The Lecherous Prince and His Playmate [BL]

Chapter 95

The grand hall of the palace was adorned with vibrant silk banners, and delicate cherry blossoms were scattered across the marble floors in preparation for Haeun’s coronation. The Empress-to-be stood tall at the centre of the room, her presence commanding attention. Her hand rested gently on her slightly swollen belly, a clear reminder of her five-month pregnancy. The temple rituals had taken a toll, but now she was ready to reclaim her place at Changling’s side.

Youxian stood nearby, his eyes flickering between Haeun and the emperor, aware of the complexities that lay beneath this ceremonial moment. He kept a gentle, protective hand on Yerim’s shoulder as the young girl clung to him, her wide eyes darting nervously around the hall, searching for any sign of her elder sister, Youxia.

As the gong sounded and the high priestess recited sacred words, Haeun, regal and serene, knelt before the emperor. Changling handed her the imperial crown, his movements steady and practised, though his eyes flickered briefly with something darker. He placed the crown gently on her head.

“Rise, Empress Haeun,” he declared, his voice reverberating through the hall.

Haeun lifted her head, her expression calm as she accepted her new title. A subtle smile on her lips as she met Changling’s gaze, then Youxian’s. When the ceremony completed, they moved into the courtyard for some private time, a chance to enjoy tea and cakes in the garden.

Youxian took a seat beside Haeun, pouring her a cup of tea. The steam swirled between them, and for a moment, the weight of their titles and responsibilities seemed to lift.

“How was the temple, Haeun?” Youxian asked, his voice gentle.

Haeun sighed, her hand instinctively resting on her stomach. “Peaceful, though it felt endless. I’m glad to be back, and I missed this…” She glanced over at the cakes and chuckled softly. “You always know what’s right, like this little set up here.”

Youxian smiled, his eyes soft. “You deserve it. I hope everything was calm for you while you were away.”

Haeun’s smile faltered for a brief moment as her gaze shifted to the children playing nearby. “Mostly,” she replied, though there was something unspoken lingering in her tone.

Before Youxian could ask more, Yerim tugged at his sleeve. Her small voice barely reached his ears as she whispered, “Father, I don’t want to go back to the temple.”

Youxian knelt down beside her, concerned. “Why not, Yerim? What happened?”

Yerim’s lower lip quivered as she glanced nervously around. “Youxia… she tried to drown me in the bathing chamber. She told me… told me I was too weak. I don’t want to be around her anymore, Father.”

Youxian’s heart clenched, but he kept his expression calm as he pulled Yerim into a comforting embrace. “I’ll talk to your father about this, alright?”


Later that evening, Youxian and Changling sat together in their chamber, the flickering lanterns casting long shadows across the room. The air between them felt heavy as Youxian recounted what Yerim had told him.

Changling frowned, his arms crossed. “Yerim is too sensitive. I don’t understand why she can’t handle herself. Youxia’s always been the stronger one.”

Youxian’s expression tightened, his patience gone. “She’s a child, Changling. And her own sister tried to drown her. That’s not strength—it’s cruelty.”

Changling let out a low sigh, running a hand through his hair. “She’s weak. If she stays here, she’ll only grow softer. I’ll send her to the army base to live with her grandparents. The discipline there might toughen her up.”

Youxian’s eyes widened, disbelief crossing his face. “You’d send her away again? To the army base? She’s terrified of her sister, and now you want to isolate her from the only family she has left?”

Changling stood, pacing the room. “I’m trying to protect her, Youxian. She’ll never survive this court if she’s weak.”

“But what about her heart?” Youxian’s voice was soft, pleading. “She needs love, not more harshness.”

Changling stopped, his eyes softening just slightly as he looked at his husband. “I know you care for her. But this is what’s best for her.”


The following morning, Youxian and Changling sat Youxia down in the royal garden. The cool morning breeze rustled the cherry blossoms as she looked up at her fathers with caution.

“Youxia,” Youxian began, his tone calm but firm, “Yerim told us what happened in the bathing chamber. We want to know why.”

Youxia’s eyes narrowed. “She’s weak.”

Changling’s jaw tightened, but Youxian leaned forward. “That doesn’t answer the question. Why did you try to drown your sister?”

For a moment, Youxia said nothing, her face expressionless. Then, her voice cold and unyielding, she answered. “She wants to kill me. To avenge her mother’s death and she failed.”

Changling’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

Youxia met her father’s eyes, unflinching. “She thinks I killed her mother and tried to slap me, so I did what I needed to do. I can’t help it that she’s weak. I showed her who was stronger. She wasn’t capable of killing me.”

Silence fell over the garden, the weight of Youxia’s words sinking deep into both fathers. Changling’s expression hardened, but Youxian’s heart broke for both daughters.

“We will not tolerate this kind of behaviour, Youxia,” Youxian said firmly, his voice shaking slightly with emotion. “Yerim is your sister, not your enemy. If you harm her again…”

“I won’t,” Youxia interrupted coldly. “She’s not worth the effort.”

As Youxia stood and walked away, Youxian turned to Changling, his heart heavy. “We can’t let this fester. They need us—both of them. In different ways.”

Changling’s gaze remained on Youxia’s retreating form. “I’ll do what needs to be done. For both of them, but Youxia’s getting married soon. We can only help her so much in the little time we have left with her.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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