t happened to be torn off, he would have been dragged all the way towards the woman.

The woman made a “stop” gesture, and the backpack was suspended in front of her. She turned her palm over again, and the backpack opened automatically, turned over, the opening was facing downwards, and the contents inside fell to the ground. After emptying, the woman put down her hand, and the backpack fell to the ground lightly, covering a pile of unfinished food, clothes, maps and charcoal pencils.

Antoine crawled to his backpack on all fours, picking up personal belongings scattered around.

“What are you doing! Why are you taking my things! Is there any reason!” He yelled while stuffing the items into his backpack.

The woman bent down to pick up an object at her feet, and stroked it lovingly. Seeing this, Antoine rushed to her desperately: “Give it back to me! It’s mine!”

His fingertips didn’t even touch the edge of the woman’s gown. A whisper escaped from the woman’s lips, her figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared beside the sarcophagus. Antoine rushed to nothing and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The woman put the thing on the coffin lid very solemnly.

“Give it back to me!” Antoine didn’t dare to go forward, fearing that the woman would use some magic tricks again, so he could only knelt down and shouted, “Do you know what that is! Can you afford it!”

“Of course I know.” The woman folded her hands and looked down at the coffin lid. “This is ‘Faiolga’—Shuangxue’s poem.”

Antoine rolled his eyes. “You know? No way…”

“I saw it being cast with my own eyes, how could I admit my mistake.”

“But that sword was… more than nine hundred years ago… who are you!”

Before the woman could speak, Barsano interrupted their conversation impatiently: “Are you the legendary witch of the lake, Amandina?”

The woman turned her head and looked at the murals on the wall. After a while, she closed her eyes and nodded slightly. “It’s been a long time since anyone called me that.”

“Amandina died in the ‘Battle of the Polar Night’. How could you be her? How could you have lived for nine hundred years? Could it be that you came back from the dead and learned the secret of immortality?”

The woman laughed at herself: “Resurrection from death, immortality… You can say that. But it is not a secret method, but a vicious curse imposed on me.”

“I don’t care if it’s a secret method or a curse, I just ask you: Can you resurrect others?”

The woman who claimed to be the witch of the lake, Amandina, took a step towards Barsano, and the always brave and fearless pirate leader backed away in fear in the face of the thin woman who was half a head shorter than him.

“Although I don’t go out, I know the big and small things that happened on the island. I know you have a dead person with you. I can’t resurrect others. If you really love him, let him rest forever. If you If you really have true love and faith, you will be able to meet again on the other side one day in the future.”


“Bring the wounded up.”

Barsano swallowed his anger temporarily, walked to the gate, carried the elf back to the distance, and threw him to the ground roughly. The wounded groaned in a coma, but did not wake up.

“Can you cure him?” The pirate chief’s tone was quite rude. “It doesn’t matter if he can’t be cured, just let him wake up temporarily. He is the only witness. I have something to ask him!”

“Since I asked you to bring him here, I must be sure to cure him.”

Amandina raised a hand and hung it over the elf’s body. The tattoo on her arm began to emit a faint blue light, the intensity of the light changed from bright to dark, and the changing rhythm was roughly equivalent to the human heartbeat. The elf was still in a coma, with cold sweat on his forehead, and a look of pain on his face.

Barsano asked nervously, “What are you doing? Is he going to die?”

The witch looked natural: “I am good at manipulating water and even all liquids. The poison he poisoned is also a liquid, and I can decompose and extract it from his body.”

Her slender fingers bend and stretch, as if plucking invisible strings in the air, and like a puppeteer manipulating the puppet’s thin strings in a very delicate way, and the elf is her musical instrument, her puppet, She twitched painfully under the indescribable movements, and the tremors in her limbs became more and more severe, like a person having an epileptic seizure.

Suddenly, the unnatural twitching stopped. The elf’s body curled up lifelessly, as if dead. Barsano gasped, and just as he was about to accuse the witch of premeditated murder, the elf coughed and spit out a mouthful of black blood. After that, his breathing became much more stable, and his complexion became less ugly.

Amandina put down her hands and walked away from the elf: “It’s done. He will wake up soon, and he will recover after a period of rest. You can take him back to the ship, or other comfortable places suitable for recuperation.”

Enzo squatted beside the elf, checked his breathing and pulse, and found that his weak and disordered breathing had returned to normal, and his heartbeat was strong and powerful. The witch’s secret method is really amazing, and the medical skills of the mortal world are far behind.

Barsano naturally saw all this. He witnessed the witch cast a spell to force the poison out of the elf’s body. It seems that as long as there is a will, witches can easily do things that ordinary people dare not think about.

“Witch in the lake, can’t you teach me the method of resurrecting the dead? I don’t ask for eternal life, as long as Fernando can come back.”

Amandina turned her back and stopped looking at him, whether it was to express her disgust or to hide her expression. “As I have said, it is a dreadful curse.”

“It looks like a curse to you, but not necessarily to others!”

“It’s impossible even if I want to teach you. That’s not a skill that mortals can display…”

“Then who brought you back to life? You are obviously dead! Why can you be resurrected from the dead, but others can’t?” The more Barsano said, the more unfriendly his tone became, “You can save people who are dying, why can’t you save them again? Save the poor dead? Is it because you are afraid that your spells will be learned by others, so you deliberately keep it secret?”

“I don’t like your tone of voice. For the sake of saving people, I will spare your life. Leave my island quickly, or don’t blame me for being rude.”

Giuliano tugged at the sleeve of the pirate leader and warned: “Stop talking! If you keep talking, we might all be blown to the moon by that witch!”

Barsano pushed him away angrily. Giuliano staggered, but fortunately Enzo had quick eyesight and hands to support him, otherwise he would definitely fall on his back.

“You still have the guts to say it! If it wasn’t for you disaster stars, how could Fernando die! And this old witch who has lived for nine hundred years knows the secret of resurrection, but refuses to tell me! Since Fernando is destined to die, then You all go to bury him with him!”

He drew out the saber at his waist, and rushed towards Amandina aggressively. He had charged so many times at sea, and there was absolutely no reason for him to miss an unarmed man with his back turned to him. Amandina heard his footsteps running towards her, but she did not dodge, her back was still turned to him, but she raised her hand in a strange gesture.

Her figure disappeared suddenly, and the inertia caused Barsano to pounce on the ground. He rolled on the spot and slowed down, only to find that the ground under his feet changed from a hard and smooth marble slab to cold and soft snow at some point.

He looked around and saw Giuliano, Enzo, and Antoine standing behind him with puzzled faces, as disturbed as he was. The majestic stone mausoleum disappeared, and the surrounding scene turned into a continuous snowfield, the sky was gray with fine snow. Rather than saying that the mausoleum changed its appearance, it is better to say that they disappeared from the mausoleum and were transferred to a place of ice and snow.

Antoine stretched his neck, let out a breath, and watched in horror the white steam coming out of his mouth and nose. He grabbed the snow under his feet and kneaded it vigorously to form a snow ball. Only then was he convinced that the ice and snow were genuine and not some kind of blindfold.

He stared blankly at the endless snow field, then cried and threw the snowball to Barsano.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Injure us! Even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let you go!”

Barsano was even more shocked than he was, so that he didn’t even realize that the snowball hit his head. He was born in the mild climate of the Yoder Coast, where there is basically no snow in winter except for some places with higher altitudes. In addition, he has been wandering in the sea all his life. Although he knows that winter is colder than summer, he has never seen snow, let alone I have never seen such a vast snowfield. He didn’t recover until Antoine’s snowballs hit him one after another.

“Shut up! What are you talking about! We’re not dead!”

“It’s almost the same as being dead! Maybe Netherland is like this!”

Barsano was in a hurry and also grabbed a ball of snow and threw it at Antoine, but his snowball fighting skills were obviously not as good as Antoine’s.

“Stop!” Enzo shouted.

The two people covered in snow particles stopped at the same time. The assassin looked at the two of them coldly, his eyes more piercing than ice and snow. The two lowered their heads in embarrassment like children who have made mistakes. But Antoine refused to admit defeat, and took the opportunity to secretly throw the last snowball at Barsano.

After calming down, they realized that although they were dressed thickly, that was relative to the climate of Mausoleum Island. On the snowy field, their clothes are hard to keep out the cold, basically like running naked.

“This matter is indeed Barsano’s fault, and I will settle the score with you later. The most urgent thing now is to find out where we are and find a way to go back.”

“That’s right!” Antoine ran towards Enzo, and Barsano made a grimace, “You’d better not follow us. I think you are the disaster!”

Enzo shook his head, there was nothing he could do about his childishness.

“Look!” Giuliano pointed into the distance, “There seems to be someone over there! Maybe we can ask him for help!”

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