The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

9 – Even angels make mistakes

"You complete morons!! Why did I ever leave things up to you is probably one of the greatest mysteries in life!"

In a vast space, surrounded by many stars and an asteroid belt two angels were bowing their heads apologetically before a third angel. One of them was an angel with short pink hair and wearing a sailor uniform. The same angel that reincarnated Ayaka. The other had long blonde hair and was wearing a similar sailor uniform. They were bowing before an angel with 4 wings, pure white long hair and wearing a gala dress.

"Well, Aniel, Uniel, do you have something to say in your defense?"

The pink hair angel, known as Aniel, lifted her head and with a somewhat perplexed expression spoke:

"Liliel-sensei, I really don't understand why you are so mad. It's not like we did anything wrong."

A vein popped up on Liliel's forehead.

"Oh really? Then maybe we should go over the things you did. More specifically, your handling over the mortal Itsuki Kaito, currently known as Ayaka."

Liliel shifted her position. Although there was no chair, she floated in air as if sitting on an invisible throne. Her divine aura was overwhelming and currently filled by her anger. She took a deep breath and try calming herself before speaking.

"Let's start from the beginning. Your decision to reincarnate him was correct, but you screwed up everything else. Firstly, how many times did I tell you, we aren't allowed to change their gender without their consent. You forced that one on him."

"But the original Ayaka died of hunger. It would have been such a shame for that cute body to simply rot away. And that guy was ugly to begin with so I did him a favor."

"Common sense really isn't getting through that thick skull of yours, is it? Let me finish. Second. When erasing memories, we need to properly sort out what knowledge is left behind. You realize that you just simply whipped everything and left all the knowledge at the same time? We had a dozen recorded cases of mortals going insane if you do it that way.

Thirdly, it's the world you sent him in. If us guardians could get drunk, I would have said that you were drunk when you sent him there. The world you sent him is Elysia, an SSS world. Being SSS, means it is extremely dangerous. My mentor, lady Ramiel, is the one in charge of that world, but even she is struggling to keep balance. That Demon King, although currently dormant, has power equal to your own. For that reason, lady Ramiel had to make a special request to summon not 1, but 2 heroes.

I don't know how far your luck can go, but so far it's only by sheer coincidence that Ayaka landed on the most quiet place in that world."

"Liliel-sensei, I'm sorry but…"

A scornful gaze was sent to Aniel that made her tremble.

"How many times did I tell you not to interrupt me? I wasn't done speaking."

She then turns her head towards the elder sister, Uniel.

"As for you, you were supposed to be the voice of reason. The blessing you offered her. Do you realize what you did?"

She turned a piece of paper with Ayaka's special abilities. More importantly, there was written the skill that couldn't be read by the appraisal crystal ball. Aura Transcendence.

"Aura Transcendence is what caused her stats to be so over the top. This is an angel ability. A mortal should not possess this. This makes her incredibly strong, and she can't even use all that potential. You basically put a nuclear weapon in a child's hand!"

"Sorry… I got distracted."

"How many times have I told you: never watch AngelTube when you pick out blessings!! You probably were just looking at cat videos like you always do! I should seriously send you 2 to angel boot camp again!"

"Noooo! Please, Liliel-sensei, anything but that! That place is torture!"

Liliel let out another sigh, and placed her hand on her forehead.

"What's done is done now. I can't take it back. I'll talk with Ramiel and let her know the circumstances. You girls really are lucky that so far, Ayaka treats everything as she does. Sloth might be one of the 7 deadly sins, but at times like this I'm really glad it exists. I'll try covering things up this time, but mark my words, the punishment I will give you 2 will be severe. Now get out of my sight!"

After the two angels left, Liliel finally managed to calm down. Then through a magical window, took one more glance at Ayaka.

"She's really cute. I'll give her that. But those two really screwed up. I really hope you won't get dragged in the great war. As you are right now I am afraid that if the Demon King were to awaken, your life would end before you get to enjoy it. I'll tell Ramiel to keep an eye on you whenever she can spare a moment. Hopefully things will go well and the higher ups won't find out. Aww, look at her just crushing walls. She's so cute!!"


"Ayaka, are you sure it's ok to do that?"

Currently me and Lina entered the dungeon. And the minotaurs didn't exagerate. It's a freaking labyrinth. Although there are some that memorized the path, or maps for sell, I wasn't interested in that kind of stuff. Basically, I didn't have the patience to take the long road. So… I'm making a shortcut.

"This one too has to go away."


I enveloped my hand in a little mana and right now, all these walls that are getting in my way, I am smashing them. I could to this without mana of course, but this gives me enough precision to not destroy the entire wall. The last thing I need is the ceiling falling on us. This way a hole large enough for me and Lina can be made.

"There's really no problem, Lina. Like that old guy said, this dungeon doesn't belong to anyone, so I don't see why we can't remodel a bit. If anything, they will thank us for making access easier."

"If you say so. Look we reached another staircase."

"See? I told you this was faster. Up till now all traps were disabled. But from here in it's that so called floor 5. I'm actually curious what kind of materials we're gonna find down here. Also… did I give you permission to let go of my hand?"

"Eeh!? That's your concern. But I thought I would get in your way. Don't you…"

"Oi! When I want your opinion I'll ask for it. Now stop being rude and take my hand. Keep the torch up with your other. I don't like this dark place. Now come on. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we go home."

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