The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

45 – Change of heart

"My, oh my, Sophia. You certainly have been naughty."

On the mountain base, Mask immediately started questioning Sophia when she returned.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"

"Oh, shut up. I only went there to put some of your more annoying servants in their place."

"Haha. True enough. Those actions deserved punishment. But you also had a little fun. Until I say otherwise, I don't want anyone touching that girl. This time, I will overlook your interference but…

Still, I might be forced to speed up my plans because of your big mouth. If they actually find the Great Sage…"

"Will you relax already? Nobody knows where he is. The chances of her finding him are a million to one."

Mask scratched the back of his head while listening to Sophia. And at the same time Sophia tried to hide her inner feelings.

I'm tired of following your orders. Lately you don't pay attention to me anymore. And I'm starting to doubt that following you would get me closer to my goal. If my hunch is correct, that little kid is an otherworlder. Or at least a form of it. Kek, with a little push maybe one day she can break this leash of mine. But until then…

"By the way Sophia, there's someone I want you to meet."


"A lost soul. Someone you share something in common with. A person that was betrayed and lied to. After showing her the light she agreed to join our cause, but as she is, I can't use her. So you should train her and model her."

"Grrr. Work, work, work. That's all you shove up my throat."

"Now, now. Language. Try not to get mad. Anyway, let me introduce you."

They took a few steps together, and eventually Sophia managed to see the figure of a woman. The woman bowed before them and introduced herself.

"My name is Shirayuki Kaguya, former hero of Noela Kingdom. I will be in your care."

Kaguya. The same girl that fought for humans. The same girl Ayaka saved from death. She reached the brink of despair when she discovered she can't be sent home. So with the first occasion, she fled from the kingdom. Incidentally, Masked picked her up.

He understood Kaguya well. No. He understood her perfectly. Having a wish she wants to see through no matter what. And once she saw the great power Mask holds and his knowledge she didn't hesitate to take his hand.

"You serious, Mask? You want me to train her? Oi, miss hero, you realize we are gonna put you to kill humans and everyone that stands in our way, right?"

"That's fine. I don't care. Why would I give a crap about people who lied to me from the very beginning with empty promises. I will endure any training and will follow whatever order you give as long as I can go home."

Her eyes… were empty. Almost like she was speaking on auto-pilot. Sophia turned her head towards Mask.

"Mask… you know very well what needs to be done for that, right? To achieve something like that… You would be destroying this world in the process."

"That was my intention from the start. Don't worry Sophia. Not all life shall be lost. Only the land shall be purged. And of curse, all the "parasites". You can't build a new world without first crushing the old one. It's true that thousands of lives will be lost in the process, but that isn't a problem, right, Kaguya?"

"Right. It makes no difference to me. Why should I care what happens to a place that doesn't care about me?"

Sophia shrug her head and let out a big sigh. 

"Fine. Then follow me, Kaguya. I'm gonna start working you. Try not to break."


She's an otherworlder, but she's nowhere near that little girl's level. It's amazing how they both came from a different world, yet their powers are so apart. Otherworlders sure are a mystery. Oh well, let's see what this chick is made of. 

And so, Sophia took Kaguya to begin her training. Mask couldn't be more pleased with the results. And now he once again sat in his usual yoga pose. 

"Everything is going rather smoothly. Now then, I suppose the next move in this giant chess game belongs to you, little Ayaka. What will it be?"


"So… Edel-chan, how are we going to find the Sage?"

Edel-chan, didn't speak. Instead, she brought out a weird looking box.

"This box was hermetically sealed with magic. Air and outside odor does not enter. And now, it's the perfect time to open it."

Once she opened the box inside there was a weird piece of cloth. She took it out and pointed towards Rena.

"This belonged to the Great Sage. You. Sniff this and track him."

"Eeeeh!? What the hell? That's your great idea!? I'm a proud frost wolf. Do you really think I would stoop so low as to act like a common bloodhound?"

"Rena, could you actually do it?"

"Well… in theory yes, but…"

"Rena, if you do it, I'll mofu mofu you until you won't be able to stand on your feet."

At those words a lighting bolt struck Rena, hearts formed in her eyes and her tail starting wagging.

"Yosh!! If you are counting on me, I guess I have no choice. Leave it to me, Ayaka! I'll definitely track him down."

It's so easy to handle a puppy. Especially a cute one like Rena. Reward your dog with lots of love and it will do anything for you.

"By the way, Edel-chan…"

"No. I can't come with you. As Queen, I must stay and ensure the safety of my sanctuary. You can freely come in and go as you please. So once you finish your business, get back here. Your home will be waiting."

"That's reassuring but that's not what I wanted to ask. I just wanted to ask, how did this get in your possession?"

"Ah. Well an ancestor of mine is said to be the last recorded person that actually met the sage. He left this box as a family heirloom. Honestly I wasn't sure that the story was true until I actually opened the box."

"I see. Well, in that case… girls, are you with me on this one?"

"What kind of question is that? I will follow you to the end of the world!" (Lina)

"Ara, ara. I can't let my cute daughter travel alone. Who would properly tend to you? Mommy knows better." (Shera)

"Leave all the pulling to me. Push me to the limit and when I am down, give me a ferm…" (Nier)

"Nier, stop your drooling already. Okay. I get it. We're in this together. I just want to let you girls know that you are my family. No matter what we discover, that won't change."

Now that's settled, we just need to pack a few things and let Rena lead the way. For a second I thought I could leave my traveling days behind me, but it seems it's not the case yet. Hopefully after I resolve everything regarding my past, I will be finally be able to enjoy my lazy life without any more stupid interruptions like this. I mean seriously, the events with all these jackals guys and that Sophia chick were a bit too much for my little head.

Whelp, with all that said, it's time to hit the road!

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