The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

7 – Even when flying, I still need my nap

"You heard me. No thanks."

"But, aren't you a great and just diety?"

"I never said crap like that."

Why should I get myself involved? The relationship I have with Poena village is different. Give and take. They give me free food and let me live a carefree life. So of course I am going to protect it. But if I involve myself in various scenarios, other adventurers or even the military might seek me to solve their problems.

I don't want to take sides in wars and I don't want to solve annoying things that would take my time. Of course if anything tries hurting the village I will destroy it. But I don't feel like going out of my way.

"So, thanks for coming all the way here, but I'm not interested in joining you guys."

"How can you be so indiferent!? People are suffering out there and you have a chance to…"


Lina stepped in between us. Small lightning sparks emitted from her eyes and her aura was scary.

"My Mistress was kind enough to hear you out. She gave you her answer. Now you are just being rude. I can't tolerate that tone of yours. Leave now, before I change my mind and dismember all of you."

"Something like that… you do seem strong, but we're a top notch party. We won't back down so easy. If a fight is what you then…"

"Lina, don't kill them. Just send them flying."

"As you wish."

Needless to say Lina charged at them like a ranging fox would. In her eyes these 4 were just mice. Their coordination is quite impressive but…

"Get blown away. Aero Tornado!"

Lina generated a powerful tornado that engulfed all of them and, of course, sent them flying into the sky. This kinda reminds me of team Rocket hehe. It was funny. 

"All done, Ayaka."

"Thanks Lina. By the way, those adventurers made me think about something. They all had weapons. I mean, even I have Kaa and Laa. You don't have any weapon."

"That's mostly because before I met you, I was in my fox form. My claws and teeth were my weapons."

"I kinda feel bad for you to always use your fists. I want to keep your skin as smooth as possible. So… how about we get you a weapon?"

"Do you intend to make me one like you did with our house?"

"No. I can't. It's different. When I made the house and all the items in it I combined both Transmutation and Magic Creation. I took materials from the earth, minerals and the available wood and shaped it into something else. A weapon is different. It needs the Forging skill which I don't have. So, we need the best blacksmith."

"Umm… Ayaka, Poena village doesn't have a skilled enough smith to make a weapon that won't break if I swing it."

"That's why I said the best. Lina, you know more about the world than me. Who's the absolute best blacksmith?"

Lina pondered for a few moments. I didn't want to interrupt her though process so I gave her as much time as she needs.

"Well, although dwarves are known to be amongst the best, there are a few minotaurs that stand above them."


"Minotaurs are a race of bovine like humanoids. They are typically half a times taller than an average sized human male, and posess a defined musculature. Normally they tend to be a brutal race that crave battle.

Both genders have bovine legs with hoofed feet. Horns that vary in size and shape. As well as short cow tails. Their appearances are varied as they take traits from a variety of different cattle.

Male Minotaurs more closely resemble bovine than the females. Having bull heads rather than human ones. They typically have a stout, powerful build.

Female Minotaurs mostly resemeble tall humans. Having only their height, legs, tail, horns and cow like ears to distinguish them from humans. The females all have highly curvacious bodies and breasts larger than their heads."

"A bit too much info. But go on."

"A famous smith is said to live in one of the main towns. However, nobody knows exactly how he looks like, but it's said his skill in forging is only rivalled by his physical strength."

"Cool. Sounds fun. Let's go right now and have him make you a weapon."

"Ayaka, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I really don't need…"

"No objections allowed."

"But… what about the village? I can't say how long we will be gone. Without either you or me, monsters or worse, bandits or demons might attack."

"You got a point. Hmm… oh, I know!"

I spinned Kaa and Laa above my head a few times. Then I slammed my staff into the ground. Shortly after a magical dome engulfed the entire village.


"That should do it. I placed an extremely potent barrier that not even you should be able to break. And it's invisible for most eyes. Only humans can pass through it. I also made sure to encircle some grasslands for the farmers. This way, we won't be stuck here forever."

"No matter how many times I see your power, it never ceases to amaze me. Well, if this is something you really want, then I have no objections to getting a weapon."

"Sweet! So were do we need to go?"

"To the Grand Crevice. That's where the famous blacksmith is rumored to be."


I was using my Levitation skill. And of course Lina was using hers. She had to come with me since the weapon is for her. Flying is much faster than traveling by horse or even running, but it is a slow flight. Don't imagine we are going with the speed of a rocket. I saw many interesting villages and towns, but they seemed too crowded for my taste. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of loneliness, but I'm not a fan of crowds either. We flew like this for quite some time. After 3 days, we eventually reached a formation that looked like a giant gorge.

It does live up to it's name. Grand Crevice. An entire town is build underneath. Buildings were carved from solid stone and into the rock itself. Incredible. It's freaking huge!! For a while we hovered above it.

~Lina's point of view~

I'm very happy. Ayaka is thinking about me. I never needed a weapon before. But I am actually excited to get one. In the year that I have been together with Ayaka I learned a lot. She would often tell me stories. She says she has no memories of her past, but somehow she knows interesting stories.

She's talking about manga and japanese historical dramas, mostly regarding samurais

Listening to her is always a pleasure. She almost describes a specific lifestyle and arhitectural design that resembles an island I heard about. Nevertheless, she kept going about a unique sword type called a katana. I can't wait to actually get one and learn to wield it. My life is just becoming more and more fun.

"Ayaka, shall we head down now or… EEEEEEH!!!"

I made a grave mistake. She suddenly dropped down as if her levitation ran out. It's almost noon. How could I have been so careless? Around this time Ayaka likes taking a nap. So no matter where she physically is, she developed a habit of falling asleep. And now she's gonna fall. The fall will do no damage to her. It might not even wake her up. But it might damage the town and then we can kiss the weapons goodbye.

"This can't be happening! Please Goddess of the Moon, do something! Don't let this happen!!"

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