The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 – Looking For Clues

Like a pair of faint shadows, the two assassins floated past the brightly lit tavern door, the silent dark river, and under the bright stars at night, appearing on a street in the Vanessa Wharf area. They climbed onto the low roof, squatted behind the chimney, and looked at the warehouse across a narrow street. Their faces were covered by icy metal masks, revealing only star-like shining eyes. There is a sharp edge in their deep pupils, and only the owls flying at night have that kind of unfathomable eyes.

Giuliano was thankful that he was wearing a mask, so Enzo couldn’t see his nervous expression. He tried not to meet the other’s eyes so as not to show cowardice, so he stared intently at the warehouse, pretending that he was observing a weakness that they could break through.

One of the skylights was left open, and there was a faint orange light in the night. It should be possible to enter the warehouse from there, but there are guards patrolling around, and they will be spotted if they make a little noise. Giuliano really couldn’t think of any way to avoid the guards and sneak in smoothly.

Enzo touched his hand.

“I’ll lure the guards away, and you take the opportunity…”

“Me alone?” Giuliano tugged uneasily at the neckline of his black dress, where the embroidery made his skin sore and itchy. It’s really hard to be a reticent, having to fly around in such heavy and complicated clothes.

“How old are you, do you still need a nanny?”

Giuliano bowed his head in shame. He received Enzo’s training, not to rely on others at critical times.

“I see. Be careful.”

“If you can’t find me later, or if we get separated, we will meet at the ‘Flower Spring’.”

After finishing speaking, Enzo flipped down the roof lightly, and soon disappeared, like a drop of water melting into ink. It is hard not to attract the attention of the reticents in their finery, but when necessary they move in the most inconspicuous manner, and you do not see them at all, when they are in the dark. When the skirt brushed your cheek, you thought it was a sudden night wind.

A few minutes later, Giuliano heard a commotion on the other side of the warehouse. Someone shouted to catch the thief, someone called to put out the fire, and the patrolling guards immediately ran to that side. Seizing the opportunity created by Enzo, he jumped off the roof, ran across the narrow street, deftly climbed onto the roof of the warehouse, and got into the open skylight. Below are the beams. Giuliano carefully stepped on the narrow log, took out an alchemy lamp ball, and threw it below. The light ball hit a certain wooden product, bounced to one side, and rolled several times before landing.

With the light of the light ball, Giuliano could see clearly that the warehouse was full of large and small boxes, and more things were only wrapped in a layer of cloth and piled aside, forming a hill. There was a loud “buzz” in his head. So many things! How does he know where his confiscated property is piled up? Perhaps buried under some hill, his touch would cause a terrible avalanche, and even himself would be crushed under it…

He noticed a hut built with thin wooden boards in the corner of the warehouse, presumably it was the place where the administrator or the guard lived. He walked towards the hut along the beams, and found a little warm light leaking from the crack in the door.


His heart hung in his throat. I patronized the guards outside the warehouse, but I didn’t expect that there were people in the warehouse! Fortunately, the other party stayed in the hut, otherwise he would have completely exposed himself by throwing the light ball just now.

Giuliano quickly jumped off the beam, landed quietly, retrieved his alchemy lamp ball, extinguished it and stuffed it into his pocket, making sure that there was no light, and then sneaked into the cabin in the dark.

The door was not closed tightly. Giuliano didn’t dare to breathe out, and peeped in through the crack of the door.

There are wooden bookshelves built on all four walls of the room, and there are volumes of books on them. A man sits with his back facing him and writes quickly at a desk, on which a bright alchemy lamp is lit. The man’s black hair was mixed with white silk, and he looked quite young. Giuliano speculated that he was the warehouse keeper, hard at work at this late hour, taking stock or transcribing the ledgers.

If only his ledgers contained a list of the confiscated belongings of the Sacon family…

While observing the man’s actions carefully, Giuliano took out a silk scarf from his pocket with his index and middle fingers. He spread the kerchief on his left hand, and slipped out a small glass bottle from his right sleeve, which was filled with a suspicious colorless liquid.

Powerful drugs, necessary equipment for the silencer.

He uncorked the bottle, poured the drug on the silk scarf, and carefully put away the bottle so as not to leave any clues to drag himself down. The drug is very volatile, so it must be used as soon as possible, and its usage is also very simple, just a little inhalation can make people sleep for most of the day.

Giuliano flung the door open.


The man in the hut jumped up and knocked over the inkwell on the table. Giuliano didn’t waste a second, rushed directly to him, and pressed the silk scarf **** his face. The man let out a strange cry, rolled his eyes, and his body went limp. Giuliano supported him and carefully placed him on the chair. When a man wakes up tomorrow morning, he will only think that he worked too late and fell asleep from exhaustion. (As for the masked weirdo rushing towards him in memory? Probably just a nightmare!)

With the man in place, Giuliano began examining the bookshelves. With so many scrolls, he didn’t know where to start, so he took out one at random. The above record is the inventory of the goods in the warehouse, which is basically sorted according to the storage time. This volume is from last month. He stuffed the scroll back and picked up the previous scroll, which was earlier in time, but it still didn’t record anything from the Sacon family. He flipped through several volumes, and finally found what he was looking for.

However, as soon as he unfolded the scroll, he almost fainted out of breath! The list of items confiscated from Sacon’s house was neatly listed on the scroll, but most of the items were crossed out in red ink, and three large characters were added after them—”Auctioned”!

Boniwell, the dog, actually sold his belongings! The money you got must have gone into your own pocket! hateful! His father’s favorite furniture, his mother’s dowry jewelry, and their family’s ancestral artwork were all sold! Giuliano can’t wait to rush into the Governor’s Palace and stab Boniwell a few times!

Only some books, documents, house deeds and land deeds were left unsold, and they were all placed in the “No. 451” box. Giuliano stuffed the scroll back on the shelf, making sure the shelf looked untouched, and exited the cabin. He took out the alchemy lamp ball again, illuminating the wooden boxes piled up in the warehouse. There is a number on each box, but it was piled up in a mess. It took him nearly an hour to find “No. 451”, and unfortunately, the box was crushed under a pile of debris, and he spent a lot of effort. Only then did he drag the box out, almost causing himself to be buried alive in the dust.

There was a lock on the box, and Giuliano suppressed his eagerness, took out a wire and began to pick the lock. In fact, it was faster to break the lock directly, but he couldn’t leave any traces. The box containing the belongings of the Sacon family was pried and the items were stolen. Even if Boniwell had his brain flooded, he could think that the son of the Sacon family had come back for revenge.

Due to nervousness, he slipped his hand several times. If this was lockpicking training, he would definitely have to get some sticks from Enzo. Finally, the lock was unlocked. He couldn’t wait to open the box, and saw that it was full of books and scrolls, as well as papers tied with straw ropes. There are so many things, unless you look carefully one by one, you can’t see any clues at all. (Of course, it’s possible that there were no “hints” at all.) But he simply didn’t have enough time. He took out a book, a family tree, and a pamphlet, an account book for the family business. He let out a desperate “uh”. What year do you find this?

Suddenly there was the sound of chaotic footsteps outside the warehouse. The guards on patrol must have returned. Giuliano looked at the door, then at the box. It’s not suitable to stay here for a long time. He didn’t find any clues for a while, and he couldn’t take all these things away, but at least he couldn’t let his property be ruined by Bonniewell.

At the bottom of the box was a flat paper bag tied with fine silk and satin. Giuliano tore open a corner of the paper bag, revealing a stack of papers. He glanced at it and found that it was his family’s house and land deeds. The voices outside the warehouse are getting louder. He hastily tucked the paper bag into his clothes, laying it next to him, then closed the box and pushed it back under the pile of clutter.

“There are thieves! Go into the warehouse and see if anything is missing!”

The heavy warehouse door opened to both sides with a “squeak”, and a team of guards rushed in with torches in their hands. The fire illuminated the entire warehouse, and at this moment, a wisp of flying clothes disappeared through the skylight on the roof. A sharp-eyed guard shouted, “Up there! Running through the skylight! Chase!”

Giuliano jumped out of the skylight and immediately found himself surrounded. Enzo’s plan to “snap east and west” does not seem to be very successful. Now he is the only one left, so he has to find a way to get out first, and then go to the “Flower Spring” to meet Enzo.

He jumped off the roof and slipped into a nearby alley before the guards caught up with him. The guards were not vegetarian either, they chased him all the way behind his buttocks, unable to get rid of him. If it were Enzo, he would have killed them directly, but Giuliano was not as skilled as him, so he could only take the best policy.

“Catch him! He’s wearing a mask!”

“A reticent!”

“Don’t be afraid, he is only one person, with so many of us, he is by no means an opponent!”

—I don’t want to hear you say that at all!

Giuliano turned into a dilapidated street, but suddenly there was a fire in front of him. It turned out that the guards surrounded him. He climbed up the building on the side of the road, climbed to the roof, and jumped off from the other side. After turning a few turns, he met the guard again. This was repeated several times, fleeing from the dock area to the lower city, but still did not get rid of them.

Fortunately, the streets of Lower Town are narrower and more winding than those of the Quayside. A smile appeared on the young face under the mask. Much like the night he fled, Enzo took him by the hand and shuttled through the complex streets and alleys of the lower city, allowing him to appreciate a part of the city that was like a labyrinth for the first time. He got into a sewer, and when he came out, he saw a tavern exuding a strange smell, which was still open at such a late hour: a group of ragged drunks gathered around to gamble; behind a certain table, cheap street girls were picking up customers; A cat squatted on the bench, with green eyes shining, not afraid of the people around; a petite female guest wearing a bronze mask was leaning against the wall, her wine-red low-cut evening dress was incompatible with the dirty surroundings, telling Bystander She is a silent lady. She held a pair of dice between her fingertips, and her black eyes watched the drunkards with interest, as if hesitating to join them.

When Giuliano climbed up from the sewer, no one in the tavern paid him any attention. Or it should be said that everyone noticed him, but pretended not to see him, treating him as air. Only the two cats turned to him at the same time, baring their fangs and purring. The silent lady in the bronze mask petted the cats affectionately, and said to one of them, “What’s the matter, brother, can you help me?”

Giuliano froze for a moment before realizing that he was actually talking to himself.

“Ah… uh… yes, someone is chasing me…”


The silent lady raised a finger to signal him that there is no need to say more. The silent people help each other, but it is not necessary (and impossible) to find out each other’s details.

The two cats narrowed their eyes and yawned lazily. Giuliano’s eyes flickered, and he saw a burst of bright red dancing in front of his eyes. When he looked again, the silent lady had put on his moon mask. He touched his face, secretly shocked, the other party’s movements were so fast, they switched their masks in the blink of an eye.

Giuliano nodded to her and fled the tavern quickly.

Not far away, a pair of silent gentlemen were walking along the canal where sewage was flowing. Someone caught up with them and said “help me”, one of them immediately took off his blue coat, and the other pulled away the black dress of the caller. Like dancing around the help-seeker, the two helped him put on a new outfit within a few seconds.

On the roof, a Silent Man wrapped in a white sable fur was leaning on a long sword and looking into the distance. Suddenly, there was a “crack” sound of tiles being stepped on from behind. A young man in a bronze mask and a teal coat climbed onto the roof. The Silent Man still maintained a posture of looking into the distance, waving the mink fur off his body. The young man threw down his blue coat, grabbed the sable fur, draped it over his shoulders, and slid down the roof soundlessly.

In a room with wide windows, the Reticent wore a golden mask decorated with gorgeous southern bird songs, and his two hands tightened a thin rope, tightly strangling the neck of the man in front of him. The other party clung to the string tightly, kicking the floor with both feet desperately. Within a few minutes, the kicking stopped, the man’s tongue hung out from his lips, his eyes bulged out, and his neck limply tilted to the left. The silent man pulled back the string, and the man’s body collapsed on the ground like a piece of stinking rotten meat. The night wind blows the tulle curtains, and a silent man in a white sable fur climbs the window and leaps into the house. He glanced at the corpse and said nothing. The two exchanged masks tacitly, and then each chose a window to jump out of.

The east was getting whiter, and a group of guards stared at their bloodshot eyes. Each of them held torches and long swords, and walked through the streets aggressively. If they encountered a street vendor in the way, they would kick them over. Pedestrians who got up early gave way one after another, huddled at the corner of the street not daring to move, and the newly opened shop quickly closed the door when it saw them. A Reticent in a bird feather mask and white ermine fur blended in with the crowd, peered at them from a distance, then retreated into the shadows cast by the building. A guard caught a glimpse of an unusual white figure in the crowd, and when he took a closer look, he found a man in white somewhere, and immediately rubbed his eyes fiercely.

The guests who had been having fun in the “Flower Spring” all night left in horse-drawn carriages one after another, and the bustling brothel at night seemed much less in the daytime. Everyone went out, but one person went against the crowd and went in. The steward Jia Au clasped his hands and stood at the door to say goodbye to the guests. After seeing the person coming from the opposite direction, he greeted him graciously. The other party raised his left hand wearily, made a greeting gesture, and then took off his mask, revealing a young and pale face.

“Why did you change your clothes?” Jia Ou asked.

“Oh? I have?” Giuliano squinted at him.

“…My memory is wrong, you have been wearing this suit all the time, it suits your temperament very well.”

He lowered his eyes and bowed deeply.

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