The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

24 – Fast travel, please?

"Dam it! They've been in there for an hour already. What are they doing? If she harms my daughter I swear I will…"

"Calm down, mister Spyros. I assure you, Ayaka is harmless. She just needs some time because once she is in mofu mofu mode, it's hard to stop her. Besides, this is a chance to prove my superiority."

"What the hell is this mofu mofu anyway?"


But before Lina could answer, the door opened. As promised, I was given a room all to myself. And of course, I immediately dragged Rena inside. I lost track time, but when I came out her father was staring intensely at me. And a few seconds after me, Rena also came out.

"Hey… Ayaka… let's do more, please… woof..."

Her father turned pale as a ghost when she saw her. And I can understand. A moment ago her temper was similar to an erupting volcano, but right now, she had small hearts in her eyes and was wagging her tail, and she got clingy to me. Mofu mofu can melt anyone, even more so if I am the one doing it.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't have sex with her. All I did was fondle her fur. Her tail, her hair and her cute dog ears. Sometimes I would also stroke her cheeks and neck and at times she deliberately exposed her belly for a small pat. Just like a puppy. Rena is maybe just a little bit taller than me, but she's a loli too, so that made our bond deeper.

With her current state, maybe… I can finally manage to give my cute daughter a big hug.


The chief opened his arms and once more made a dash towards Rena. However, just like switching channels on your TV, Rena's personality instantly changed. She grabbed Spyros' wrist and his shirt, twisted her body and threw him over her head and slammed him into the wall.

"Grrr… don't you dare touch me! Even if you are my dad, I don't want your perv hands around me!"

I went around and I stroke Rena's head again. 

"Woof, woof!"

And just like that, she once again melted and became obedient with a waggy tail. This is actually so funny. I like this so much that I might get addicted.

"You darn brat, just what the hell did you do. As chief I won't just stand aside and…"


The granny once again clobbered him with her cane.

"Oh, shut up, sonny. You were only temporary chief to begin with. Now that we got our women back, you will be dismissed, so you really don't have any authority to do anything to our benefactor. Speaking, of which, you should be hungry. Let's eat. We can't talk more later."

"Ugh… yes ma'am."

"Sounds good to me. I won't deny that I am bit hungry."


We enjoyed a large feast. Seriously, there was way too much meat. Are they trying to get me fat? Regardless, there was something I am curious about and now since they all trust me I can ask freely.

"Hey, granny, you mentioned something about Kwan Kwan. What's that?"

"Hou? You really don't know? I was actually hoping you could tell me about it. But if you really have no memories… well how should I put this? It's said it's a town nobody can find it except it's inhabitants. A place blessed by the sun, where it's inhabitants are rumored to wear clothes similar to the ones you have. 

Although we are also warbeasts, we have no connection to them except stories told from generation to generation. Does the name really mean nothing to you?"

"Sorry. My memory is blank."

I have no clue what happened to me or who I am, but I don't care. I am me, that's all that matters. Shera and Lina are my family so I try not to think about it. If I force myself too much I get a headache.

"Ugh. Originally we wanted to stay here, but given how this place is, I don't think I will feel comfortable calling this place home. Mou!! And I am so sick of traveling. I wanna be lazy! Getting from one place to another is such a bother."

The granny made a forced smile hearing my complaint. Actually, I was overreacting, but that doesn't change the fact that I want to settle down somewhere. But all these travels are annoying cause they take so long.

"Hey, Ayaka, may I suggest something?"

Rena who was sitting across me raised her hand. It's as if a light bulb was floating around her head. I am wonder what she has mind.

"Go ahead."

"If speed and traveling are you issues then… you should totally go tame Sleipnier!!"

I know the norse mythologic spelling is Sleipnir, but if you guys recall I want to introduce a horse girl. So... I intend to shorten/call her Nier. So I am forcing the spelling here into Sleipnier. Bear with it.

"Umm… what's that?"

My history isn't my strong point but I do recall reading somewhere that it was a horse with 8 legs. Although I never held a book before... My mind is still a mess. Anyway, Rena started to explain, that if speed is my issue then, I should definitely tame Sleipnier.

The granny continued that subject and explained a bit more. Yes. Sleipnir is a horse, but it's twice as big as a normal one. It is also rumored that it is a child of lightning and possess magical enchantments. Being part of the lightning element is what gives this beast tremendous speed, and not only that, his stamina matches. 

For instance, let's say it takes a week to get from point A to B. By flying it should take roughly 3 days. Sleipnier, even with a carriage attached, can get there in just 1 day or less. Of course the wheels and axle have to be reinforced to handle that speed, but that's beyond the point.

"If such a creature exists, why haven't more people gotten or bred them?"

"For starters they are extremely rare. Maybe even less than 20 are known. And secondly, they are dangerous. Their speed is more than people can handle. Not even all demons can match one. And they also have a battle mode transformation. Needless to say, capturing one, unless fully cornered and finding a way to seal it's movements, is impossible."

Sounds tempting. If I get a horse that can get me anywhere I want super fast, it might be worth the effort. Especially since we still have to travel, finding a transportation system isn't a bad idea.

"Where can I find one?"

"Young miss, you surely can't be serious? No ordinary person can capture one."

Do I look like an ordinary person to you? I thought I proved myself already by kicking demon ass. 

"Some of our scouts reported that one was sighted at the very top of the mountain! I can take you there!! After being stuck in a room I really want to stretch out."

Rena was eager to go out on an adventure. Just like a dog that wants to go for a walk. But she's cute. 

"Okay. I made up my mind. We're gonna get a Sleipnier! Rena, after a good night sleep, you'll take us there."

Spyros tried opening his mouth, but an agry glare from both Rena and granny made him shut up. He wasn't allowed to speak so he swallowed his words. Dang. I feel sorry for him, but hey, girls rule so he better stop barking at the wrong tree. Well then, let's get some rest and find me a horsey!!

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