The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

34 – The Mask and the owl

"Yare, yare! Aren't you guys making too much of a fuss? It's not like I did anything wrong."

On top of a mountain, a person with an iron mask was being surrounded by 5 angels.

"Absurd! Did you think the great Ramiel-sama wouldn't notice you? You say you didn't do anything, but just because you revived that abomination is a sin in it's own."

These angels were different from Aniel and Uniel. They wore an extravagant heavy armor that even covered their faces. One of them in particular was larger than the other 4, so it was safe to assume that he was the leader of this group.

"I am a soul bender. Is it a sin for me to use my abilities? It's not like I actually revived the beast. He's under my complete control. If Ramiel wants to say something to me about that, she should just come here herself. I am actually shocked she sent you guys here. Is this all I am worth?"

"Blasphemy! Every word you say is an insult. Ramiel-sama would never go so low as to personally deal with scum like you because…"

"Because the acting guardian of a world is not allowed to directly interfere, right?"

"Kuh… you shouldn't be aware of that knowledge."

"Haha. Ever since the contract with my spirit, my mind opened in ways I never thought possible."

"That power is driving you crazy. You shall be punished!"

The leader angel snapped his finger. In the next moment, the entire area became green, as if looking at night through night vision goggles.

"A mirror dimension?"

"That's right. The real world won't be affected in here."

"Yare yare. You really think you are a match for me? You don't know anything about the leveling system, do you?"

"Fool! The leveling system is on our side. After level 70, each level gives a significant boost. Mortals are capped by divine law at lvl 90. We angels, to preserve balance can go up to lvl 99 because of our Aura Transcendence skill. And of course, Ramiel-sama and other angels with four wings, go beyond that. You have no chance of victory with this many of us."

In the next moment the 4 angels unleashed light beams like whips, completely immobilizing Mask.

"This is the end, Mask! Face judgement! Divine… SMAAAASH!!"

From the sky, a bright live wave erupted like a Kamehameha wave. And it hit Mask at full force. Part of the mountain top was blown away and vast smoke was generated due to the result.

"Justice has been served."

"Fufu. That wasn't half bad."

From the smoke a giant transparent purple hand emerged and grabbed the leader angel making him cough blood.


The whole body of the monster wasn't visible. Only his arm and a pair of crimson eyes. Mask however, emerged, covered also in purple flames.

"That's why I said you are ignorant. Do you think that my spirit can be broken by you guys?"

"Impossible… why…"

"You possess Divine Eyes, right? Go ahead. Take a look at my level."

"No… you're a mortal… this isn't right… level… 121…"

"Next time, if Ramiel wants to mess with me, she better come herself. But if I recall, four winged angels are capped at level 120 so she might be scared to do even that, fufu. Then again, she might have hidden skills that would make for a challenge. As for you guys…

Great Spirit, feast on their souls!!"



"Aww! Ayaka, you're simply adorable!!" (Lina)

"This seriously isn't funny."


After we parted ways with the hero, Nier took us for half an hour on a stroll. I say stroll but we covered a big distance. We reached some grasslands but… we couldn't find the owl sanctuary. According to granny's map it should be here, but there's nothing around us. I say that, but… out of nowhere an owl actually did appear and… landed on my head right between my ears. 

I tried to make it go away but no matter how many times I waved my hands, he would circle me and land right back on my head.


"I think he likes you!"

Darn it! My hair isn't a nest, for crying out loud! This seriously isn't funny.

"Hoo Hooo!"

"Oh, shut up already! I'm going to say this one last time. Get out of my hair!"

"Hoooo Hoooo!"

"He said it's cozy and wants to stay a bit longer." (Shera)

"Umm… I'm afraid to ask this mom, but did you understand him?"

"Ara, Ara! Of course I did."

"You speak… owl? Why didn't you mention that up till now?"

"You never asked, you know."

I wanted to facepalm myself, but with this owl on my head I didn't want to hurt it by mistake. Mom is just as ditzy as always. But maybe I can turn this around.

"Mom, since this owl came from nowhere, can you ask it if he can guide us to the owl sanctuary?"

"You just asked him yourself. They're perfectly capable of understanding us, you know. Don't you know it's said that owls are wise?"

"Hooo Hooo! Hoooo Hoo!"

"Okay… this one is a little hard. It's either saying "Sure, I like you" or "I want a new pair of shoes"... I think."

"Well since it's pointing with his wing towards a direction, it's obvious it's the first interpretation."

Guess I have no choice for now. My hair will have to be it's nest for a while longer. I just hope he doesn't leave bird poop though.

Following the instructions the bird showed us we walked for a while. At some point, the owl flapped its wings and a door out of nowhere.


"It wants us to go through."

You don't say, genius. Of course that's what it wants. The moment we stepped inside, the scenery changed completely. We found ourselves in a forest. The forest was huge, dense, and diverse. 

Its canopy was claimed by cottonwood, cedar, and spruce, and ample openings let enough dancing beams of light through for a mishmash of ferns to cultivate the fertile soils below. At the same time, it felt that this place was a giant closed space of wood, yet various crystals were as bright as the sun. The trees themselves… although I recognize their types they are multicolored. One is completely silver, another purple, another yellow and so on.

Quiet tree limbs clung to many trees, and a variety of flowers, which were seen occasionally, were a welcome change in the otherwise green view. Not to mention giant mushrooms around my size.

A medley of animal sounds, belonging mostly to birds and insects, resonated through the air, and were in harmony with the sound of the wind blowing gently through the forest. But most importantly, there were a huge number of owls. Too many species to count. This place… can only be described as a green paradise.

And as we went deeper inside, we also saw… people. But not just any people.

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